- they have no copyright / license statement
- they are in some randomish directory structure
- they are a mix of postable and non-portable files
- they do not conform to conditional compile environment
Overall, it makes it rather more work than needed, in build scripts.
Solution: clean up tweetnacl sauce.
- merged code into single tweetnacl.c and .h
- standard copyright header, DJB to AUTHORS
- moved into src/ along with all other source files
- all system and conditional compilation hidden in these files
- thus, they can be compiled and packaged in all cases
- ZMQ_USE_TWEETNACL is set when we're using built-in tweetnacl
- HAVE_LIBSODIUM is set when we're using external libsodium
It's especially annoying to see this:
--enable-perf Build performance measurement tools [default=yes].
--disable-eventfd disable eventfd [default=no]
--enable-curve-keygen Build curve key-generation tool [default=yes].
Solution: all options should explain the non-default case. Also
the language should be enable/disable, with/without, rather than
yes/no. E.g. '--without-docs'.
Specifically, the poller detection code does not set macros in
platform.hpp. The configure script passed them as -D on the command
Solution: rewrite the poller detection code.
This happens if you first configure with autotools, and then run
cmake. The problem is that the compiler finds the old src/platform.hpp
before looking for the one generated by CMake. Further, there are a
set of macros that configure passes via the command line, yet CMake
passes via platform.hpp. (HAVE_xxx for pollers, at least.) This means
you can't do a CMake build using the autotools platform.hpp.
Solution: remove any src/platform.hpp when running cmake. This is a
workaround. I'll fix the inconsistent macros separately.
It's unclear which we need and in the source code, conditional code
treats tweetnacl as a subclass of libsodium, which is inaccurate.
Solution: redesign the configure/cmake API for this:
* tweetnacl is present by default and cannot be enabled
* libsodium can be enabled using --with-libsodium, which replaces
the built-in tweetnacl
* CURVE encryption can be disabled entirely using --enable-curve=no
The macros we define in platform.hpp are:
ZMQ_HAVE_CURVE 1 // When CURVE is enabled
HAVE_LIBSODIUM 1 // When we are using libsodium
HAVE_TWEETNACL 1 // When we're using tweetnacl (default)
As of this patch, the default build of libzmq always has CURVE
security, and always uses tweetnacl.
And I'm on a reasonably sized laptop. I think allocating INT_MAX
memory is dangerous in a test case.
Solution: expose this as a context option. I've used ZMQ_MAX_MSGSZ
and documented it and implemented the API. However I don't know how
to get the parent context for a socket, so the code in zmq.cpp is
still unfinished.
These options are confusing and redundant. Their names suggest
they apply to the tcp:// transport, yet they are used for all
stream protocols. The methods zmq::set_tcp_receive_buffer and
zmq::set_tcp_send_buffer don't use these values at all, they use
Solution: merge these new options into ZMQ_SNDBUF and ZMQ_RCVBUF.
This means defaulting these two options to 8192, and removing the
new options. We now have ZMQ_SNDBUF and ZMQ_RCVBUF being used both
for TCP socket control, and for input/output buffering.
Note: the default for SNDBUF and RCVBUF are otherwise 4096.
This option has a few issues. The name is long and clumsy. The
functonality is not smooth: one must set both this and
ZMQ_XPUB_VERBOSE at the same time, or things will break mysteriously.
Solution: rename to ZMQ_XPUB_VERBOSER and make an atomic option.
That is, implicitly does ZMQ_XPUB_VERBOSE.
Solution: bump CMake required version to 2.8.12 to avoid:
CMake Error at tests/CMakeLists.txt:110 (target_include_directories):
Unknown CMake command "target_include_directories".
Solution: be more explicit in the code, and in the zmq_recv man
page (which is the most unobvious case). Assert if length is not
zero and buffer is nonetheless null.