All controls support const char *text as second parameter

- `GuiScrollBar()` moved to static function, not exposed anymore
This commit is contained in:
raysan5 2022-02-05 18:35:55 +01:00
parent 1f0dbc8aa1
commit f00fa5ff23
2 changed files with 153 additions and 124 deletions

View File

@ -197,7 +197,11 @@ int main()
progressValue = GuiProgressBar((Rectangle){ 320, 460, 200, 20 }, NULL, NULL, progressValue, 0, 1);
// NOTE: View rectangle could be used to perform some scissor test
Rectangle view = GuiScrollPanel((Rectangle){ 560, 25, 100, 160 }, "", (Rectangle){ 560, 25, 200, 400 }, &viewScroll);
Rectangle view = GuiScrollPanel((Rectangle){ 560, 25, 100, 160 }, NULL, (Rectangle){ 560, 25, 200, 400 }, &viewScroll);
GuiPanel((Rectangle){ 560, 25 + 180, 100, 160 }, "Panel Info");
GuiGrid((Rectangle) { 560, 25 + 180 + 180, 100, 120 }, NULL, 20, 2);
GuiStatusBar((Rectangle){ 0, GetScreenHeight() - 20, GetScreenWidth(), 20 }, "This is a status bar");

View File

@ -233,7 +233,7 @@
// NOTE: Avoiding those calls, also avoids const strings memory usage
#define RAYGUI_LOG(...) printf(__VA_ARGS__)
#define RAYGUI_LOG(...) printf(__VA_ARGS__)
#define RAYGUI_LOG(...)
@ -526,9 +526,7 @@ RAYGUIAPI float GuiSliderBar(Rectangle bounds, const char *textLeft, const char
RAYGUIAPI float GuiProgressBar(Rectangle bounds, const char *textLeft, const char *textRight, float value, float minValue, float maxValue); // Progress Bar control, shows current progress value
RAYGUIAPI void GuiStatusBar(Rectangle bounds, const char *text); // Status Bar control, shows info text
RAYGUIAPI void GuiDummyRec(Rectangle bounds, const char *text); // Dummy control for placeholders
RAYGUIAPI int GuiScrollBar(Rectangle bounds, int value, int minValue, int maxValue); // Scroll Bar control
RAYGUIAPI Vector2 GuiGrid(Rectangle bounds, float spacing, int subdivs); // Grid control
RAYGUIAPI Vector2 GuiGrid(Rectangle bounds, const char *text, float spacing, int subdivs); // Grid control, returns mouse cell position
// Advance controls set
RAYGUIAPI int GuiListView(Rectangle bounds, const char *text, int *scrollIndex, int active); // List View control, returns selected list item index
@ -546,6 +544,7 @@ RAYGUIAPI void GuiLoadStyleDefault(void); // Load style de
// Icons functionality
RAYGUIAPI const char *GuiIconText(int iconId, const char *text); // Get text with icon id prepended (if supported)
#if !defined(RAYGUI_NO_ICONS)
RAYGUIAPI void GuiDrawIcon(int iconId, int posX, int posY, int pixelSize, Color color);
@ -1250,10 +1249,12 @@ static const char *GetTextIcon(const char *text, int *iconId); // Get text icon
static void GuiDrawText(const char *text, Rectangle bounds, int alignment, Color tint); // Gui draw text using default font
static void GuiDrawRectangle(Rectangle rec, int borderWidth, Color borderColor, Color color); // Gui draw rectangle using default raygui style
static const char **GuiTextSplit(const char *text, int *count, int *textRow); // Split controls text into multiple strings
static const char **GuiTextSplit(const char *text, int *count, int *textRow); // Split controls text into multiple strings
static Vector3 ConvertHSVtoRGB(Vector3 hsv); // Convert color data from HSV to RGB
static Vector3 ConvertRGBtoHSV(Vector3 rgb); // Convert color data from RGB to HSV
static int GuiScrollBar(Rectangle bounds, int value, int minValue, int maxValue); // Scroll bar control, used by GuiScrollPanel()
// Gui Setup Functions Definition
@ -1444,10 +1445,21 @@ void GuiPanel(Rectangle bounds, const char *text)
GuiControlState state = guiState;
// TODO: Draw text somewhere if required, maybe like a window with a header section?
