Classes | Functions
crashpad::test Namespace Reference

The testing namespace, for use in test code only. More...


class  ChildLauncher
 Creates a child process for testing. Uses gtest ASSERT_* to indicate failure. The child's output is passed through a pipe and is available via stdout_read_handle(), and the child's input is attached to a second pipe available via stdin_write_handle(). More...
class  MachMultiprocess
 Manages a Mach-aware multiprocess test. More...
struct  MinidumpWritableTraits
 A traits class defining whether a minidump object type is required to appear only as a fixed-size object or if it is variable-sized. More...
class  Multiprocess
 Manages a multiprocess test. More...
class  MultiprocessExec
 Manages an exec()-based multiprocess test. More...
class  Paths
 Functions to obtain paths from within tests. More...
class  ScopedTempDir
 A RAII object that creates a temporary directory for testing. More...
class  TestExceptionSnapshot
 A test ExceptionSnapshot that can carry arbitrary data for testing purposes. More...
class  TestMemoryMapRegionSnapshot
 A test MemoryMapRegionSnapshot that can carry arbitrary data for testing purposes. More...
class  TestMemorySnapshot
 A test MemorySnapshot that can carry arbitrary data for testing purposes. More...
class  TestMinidumpMemoryWriter
 A MinidumpMemoryWriter implementation used for testing. More...
class  TestModuleSnapshot
 A test ModuleSnapshot that can carry arbitrary data for testing purposes. More...
class  TestProcessSnapshot
 A test ProcessSnapshot that can carry arbitrary data for testing purposes. More...
class  TestSystemSnapshot
 A test SystemSnapshot that can carry arbitrary data for testing purposes. More...
class  TestThreadSnapshot
 A test ThreadSnapshot that can carry arbitrary data for testing purposes. More...
class  TestUInt32MinidumpWritable
 An internal::MinidumpWritable that carries a uint32_t for testing. More...
class  WinChildProcess
 Facilitates the launching of child processes from unit tests. More...
class  WinMultiprocess
 Manages a multiprocess test on Windows. More...


