540 lines
16 KiB
540 lines
16 KiB
// Copyright (c) 2013 Austin T. Clements. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by an MIT license
// that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef _DWARFPP_DW_HH_
#define _DWARFPP_DW_HH_
#include <cstdint>
#include <string>
// Integer representations (Section 7.26)
typedef std::int8_t sbyte;
typedef std::uint8_t ubyte;
typedef std::uint16_t uhalf;
typedef std::uint32_t uword;
// Section offsets and lengths
typedef std::uint64_t section_offset;
typedef std::uint64_t section_length;
// A target machine address. Targets may use smaller addresses; this
// represents the largest supported address type.
typedef std::uint64_t taddr;
// DIE tags (Section 7, figure 18). typedef, friend, and namespace
// have a trailing underscore because they are reserved words.
enum class DW_TAG {
array_type = 0x01,
class_type = 0x02,
entry_point = 0x03,
enumeration_type = 0x04,
formal_parameter = 0x05,
imported_declaration = 0x08,
label = 0x0a,
lexical_block = 0x0b,
member = 0x0d,
pointer_type = 0x0f,
reference_type = 0x10,
compile_unit = 0x11,
string_type = 0x12,
structure_type = 0x13,
subroutine_type = 0x15,
typedef_ = 0x16,
union_type = 0x17,
unspecified_parameters = 0x18,
variant = 0x19,
common_block = 0x1a,
common_inclusion = 0x1b,
inheritance = 0x1c,
inlined_subroutine = 0x1d,
module = 0x1e,
ptr_to_member_type = 0x1f,
set_type = 0x20,
subrange_type = 0x21,
with_stmt = 0x22,
access_declaration = 0x23,
base_type = 0x24,
catch_block = 0x25,
const_type = 0x26,
constant = 0x27,
enumerator = 0x28,
file_type = 0x29,
friend_ = 0x2a,
namelist = 0x2b,
namelist_item = 0x2c,
packed_type = 0x2d,
subprogram = 0x2e,
template_type_parameter = 0x2f,
template_value_parameter = 0x30,
thrown_type = 0x31,
try_block = 0x32,
variant_part = 0x33,
variable = 0x34,
volatile_type = 0x35,
dwarf_procedure = 0x36,
restrict_type = 0x37,
interface_type = 0x38,
namespace_ = 0x39,
imported_module = 0x3a,
unspecified_type = 0x3b,
partial_unit = 0x3c,
imported_unit = 0x3d,
condition = 0x3f,
shared_type = 0x40,
type_unit = 0x41,
rvalue_reference_type = 0x42,
template_alias = 0x43,
lo_user = 0x4080,
hi_user = 0xffff,
std::string to_string(DW_TAG v);
// Child determination (Section 7, figure 19).
enum class DW_CHILDREN : ubyte {
no = 0x00,
yes = 0x01,
std::string to_string(DW_CHILDREN v);
// Attribute names (Section 7, figure 20). inline, friend, mutable,
// and explicit have a trailing underscore because they are reserved
// words.
enum class DW_AT {
sibling = 0x01,// reference
location = 0x02,// exprloc, loclistptr
name = 0x03,// string
ordering = 0x09,// constant
byte_size = 0x0b,// constant, exprloc, reference
bit_offset = 0x0c,// constant, exprloc, reference
bit_size = 0x0d,// constant, exprloc, reference
stmt_list = 0x10,// lineptr
low_pc = 0x11,// address
high_pc = 0x12,// address, constant
language = 0x13,// constant
discr = 0x15,// reference
discr_value = 0x16,// constant
visibility = 0x17,// constant
import = 0x18,// reference
string_length = 0x19,// exprloc, loclistptr
common_reference = 0x1a,// reference
comp_dir = 0x1b,// string
const_value = 0x1c,// block, constant, string
containing_type = 0x1d,// reference
default_value = 0x1e,// reference
inline_ = 0x20,// constant
is_optional = 0x21,// flag
lower_bound = 0x22,// constant, exprloc, reference
producer = 0x25,// string
prototyped = 0x27,// flag
return_addr = 0x2a,// exprloc, loclistptr
start_scope = 0x2c,// constant, rangelistptr
bit_stride = 0x2e,// constant, exprloc, reference
upper_bound = 0x2f,// constant, exprloc, reference
abstract_origin = 0x31,// reference
accessibility = 0x32,// constant
address_class = 0x33,// constant
artificial = 0x34,// flag
base_types = 0x35,// reference
calling_convention = 0x36,// constant
count = 0x37,// constant, exprloc, reference
data_member_location = 0x38,// constant, exprloc, loclistptr