// Text will be drawn as a header bar (if provided)
Rectangle statusBar = { bounds.x, bounds.y, bounds.width, (float)RAYGUI_WINDOWBOX_STATUSBAR_HEIGHT };
if (text != NULL)
// Move panel bounds after the header bar
bounds.height -= (float)RAYGUI_WINDOWBOX_STATUSBAR_HEIGHT + 1;
// Draw control
if (text != NULL) GuiStatusBar(statusBar, text); // Draw panel header as status bar
@ -1461,6 +1473,17 @@ Rectangle GuiScrollPanel(Rectangle bounds, const char *text, Rectangle content,
Vector2 scrollPos = { 0.0f, 0.0f };
if (scroll != NULL) scrollPos = *scroll;
// Text will be drawn as a header bar (if provided)
Rectangle statusBar = { bounds.x, bounds.y, bounds.width, (float)RAYGUI_WINDOWBOX_STATUSBAR_HEIGHT };
if (text != NULL)
// Move panel bounds after the header bar
bounds.height -= (float)RAYGUI_WINDOWBOX_STATUSBAR_HEIGHT + 1;
bool hasHorizontalScrollBar = (content.width > bounds.width - 2*GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, BORDER_WIDTH))? true : false;
bool hasVerticalScrollBar = (content.height > bounds.height - 2*GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, BORDER_WIDTH))? true : false;
@ -1514,7 +1537,7 @@ Rectangle GuiScrollPanel(Rectangle bounds, const char *text, Rectangle content,
float wheelMove = GetMouseWheelMove();
// Horizontal scroll (Shift + Mouse wheel)
if (hasHorizontalScrollBar && (IsKeyDown(KEY_LEFT_SHIFT) || IsKeyDown(KEY_RIGHT_SHIFT))) scrollPos.x += wheelMove*20;
if (hasHorizontalScrollBar && (IsKeyDown(KEY_LEFT_CONTROL) || IsKeyDown(KEY_RIGHT_SHIFT))) scrollPos.x += wheelMove*20;
else scrollPos.y += wheelMove*20; // Vertical scroll
@ -1528,6 +1551,8 @@ Rectangle GuiScrollPanel(Rectangle bounds, const char *text, Rectangle content,
// Draw control
if (text != NULL) GuiStatusBar(statusBar, text); // Draw panel header as status bar
GuiDrawRectangle(bounds, 0, BLANK, GetColor(GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, BACKGROUND_COLOR))); // Draw background
// Save size of the scrollbar slider
@ -2620,121 +2645,6 @@ void GuiDummyRec(Rectangle bounds, const char *text)
// Scroll Bar control
int GuiScrollBar(Rectangle bounds, int value, int minValue, int maxValue)
GuiControlState state = guiState;
// Is the scrollbar horizontal or vertical?
bool isVertical = (bounds.width > bounds.height)? false : true;
// The size (width or height depending on scrollbar type) of the spinner buttons
const int spinnerSize = GuiGetStyle(SCROLLBAR, ARROWS_VISIBLE)? (isVertical? (int)bounds.width - 2*GuiGetStyle(SCROLLBAR, BORDER_WIDTH) : (int)bounds.height - 2*GuiGetStyle(SCROLLBAR, BORDER_WIDTH)) : 0;
// Arrow buttons [<] [>] [∧] []
Rectangle arrowUpLeft = { 0 };
Rectangle arrowDownRight = { 0 };
// Actual area of the scrollbar excluding the arrow buttons
Rectangle scrollbar = { 0 };
// Slider bar that moves --[///]-----
Rectangle slider = { 0 };
// Normalize value
if (value > maxValue) value = maxValue;
if (value < minValue) value = minValue;
const int range = maxValue - minValue;
int sliderSize = GuiGetStyle(SCROLLBAR, SCROLL_SLIDER_SIZE);
// Calculate rectangles for all of the components