const MINIDUMP_HEADERMinidumpHeaderAtStart (const std::string &file_contents, const MINIDUMP_DIRECTORY **directory)
 Returns the MINIDUMP_HEADER at the start of a minidump file, along with the MINIDUMP_DIRECTORY it references. More...
void VerifyMinidumpHeader (const MINIDUMP_HEADER *header, uint32_t streams, uint32_t timestamp)
 Verifies, via gtest assertions, that a MINIDUMP_HEADER contains expected values. More...
void ExpectMinidumpMemoryDescriptor (const MINIDUMP_MEMORY_DESCRIPTOR *expected, const MINIDUMP_MEMORY_DESCRIPTOR *observed)
 Verifies, via gtest assertions, that a MINIDUMP_MEMORY_DESCRIPTOR structure contains expected values. More...
void ExpectMinidumpMemoryDescriptorAndContents (const MINIDUMP_MEMORY_DESCRIPTOR *expected, const MINIDUMP_MEMORY_DESCRIPTOR *observed, const std::string &file_contents, uint8_t value, bool at_eof)
 Verifies, via gtest assertions, that a MINIDUMP_MEMORY_DESCRIPTOR structure contains expected values, and that the memory region it points to contains expected values assuming it was written by a TestMinidumpMemoryWriter object. More...
const MinidumpRVAListMinidumpRVAListAtStart (const std::string &file_contents, size_t count)
 Returns the MinidumpRVAList at the start of a minidump file. More...
const MINIDUMP_STRINGMinidumpStringAtRVA (const std::string &file_contents, RVA rva)
 Returns a MINIDUMP_STRING located within a minidump file’s contents. More...
const MinidumpUTF8StringMinidumpUTF8StringAtRVA (const std::string &file_contents, RVA rva)
 Returns a MinidumpUTF8String located within a minidump file’s contents. More...
base::string16 MinidumpStringAtRVAAsString (const std::string &file_contents, RVA rva)
 Returns the contents of a MINIDUMP_STRING as a string16. More...
std::string MinidumpUTF8StringAtRVAAsString (const std::string &file_contents, RVA rva)
 Returns the contents of a MinidumpUTF8String as a std::string. More...
const void * MinidumpWritableAtLocationDescriptorInternal (const std::string &file_contents, const MINIDUMP_LOCATION_DESCRIPTOR &location, size_t expected_size, bool allow_oversized_data)
 Returns an untyped minidump object located within a minidump file’s contents, where the offset and size of the object are known. More...
const IMAGE_DEBUG_MISCMinidumpWritableAtLocationDescriptor< IMAGE_DEBUG_MISC > (const std::string &file_contents, const MINIDUMP_LOCATION_DESCRIPTOR &location)
const MINIDUMP_HEADERMinidumpWritableAtLocationDescriptor< MINIDUMP_HEADER > (const std::string &file_contents, const MINIDUMP_LOCATION_DESCRIPTOR &location)
const MINIDUMP_MEMORY_LISTMinidumpWritableAtLocationDescriptor< MINIDUMP_MEMORY_LIST > (const std::string &file_contents, const MINIDUMP_LOCATION_DESCRIPTOR &location)
const MINIDUMP_MODULE_LISTMinidumpWritableAtLocationDescriptor< MINIDUMP_MODULE_LIST > (const std::string &file_contents, const MINIDUMP_LOCATION_DESCRIPTOR &location)
const MINIDUMP_UNLOADED_MODULE_LISTMinidumpWritableAtLocationDescriptor< MINIDUMP_UNLOADED_MODULE_LIST > (const std::string &file_contents, const MINIDUMP_LOCATION_DESCRIPTOR &location)
const MINIDUMP_THREAD_LISTMinidumpWritableAtLocationDescriptor< MINIDUMP_THREAD_LIST > (const std::string &file_contents, const MINIDUMP_LOCATION_DESCRIPTOR &location)
const MINIDUMP_HANDLE_DATA_STREAM * MinidumpWritableAtLocationDescriptor< MINIDUMP_HANDLE_DATA_STREAM > (const std::string &file_contents, const MINIDUMP_LOCATION_DESCRIPTOR &location)
const MINIDUMP_MEMORY_INFO_LISTMinidumpWritableAtLocationDescriptor< MINIDUMP_MEMORY_INFO_LIST > (const std::string &file_contents, const MINIDUMP_LOCATION_DESCRIPTOR &location)
const MinidumpModuleCrashpadInfoListMinidumpWritableAtLocationDescriptor< MinidumpModuleCrashpadInfoList > (const std::string &file_contents, const MINIDUMP_LOCATION_DESCRIPTOR &location)
const MinidumpSimpleStringDictionaryMinidumpWritableAtLocationDescriptor< MinidumpSimpleStringDictionary > (const std::string &file_contents, const MINIDUMP_LOCATION_DESCRIPTOR &location)
const CodeViewRecordPDB20MinidumpWritableAtLocationDescriptor< CodeViewRecordPDB20 > (const std::string &file_contents, const MINIDUMP_LOCATION_DESCRIPTOR &location)
const CodeViewRecordPDB70MinidumpWritableAtLocationDescriptor< CodeViewRecordPDB70 > (const std::string &file_contents, const MINIDUMP_LOCATION_DESCRIPTOR &location)
 MINIDUMP_ALLOW_OVERSIZED_DATA (MinidumpModuleCrashpadInfoList)
 MINIDUMP_ALLOW_OVERSIZED_DATA (MinidumpSimpleStringDictionary)
template<typename T >
const T * TMinidumpWritableAtLocationDescriptor (const std::string &file_contents, const MINIDUMP_LOCATION_DESCRIPTOR &location)
 Returns a typed minidump object located within a minidump file’s contents, where the offset and size of the object are known. More...
template<typename T >
const T * MinidumpWritableAtLocationDescriptor (const std::string &file_contents, const MINIDUMP_LOCATION_DESCRIPTOR &location)
 Returns a typed minidump object located within a minidump file’s contents, where the offset and size of the object are known. More...
template<typename T >
const T * MinidumpWritableAtRVA (const std::string &file_contents, RVA rva)
 Returns a typed minidump object located within a minidump file’s contents, where the offset of the object is known. More...
std::string ErrnoMessage (int err, const std::string &base=std::string())
 Formats an error message using an errno value. More...
std::string ErrnoMessage (const std::string &base=std::string())
 Formats an error message using errno. More...
std::string ErrorMessage (const std::string &base=std::string())
 Formats an error message using GetLastError(). More...
bool FileExists (const base::FilePath &path)
 Determines whether a file exists. More...
FileOffset FileSize (const base::FilePath &path)
 Determines the size of a file. More...
std::string MachErrorMessage (mach_error_t mach_err, const std::string &base=std::string())
 Formats a Mach error message. More...
std::string BootstrapErrorMessage (kern_return_t bootstrap_err, const std::string &base=std::string())
 Formats a bootstrap error message. More...
std::string ReadStreamToString (HTTPBodyStream *stream)
 Reads a HTTPBodyStream to a string. If an error occurs, adds a test failure and returns an empty string. More...
std::string ReadStreamToString (HTTPBodyStream *stream, size_t buffer_size)
 Reads a HTTPBodyStream to a string. If an error occurs, adds a test failure and returns an empty string. More...
void InitializeMinidumpContextX86 (MinidumpContextX86 *context, uint32_t seed)
 Initializes a context structure for testing. More...
void InitializeMinidumpContextAMD64 (MinidumpContextAMD64 *context, uint32_t seed)
 Initializes a context structure for testing. More...
void ExpectMinidumpContextX86 (uint32_t expect_seed, const MinidumpContextX86 *observed, bool snapshot)
 Verifies, via gtest assertions, that a context structure contains expected values. More...
void ExpectMinidumpContextAMD64 (uint32_t expect_seed, const MinidumpContextAMD64 *observed, bool snapshot)
 Verifies, via gtest assertions, that a context structure contains expected values. More...
void InitializeCPUContextX86 (CPUContext *context, uint32_t seed)
 Initializes a context structure for testing. More...
void InitializeCPUContextX86_64 (CPUContext *context, uint32_t seed)
 Initializes a context structure for testing. More...
void InitializeCPUContextX86Fxsave (CPUContextX86::Fxsave *fxsave, uint32_t *seed)
 Initializes an fxsave context substructure for testing. More...
void InitializeCPUContextX86_64Fxsave (CPUContextX86_64::Fxsave *fxsave, uint32_t *seed)
 Initializes an fxsave context substructure for testing. More...

Detailed Description

The testing namespace, for use in test code only.

Function Documentation

std::string crashpad::test::BootstrapErrorMessage ( kern_return_t  bootstrap_err,
const std::string &  base = std::string() 

Formats a bootstrap error message.

The returned string will combine the base string, if supplied, with a a textual and numeric description of the error.

[in]bootstrap_errThe bootstrap error code.
[in]baseA string to prepend to the error description.
A string of the format "Permission denied (1100)" if bootstrap_err has the value BOOTSTRAP_NOT_PRIVILEGED on a system where this is defined to be 1100. If base is not empty, it will be prepended to this string, separated by a colon. If bootstrap_err is not a valid bootstrap error code, it will be interpreted as a Mach error code in the manner of MachErrorMessage().
std::string crashpad::test::ErrnoMessage ( int  err,
const std::string &  base = std::string() 

Formats an error message using an errno value.

The returned string will combine the base string, if supplied, with a a textual and numeric description of the error.

The message is formatted using strerror(). err may be 0 or outside of the range of known error codes, and the message returned will contain the string that strerror() uses in these cases.

[in]errThe error code, usable as an errno value.
[in]baseA string to prepend to the error description.
A string of the format "Operation not permitted (1)" if err has the value EPERM on a system where this is defined to be 1. If base is not empty, it will be prepended to this string, separated by a colon.
std::string crashpad::test::ErrnoMessage ( const std::string &  base = std::string())

Formats an error message using errno.

The returned string will combine the base string, if supplied, with a a textual and numeric description of the error.

The message is formatted using strerror(). errno may be 0 or outside of the range of known error codes, and the message returned will contain the string that strerror() uses in these cases.

[in]baseA string to prepend to the error description.
A string of the format "Operation not permitted (1)" if errno has the value EPERM on a system where this is defined to be 1. If base is not empty, it will be prepended to this string, separated by a colon.
std::string crashpad::test::ErrorMessage ( const std::string &  base = std::string())

Formats an error message using GetLastError().

The returned string will combine the base string, if supplied, with a a textual and numeric description of the error. The format is the same as the PLOG() formatting in base.

void crashpad::test::ExpectMinidumpContextAMD64 ( uint32_t  expect_seed,
const MinidumpContextAMD64 observed,
bool  snapshot 

Verifies, via gtest assertions, that a context structure contains expected values.

[in]expect_seedThe seed value used to initialize a context structure. This is the seed value used with InitializeMinidumpContext*().
[in]observedThe context structure to check. All fields of this structure will be compared against the expected context structure, one initialized with expect_seed.
[in]snapshotIf true, compare observed to a context structure expected to be produced from a CPUContext snapshot. If false, compare observed to a native minidump context structure. CPUContext snapshot structures may carry different sets of data than native minidump context structures in meaningless ways. When true, fields not found in CPUContext structures are expected to be 0. When false, all fields are compared. This makes it possible to test both that these fields are passed through correctly by the native minidump writer and are zeroed out when creating a minidump context structure from a CPUContext structure.
void crashpad::test::ExpectMinidumpContextX86 ( uint32_t  expect_seed,
const MinidumpContextX86 observed,
bool  snapshot 

Verifies, via gtest assertions, that a context structure contains expected values.

[in]expect_seedThe seed value used to initialize a context structure. This is the seed value used with InitializeMinidumpContext*().
[in]observedThe context structure to check. All fields of this structure will be compared against the expected context structure, one initialized with expect_seed.
[in]snapshotIf true, compare observed to a context structure expected to be produced from a CPUContext snapshot. If false, compare observed to a native minidump context structure. CPUContext snapshot structures may carry different sets of data than native minidump context structures in meaningless ways. When true, fields not found in CPUContext structures are expected to be 0. When false, all fields are compared. This makes it possible to test both that these fields are passed through correctly by the native minidump writer and are zeroed out when creating a minidump context structure from a CPUContext structure.
void crashpad::test::ExpectMinidumpMemoryDescriptor ( const MINIDUMP_MEMORY_DESCRIPTOR expected,

Verifies, via gtest assertions, that a MINIDUMP_MEMORY_DESCRIPTOR structure contains expected values.

In expected and observed, MINIDUMP_MEMORY_DESCRIPTOR::StartOfMemoryRange and MINIDUMP_LOCATION_DESCRIPTOR::DataSize are compared and must match. If MINIDUMP_LOCATION_DESCRIPTOR::Rva is nonzero in expected, the same field in observed must match it, subject to a 16-byte alignment augmentation.

[in]expectedA MINIDUMP_MEMORY_DESCRIPTOR structure containing expected values.
[in]observedA MINIDUMP_MEMORY_DESCRIPTOR structure containing observed values.
void crashpad::test::ExpectMinidumpMemoryDescriptorAndContents ( const MINIDUMP_MEMORY_DESCRIPTOR expected,
const std::string &  file_contents,
uint8_t  value,
bool  at_eof 

Verifies, via gtest assertions, that a MINIDUMP_MEMORY_DESCRIPTOR structure contains expected values, and that the memory region it points to contains expected values assuming it was written by a TestMinidumpMemoryWriter object.

expected and observed are compared by ExpectMinidumpMemoryDescriptor().

[in]expectedA MINIDUMP_MEMORY_DESCRIPTOR structure containing expected values.
[in]observedA MINIDUMP_MEMORY_DESCRIPTOR structure containing observed values.
[in]file_contentsThe contents of the minidump file in which observed was found. The memory region referenced by observed will be read from this string.
[in]valueThe value used to create a TestMinidumpMemoryWriter. Each byte of memory in the region referenced by observed must be this value.
[in]at_eofIf true, the region referenced by observed must appear at the end of file_contents, without any data following it.
bool crashpad::test::FileExists ( const base::FilePath &  path)

Determines whether a file exists.

[in]pathThe path to check for existence.
true if path exists. false if it does not exist. If an error other than “file not found” occurs when searching for path, returns false with a gtest failure added.
FileOffset crashpad::test::FileSize ( const base::FilePath &  path)

Determines the size of a file.

[in]pathThe path of the file to check. The file must exist.
The size of the file at path. If the file does not exist, or an error occurs when attempting to determine its size, returns -1 with a gtest failure added.
void crashpad::test::InitializeCPUContextX86 ( CPUContext context,
uint32_t  seed 

Initializes a context structure for testing.

Initialization is compatible with the initialization used by minidump context test initialization functions such as InitializeMinidumpContextX86() and InitializeMinidumpContextAMD64() for identical seed values.

[out]contextThe structure to initialize.
[in]seedThe seed value. Initializing two context structures of the same type with identical seed values should produce identical context structures. Initialization with a different seed value should produce a different context structure. If seed is 0, context is zeroed out entirely except for the CPUContext::architecture field, which will identify the context type. If seed is nonzero, context will be populated entirely with nonzero values.
void crashpad::test::InitializeCPUContextX86_64 ( CPUContext context,
uint32_t  seed 

Initializes a context structure for testing.

Initialization is compatible with the initialization used by minidump context test initialization functions such as InitializeMinidumpContextX86() and InitializeMinidumpContextAMD64() for identical seed values.

[out]contextThe structure to initialize.
[in]seedThe seed value. Initializing two context structures of the same type with identical seed values should produce identical context structures. Initialization with a different seed value should produce a different context structure. If seed is 0, context is zeroed out entirely except for the CPUContext::architecture field, which will identify the context type. If seed is nonzero, context will be populated entirely with nonzero values.
void crashpad::test::InitializeCPUContextX86_64Fxsave ( CPUContextX86_64::Fxsave fxsave,
uint32_t *  seed 

Initializes an fxsave context substructure for testing.

[out]fxsaveThe structure to initialize.
[in,out]seedThe seed value. Initializing two fxsave structures of the same type with identical seed values should produce identical structures. Initialization with a different seed value should produce a different fxsave structure. If seed is 0, fxsave is zeroed out entirely. If seed is nonzero, fxsave will be populated entirely with nonzero values. seed will be updated by this function to allow the caller to perform subsequent initialization of the context structure containing fxsave.
void crashpad::test::InitializeCPUContextX86Fxsave ( CPUContextX86::Fxsave fxsave,
uint32_t *  seed 

Initializes an fxsave context substructure for testing.

[out]fxsaveThe structure to initialize.
[in,out]seedThe seed value. Initializing two fxsave structures of the same type with identical seed values should produce identical structures. Initialization with a different seed value should produce a different fxsave structure. If seed is 0, fxsave is zeroed out entirely. If seed is nonzero, fxsave will be populated entirely with nonzero values. seed will be updated by this function to allow the caller to perform subsequent initialization of the context structure containing fxsave.
void crashpad::test::InitializeMinidumpContextAMD64 ( MinidumpContextAMD64 context,
uint32_t  seed 

Initializes a context structure for testing.

Initialization is compatible with the initialization used by CPUContext test initialization functions such as InitializeCPUContextX86() and InitializeCPUContextX86_64() for identical seed values.

[out]contextThe structure to initialize.
[in]seedThe seed value. Initializing two context structures of the same type with identical seed values should produce identical context structures. Initialization with a different seed value should produce a different context structure. If seed is 0, context is zeroed out entirely except for the flags field, which will identify the context type. If seed is nonzero, context will be populated entirely with nonzero values.
void crashpad::test::InitializeMinidumpContextX86 ( MinidumpContextX86 context,
uint32_t  seed 

Initializes a context structure for testing.

Initialization is compatible with the initialization used by CPUContext test initialization functions such as InitializeCPUContextX86() and InitializeCPUContextX86_64() for identical seed values.

[out]contextThe structure to initialize.
[in]seedThe seed value. Initializing two context structures of the same type with identical seed values should produce identical context structures. Initialization with a different seed value should produce a different context structure. If seed is 0, context is zeroed out entirely except for the flags field, which will identify the context type. If seed is nonzero, context will be populated entirely with nonzero values.
std::string crashpad::test::MachErrorMessage ( mach_error_t  mach_err,
const std::string &  base = std::string() 

Formats a Mach error message.

The returned string will combine the base string, if supplied, with a a textual and numeric description of the error.

[in]mach_errThe Mach error code, which may be a kern_return_t or related type.
[in]baseA string to prepend to the error description.
A string of the format "(os/kern) invalid address (1)" if mach_err has the value KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS on a system where this is defined to be 1. If base is not empty, it will be prepended to this string, separated by a colon.
const MINIDUMP_HEADER * crashpad::test::MinidumpHeaderAtStart ( const std::string &  file_contents,
const MINIDUMP_DIRECTORY **  directory 

Returns the MINIDUMP_HEADER at the start of a minidump file, along with the MINIDUMP_DIRECTORY it references.

This function validates the MINIDUMP_HEADER::Signature and MINIDUMP_HEADER::Version fields.

[in]file_contentsThe contents of the minidump file.
[out]directoryThe MINIDUMP_DIRECTORY referenced by the MINIDUMP_HEADER. If the MINIDUMP_HEADER does not reference a MINIDUMP_DIRECTORY, nullptr without raising a gtest assertion. If the referenced MINIDUMP_DIRECTORY is not valid, nullptr with a gtest assertion raised. On failure, nullptr.
On success, the MINIDUMP_HEADER at the beginning of the minidump file. On failure, raises a gtest assertion and returns nullptr.
const MinidumpRVAList * crashpad::test::MinidumpRVAListAtStart ( const std::string &  file_contents,
size_t  count 

Returns the MinidumpRVAList at the start of a minidump file.

[in]file_contentsThe contents of the minidump file.
[in]countThe number of RVA objects expected in the MinidumpRVAList. This function will only be successful if exactly this many objects are present, and if space for them exists in file_contents.
On success, the MinidumpRVAList at the beginning of the file. On failure, raises a gtest assertion and returns nullptr.
const MINIDUMP_STRING * crashpad::test::MinidumpStringAtRVA ( const std::string &  file_contents,
RVA  rva 

Returns a MINIDUMP_STRING located within a minidump file’s contents.

If rva points outside of the range of file_contents, if the string has an incorrect length or is not NUL-terminated, or if any of the string data would lie outside of the range of file_contents, this function will fail.

[in]file_contentsThe contents of the minidump file.
[in]rvaThe offset within the minidump file of the desired MINIDUMP_STRING.
On success, a pointer to the MINIDUMP_STRING in file_contents. On failure, raises a gtest assertion and returns nullptr.
See also
base::string16 crashpad::test::MinidumpStringAtRVAAsString ( const std::string &  file_contents,
RVA  rva 

Returns the contents of a MINIDUMP_STRING as a string16.

This function uses MinidumpStringAtRVA() to obtain a MINIDUMP_STRING, and returns the string data as a string16.

[in]file_contentsThe contents of the minidump file.
[in]rvaThe offset within the minidump file of the desired MINIDUMP_STRING.
On success, the string read from file_writer at offset rva. On failure, raises a gtest assertion and returns an empty string.
See also
const MinidumpUTF8String * crashpad::test::MinidumpUTF8StringAtRVA ( const std::string &  file_contents,
RVA  rva 

Returns a MinidumpUTF8String located within a minidump file’s contents.

If rva points outside of the range of file_contents, if the string has an incorrect length or is not NUL-terminated, or if any of the string data would lie outside of the range of file_contents, this function will fail.

[in]file_contentsThe contents of the minidump file.
[in]rvaThe offset within the minidump file of the desired MinidumpUTF8String.
On success, a pointer to the MinidumpUTF8String in file_contents. On failure, raises a gtest assertion and returns nullptr.
See also
std::string crashpad::test::MinidumpUTF8StringAtRVAAsString ( const std::string &  file_contents,
RVA  rva 

Returns the contents of a MinidumpUTF8String as a std::string.

This function uses MinidumpUTF8StringAtRVA() to obtain a MinidumpUTF8String, and returns the string data as a std::string.

