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crashpad::SanitizationInformation Struct Reference

Struture containing information about how snapshots should be sanitized. More...

#include "snapshot/sanitized/sanitization_information.h"

Public Attributes

VMAddress annotations_whitelist_address
 The address in the client process' address space of a nullptr terminated array of NUL-terminated strings. The string values are the names of whitelisted annotations. This value is 0 if there is no whitelist and all annotations are allowed.
VMAddress target_module_address
 An address in the client process' address space within a module to target. When a target module is used, crash dumps are discarded unless the crashing thread's program counter or pointer-aligned values on the crashing thread's stack point into the target module. This value is 0 if there is no target module.
uint8_t sanitize_stacks
 Non-zero if stacks should be sanitized for possible PII.

Detailed Description

Struture containing information about how snapshots should be sanitized.

See also

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