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#pragma once
#include "enable_polymorphic_dispatch.h"
#include "detail/typelist.h"
#include <memory>
#include "detail/leftright.h"
#include <typeindex>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <utility>
//! The mpm namespace
namespace mpm {
//! \defgroup Concepts
//! Concept is a term that describes a named set of requirements for a type
//! \defgroup Event
//! \ingroup Concepts
//! \{
//! An instance of any C++ object type. That is, anything but a function,
//! reference, or void type
//! \par Requirements
//! Given:\n
//! E, an implementation of the Event concept
//! |Expression | Requirements | Return type |
//! |:--------------------------------|:-------------------------|:-------------------|
//! |std::is_object<E>::value == true | E must be an object type | bool, must be true |
//! \}
//! \defgroup EventHandler
//! \ingroup Concepts
//! \{
//! A Callable that can be invoked to handle an instance of Event.
//! Callable's INVOKE operation must be noexcept.
//! \par Extends
//! Callable
//! \par Requirements
//! Given:\n
//! E an implementation of the Event concept,
//! e and instance of E,
//! H an implementation of the EventHandler concept handling events of type E,
//! h an instance of H
//! |Expression | Requirements |
//! |:-------------------------------|:-----------------------|
//! |h(e) | well-formed |
//! |noexcept(h(e)) == true | h(e) must be noexcept |
//! \}
namespace detail {
//! Adapts an instance of the Event concept into the
//! class hierarchy rooted at mpm::detail::event
template<typename Event>
class adapted_event : public detail::event {
using dispatch_as = detail::typelist<Event>;
adapted_event(const Event &event) : m_event{event} {}
operator const Event &() const { return m_event; }
const Event &m_event;
//! Holds the subscriber event type and the handler instance
//! in a type-erased manner so that they can be put into a
//! homogeneous container (e.g. the std::unordered_multimap as below)
class subscription {
using id_t = std::intptr_t;
template<typename E, typename H, typename Alloc>
subscription(const H &handler, const Alloc &alloc, E *)
: m_self{std::allocate_shared<model<E, H>>(alloc, handler)}
void deliver(const event &e) { m_self->deliver(e); }
id_t id() const { return reinterpret_cast<std::intptr_t>(m_self.get()); }
struct concept
virtual ~concept(){};
virtual void deliver(const event &e) = 0;
// base template for events that extend detail::event (i.e. for
// polymorphic dispatchable events). These can be safely
// static_cast to the subscribed event type
template<typename E, typename H, typename Enable = void>
struct model : concept {
explicit model(H h) : handler(std::move(h)) {}
void deliver(const event &e) final
handler(static_cast<const E &>(e));
H handler;
// Specialization for events that do not use
// enable_polymorphic_dispatch. The diffence is that we static_cast
// to adapted_event<E>.
template<typename E, typename H>
struct model<E,
typename std::enable_if<
!std::is_base_of<detail::event, E>::value>::type>
: concept {
explicit model(H h) : handler(std::move(h)) {}
void deliver(const event &e) final
handler(static_cast<const adapted_event<E> &>(e));
H handler;
std::shared_ptr<concept> m_self;
struct cookie {
cookie() = default;
cookie(subscription::id_t _id, std::type_index _ti) : id(_id), ti(_ti) {}
subscription::id_t id = 0;
std::type_index ti = typeid(std::nullptr_t);
//! Extract a dispatch typelist for an event supplying a dispatch_as
//! typedef. If the supplied event type is not in the head position of
//! the dispatch_as typelist then it is prepended to said list
template<typename E>
struct dispatch_typelist {
// todo C++14 can be std::conditional_t
// most derived type goes first
using type = typename std::conditional<
std::is_same<E, typename E::dispatch_as::head>::value,
typename E::dispatch_as,
detail::typelist<E, typename E::dispatch_as>>::type;
template<typename SubsMap>
struct deliver {
deliver(const event &e, const SubsMap &subs) : m_subs{subs}, m_event{e} {}
template<typename T>
void operator()()
auto handlers = m_subs.equal_range(std::type_index(typeid(T)));
for (auto pos = handlers.first; pos != handlers.second; ++pos) {
const_cast<subscription &>(pos->second).deliver(m_event);
const SubsMap &m_subs;
const event &m_event;
// not meant to be used as a virtual base class - nothing should
// destruct via this type
class unsubscribable {
virtual void unsubscribe(const cookie &c) = 0;
~unsubscribable() {}
}// namespace detail
//! A small POD type representing a subscription
using cookie = detail::cookie;
//! Accepts events from publishers and delivers them to subscribers
template<typename Allocator>
class basic_eventbus : public detail::unsubscribable {
//! The type of the Allocator used by this eventbus
using allocator_type = Allocator;
//! Delegates to basic_eventbus(allocator_type) using
//! default construction for the allocator_type instance.
//! Constructs an instance using the supplied allocator_type.
explicit basic_eventbus(allocator_type alloc);
#ifdef DOCS
//! Publish an instance of E.
//! The event instance will be delivered either as only type E or
//! if E has been defined with mpm::enable_polymorphic_dispatch it
//! will be delivered as every type in its inheritance chain.
//! \tparam E An instance of the Event concept
//! \param event The event to publish
//! \returns void
template<typename E>
void publish(const E &event) noexcept;
template<typename E>
typename std::enable_if<std::is_base_of<detail::event, E>::value>::type
publish(const E &event) noexcept;
template<typename E>
typename std::enable_if<!std::is_base_of<detail::event, E>::value>::type
publish(const E &event) noexcept;
//! Subscribe to instances of Event
//! The supplied handler will be invoked when events of type Event
//! are published or when classes derived from Event that have chosen
//! to enable polymorphic dispatch are published.
