286 lines
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286 lines
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2016 Andrei Tatar
# Copyright (c) 2017-2018 Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
"""Module providing utilities for working with profile output and fliptables."""
import re
import pprint as pp
from collections import namedtuple
from hammertime.dramtrans import DRAMAddr
RE_DICT = re.compile("(?P<key>[-\d\w]+)\s*:\s*(?P<val>[-.\d\w]+)")
#ADDR_RE = re.compile("r(?P<row>\d+)\.bk(?P<bk>\d+)(\.col(?P<col>\d+))?(\.p(?P<prob>\d+))?")
ADDR_RE = re.compile("r(?P<row>\d+)\.bk(?P<bank>\d+)(\.col(?P<col>\d+))?")
#ADDR_FMT = r'\((\w+)\s+(\w+)\s*(\w+)?\)'
#ADDR_RE = re.compile(ADDR_FMT)
# 87,c7,r16447.bk18.col3994
BFLIP_FMT = r'(?P<exp>\w{2}),(?P<got>\w{2}),(?P<addr>[.\w\d]+)'
BFLIP_RE = re.compile(BFLIP_FMT)
ADDR_TRG_RE = re.compile("b(?P<bk>[\d\w]+)\.r(?P<row>[\d\w]+)")
#VICT_FMT = r'{} (?:{}\s?)+'.format(ADDR_FMT, BFLIP_FMT)
#VICT_RE = re.compile(VICT_FMT)
class Corruption(namedtuple('Corruption', ['addr', 'got', 'exp'])):
def __str__(self):
return '({0.addr}|{0.got:02x}|{0.exp:02x})'.format(self)
def __repr__(self):
return self.__str__()
def to_flips(self):
flips = []
pup = ~self.exp & self.got & 0xff
pdn = self.exp & ~self.got & 0xff
bit = 0
while pup:
mask = 1 << bit
if (pup & mask):
flips.append(Flip(self.addr, bit, True))
pup &= ~mask
bit += 1
bit = 0
while pdn:
mask = 1 << bit
if (pdn & mask):
flips.append(Flip(self.addr, bit, False))
pdn &= ~mask
bit += 1
return flips
class Flip(namedtuple('Flip', ['addr', 'bit', 'pullup'])):
def to_corruption(self, og=None):
fmask = 1 << (self.bit % 8)
if og is None:
pat = 0 if self.pullup else 0xff
pat = og
val = pat | fmask if self.pullup else pat & ~fmask
return Corruption(addr=self.addr, got=val, exp=pat)
def to_physmem(self, msys):
return type(self)(msys.resolve_reverse(self.addr), self.bit, self.pullup)
Diff = namedtuple('Diff', ['self_only', 'common', 'other_only'])
class Attack(namedtuple('Attack', ['targets', 'flips'])):
def diff(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, type(self)):
raise TypeError('Attack instance expected for diff')
elif not self.targets == other.targets:
raise ValueError('Cannot diff attacks with different targets')
return Diff(
type(self)(self.targets, self.flips - other.flips),
type(self)(self.targets, self.flips & other.flips),
type(self)(self.targets, other.flips - self.flips)
def merge(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, type(self)):
raise TypeError('Attack instance expected for merge')
elif not self.targets == other.targets:
raise ValueError('Cannot merge attacks with different targets')
return type(self)(self.targets, self.flips | other.flips)
def to_corruptions(self, pat=None):
return ((x.addr, x.to_corruption(pat)) for x in self)
def to_physmem(self, msys):
return type(self)(
targets=tuple(msys.resolve_reverse(x) for x in self.targets),
flips={x.to_physmem(msys) for x in self.flips}
def __iter__(self):
return iter(sorted(self.flips))
def __is_flip_far(cls, targets, victim):
close = False
for t in targets:
if abs(t.row - victim.row) == 1:
close = True
if not close:
print("Found flip far away from target row")
def decode_line(cls, line, msys=None):
def parse_addr(s):
res = ADDR_RE.match(s)
if res == None:
raise Exception("Couldn't parse")
return DRAMAddr(**({k:int(v) for (k,v) in res.groupdict().items() if v != None}))
def parse_addr_trg(s):
res = ADDR_TRG_RE.match(s)
if res == None:
raise Exception("Couldn't parse")
return DRAMAddr(**({k:int(v) for (k,v) in res.groupdict().items() if v != None}))
targ, vict, *o = line.split(':')
flips = set()
targets = [parse_addr(s) for s in line.split('/')]
for x in BFLIP_RE.finditer(vict):
dct = x.groupdict()
dct['addr'] = parse_addr(dct['addr'])
dct['got'] = int(dct['got'], 16)
dct['exp'] = int(dct['exp'], 16)
cls.__is_flip_far(targets, dct['addr'])
# vaddr = DRAMAddr(*(int(v, 16) for v in x.group(*range(1,4)) if v is not None))
# vcorr = [Corruption(*(int(v, 16) for v in y.groups())) for y in BFLIP_RE.finditer(x.group(0))]
# for corr in vcorr:
# flips.update(corr.to_flips(vaddr, msys))
return cls(
targets= targets,
def encode(self, patterns=None):
if patterns is None:
patterns = [[0xff], [0]]
corrs = [
[x for x in self.to_corruptions(pat) if x[1].exp != x[1].got]
for pat in patterns
tstr = ' '.join(str(x) for x in self.targets) + ' : '
return '\n'.join(
tstr +
' '.join(' '.join(str(x) for x in c) for c in corr)
for corr in corrs
def decode_lines(lineiter):
curatk = None
for line in lineiter:
atk = Attack.decode_line(line)
if curatk is None:
curatk = atk
curatk = curatk.merge(atk)
except ValueError:
yield curatk
curatk = atk
if curatk is not None:
yield curatk
class Parameters(namedtuple("Parameters", ['h_cfg', 'd_cfg', 'h_rows', 'h_rounds', 'd_base'])):
def parse_params(cls, string):
matches = RE_DICT.findall(string)
res = {}
for m in matches:
res[m[0]] = m[1]
return cls(*res.values())
class Fliptable:
def __init__(self, attacks):
def __eq__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, type(self)):
return self.attacks == other.attacks
return NotImplemented
def __len__(self):
return len(self.attacks)
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self.attacks)
def __str__(self):
return '\n'.join(atk.encode() for atk in self)
def __add__(self, other):
return Fliptable(self.attacks + other.attacks)
def diff(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, type(self)):
raise ValueError('Fliptable required for diff')
uself = []
uother = []
common = []
satks = iter(self)
oatks = iter(other)
sa = next(satks, None)
oa = next(oatks, None)
while sa is not None or oa is not None:
# Degenerate cases
if sa is None:
if oa is None:
adiff = sa.diff(oa)
if adiff.self_only.flips:
if adiff.other_only.flips:
sa = next(satks, None)
oa = next(oatks, None)
except ValueError:
if sa.targets < oa.targets:
sa = next(satks, None)
elif sa.targets > oa.targets:
oa = next(oatks, None)
FT = type(self)
return Diff(FT(uself), FT(common), FT(uother))
def to_physmem(self, msys):
return type(self)([x.to_physmem(msys) for x in self])
def load_file(cls, fname):
with open(fname, 'r') as f:
# params_line = f.readline().remove("#") # read the first line which contains the parameters of the flip table
# params = Parameters.parse_params(params_line)
# flips = pd.read_csv(f)
# attacks = attacks_generator()
return cls(list(decode_lines(f)))
def save_file(self, fname):
with open(fname, 'w') as f: