feat add uri

This commit is contained in:
tqcq 2024-03-28 23:44:34 +08:00
parent 181823d4fe
commit 6f1deb8960
3 changed files with 524 additions and 17 deletions

View File

@ -20,33 +20,33 @@ public:
// using ParamType = std::pair<std::string, std::string>;
using ParamMap = std::map<std::string, std::string>;
// http://xxx.com/index.html?field=value
static URI ParseAbsoluteURI(const std::string &uri_str);
// static URI ParseAbsoluteURI(const std::string &uri_str);
// http://xxx.com/index.html?field=value#download
static URI ParseURI(const std::string &uri_str);
// http://xxx.com/index.html
static URI ParseURIReference(const std::string &uri_str);
// static URI ParseURIReference(const std::string &uri_str);
// setter getter
__SLED_URI_GETTER_AND_SETTER(std::string, scheme)
__SLED_URI_GETTER_AND_SETTER(std::string, content)
__SLED_URI_GETTER_AND_SETTER(std::string, username)
__SLED_URI_GETTER_AND_SETTER(std::string, password)
__SLED_URI_GETTER_AND_SETTER(std::string, host)
__SLED_URI_GETTER_AND_SETTER(std::string, port)
__SLED_URI_GETTER_AND_SETTER(unsigned long, port)
__SLED_URI_GETTER_AND_SETTER(std::string, path)
__SLED_URI_GETTER_AND_SETTER(std::string, file_name)
__SLED_URI_GETTER_AND_SETTER(std::string, file_extension)
__SLED_URI_GETTER_AND_SETTER(std::string, anchor)
std::string scheme_;
std::string content_;
std::string username_;
std::string password_;
std::string host_;
std::string port_;
unsigned long port_;
std::string path_;
std::string file_name_;
std::string file_extension_;
ParamMap query_;
std::string anchor_;

View File

@ -17,15 +17,11 @@ TEST(Async, task)
TEST(Async, parallel_for)
const int count = 1000;
std::vector<std::atomic<bool>> values(count);
// std::vector<bool> values(count);
// sled::WaitGroup wg(count);
std::vector<int> values(count);
async::parallel_for(async::irange(0, count), [&values](int x) {
values[x] = true;
// wg.Done();
// wg.Wait();
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { EXPECT_TRUE(values[i]) << i; }

