cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.16) project(libmimalloc C CXX) set(CMAKE_C_STANDARD 11) set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD 11) option( MI_SECURE "Use full security mitigations (like guard pages, allocation randomization, double-free mitigation, and free-list corruption detection)" OFF) option(MI_DEBUG_FULL "Use full internal heap invariant checking in DEBUG mode (expensive)" OFF) option( MI_PADDING "Enable padding to detect heap block overflow (always on in DEBUG or SECURE mode, or with Valgrind/ASAN)" OFF) option( MI_OVERRIDE "Override the standard malloc interface (e.g. define entry points for malloc() etc)" ON) option(MI_XMALLOC "Enable abort() call on memory allocation failure by default" OFF) option( MI_SHOW_ERRORS "Show error and warning messages by default (only enabled by default in DEBUG mode)" OFF) option(MI_TRACK_VALGRIND "Compile with Valgrind support (adds a small overhead)" OFF) option(MI_TRACK_ASAN "Compile with address sanitizer support (adds a small overhead)" OFF) option( MI_TRACK_ETW "Compile with Windows event tracing (ETW) support (adds a small overhead)" OFF) option(MI_USE_CXX "Use the C++ compiler to compile the library (instead of the C compiler)" ON) option( MI_OPT_ARCH "Only for optimized builds: turn on architecture specific optimizations (for arm64: '-march=armv8.1-a' (2016))" OFF) option(MI_SEE_ASM "Generate assembly files" OFF) option(MI_OSX_INTERPOSE "Use interpose to override standard malloc on macOS" ON) option(MI_OSX_ZONE "Use malloc zone to override standard malloc on macOS" ON) option( MI_WIN_REDIRECT "Use redirection module ('mimalloc-redirect') on Windows if compiling mimalloc as a DLL" ON) option(MI_LOCAL_DYNAMIC_TLS "Use slightly slower, dlopen-compatible TLS mechanism (Unix)" OFF) option(MI_LIBC_MUSL "Set this when linking with musl libc" OFF) option(MI_BUILD_SHARED "Build shared library" OFF) option(MI_BUILD_STATIC "Build static library" ON) option(MI_BUILD_OBJECT "Build object library" ON) option(MI_BUILD_TESTS "Build test executables" OFF) option(MI_DEBUG_TSAN "Build with thread sanitizer (needs clang)" OFF) option(MI_DEBUG_UBSAN "Build with undefined-behavior sanitizer (needs clang++)" OFF) option( MI_GUARDED "Build with guard pages behind certain object allocations (implies MI_NO_PADDING=ON)" OFF) option(MI_SKIP_COLLECT_ON_EXIT "Skip collecting memory on program exit" OFF) option(MI_NO_PADDING "Force no use of padding even in DEBUG mode etc." OFF) option( MI_INSTALL_TOPLEVEL "Install directly into $CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX instead of PREFIX/lib/mimalloc-version" OFF) option( MI_NO_THP "Disable transparent huge pages support on Linux/Android for the mimalloc process only" OFF) option( MI_EXTRA_CPPDEFS "Extra pre-processor definitions (use as `-DMI_EXTRA_CPPDEFS=\"opt1=val1;opt2=val2\"`)" "") # deprecated options option(MI_WIN_USE_FLS "Use Fiber local storage on Windows to detect thread termination" OFF) option( MI_CHECK_FULL "Use full internal invariant checking in DEBUG mode (deprecated, use MI_DEBUG_FULL instead)" OFF) option( MI_USE_LIBATOMIC "Explicitly link with -latomic (on older systems) (deprecated and detected automatically)" OFF) include(CheckLinkerFlag) # requires cmake 3.18 include(CheckIncludeFiles) include(GNUInstallDirs) include("cmake/mimalloc-config-version.cmake") set(mi_sources src/alloc.c src/alloc-aligned.c src/alloc-posix.c src/arena.c src/bitmap.c src/heap.c src/init.c src/libc.c src/options.c src/os.c src/page.c src/random.c src/segment.c src/segment-map.c src/stats.c src/prim/prim.c) set(mi_cflags "") set(mi_cflags_static "") # extra flags for a static library build set(mi_cflags_dynamic "") # extra flags for a shared-object library build set(mi_libraries "") if(MI_EXTRA_CPPDEFS) set(mi_defines ${MI_EXTRA_CPPDEFS}) else() set(mi_defines "") endif() # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Convenience: set default build type and compiler depending on the build # directory # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- message(STATUS "") if(NOT CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE) if("${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}" MATCHES ".*((D|d)ebug|asan|tsan|ubsan|valgrind)$" OR MI_DEBUG_FULL) message(STATUS "No build type selected, default to 'Debug'") set(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE "Debug") else() message(STATUS "No build type selected, default to 'Release'") set(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE "Release") endif() endif() if("${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}" MATCHES ".*(S|s)ecure$") message(STATUS "Default to secure build") set(MI_SECURE "ON") endif() # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Process options # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # put -Wall early so other warnings can be disabled selectively if(CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "AppleClang|Clang") list(APPEND mi_cflags -Wall -Wextra -Wpedantic) endif() if(CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "GNU") list(APPEND mi_cflags -Wall -Wextra) endif() if(CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "Intel") list(APPEND mi_cflags -Wall) endif() if(CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "MSVC|Intel") set(MI_USE_CXX "ON") endif() if(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE MATCHES "Release|RelWithDebInfo") if(NOT MI_OPT_ARCH) message( STATUS "Architecture specific optimizations are disabled (MI_OPT_ARCH=OFF)") endif() else() set(MI_OPT_ARCH OFF) endif() if(MI_OVERRIDE) message(STATUS "Override standard malloc (MI_OVERRIDE=ON)") if(APPLE) if(MI_OSX_ZONE) # use zone's on macOS message(STATUS " Use malloc zone to override malloc (MI_OSX_ZONE=ON)") list(APPEND mi_sources src/prim/osx/alloc-override-zone.c) list(APPEND mi_defines MI_OSX_ZONE=1) if(NOT MI_OSX_INTERPOSE) message( STATUS " WARNING: zone overriding usually also needs interpose (use -DMI_OSX_INTERPOSE=ON)" ) endif() endif() if(MI_OSX_INTERPOSE) # use interpose on macOS message(STATUS " Use interpose to override malloc (MI_OSX_INTERPOSE=ON)") list(APPEND mi_defines MI_OSX_INTERPOSE=1) if(NOT MI_OSX_ZONE) message( STATUS " WARNING: interpose usually also needs zone overriding (use -DMI_OSX_INTERPOSE=ON)" ) endif() endif() if(MI_USE_CXX AND MI_OSX_INTERPOSE) message( STATUS " WARNING: if dynamically overriding malloc/free, it is more reliable to build mimalloc as C code (use -DMI_USE_CXX=OFF)" ) endif() endif() endif() if(WIN32) if(NOT MI_WIN_REDIRECT) # use a negative define for backward compatibility list(APPEND mi_defines MI_WIN_NOREDIRECT=1) endif() endif() if(MI_SECURE) message(STATUS "Set full secure build (MI_SECURE=ON)") list(APPEND mi_defines MI_SECURE=4) endif() if(MI_TRACK_VALGRIND) check_include_files("valgrind/valgrind.h;valgrind/memcheck.h" MI_HAS_VALGRINDH) if(NOT MI_HAS_VALGRINDH) set(MI_TRACK_VALGRIND OFF) message( WARNING "Cannot find the 'valgrind/valgrind.h' and 'valgrind/memcheck.h' -- install valgrind first" ) message( STATUS "Compile **without** Valgrind support (MI_TRACK_VALGRIND=OFF)") else() message(STATUS "Compile with Valgrind support (MI_TRACK_VALGRIND=ON)") list(APPEND mi_defines MI_TRACK_VALGRIND=1) endif() endif() if(MI_TRACK_ASAN) if(APPLE AND MI_OVERRIDE) set(MI_TRACK_ASAN OFF) message( WARNING "Cannot enable address sanitizer support on macOS if MI_OVERRIDE is ON (MI_TRACK_ASAN=OFF)" ) endif() if(MI_TRACK_VALGRIND) set(MI_TRACK_ASAN