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Testing LOG()s

LOG()s are widely used in google3 programs. They make it possible to diagnose a server crash when you don't have the luxury of reproducing the bug. They are also great as a tool for refactoring.

Often we need to test how a piece of code calls LOG()s. Traditionally, this has been done using golden files, which is tedious to set up and brittle (what if a library you depend on starts to generate its own logs?). The ScopedMemoryLog class was created to allow writing robust LOG tests, but using it beyond the most basic scenario can be awkward.

With gMock we have a better solution. testing/base/public/mock-log.h defines a mock log sink class ScopedMockLog. A ScopedMockLog object intercepts all LOG()s (except LOG(FATAL)) while it is alive. This object has a mock method of this signature:

  void Log(LogSeverity severity, const string& path, const string& message);

This file comes with gUnit and gMock, so there is no need to add any dependency to your BUILD rule in order to use it.

Here are some ideas on how to make use of it:

To test that the code generates exactly one warning message (and nothing else):

using ::testing::_;
using ::testing::kDoNotCaptureLogsYet;
using ::testing::ScopedMockLog;
  ScopedMockLog log(kDoNotCaptureLogsYet);
  EXPECT_CALL(log, Log(WARNING, _, "Expected warning."));
  ... code that LOG()s ...

To test that a particular message is logged exactly once (but there can be other log messages with different contents):

using ::testing::_;
using ::testing::kDoNotCaptureLogsYet;
using ::testing::AnyNumber;
using ::testing::ScopedMockLog;
  ScopedMockLog log(kDoNotCaptureLogsYet);
  EXPECT_CALL(log, Log).Times(AnyNumber());
  EXPECT_CALL(log, Log(INFO, _, "Expected message"));
  ... code that LOG()s ...

To test that no ERROR is logged (but there can be other log messages with different severities):

using ::testing::_;
using ::testing::kDoNotCaptureLogsYet;
using ::testing::AnyNumber;
using ::testing::ScopedMockLog;
  ScopedMockLog log(kDoNotCaptureLogsYet);
  EXPECT_CALL(log, Log).Times(AnyNumber());
  EXPECT_CALL(log, Log(ERROR, _, _))
  ... code that LOG()s ...

To test that a particular message is logged at least once (and there can be other log messages):

using ::testing::_;
using ::testing::kDoNotCaptureLogsYet;
using ::testing::AnyNumber;
using ::testing::AtLeast;
using ::testing::ScopedMockLog;
  ScopedMockLog log(kDoNotCaptureLogsYet);
  EXPECT_CALL(log, Log).Times(AnyNumber());
  EXPECT_CALL(log, Log(INFO, _, "Expected message"))
  ... code that LOG()s ...

To test that three LOG()s occur sequentially:

using ::testing::_;
using ::testing::kDoNotCaptureLogsYet;
using ::testing::InSequence;
using ::testing::ScopedMockLog;
  ScopedMockLog log(kDoNotCaptureLogsYet);
     InSequence s;
     EXPECT_CALL(log, Log(INFO, _, "Log #1"));
     EXPECT_CALL(log, Log(WARNING, _, "Log #2"));
     EXPECT_CALL(log, Log(INFO, _, "Log #3"));
  ... code that LOG()s ...

To test that the log message contains a certain sub-string:

using ::testing::_;
using ::testing::kDoNotCaptureLogsYet;
using ::testing::HasSubstr;
using ::testing::ScopedMockLog;
  ScopedMockLog log(kDoNotCaptureLogsYet);
  EXPECT_CALL(log, Log(WARNING, _, HasSubstr("needle")));
  ... code that LOG()s ...

To test that a given module generates a specific log:

using ::testing::kDoNotCaptureLogsYet;
using ::testing::ScopedMockLog;
  ScopedMockLog log(kDoNotCaptureLogsYet);
  EXPECT_CALL(log, Log(WARNING, "path/to/my_module.cc", "Expected warning."));
  ... code that LOG()s ...

To test that code doesn't log anything at all:

using ::testing::_;
using ::testing::kDoNotCaptureLogsYet;
using ::testing::ScopedMockLog;
  ScopedMockLog log(kDoNotCaptureLogsYet);
  EXPECT_CALL(log, Log).Times(0);
  ... code that does not LOG() ...

Warning: For robust tests, either ignore unexpected logs (loose), or ignore logs in other modules (tight), otherwise your test may break if their logging changes.

using ::testing::_;
using ::testing::AnyNumber;
using ::testing::kDoNotCaptureLogsYet;
using ::testing::Not;
using ::testing::ScopedMockLog;

// ...

// Simple robust setup, ignores unexpected logs.
  ScopedMockLog log(kDoNotCaptureLogsYet);
  EXPECT_CALL(log, Log).Times(AnyNumber());  // Ignore unexpected logs.
  EXPECT_CALL(log, Log(ERROR, "path/to/my_file.cc", _))
      .Times(3);  // Verifies logs from my_file.cc.
  // ... code that LOG()s ...

// ...

// Tighter alternative.
  ScopedMockLog log(kDoNotCaptureLogsYet);
  EXPECT_CALL(log, Log(_, Not("path/to/my_file.cc"), _))
      .Times(AnyNumber());  // Ignores other modules.
  EXPECT_CALL(log, Log(ERROR, "path/to/my_file.cc", _))
      .Times(3);  // Verifies logs from my_file.cc.
  // ... code that LOG()s ...

To test LOG(DFATAL), use EXPECT_DFATAL instead.