View File

@ -1,16 +1,527 @@
#include "sled/uri.h"
#include "sled/strings/utils.h"
#include <cctype>
#include <map>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
namespace detail {
class uri {
/* URIs are broadly divided into two categories: hierarchical and
* non-hierarchical. Both hierarchical URIs and non-hierarchical URIs have a
* few elements in common; all URIs have a scheme of one or more alphanumeric
* characters followed by a colon, and they all may optionally have a query
* component preceded by a question mark, and a fragment component preceded by
* an octothorpe (hash mark: '#'). The query consists of stanzas separated by
* either ampersands ('&') or semicolons (';') (but only one or the other),
* and each stanza consists of a key and an optional value; if the value
* exists, the key and value must be divided by an equals sign.
* The following is an example from Wikipedia of a hierarchical URI:
* scheme:[//[user:password@]domain[:port]][/]path[?query][#fragment]
enum class scheme_category { Hierarchical, NonHierarchical };
enum class component { Scheme, Content, Username, Password, Host, Port, Path, Query, Fragment };
enum class query_argument_separator { ampersand, semicolon };
uri(char const *uri_text,
scheme_category category = scheme_category::Hierarchical,
query_argument_separator separator = query_argument_separator::ampersand)
: m_category(category),
setup(std::string(uri_text), category);
uri(std::string const &uri_text,
scheme_category category = scheme_category::Hierarchical,
query_argument_separator separator = query_argument_separator::ampersand)
: m_category(category),
setup(uri_text, category);
uri(std::map<component, std::string> const &components,
scheme_category category,
bool rooted_path,
query_argument_separator separator = query_argument_separator::ampersand)
: m_category(category),
if (components.count(component::Scheme)) {
if (components.at(component::Scheme).length() == 0) {
throw std::invalid_argument("Scheme cannot be empty.");
m_scheme = components.at(component::Scheme);
} else {
throw std::invalid_argument("A URI must have a scheme.");
if (category == scheme_category::Hierarchical) {
if (components.count(component::Content)) {
throw std::invalid_argument("The content component is only for use in non-hierarchical URIs.");
bool has_username = components.count(component::Username);
bool has_password = components.count(component::Password);
if (has_username && has_password) {
m_username = components.at(component::Username);
m_password = components.at(component::Password);
} else if ((has_username && !has_password) || (!has_username && has_password)) {
throw std::invalid_argument("If a username or password is supplied, both must be provided.");
if (components.count(component::Host)) { m_host = components.at(component::Host); }
if (components.count(component::Port)) { m_port = std::stoul(components.at(component::Port)); }
if (components.count(component::Path)) {
m_path = components.at(component::Path);
} else {
throw std::invalid_argument("A path is required on a hierarchical URI, even an empty path.");
} else {
if (components.count(component::Username) || components.count(component::Password)
|| components.count(component::Host) || components.count(component::Port)
|| components.count(component::Path)) {
throw std::invalid_argument(
"None of the hierarchical components are allowed in a non-hierarchical URI.");
if (components.count(component::Content)) {
m_content = components.at(component::Content);
} else {
throw std::invalid_argument(
"Content is a required component for a non-hierarchical URI, even an empty string.");
if (components.count(component::Query)) { m_query = components.at(component::Query); }
if (components.count(component::Fragment)) { m_fragment = components.at(component::Fragment); }
uri(uri const &other, std::map<component, std::string> const &replacements)
: m_category(other.m_category),
m_scheme = (replacements.count(component::Scheme)) ? replacements.at(component::Scheme) : other.m_scheme;
if (m_category == scheme_category::Hierarchical) {
= (replacements.count(component::Username)) ? replacements.at(component::Username) : other.m_username;
= (replacements.count(component::Password)) ? replacements.at(component::Password) : other.m_password;
m_host = (replacements.count(component::Host)) ? replacements.at(component::Host) : other.m_host;
= (replacements.count(component::Port)) ? std::stoul(replacements.at(component::Port)) : other.m_port;
m_path = (replacements.count(component::Path)) ? replacements.at(component::Path) : other.m_path;
} else {
= (replacements.count(component::Content)) ? replacements.at(component::Content) : other.m_content;
m_query = (replacements.count(component::Query)) ? replacements.at(component::Query) : other.m_query;
= (replacements.count(component::Fragment)) ? replacements.at(component::Fragment) : other.m_fragment;
// Copy constructor; just use the copy assignment operator internally.
uri(uri const &other) { *this = other; };
// Copy assignment operator
uri &operator=(uri const &other)
if (this != &other) {
m_scheme = other.m_scheme;
m_content = other.m_content;
m_username = other.m_username;