OFF) message( WARNING "Cannot enable address sanitizer support with also Valgrind support enabled (MI_TRACK_ASAN=OFF)" ) endif() if(MI_TRACK_ASAN) check_include_files("sanitizer/asan_interface.h" MI_HAS_ASANH) if(NOT MI_HAS_ASANH) set(MI_TRACK_ASAN OFF) message( WARNING "Cannot find the 'sanitizer/asan_interface.h' -- install address sanitizer support first" ) message( STATUS "Compile **without** address sanitizer support (MI_TRACK_ASAN=OFF)") else() message( STATUS "Compile with address sanitizer support (MI_TRACK_ASAN=ON)") list(APPEND mi_defines MI_TRACK_ASAN=1) list(APPEND mi_cflags -fsanitize=address) list(APPEND mi_libraries -fsanitize=address) endif() endif() endif() if(MI_TRACK_ETW) if(NOT WIN32) set(MI_TRACK_ETW OFF) message(WARNING "Can only enable ETW support on Windows (MI_TRACK_ETW=OFF)") endif() if(MI_TRACK_VALGRIND OR MI_TRACK_ASAN) set(MI_TRACK_ETW OFF) message( WARNING "Cannot enable ETW support with also Valgrind or ASAN support enabled (MI_TRACK_ETW=OFF)" ) endif() if(MI_TRACK_ETW) message( STATUS "Compile with Windows event tracing support (MI_TRACK_ETW=ON)") list(APPEND mi_defines MI_TRACK_ETW=1) endif() endif() if(MI_GUARDED) message( STATUS "Compile guard pages behind certain object allocations (MI_GUARDED=ON)") list(APPEND mi_defines MI_GUARDED=1) if(NOT MI_NO_PADDING) message(STATUS " Disabling padding due to guard pages (MI_NO_PADDING=ON)") set(MI_NO_PADDING ON) endif() endif() if(MI_SEE_ASM) message(STATUS "Generate assembly listings (MI_SEE_ASM=ON)") list(APPEND mi_cflags -save-temps) if(CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "AppleClang|Clang") message(STATUS "No GNU Line marker") list(APPEND mi_cflags -Wno-gnu-line-marker) endif() endif() if(MI_CHECK_FULL) message( STATUS "The MI_CHECK_FULL option is deprecated, use MI_DEBUG_FULL instead") set(MI_DEBUG_FULL "ON") endif() if(MI_SKIP_COLLECT_ON_EXIT) message( STATUS "Skip collecting memory on program exit (MI_SKIP_COLLECT_ON_EXIT=ON)" ) list(APPEND mi_defines MI_SKIP_COLLECT_ON_EXIT=1) endif() if(MI_DEBUG_FULL) message( STATUS "Set debug level to full internal invariant checking (MI_DEBUG_FULL=ON)") list(APPEND mi_defines MI_DEBUG=3) # full invariant checking endif() if(MI_NO_PADDING) message(STATUS "Suppress any padding of heap blocks (MI_NO_PADDING=ON)") list(APPEND mi_defines MI_PADDING=0) else() if(MI_PADDING) message(STATUS "Enable explicit padding of heap blocks (MI_PADDING=ON)") list(APPEND mi_defines MI_PADDING=1) endif() endif() if(MI_XMALLOC) message( STATUS "Enable abort() calls on memory allocation failure (MI_XMALLOC=ON)") list(APPEND mi_defines MI_XMALLOC=1) endif() if(MI_SHOW_ERRORS) message( STATUS "Enable printing of error and warning messages by default (MI_SHOW_ERRORS=ON)" ) list(APPEND mi_defines MI_SHOW_ERRORS=1) endif() if(MI_DEBUG_TSAN) if(CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "Clang") message(STATUS "Build with thread sanitizer (MI_DEBUG_TSAN=ON)") list(APPEND mi_defines MI_TSAN=1) list(APPEND mi_cflags -fsanitize=thread -g -O1) list(APPEND mi_libraries -fsanitize=thread) else() message( WARNING "Can only use thread sanitizer with clang (MI_DEBUG_TSAN=ON but ignored)" ) endif() endif() if(MI_DEBUG_UBSAN) if(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE MATCHES "Debug") if(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "Clang") message( STATUS "Build with undefined-behavior sanitizer (MI_DEBUG_UBSAN=ON)") list(APPEND mi_defines MI_UBSAN=1) list(APPEND mi_cflags -fsanitize=undefined -g -fno-sanitize-recover=undefined) list(APPEND mi_libraries -fsanitize=undefined) if(NOT MI_USE_CXX) message(STATUS "(switch to use C++ due to MI_DEBUG_UBSAN)") set(MI_USE_CXX "ON") endif() else() message( WARNING "Can only use undefined-behavior sanitizer with clang++ (MI_DEBUG_UBSAN=ON but ignored)" ) endif() else() message( WARNING "Can only use undefined-behavior sanitizer with a debug build (CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE})" ) endif() endif() if(MI_USE_CXX) message(STATUS "Use the C++ compiler to compile (MI_USE_CXX=ON)") set_source_files_properties(${mi_sources} PROPERTIES LANGUAGE CXX) set_source_files_properties(src/static.c test/test-api.c test/test-api-fill test/test-stress PROPERTIES LANGUAGE CXX) if(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "AppleClang|Clang") list(APPEND mi_cflags -Wno-deprecated) endif() if(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "Intel" AND NOT CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "IntelLLVM") list(APPEND mi_cflags -Kc++) endif() endif() if(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES "Linux|Android") if(MI_NO_THP) message(STATUS "Disable transparent huge pages support (MI_NO_THP=ON)") list(APPEND mi_defines MI_NO_THP=1) endif() endif() if(MI_LIBC_MUSL) message(STATUS "Assume using musl libc (MI_LIBC_MUSL=ON)") list(APPEND mi_defines MI_LIBC_MUSL=1) endif() if(MI_WIN_USE_FLS) message(STATUS "Use the Fiber API to detect thread termination") list(APPEND mi_defines MI_WIN_USE_FLS=1) endif() # Determine architecture set(MI_OPT_ARCH_FLAGS "") set(MI_ARCH "unknown") if(APPLE) list(FIND CMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES "x86_64" x64_index) list(FIND CMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES "arm64" arm64_index) if(x64_index GREATER_EQUAL 0) set(MI_ARCH "x64") elseif(arm64_index GREATER_EQUAL 0) set(MI_ARCH "arm64") endif() elseif(CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR STREQUAL "x86_64" OR CMAKE_GENERATOR_PLATFORM STREQUAL "x64") set(MI_ARCH "x64") elseif( CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR STREQUAL "aarch64" OR CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR STREQUAL "ARM64" OR CMAKE_GENERATOR_PLATFORM STREQUAL "ARM64") set(MI_ARCH "arm64") endif() # Check /proc/cpuinfo for an SV39 MMU and limit the virtual address bits. (this # will skip the aligned hinting in that case. Issue #939, #949) if(EXISTS /proc/cpuinfo) file(STRINGS /proc/cpuinfo mi_sv39_mmu REGEX "^mmu[ \t]+:[ \t]+sv39$") if(mi_sv39_mmu) message(STATUS "Set virtual address bits to 39 (SV39 MMU detected)") list(APPEND mi_defines MI_DEFAULT_VIRTUAL_ADDRESS_BITS=39) endif() endif() # On Haiku use `-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX` instead, issue #788 if(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME # MATCHES "Haiku") SET(CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR ~/config/non-packaged/lib) # SET(CMAKE_INSTALL_INCLUDEDIR ~/config/non-packaged/headers) endif() # Compiler flags if(CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "AppleClang|Clang|GNU") list(APPEND mi_cflags -Wno-unknown-pragmas -fvisibility=hidden) if(NOT MI_USE_CXX) list(APPEND mi_cflags -Wstrict-prototypes) endif() if(CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "AppleClang|Clang") list(APPEND mi_cflags -Wno-static-in-inline) endif() endif() if(CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "Intel") list(APPEND mi_cflags -fvisibility=hidden) endif() if(CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "AppleClang|Clang|GNU|Intel" AND NOT CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES "Haiku") if(MI_LOCAL_DYNAMIC_TLS) list(APPEND mi_cflags -ftls-model=local-dynamic) else() if(MI_LIBC_MUSL) # with musl we use local-dynamic for the static build, see issue #644 list(APPEND mi_cflags_static -ftls-model=local-dynamic) list(APPEND mi_cflags_dynamic -ftls-model=initial-exec) message( STATUS "Use local dynamic TLS for the static build (since MI_LIBC_MUSL=ON)") else() list(APPEND mi_cflags -ftls-model=initial-exec) endif() endif() if(MI_OVERRIDE) list(APPEND mi_cflags -fno-builtin-malloc) endif() if(MI_OPT_ARCH) if(MI_ARCH STREQUAL "arm64") set(MI_OPT_ARCH_FLAGS "-march=armv8.1-a") # fast atomics endif() endif() endif() if(MSVC AND MSVC_VERSION GREATER_EQUAL 1914) list(APPEND mi_cflags /Zc:__cplusplus) if(MI_OPT_ARCH) if(MI_ARCH STREQUAL "arm64") set(MI_OPT_ARCH_FLAGS "/arch:armv8.1") # fast atomics endif() endif() endif() if(MINGW) add_definitions(-D_WIN32_WINNT=0x600) endif() if(MI_OPT_ARCH_FLAGS) list(APPEND mi_cflags ${MI_OPT_ARCH_FLAGS}) message( STATUS "Architecture specific optimization is enabled (with ${MI_OPT_ARCH_FLAGS}) (MI_OPT_ARCH=ON)" ) endif() # extra needed libraries # we prefer -l test over `find_library` as sometimes core libraries like # `libatomic` are not on the system path (see issue #898) function(find_link_library libname outlibname) check_linker_flag(C "-l${libname}" mi_has_lib${libname}) if(mi_has_lib${libname}) message(VERBOSE "link library: -l${libname}") set(${outlibname} ${libname} PARENT_SCOPE) else() find_library(MI_LIBPATH libname) if(MI_LIBPATH) message(VERBOSE "link library ${libname} at ${MI_LIBPATH}") set(${outlibname} ${MI_LIBPATH} PARENT_SCOPE) else() message(VERBOSE "link library not found: ${libname}") set(${outlibname} "" PARENT_SCOPE) endif() endif() endfunction() if(WIN32) list( APPEND mi_libraries psapi shell32 user32 advapi32 bcrypt) else() find_link_library("pthread" MI_LIB_PTHREAD) if(MI_LIB_PTHREAD) list(APPEND mi_libraries "${MI_LIB_PTHREAD}") endif() find_link_library("rt" MI_LIB_RT) if(MI_LIB_RT) list(APPEND mi_libraries "${MI_LIB_RT}") endif() find_link_library("atomic" MI_LIB_ATOMIC) if(MI_LIB_ATOMIC) list(APPEND mi_libraries "${MI_LIB_ATOMIC}") endif() endif() # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Install and output names # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # dynamic/shared library and symlinks always go to /usr/local/lib equivalent set(mi_install_libdir "${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR}") set(mi_install_bindir "${CMAKE_INSTALL_BINDIR}") # static libraries and object files, includes, and cmake config files are either # installed at top level, or use versioned directories for side-by-side # installation (default) if(MI_INSTALL_TOPLEVEL) set(mi_install_objdir "${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR}") set(mi_install_incdir "${CMAKE_INSTALL_INCLUDEDIR}") set(mi_install_cmakedir "${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR}/cmake/mimalloc") else() set(mi_install_objdir "${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR}/mimalloc-${mi_version}" )# for static library and object files set(mi_install_incdir "${CMAKE_INSTALL_INCLUDEDIR}/mimalloc-${mi_version}" )# for includes set(mi_install_cmakedir "${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR}/cmake/mimalloc-${mi_version}") # for cmake # package info endif() set(mi_basename "mimalloc") if(MI_SECURE) set(mi_basename "${mi_basename}-secure") endif() if(MI_TRACK_VALGRIND) set(mi_basename "${mi_basename}-valgrind") endif() if(MI_TRACK_ASAN) set(mi_basename "${mi_basename}-asan") endif() string(TOLOWER "${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE}" CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE_LC) if(NOT (CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE_LC MATCHES "^(release|relwithdebinfo|minsizerel|none)$" )) set(mi_basename "${mi_basename}-${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE_LC}") # append build type # (e.g. -debug) if # not a release # version endif() if(MI_BUILD_SHARED) list(APPEND mi_build_targets "shared") endif() if(MI_BUILD_STATIC) list(APPEND mi_build_targets "static") endif() if(MI_BUILD_OBJECT) list(APPEND mi_build_targets "object") endif() if(MI_BUILD_TESTS) list(APPEND mi_build_targets "tests") endif() message(STATUS "") message(STATUS "Library base name: ${mi_basename}") message(STATUS "Version : ${mi_version}") message(STATUS "Build type : ${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE_LC}") if(MI_USE_CXX) message(STATUS "C++ Compiler : ${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER}") else() message(STATUS "C Compiler : ${CMAKE_C_COMPILER}") endif() message(STATUS "Compiler flags : ${mi_cflags}") message(STATUS "Compiler defines : ${mi_defines}") message(STATUS "Link libraries : ${mi_libraries}") message(STATUS "Build targets : ${mi_build_targets}") message(STATUS "") # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Main targets # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # shared library if(MI_BUILD_SHARED) add_library(mimalloc SHARED ${mi_sources}) set_target_properties( mimalloc PROPERTIES VERSION ${mi_version} SOVERSION ${mi_version_major} OUTPUT_NAME ${mi_basename}) target_compile_definitions(mimalloc PRIVATE ${mi_defines} MI_SHARED_LIB MI_SHARED_LIB_EXPORT) target_compile_options(mimalloc PRIVATE ${mi_cflags} ${mi_cflags_dynamic}) target_link_libraries(mimalloc PRIVATE ${mi_libraries}) target_include_directories( mimalloc PUBLIC $ $) if(WIN32 AND MI_WIN_REDIRECT) # On windows, link and copy the mimalloc redirection dll too. if(MI_ARCH STREQUAL "arm64") set(MIMALLOC_REDIRECT_SUFFIX "-arm64") elseif(CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P EQUAL 4) set(MIMALLOC_REDIRECT_SUFFIX "32") else() set(MIMALLOC_REDIRECT_SUFFIX "") endif() target_link_libraries( mimalloc PRIVATE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/bin/mimalloc-redirect${MIMALLOC_REDIRECT_SUFFIX}.lib ) add_custom_command( TARGET mimalloc POST_BUILD COMMAND "${CMAKE_COMMAND}" -E copy "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/bin/mimalloc-redirect${MIMALLOC_REDIRECT_SUFFIX}.dll" $ COMMENT "Copy mimalloc-redirect${MIMALLOC_REDIRECT_SUFFIX}.dll to output directory" ) install( FILES "$/mimalloc-redirect${MIMALLOC_REDIRECT_SUFFIX}.dll" DESTINATION ${mi_install_bindir}) endif() install( TARGETS mimalloc EXPORT mimalloc ARCHIVE DESTINATION ${mi_install_libdir} RUNTIME DESTINATION ${mi_install_bindir} LIBRARY DESTINATION ${mi_install_libdir}) install(EXPORT mimalloc DESTINATION ${mi_install_cmakedir}) endif() # static library if(MI_BUILD_STATIC) add_library(mimalloc-static STATIC ${mi_sources}) set_property(TARGET mimalloc-static PROPERTY POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE ON) target_compile_definitions(mimalloc-static PRIVATE ${mi_defines} MI_STATIC_LIB) target_compile_options(mimalloc-static PRIVATE ${mi_cflags} ${mi_cflags_static}) target_link_libraries(mimalloc-static PRIVATE ${mi_libraries}) target_include_directories( mimalloc-static PUBLIC $ $) if(WIN32) # When building both static and shared libraries on Windows, a static # library should use a different output name to avoid the conflict with the # import library of a shared one. string(REPLACE "mimalloc" "mimalloc-static" mi_output_name ${mi_basename}) set_target_properties(mimalloc-static PROPERTIES OUTPUT_NAME ${mi_output_name}) else() set_target_properties(mimalloc-static PROPERTIES OUTPUT_NAME ${mi_basename}) endif() install( TARGETS mimalloc-static EXPORT mimalloc DESTINATION ${mi_install_objdir} LIBRARY) install(EXPORT mimalloc DESTINATION ${mi_install_cmakedir}) endif() # install include files install(FILES include/mimalloc.h DESTINATION ${mi_install_incdir}) install(FILES include/mimalloc-override.h DESTINATION ${mi_install_incdir}) install(FILES include/mimalloc-new-delete.h DESTINATION ${mi_install_incdir}) install(FILES cmake/mimalloc-config.cmake DESTINATION ${mi_install_cmakedir}) install(FILES cmake/mimalloc-config-version.cmake DESTINATION ${mi_install_cmakedir}) # single object file for more predictable static overriding if(MI_BUILD_OBJECT) add_library(mimalloc-obj OBJECT src/static.c) set_property(TARGET mimalloc-obj PROPERTY POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE ON) target_compile_definitions(mimalloc-obj PRIVATE ${mi_defines}) target_compile_options(mimalloc-obj PRIVATE ${mi_cflags} ${mi_cflags_static}) target_include_directories( mimalloc-obj PUBLIC $ $) # Copy the generated object file (`static.o`) to the output directory (as # `mimalloc.o`) if(NOT WIN32) set(mimalloc-obj-static "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/CMakeFiles/mimalloc-obj.dir/src/static.c${CMAKE_C_OUTPUT_EXTENSION}" ) set(mimalloc-obj-out "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${mi_basename}${CMAKE_C_OUTPUT_EXTENSION}") add_custom_command( OUTPUT ${mimalloc-obj-out} DEPENDS mimalloc-obj COMMAND "${CMAKE_COMMAND}" -E copy "${mimalloc-obj-static}" "${mimalloc-obj-out}") add_custom_target(mimalloc-obj-target ALL DEPENDS ${mimalloc-obj-out}) endif() # the following seems to lead to cmake warnings/errors on some systems, # disable for now :-( install(TARGETS mimalloc-obj EXPORT mimalloc DESTINATION # ${mi_install_objdir}) # the FILES expression can also be: $ but that # fails cmake versions less than 3.10 so we leave it as is for now install( FILES ${mimalloc-obj-static} DESTINATION ${mi_install_objdir} RENAME ${mi_basename}${CMAKE_C_OUTPUT_EXTENSION}) endif() # pkg-config file support set(pc_libraries "") foreach(item IN LISTS mi_libraries) if(item MATCHES " *[-].*") set(pc_libraries "${pc_libraries} ${item}") else() set(pc_libraries "${pc_libraries} -l${item}") endif() endforeach() include("cmake/JoinPaths.cmake") join_paths(includedir_for_pc_file "\${prefix}" "${CMAKE_INSTALL_INCLUDEDIR}") join_paths(libdir_for_pc_file "\${prefix}" "${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR}") configure_file( mimalloc.pc @ONLY) install(FILES "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/mimalloc.pc" DESTINATION "${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR}/pkgconfig/") # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # API surface testing # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- if(MI_BUILD_TESTS) enable_testing() foreach(TEST_NAME api api-fill stress) add_executable(mimalloc-test-${TEST_NAME} test/test-${TEST_NAME}.c) target_compile_definitions(mimalloc-test-${TEST_NAME} PRIVATE ${mi_defines}) target_compile_options(mimalloc-test-${TEST_NAME} PRIVATE ${mi_cflags}) target_include_directories(mimalloc-test-${TEST_NAME} PRIVATE include) target_link_libraries(mimalloc-test-${TEST_NAME} PRIVATE mimalloc ${mi_libraries}) add_test(NAME test-${TEST_NAME} COMMAND mimalloc-test-${TEST_NAME}) endforeach() endif() # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Set override properties # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- if(MI_OVERRIDE) if(MI_BUILD_SHARED) target_compile_definitions(mimalloc PRIVATE MI_MALLOC_OVERRIDE) if(WIN32) # on windows we should generate mimalloc-override.dll. string(REPLACE "mimalloc" "mimalloc-override" mi_override_output_name ${mi_basename}) set_target_properties(mimalloc PROPERTIES OUTPUT_NAME ${mi_override_output_name}) endif() endif() if(NOT WIN32) # It is only possible to override malloc on Windows when building as a DLL. if(MI_BUILD_STATIC) target_compile_definitions(mimalloc-static PRIVATE MI_MALLOC_OVERRIDE) endif() if(MI_BUILD_OBJECT) target_compile_definitions(mimalloc-obj PRIVATE MI_MALLOC_OVERRIDE) endif() endif() endif()