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Version information for a file. More...

#include "verrsrc.h"

Public Attributes

uint32_t dwSignature
 The structure’s magic number, VS_FFI_SIGNATURE.
uint32_t dwStrucVersion
 The structure’s version, VS_FFI_STRUCVERSION.
uint32_t dwFileVersionMS
 The more-significant portion of the file’s version number. More...
uint32_t dwFileVersionLS
 The less-significant portion of the file’s version number. More...
uint32_t dwProductVersionMS
 The more-significant portion of the product’s version number. More...
uint32_t dwProductVersionLS
 The less-significant portion of the product’s version number. More...
uint32_t dwFileFlagsMask
 A bitmask of VS_FF_* values indicating which bits in dwFileFlags are valid.
uint32_t dwFileFlags
 A bitmask of VS_FF_* values identifying attributes of the file. Only bits present in dwFileFlagsMask are valid.
uint32_t dwFileOS
 The file’s intended operating system, a value of VOS_*.
uint32_t dwFileType
 The file’s type, a value of VFT_*.
uint32_t dwFileSubtype
 The file’s subtype, a value of VFT2_* corresponding to its dwFileType, if the file type has subtypes.
uint32_t dwFileDateMS
 The more-significant portion of the file’s creation date. More...
uint32_t dwFileDateLS
 The less-significant portion of the file’s creation date. More...

Detailed Description

Version information for a file.

On Windows, this information is derived from a file’s version information resource, and is obtained by calling VerQueryValue() with an lpSubBlock argument of "\" (a single backslash).

Member Data Documentation

§ dwFileDateLS

uint32_t VS_FIXEDFILEINFO::dwFileDateLS

The less-significant portion of the file’s creation date.

The intended encoding of this field is unknown. This field is unused and always has the value 0.

§ dwFileDateMS

uint32_t VS_FIXEDFILEINFO::dwFileDateMS

The more-significant portion of the file’s creation date.

The intended encoding of this field is unknown. This field is unused and always has the value 0.

§ dwFileVersionLS

uint32_t VS_FIXEDFILEINFO::dwFileVersionLS

The less-significant portion of the file’s version number.

This field contains the last two components of a four-component version number. For a file whose version is, this field would be 0x00030004.

See also

§ dwFileVersionMS

uint32_t VS_FIXEDFILEINFO::dwFileVersionMS

The more-significant portion of the file’s version number.

This field contains the first two components of a four-component version number. For a file whose version is, this field would be 0x00010002.

See also

§ dwProductVersionLS

uint32_t VS_FIXEDFILEINFO::dwProductVersionLS

The less-significant portion of the product’s version number.

This field contains the last two components of a four-component version number. For a product whose version is, this field would be 0x00030004.

See also

§ dwProductVersionMS

uint32_t VS_FIXEDFILEINFO::dwProductVersionMS

The more-significant portion of the product’s version number.

This field contains the first two components of a four-component version number. For a product whose version is, this field would be 0x00010002.

See also

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: