# - Try to find libunwind # Once done this will define # # Unwind_FOUND - system has libunwind # unwind::unwind - cmake target for libunwind include (FindPackageHandleStandardArgs) find_path (Unwind_INCLUDE_DIR NAMES unwind.h libunwind.h DOC "unwind include directory") find_library (Unwind_LIBRARY NAMES unwind DOC "unwind library") mark_as_advanced (Unwind_INCLUDE_DIR Unwind_LIBRARY) # Extract version information if (Unwind_LIBRARY) set (_Unwind_VERSION_HEADER ${Unwind_INCLUDE_DIR}/libunwind-common.h) if (EXISTS ${_Unwind_VERSION_HEADER}) file (READ ${_Unwind_VERSION_HEADER} _Unwind_VERSION_CONTENTS) string (REGEX REPLACE ".*#define UNW_VERSION_MAJOR[ \t]+([0-9]+).*" "\\1" Unwind_VERSION_MAJOR "${_Unwind_VERSION_CONTENTS}") string (REGEX REPLACE ".*#define UNW_VERSION_MINOR[ \t]+([0-9]+).*" "\\1" Unwind_VERSION_MINOR "${_Unwind_VERSION_CONTENTS}") string (REGEX REPLACE ".*#define UNW_VERSION_EXTRA[ \t]+([0-9]+).*" "\\1" Unwind_VERSION_PATCH "${_Unwind_VERSION_CONTENTS}") set (Unwind_VERSION ${Unwind_VERSION_MAJOR}.${Unwind_VERSION_MINOR}) if (CMAKE_MATCH_0) # Third version component may be empty set (Unwind_VERSION ${Unwind_VERSION}.${Unwind_VERSION_PATCH}) set (Unwind_VERSION_COMPONENTS 3) else (CMAKE_MATCH_0) set (Unwind_VERSION_COMPONENTS 2) endif (CMAKE_MATCH_0) endif (EXISTS ${_Unwind_VERSION_HEADER}) endif (Unwind_LIBRARY) # handle the QUIETLY and REQUIRED arguments and set Unwind_FOUND to TRUE # if all listed variables are TRUE find_package_handle_standard_args (Unwind REQUIRED_VARS Unwind_INCLUDE_DIR Unwind_LIBRARY VERSION_VAR Unwind_VERSION ) if (Unwind_FOUND) if (NOT TARGET unwind::unwind) add_library (unwind::unwind INTERFACE IMPORTED) set_property (TARGET unwind::unwind PROPERTY INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES ${Unwind_INCLUDE_DIR} ) set_property (TARGET unwind::unwind PROPERTY INTERFACE_LINK_LIBRARIES ${Unwind_LIBRARY} ) set_property (TARGET unwind::unwind PROPERTY IMPORTED_CONFIGURATIONS RELEASE ) endif (NOT TARGET unwind::unwind) endif (Unwind_FOUND)