arrowUpLeft = RAYGUI_CLITERAL(Rectangle){ (float)bounds.x + GuiGetStyle(SCROLLBAR, BORDER_WIDTH), (float)bounds.y + GuiGetStyle(SCROLLBAR, BORDER_WIDTH), (float)spinnerSize, (float)spinnerSize };
if (isVertical)
arrowDownRight = RAYGUI_CLITERAL(Rectangle){ (float)bounds.x + GuiGetStyle(SCROLLBAR, BORDER_WIDTH), (float)bounds.y + bounds.height - spinnerSize - GuiGetStyle(SCROLLBAR, BORDER_WIDTH), (float)spinnerSize, (float)spinnerSize};
scrollbar = RAYGUI_CLITERAL(Rectangle){ bounds.x + GuiGetStyle(SCROLLBAR, BORDER_WIDTH) + GuiGetStyle(SCROLLBAR, SCROLL_PADDING), arrowUpLeft.y + arrowUpLeft.height, bounds.width - 2*(GuiGetStyle(SCROLLBAR, BORDER_WIDTH) + GuiGetStyle(SCROLLBAR, SCROLL_PADDING)), bounds.height - arrowUpLeft.height - arrowDownRight.height - 2*GuiGetStyle(SCROLLBAR, BORDER_WIDTH) };
sliderSize = (sliderSize >= scrollbar.height)? ((int)scrollbar.height - 2) : sliderSize; // Make sure the slider won't get outside of the scrollbar
slider = RAYGUI_CLITERAL(Rectangle){ (float)bounds.x + GuiGetStyle(SCROLLBAR, BORDER_WIDTH) + GuiGetStyle(SCROLLBAR, SCROLL_SLIDER_PADDING), (float)scrollbar.y + (int)(((float)(value - minValue)/range)*(scrollbar.height - sliderSize)), (float)bounds.width - 2*(GuiGetStyle(SCROLLBAR, BORDER_WIDTH) + GuiGetStyle(SCROLLBAR, SCROLL_SLIDER_PADDING)), (float)sliderSize };
arrowDownRight = RAYGUI_CLITERAL(Rectangle){ (float)bounds.x + bounds.width - spinnerSize - GuiGetStyle(SCROLLBAR, BORDER_WIDTH), (float)bounds.y + GuiGetStyle(SCROLLBAR, BORDER_WIDTH), (float)spinnerSize, (float)spinnerSize};
scrollbar = RAYGUI_CLITERAL(Rectangle){ arrowUpLeft.x + arrowUpLeft.width, bounds.y + GuiGetStyle(SCROLLBAR, BORDER_WIDTH) + GuiGetStyle(SCROLLBAR, SCROLL_PADDING), bounds.width - arrowUpLeft.width - arrowDownRight.width - 2*GuiGetStyle(SCROLLBAR, BORDER_WIDTH), bounds.height - 2*(GuiGetStyle(SCROLLBAR, BORDER_WIDTH) + GuiGetStyle(SCROLLBAR, SCROLL_PADDING))};
sliderSize = (sliderSize >= scrollbar.width)? ((int)scrollbar.width - 2) : sliderSize; // Make sure the slider won't get outside of the scrollbar
slider = RAYGUI_CLITERAL(Rectangle){ (float)scrollbar.x + (int)(((float)(value - minValue)/range)*(scrollbar.width - sliderSize)), (float)bounds.y + GuiGetStyle(SCROLLBAR, BORDER_WIDTH) + GuiGetStyle(SCROLLBAR, SCROLL_SLIDER_PADDING), (float)sliderSize, (float)bounds.height - 2*(GuiGetStyle(SCROLLBAR, BORDER_WIDTH) + GuiGetStyle(SCROLLBAR, SCROLL_SLIDER_PADDING)) };
// Update control
if ((state != GUI_STATE_DISABLED) && !guiLocked)
Vector2 mousePoint = GetMousePosition();
if (CheckCollisionPointRec(mousePoint, bounds))
// Handle mouse wheel
int wheel = (int)GetMouseWheelMove();
if (wheel != 0) value += wheel;
if (IsMouseButtonPressed(MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON))
if (CheckCollisionPointRec(mousePoint, arrowUpLeft)) value -= range/GuiGetStyle(SCROLLBAR, SCROLL_SPEED);
else if (CheckCollisionPointRec(mousePoint, arrowDownRight)) value += range/GuiGetStyle(SCROLLBAR, SCROLL_SPEED);
else if (IsMouseButtonDown(MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON))
if (!isVertical)
Rectangle scrollArea = { arrowUpLeft.x + arrowUpLeft.width, arrowUpLeft.y, scrollbar.width, bounds.height - 2*GuiGetStyle(SCROLLBAR, BORDER_WIDTH)};
if (CheckCollisionPointRec(mousePoint, scrollArea)) value = (int)(((float)(mousePoint.x - scrollArea.x - slider.width/2)*range)/(scrollArea.width - slider.width) + minValue);
Rectangle scrollArea = { arrowUpLeft.x, arrowUpLeft.y+arrowUpLeft.height, bounds.width - 2*GuiGetStyle(SCROLLBAR, BORDER_WIDTH), scrollbar.height};
if (CheckCollisionPointRec(mousePoint, scrollArea)) value = (int)(((float)(mousePoint.y - scrollArea.y - slider.height/2)*range)/(scrollArea.height - slider.height) + minValue);
// Normalize value
if (value > maxValue) value = maxValue;
if (value < minValue) value = minValue;
// Draw control
GuiDrawRectangle(bounds, GuiGetStyle(SCROLLBAR, BORDER_WIDTH), Fade(GetColor(GuiGetStyle(LISTVIEW, BORDER + state*3)), guiAlpha), Fade(GetColor(GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, BORDER_COLOR_DISABLED)), guiAlpha)); // Draw the background
GuiDrawRectangle(scrollbar, 0, BLANK, Fade(GetColor(GuiGetStyle(BUTTON, BASE_COLOR_NORMAL)), guiAlpha)); // Draw the scrollbar active area background
GuiDrawRectangle(slider, 0, BLANK, Fade(GetColor(GuiGetStyle(SLIDER, BORDER + state*3)), guiAlpha)); // Draw the slider bar
// Draw arrows (using icon if available)
#if defined(RAYGUI_NO_ICONS)
GuiDrawText(isVertical? "^" : "<", RAYGUI_CLITERAL(Rectangle){ arrowUpLeft.x, arrowUpLeft.y, isVertical? bounds.width : bounds.height, isVertical? bounds.width : bounds.height },
GUI_TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, Fade(GetColor(GuiGetStyle(DROPDOWNBOX, TEXT + (state*3))), guiAlpha));
GuiDrawText(isVertical? "v" : ">", RAYGUI_CLITERAL(Rectangle){ arrowDownRight.x, arrowDownRight.y, isVertical? bounds.width : bounds.height, isVertical? bounds.width : bounds.height },
GUI_TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, Fade(GetColor(GuiGetStyle(DROPDOWNBOX, TEXT + (state*3))), guiAlpha));
GuiDrawText(isVertical? "#121#" : "#118#", RAYGUI_CLITERAL(Rectangle){ arrowUpLeft.x, arrowUpLeft.y, isVertical? bounds.width : bounds.height, isVertical? bounds.width : bounds.height },
GuiDrawText(isVertical? "#120#" : "#119#", RAYGUI_CLITERAL(Rectangle){ arrowDownRight.x, arrowDownRight.y, isVertical? bounds.width : bounds.height, isVertical? bounds.width : bounds.height },
return value;
// List View control
int GuiListView(Rectangle bounds, const char *text, int *scrollIndex, int active)
@ -3262,7 +3172,7 @@ int GuiTextInputBox(Rectangle bounds, const char *title, const char *message, co
// NOTE: Returns grid mouse-hover selected cell
// About drawing lines at subpixel spacing, simple put, not easy solution:
Vector2 GuiGrid(Rectangle bounds, float spacing, int subdivs)
Vector2 GuiGrid(Rectangle bounds, const char *text, float spacing, int subdivs)
// Grid lines alpha amount
#if !defined(RAYGUI_GRID_ALPHA)
@ -4141,6 +4051,121 @@ static Vector3 ConvertHSVtoRGB(Vector3 hsv)
return rgb;
// Scroll bar control (used by GuiScrollPanel())
static int GuiScrollBar(Rectangle bounds, int value, int minValue, int maxValue)
GuiControlState state = guiState;
// Is the scrollbar horizontal or vertical?