m_password = other.m_password;
m_host = other.m_host;
m_path = other.m_path;
m_query = other.m_query;
m_fragment = other.m_fragment;
m_query_dict = other.m_query_dict;
m_category = other.m_category;
m_port = other.m_port;
m_path_is_rooted = other.m_path_is_rooted;
m_separator = other.m_separator;
return *this;
std::string const &get_scheme() const { return m_scheme; };
scheme_category get_scheme_category() const { return m_category; };
std::string const &get_content() const
if (m_category != scheme_category::NonHierarchical) {
throw std::domain_error("The content component is only valid for non-hierarchical URIs.");
return m_content;
std::string const &get_username() const
if (m_category != scheme_category::Hierarchical) {
throw std::domain_error("The username component is only valid for hierarchical URIs.");
return m_username;
std::string const &get_password() const
if (m_category != scheme_category::Hierarchical) {
throw std::domain_error("The password component is only valid for hierarchical URIs.");
return m_password;
std::string const &get_host() const
if (m_category != scheme_category::Hierarchical) {
throw std::domain_error("The host component is only valid for hierarchical URIs.");
return m_host;
unsigned long get_port() const
if (m_category != scheme_category::Hierarchical) {
throw std::domain_error("The port component is only valid for hierarchical URIs.");
return m_port;
std::string const &get_path() const
if (m_category != scheme_category::Hierarchical) {
throw std::domain_error("The path component is only valid for hierarchical URIs.");
return m_path;
std::string const &get_query() const { return m_query; };
std::map<std::string, std::string> const &get_query_dictionary() const { return m_query_dict; };
std::string const &get_fragment() const { return m_fragment; };
std::string to_string() const
std::string full_uri;
if (m_content.length() > m_path.length()) {
if (!(m_username.empty() || m_password.empty())) {
if (m_port != 0) {
if (m_path_is_rooted) { full_uri.append("/"); }
if (!m_query.empty()) {
if (!m_fragment.empty()) {
return full_uri;
void setup(std::string const &uri_text, scheme_category category)
size_t const uri_length = uri_text.length();
if (uri_length == 0) { throw std::invalid_argument("URIs cannot be of zero length."); }
std::string::const_iterator cursor = parse_scheme(uri_text, uri_text.begin());
// After calling parse_scheme, *cursor == ':'; none of the following parsers
// expect a separator character, so we advance the cursor upon calling them.
cursor = parse_content(uri_text, (cursor + 1));
if ((cursor != uri_text.end()) && (*cursor == '?')) { cursor = parse_query(uri_text, (cursor + 1)); }
if ((cursor != uri_text.end()) && (*cursor == '#')) { cursor = parse_fragment(uri_text, (cursor + 1)); }
init_query_dictionary();// If the query string is empty, this will be empty too.
std::string::const_iterator parse_scheme(std::string const &uri_text, std::string::const_iterator scheme_start)
std::string::const_iterator scheme_end = scheme_start;
while ((scheme_end != uri_text.end()) && (*scheme_end != ':')) {
if (!(std::isalnum(*scheme_end) || (*scheme_end == '-') || (*scheme_end == '+') || (*scheme_end == '.'))) {
throw std::invalid_argument(
"Invalid character found in the scheme component. Supplied URI was: \"" + uri_text + "\".");
if (scheme_end == uri_text.end()) {
throw std::invalid_argument(
"End of URI found while parsing the scheme. Supplied URI was: \"" + uri_text + "\".");
if (scheme_start == scheme_end) {
throw std::invalid_argument(
"Scheme component cannot be zero-length. Supplied URI was: \"" + uri_text + "\".");
m_scheme = std::string(scheme_start, scheme_end);
return scheme_end;
std::string::const_iterator parse_content(std::string const &uri_text, std::string::const_iterator content_start)
std::string::const_iterator content_end = content_start;
while ((content_end != uri_text.end()) && (*content_end != '?') && (*content_end != '#')) { ++content_end; }
m_content = std::string(content_start, content_end);
if ((m_category == scheme_category::Hierarchical) && (m_content.length() > 0)) {
// If it's a hierarchical URI, the content should be parsed for the hierarchical components.
std::string::const_iterator path_start = m_content.begin();
std::string::const_iterator path_end = m_content.end();
if (!m_content.compare(0, 2, "//")) {
// In this case an authority component is present.
std::string::const_iterator authority_cursor = (m_content.begin() + 2);
if (m_content.find_first_of('@') != std::string::npos) {
std::string::const_iterator userpass_divider
= parse_username(uri_text, m_content, authority_cursor);
authority_cursor = parse_password(uri_text, m_content, (userpass_divider + 1));
// After this call, *authority_cursor == '@', so we skip over it.
authority_cursor = parse_host(uri_text, m_content, authority_cursor);
if ((authority_cursor != m_content.end()) && (*authority_cursor == ':')) {
authority_cursor = parse_port(uri_text, m_content, (authority_cursor + 1));
if ((authority_cursor != m_content.end()) && (*authority_cursor == '/')) {
// Then the path is rooted, and we should note this.
m_path_is_rooted = true;
path_start = authority_cursor + 1;
// If we've reached the end and no path is present then set path_start
// to the end.
if (authority_cursor == m_content.end()) { path_start = m_content.end(); }
} else if (!m_content.compare(0, 1, "/")) {
m_path_is_rooted = true;
// We can now build the path based on what remains in the content string,
// since that's all that exists after the host and optional port component.
m_path = std::string(path_start, path_end);
return content_end;
parse_username(std::string const &uri_text, std::string const &content, std::string::const_iterator username_start)
std::string::const_iterator username_end = username_start;
// Since this is only reachable when '@' was in the content string, we can
// ignore the end-of-string case.
while (*username_end != ':') {
if (*username_end == '@') {
throw std::invalid_argument(
"Username must be followed by a password. Supplied URI was: \"" + uri_text + "\".");
m_username = std::string(username_start, username_end);
return username_end;
parse_password(std::string const &uri_text, std::string const &content, std::string::const_iterator password_start)
std::string::const_iterator password_end = password_start;
while (*password_end != '@') { ++password_end; }
m_password = std::string(password_start, password_end);
return password_end;
parse_host(std::string const &uri_text, std::string const &content, std::string::const_iterator host_start)
std::string::const_iterator host_end = host_start;
// So, the host can contain a few things. It can be a domain, it can be an
// IPv4 address, it can be an IPv6 address, or an IPvFuture literal. In the
// case of those last two, it's of the form [...] where what's between the
// brackets is a matter of which IPv?? version it is.
while (host_end != content.end()) {
if (*host_end == '[') {
// We're parsing an IPv6 or IPvFuture address, so we should handle that
// instead of the normal procedure.
while ((host_end != content.end()) && (*host_end != ']')) { ++host_end; }
if (host_end == content.end()) {
throw std::invalid_argument(
"End of content component encountered "
"while parsing the host component. "
"Supplied URI was: \""
+ uri_text + "\".");
// We can stop looping, we found the end of the IP literal, which is the
// whole of the host component when one's in use.
} else if ((*host_end == ':') || (*host_end == '/')) {
} else {
m_host = std::string(host_start, host_end);
return host_end;
parse_port(std::string const &uri_text, std::string const &content, std::string::const_iterator port_start)
std::string::const_iterator port_end = port_start;
while ((port_end != content.end()) && (*port_end != '/')) {
if (!std::isdigit(*port_end)) {
throw std::invalid_argument(
"Invalid character while parsing the port. "
"Supplied URI was: \""
+ uri_text + "\".");
m_port = std::stoul(std::string(port_start, port_end));
return port_end;
std::string::const_iterator parse_query(std::string const &uri_text, std::string::const_iterator query_start)
std::string::const_iterator query_end = query_start;
while ((query_end != uri_text.end()) && (*query_end != '#')) {
// Queries can contain almost any character except hash, which is reserved
// for the start of the fragment.
m_query = std::string(query_start, query_end);
return query_end;
std::string::const_iterator parse_fragment(std::string const &uri_text, std::string::const_iterator fragment_start)
m_fragment = std::string(fragment_start, uri_text.end());
return uri_text.end();
void init_query_dictionary()
if (!m_query.empty()) {
// Loop over the query string looking for '&'s, then check each one for
// an '=' to find keys and values; if there's not an '=' then the key
// will have an empty value in the map.
char separator = (m_separator == query_argument_separator::ampersand) ? '&' : ';';
size_t carat = 0;
size_t stanza_end = m_query.find_first_of(separator);
do {
std::string stanza
= m_query.substr(carat,
((stanza_end != std::string::npos) ? (stanza_end - carat) : std::string::npos));
size_t key_value_divider = stanza.find_first_of('=');
std::string key = stanza.substr(0, key_value_divider);
std::string value;
if (key_value_divider != std::string::npos) { value = stanza.substr((key_value_divider + 1)); }
if (m_query_dict.count(key) != 0) { throw std::invalid_argument("Bad key in the query string!"); }
m_query_dict.emplace(key, value);
carat = ((stanza_end != std::string::npos) ? (stanza_end + 1) : std::string::npos);
stanza_end = m_query.find_first_of(separator, carat);
} while ((stanza_end != std::string::npos) || (carat != std::string::npos));
std::string m_scheme;
std::string m_content;
std::string m_username;
std::string m_password;
std::string m_host;
std::string m_path;
std::string m_query;
std::string m_fragment;
std::map<std::string, std::string> m_query_dict;
scheme_category m_category;
unsigned long m_port;
bool m_path_is_rooted;
query_argument_separator m_separator;
}// namespace detail
namespace sled {
URI::ParseURI(const std::string &uri_str)
if (uri_str.empty()) { return {}; }
URI uri;
// TODO: decode before
auto start_pos = uri_str.find_first_not_of(" ");
auto end_pos = uri_str.find(':');
detail::uri uri_impl(uri_str.c_str());
return std::move(uri);
}// namespace sled