//! \tparam Event The type for which to subscribe
//! \tparam EventHandler an instance of the EventHandler concept
//! \param handler An instance of EventHandler
//! \returns A cookie which will allow for this handler to be
//! unsubscribed later via basic_eventbus::unsubscribe
template<typename Event, typename EventHandler>
cookie subscribe(const EventHandler &handler);
//! Unsubscribes an event handler
//! \param c A cookie obtained when basic_eventbus::subscribe was called
//! \returns void
void unsubscribe(const cookie &c) override;
using subscriptions =
allocator_type m_alloc;
subscriptions m_subscriptions;
//! Default eventbus uses std::allocator<char>
using eventbus = basic_eventbus<std::allocator<char>>;
template<typename A>
basic_eventbus<A>::basic_eventbus() : basic_eventbus(allocator_type())
template<typename A>
basic_eventbus<A>::basic_eventbus(allocator_type alloc)
: m_alloc{std::move(alloc)},
m_subscriptions{in_place, alloc}
#ifndef DOCS
template<typename A>
template<typename Event>
typename std::enable_if<std::is_base_of<detail::event, Event>::value>::type
basic_eventbus<A>::publish(const Event &event) noexcept
using types = typename detail::dispatch_typelist<Event>::type;
m_subscriptions.observe([&](typename subscriptions::const_reference subs) {
detail::deliver<decltype(subs)>{event, subs});
template<typename A>
template<typename Event>
typename std::enable_if<!std::is_base_of<detail::event, Event>::value>::type
basic_eventbus<A>::publish(const Event &event) noexcept
template<typename A>
template<typename Event, typename EventHandler>
basic_eventbus<A>::subscribe(const EventHandler &handler)
static_assert(std::is_object<Event>::value, "Events must be object types");
static_assert(noexcept(handler(std::declval<const Event &>())),
"Need noexcept handler for Event");
Event *ptr{};
detail::subscription sub{handler, m_alloc, ptr};
return m_subscriptions.modify(
[&](typename subscriptions::reference subs) noexcept {
auto idx = std::type_index(typeid(Event));
subs.emplace(idx, sub);
return cookie{sub.id(), idx};
template<typename A>
basic_eventbus<A>::unsubscribe(const cookie &c)
[=](typename subscriptions::reference subs) noexcept {
auto range = subs.equal_range(c.ti);
for (auto pos = range.first; pos != range.second; ++pos) {
if (pos->second.id() == c.id) {
//! An RAII type for eventbus subscriptions
//! This type will ensure that the encapsulated eventbus subscription
//! is released when it goes out of scope.
//! \tparam Event the type of event for which this subscription subscribes
template<typename Event>
class scoped_subscription {
using event_type = Event;
//! Construct a scoped_subscription not managing any subscription
scoped_subscription() = default;
//! Move from another scoped_subscription.
scoped_subscription(scoped_subscription &&other) noexcept
: m_ebus{other.m_ebus},
other.m_ebus = nullptr;
//! Copying a scoped_subscription is prohibited
scoped_subscription(const scoped_subscription &) = delete;
//! Move-assign from another scoped_subscription
scoped_subscription &operator=(scoped_subscription &&other) noexcept
m_ebus = other.m_ebus;
m_cookie = other.m_cookie;
other.m_ebus = nullptr;
void swap(scoped_subscription &other) noexcept
using std::swap;
swap(m_ebus, other.m_ebus);
swap(m_cookie, other.m_cookie);
//! Initializes a subscription that will be usubscribed when
//! this object goes out of scope.
//! Subscription is constructed with ebus.subscribe<Event>(h)
//! \tparam Alloc The allocator type of the event bus supplied
//! \tparam Handler the type of the handler supplied
//! \param ebus An instance of basic_eventbus to use for subscribing
//! \param h An instance of an event handler
template<typename Alloc, typename Handler>
scoped_subscription(basic_eventbus<Alloc> &ebus, const Handler &h)
: m_ebus{&ebus},
m_cookie{ebus.template subscribe<event_type>(h)}
//! Initializes a subscription that will be usubscribed when
//! this object goes out of scope.
//! Subscription is constructed with ebus.subscribe<Event>(h). If
//! this object currently manages a subscription, that subscription
//! will be cleared as though reset() had been called.
//! \tparam Alloc The allocator type of the event bus supplied
//! \tparam Handler the type of the handler supplied
//! \param ebus An instance of basic_eventbus to use for subscribing
//! \param h An instance of an event handler
template<typename Alloc, typename Handler>
void assign(basic_eventbus<Alloc> &ebus, const Handler &h)
m_ebus = &ebus;
m_cookie = ebus.template subscribe<event_type>(h);
//! Unsubscribes this objects managed subscription if one exists
~scoped_subscription() { reset(); }
//! Unsubscribes this objects managed subscription if one exists
//! \returns void
void reset()
if (m_ebus) { m_ebus->unsubscribe(m_cookie); }
friend void swap(scoped_subscription &lhs, scoped_subscription &rhs)
detail::unsubscribable *m_ebus = nullptr;//non-owning
cookie m_cookie{};
}// namespace mpm
namespace ulib {
template<typename T, typename Base = mpm::detail::event>
using enable_polymorphic_dispatch = mpm::enable_polymorphic_dispatch<T, Base>;
// using eventbus = mpm::basic_eventbus<std::allocator<char>>;
using eventbus = mpm::basic_eventbus<std::allocator<
std::pair<const std::type_index, mpm::detail::subscription>>>;
template<typename EventType>
using scoped_subscription = mpm::scoped_subscription<EventType>;
}// namespace ulib