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MINIDUMP_THREAD Struct Reference

Information about a specific thread within the process. More...

#include "dbghelp.h"

Public Attributes

uint32_t ThreadId
 The thread’s ID. This may be referenced by MINIDUMP_EXCEPTION_STREAM::ThreadId.
uint32_t SuspendCount
 The thread’s suspend count. More...
uint32_t PriorityClass
 The thread’s priority class. More...
uint32_t Priority
 The thread’s priority level. More...
uint64_t Teb
 The address of the thread’s thread environment block in the address space of the process that the minidump file contains a snapshot of. More...
 A snapshot of the thread’s stack. More...
 A pointer to a CPU-specific CONTEXT structure containing the thread’s context at the time the snapshot was taken. More...

Detailed Description

Information about a specific thread within the process.

See also

Member Data Documentation

§ Priority

uint32_t MINIDUMP_THREAD::Priority

The thread’s priority level.

On Windows, this is a THREAD_PRIORITY_* value. THREAD_PRIORITY_NORMAL has value 0; higher priorities have higher values, and lower priorities have lower (negative) values.

§ PriorityClass

uint32_t MINIDUMP_THREAD::PriorityClass

The thread’s priority class.

On Windows, this is a *_PRIORITY_CLASS value. NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS has value 0x20; higher priority classes have higher values.

§ Stack


A snapshot of the thread’s stack.

A MINIDUMP_MEMORY_DESCRIPTOR may be present in the MINIDUMP_MEMORY_LIST stream containing a pointer to the same memory range referenced by this field.

§ SuspendCount

uint32_t MINIDUMP_THREAD::SuspendCount

The thread’s suspend count.

This field will be 0 if the thread is schedulable (not suspended).

§ Teb


The address of the thread’s thread environment block in the address space of the process that the minidump file contains a snapshot of.

The thread environment block contains thread-local data.

A MINIDUMP_MEMORY_DESCRIPTOR may be present in the MINIDUMP_MEMORY_LIST stream containing the thread-local data pointed to by this field.

§ ThreadContext


A pointer to a CPU-specific CONTEXT structure containing the thread’s context at the time the snapshot was taken.

If the minidump file was generated as a result of an exception taken on this thread, this field may identify a different context than the exception context. For these minidump files, a MINIDUMP_EXCEPTION_STREAM stream will be present, and the context contained within that stream will be the exception context.

The interpretation of the context structure is dependent on the CPU architecture identified by MINIDUMP_SYSTEM_INFO::ProcessorArchitecture. For crashpad::kMinidumpCPUArchitectureX86, this will be crashpad::MinidumpContextX86. For crashpad::kMinidumpCPUArchitectureAMD64, this will be crashpad::MinidumpContextAMD64.

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