[in]file_contentsThe contents of the minidump file.
[in]rvaThe offset within the minidump file of the desired MinidumpUTF8String.
On success, the string read from file_writer at offset rva. On failure, raises a gtest assertion and returns an empty string.
See also
template<typename T >
const T* crashpad::test::MinidumpWritableAtLocationDescriptor ( const std::string &  file_contents,

Returns a typed minidump object located within a minidump file’s contents, where the offset and size of the object are known.

This function has template specializations that perform more stringent checking than the default implementation:

[in]file_contentsThe contents of the minidump file.
[in]locationA MINIDUMP_LOCATION_DESCRIPTOR giving the offset within the minidump file of the desired object, as well as its size.
If the size of location is at least as big as the size of the requested object, and if location is within the range of file_contents, returns a pointer into file_contents at offset rva. Otherwise, raises a gtest assertion failure and returns nullptr.
See also
const void * crashpad::test::MinidumpWritableAtLocationDescriptorInternal ( const std::string &  file_contents,
size_t  expected_size,
bool  allow_oversized_data 

Returns an untyped minidump object located within a minidump file’s contents, where the offset and size of the object are known.

[in]file_contentsThe contents of the minidump file.
[in]locationA MINIDUMP_LOCATION_DESCRIPTOR giving the offset within the minidump file of the desired object, as well as its size.
[in]expected_sizeThe expected size of the object. If allow_oversized_data is true, expected_size is treated as the minimum size of location, but it is permitted to be larger. If allow_oversized_data is false, the size of location must match expected_size exactly.
[in]allow_oversized_dataControls whether expected_size is a minimum limit (true) or an exact match is required (false).
If the size of location is agrees with expected_size, and if location is within the range of file_contents, returns a pointer into file_contents at offset rva. Otherwise, raises a gtest assertion failure and returns nullptr.

Do not call this function. Use the typed version, MinidumpWritableAtLocationDescriptor<>(), or another type-specific function.

template<typename T >
const T* crashpad::test::MinidumpWritableAtRVA ( const std::string &  file_contents,
RVA  rva 

Returns a typed minidump object located within a minidump file’s contents, where the offset of the object is known.

[in]file_contentsThe contents of the minidump file.
[in]rvaThe offset within the minidump file of the desired object.
If rva plus the size of an object of type T is within the range of file_contents, returns a pointer into file_contents at offset rva. Otherwise, raises a gtest assertion failure and returns nullptr.
See also
std::string crashpad::test::ReadStreamToString ( HTTPBodyStream stream)

Reads a HTTPBodyStream to a string. If an error occurs, adds a test failure and returns an empty string.

[in]streamThe stream from which to read.
The contents of the stream, or an empty string on failure.
std::string crashpad::test::ReadStreamToString ( HTTPBodyStream stream,
size_t  buffer_size 

Reads a HTTPBodyStream to a string. If an error occurs, adds a test failure and returns an empty string.

[in]streamThe stream from which to read.
[in]buffer_sizeThe size of the buffer to use when reading from the stream.
The contents of the stream, or an empty string on failure.
template<typename T >
const T* crashpad::test::TMinidumpWritableAtLocationDescriptor ( const std::string &  file_contents,

Returns a typed minidump object located within a minidump file’s contents, where the offset and size of the object are known.

This function is similar to MinidumpWritableAtLocationDescriptor<>() and is used to implement that function. It exists independently so that template specializations are able to call this function, which provides the default implementation.

Do not call this function directly. Use MinidumpWritableAtLocationDescriptor<>() instead.

void crashpad::test::VerifyMinidumpHeader ( const MINIDUMP_HEADER header,
uint32_t  streams,
uint32_t  timestamp 

Verifies, via gtest assertions, that a MINIDUMP_HEADER contains expected values.

All fields in the MINIDUMP_HEADER will be evaluated except for the Signature and Version fields, because those are checked by MinidumpHeaderAtStart(). Most other fields are are compared to their correct default values. MINIDUMP_HEADER::NumberOfStreams is compared to streams, and MINIDUMP_HEADER::TimeDateStamp is compared to timestamp. Most fields are checked with nonfatal EXPECT-style assertions, but MINIDUMP_HEADER::NumberOfStreams and MINIDUMP_HEADER::StreamDirectoryRva are checked with fatal ASSERT-style assertions, because they must be correct in order for processing of the minidump to continue.