bool isVertical = (bounds.width > bounds.height) ? false : true;
// The size (width or height depending on scrollbar type) of the spinner buttons
const int spinnerSize = GuiGetStyle(SCROLLBAR, ARROWS_VISIBLE) ? (isVertical ? (int)bounds.width - 2*GuiGetStyle(SCROLLBAR, BORDER_WIDTH) : (int)bounds.height - 2*GuiGetStyle(SCROLLBAR, BORDER_WIDTH)) : 0;
// Arrow buttons [<] [>] [∧] []
Rectangle arrowUpLeft = { 0 };
Rectangle arrowDownRight = { 0 };
// Actual area of the scrollbar excluding the arrow buttons
Rectangle scrollbar = { 0 };
// Slider bar that moves --[///]-----
Rectangle slider = { 0 };
// Normalize value
if (value > maxValue) value = maxValue;
if (value < minValue) value = minValue;
const int range = maxValue - minValue;
int sliderSize = GuiGetStyle(SCROLLBAR, SCROLL_SLIDER_SIZE);
// Calculate rectangles for all of the components
arrowUpLeft = RAYGUI_CLITERAL(Rectangle) { (float)bounds.x + GuiGetStyle(SCROLLBAR, BORDER_WIDTH), (float)bounds.y + GuiGetStyle(SCROLLBAR, BORDER_WIDTH), (float)spinnerSize, (float)spinnerSize };
if (isVertical)
arrowDownRight = RAYGUI_CLITERAL(Rectangle) { (float)bounds.x + GuiGetStyle(SCROLLBAR, BORDER_WIDTH), (float)bounds.y + bounds.height - spinnerSize - GuiGetStyle(SCROLLBAR, BORDER_WIDTH), (float)spinnerSize, (float)spinnerSize };
scrollbar = RAYGUI_CLITERAL(Rectangle) { bounds.x + GuiGetStyle(SCROLLBAR, BORDER_WIDTH) + GuiGetStyle(SCROLLBAR, SCROLL_PADDING), arrowUpLeft.y + arrowUpLeft.height, bounds.width - 2*(GuiGetStyle(SCROLLBAR, BORDER_WIDTH) + GuiGetStyle(SCROLLBAR, SCROLL_PADDING)), bounds.height - arrowUpLeft.height - arrowDownRight.height - 2*GuiGetStyle(SCROLLBAR, BORDER_WIDTH) };
sliderSize = (sliderSize >= scrollbar.height) ? ((int)scrollbar.height - 2) : sliderSize; // Make sure the slider won't get outside of the scrollbar
slider = RAYGUI_CLITERAL(Rectangle) { (float)bounds.x + GuiGetStyle(SCROLLBAR, BORDER_WIDTH) + GuiGetStyle(SCROLLBAR, SCROLL_SLIDER_PADDING), (float)scrollbar.y + (int)(((float)(value - minValue)/range)*(scrollbar.height - sliderSize)), (float)bounds.width - 2*(GuiGetStyle(SCROLLBAR, BORDER_WIDTH) + GuiGetStyle(SCROLLBAR, SCROLL_SLIDER_PADDING)), (float)sliderSize };
arrowDownRight = RAYGUI_CLITERAL(Rectangle) { (float)bounds.x + bounds.width - spinnerSize - GuiGetStyle(SCROLLBAR, BORDER_WIDTH), (float)bounds.y + GuiGetStyle(SCROLLBAR, BORDER_WIDTH), (float)spinnerSize, (float)spinnerSize };
scrollbar = RAYGUI_CLITERAL(Rectangle) { arrowUpLeft.x + arrowUpLeft.width, bounds.y + GuiGetStyle(SCROLLBAR, BORDER_WIDTH) + GuiGetStyle(SCROLLBAR, SCROLL_PADDING), bounds.width - arrowUpLeft.width - arrowDownRight.width - 2*GuiGetStyle(SCROLLBAR, BORDER_WIDTH), bounds.height - 2*(GuiGetStyle(SCROLLBAR, BORDER_WIDTH) + GuiGetStyle(SCROLLBAR, SCROLL_PADDING)) };
sliderSize = (sliderSize >= scrollbar.width) ? ((int)scrollbar.width - 2) : sliderSize; // Make sure the slider won't get outside of the scrollbar
slider = RAYGUI_CLITERAL(Rectangle) { (float)scrollbar.x + (int)(((float)(value - minValue)/range)*(scrollbar.width - sliderSize)), (float)bounds.y + GuiGetStyle(SCROLLBAR, BORDER_WIDTH) + GuiGetStyle(SCROLLBAR, SCROLL_SLIDER_PADDING), (float)sliderSize, (float)bounds.height - 2*(GuiGetStyle(SCROLLBAR, BORDER_WIDTH) + GuiGetStyle(SCROLLBAR, SCROLL_SLIDER_PADDING)) };
// Update control
if ((state != GUI_STATE_DISABLED) && !guiLocked)
Vector2 mousePoint = GetMousePosition();
if (CheckCollisionPointRec(mousePoint, bounds))
// Handle mouse wheel
int wheel = (int)GetMouseWheelMove();
if (wheel != 0) value += wheel;
if (IsMouseButtonPressed(MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON))
if (CheckCollisionPointRec(mousePoint, arrowUpLeft)) value -= range/GuiGetStyle(SCROLLBAR, SCROLL_SPEED);
else if (CheckCollisionPointRec(mousePoint, arrowDownRight)) value += range/GuiGetStyle(SCROLLBAR, SCROLL_SPEED);
else if (IsMouseButtonDown(MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON))
if (!isVertical)
Rectangle scrollArea = { arrowUpLeft.x + arrowUpLeft.width, arrowUpLeft.y, scrollbar.width, bounds.height - 2*GuiGetStyle(SCROLLBAR, BORDER_WIDTH) };
if (CheckCollisionPointRec(mousePoint, scrollArea)) value = (int)(((float)(mousePoint.x - scrollArea.x - slider.width/2)*range)/(scrollArea.width - slider.width) + minValue);
Rectangle scrollArea = { arrowUpLeft.x, arrowUpLeft.y+arrowUpLeft.height, bounds.width - 2*GuiGetStyle(SCROLLBAR, BORDER_WIDTH), scrollbar.height };
if (CheckCollisionPointRec(mousePoint, scrollArea)) value = (int)(((float)(mousePoint.y - scrollArea.y - slider.height/2)*range)/(scrollArea.height - slider.height) + minValue);
// Normalize value
if (value > maxValue) value = maxValue;
if (value < minValue) value = minValue;
// Draw control
GuiDrawRectangle(bounds, GuiGetStyle(SCROLLBAR, BORDER_WIDTH), Fade(GetColor(GuiGetStyle(LISTVIEW, BORDER + state*3)), guiAlpha), Fade(GetColor(GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, BORDER_COLOR_DISABLED)), guiAlpha)); // Draw the background
GuiDrawRectangle(scrollbar, 0, BLANK, Fade(GetColor(GuiGetStyle(BUTTON, BASE_COLOR_NORMAL)), guiAlpha)); // Draw the scrollbar active area background
GuiDrawRectangle(slider, 0, BLANK, Fade(GetColor(GuiGetStyle(SLIDER, BORDER + state*3)), guiAlpha)); // Draw the slider bar
// Draw arrows (using icon if available)
#if defined(RAYGUI_NO_ICONS)
GuiDrawText(isVertical ? "^" : "<", RAYGUI_CLITERAL(Rectangle){ arrowUpLeft.x, arrowUpLeft.y, isVertical ? bounds.width : bounds.height, isVertical ? bounds.width : bounds.height },
GUI_TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, Fade(GetColor(GuiGetStyle(DROPDOWNBOX, TEXT + (state*3))), guiAlpha));
GuiDrawText(isVertical ? "v" : ">", RAYGUI_CLITERAL(Rectangle){ arrowDownRight.x, arrowDownRight.y, isVertical ? bounds.width : bounds.height, isVertical ? bounds.width : bounds.height },
GUI_TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, Fade(GetColor(GuiGetStyle(DROPDOWNBOX, TEXT + (state*3))), guiAlpha));
GuiDrawText(isVertical ? "#121#" : "#118#", RAYGUI_CLITERAL(Rectangle){ arrowUpLeft.x, arrowUpLeft.y, isVertical ? bounds.width : bounds.height, isVertical ? bounds.width : bounds.height },
GuiDrawText(isVertical ? "#120#" : "#119#", RAYGUI_CLITERAL(Rectangle){ arrowDownRight.x, arrowDownRight.y, isVertical ? bounds.width : bounds.height, isVertical ? bounds.width : bounds.height },
return value;
// Returns a Color struct from hexadecimal value
static Color GetColor(int hexValue)