decl_column = 0x39,// constant
decl_file = 0x3a,// constant
decl_line = 0x3b,// constant
declaration = 0x3c,// flag
discr_list = 0x3d,// block
encoding = 0x3e,// constant
external = 0x3f,// flag
frame_base = 0x40,// exprloc, loclistptr
friend_ = 0x41,// reference
identifier_case = 0x42,// constant
macro_info = 0x43,// macptr
namelist_item = 0x44,// reference
priority = 0x45,// reference
segment = 0x46,// exprloc, loclistptr
specification = 0x47,// reference
static_link = 0x48,// exprloc, loclistptr
type = 0x49,// reference
use_location = 0x4a,// exprloc, loclistptr
variable_parameter = 0x4b,// flag
virtuality = 0x4c,// constant
vtable_elem_location = 0x4d,// exprloc, loclistptr
// DWARF 3
allocated = 0x4e,// constant, exprloc, reference
associated = 0x4f,// constant, exprloc, reference
data_location = 0x50,// exprloc
byte_stride = 0x51,// constant, exprloc, reference
entry_pc = 0x52,// address
use_UTF8 = 0x53,// flag
extension = 0x54,// reference
ranges = 0x55,// rangelistptr
trampoline = 0x56,// address, flag, reference, string
call_column = 0x57,// constant
call_file = 0x58,// constant
call_line = 0x59,// constant
description = 0x5a,// string
binary_scale = 0x5b,// constant
decimal_scale = 0x5c,// constant
small = 0x5d,// reference
decimal_sign = 0x5e,// constant
digit_count = 0x5f,// constant
picture_string = 0x60,// string
mutable_ = 0x61,// flag
threads_scaled = 0x62,// flag
explicit_ = 0x63,// flag
object_pointer = 0x64,// reference
endianity = 0x65,// constant
elemental = 0x66,// flag
pure = 0x67,// flag
recursive = 0x68,// flag
// DWARF 4
signature = 0x69,// reference
main_subprogram = 0x6a,// flag
data_bit_offset = 0x6b,// constant
const_expr = 0x6c,// flag
enum_class = 0x6d,// flag
linkage_name = 0x6e,// string
lo_user = 0x2000,
hi_user = 0x3fff,
std::string to_string(DW_AT v);
// Attribute form encodings (Section 7, figure 21)
enum class DW_FORM {
addr = 0x01,// address
block2 = 0x03,// block
block4 = 0x04,// block
data2 = 0x05,// constant
data4 = 0x06,// constant
data8 = 0x07,// constant
string = 0x08,// string
block = 0x09,// block
block1 = 0x0a,// block
data1 = 0x0b,// constant
flag = 0x0c,// flag
sdata = 0x0d,// constant
strp = 0x0e,// string
udata = 0x0f,// constant
ref_addr = 0x10,// reference
ref1 = 0x11,// reference
ref2 = 0x12,// reference
ref4 = 0x13,// reference
ref8 = 0x14,// reference
ref_udata = 0x15,// reference
indirect = 0x16,// (Section 7.5.3)
// DWARF 4
sec_offset = 0x17,// lineptr, loclistptr, macptr, rangelistptr
exprloc = 0x18,// exprloc
flag_present = 0x19,// flag
ref_sig8 = 0x20,// reference
implicit_const = 0x21,
loclistx = 0x22,
rnglistx = 0x23,
ref_sup8 = 0x24,
strx1 = 0x25,
strx2 = 0x26,
strx3 = 0x27,
strx4 = 0x28,
addrx1 = 0x29,
addrx2 = 0x2a,
addrx4 = 0x2c,
addrx3 = 0x2b,
std::string to_string(DW_FORM v);
// DWARF operation encodings (Section 7.7.1 and figure 24)
enum class DW_OP : ubyte {
addr = 0x03,// [constant address (size target specific)]
deref = 0x06,
const1u = 0x08,// [1-byte constant]
const1s = 0x09,// [1-byte constant]
const2u = 0x0a,// [2-byte constant]
const2s = 0x0b,// [2-byte constant]
const4u = 0x0c,// [4-byte constant]
const4s = 0x0d,// [4-byte constant]
const8u = 0x0e,// [8-byte constant]
const8s = 0x0f,// [8-byte constant]
constu = 0x10,// [ULEB128 constant]
consts = 0x11,// [SLEB128 constant]
dup = 0x12,
drop = 0x13,
over = 0x14,
pick = 0x15,// [1-byte stack index]
swap = 0x16,
rot = 0x17,
xderef = 0x18,
abs = 0x19,
and_ = 0x1a,
div = 0x1b,
minus = 0x1c,
mod = 0x1d,
mul = 0x1e,
neg = 0x1f,
not_ = 0x20,
or_ = 0x21,
plus = 0x22,
plus_uconst = 0x23,// [ULEB128 addend]
shl = 0x24,
shr = 0x25,
shra = 0x26,
xor_ = 0x27,
skip = 0x2f,// [signed 2-byte constant]
bra = 0x28,// [signed 2-byte constant]
eq = 0x29,
ge = 0x2a,
gt = 0x2b,
le = 0x2c,
lt = 0x2d,
ne = 0x2e,
// Literals 0..31 = (lit0 + literal)
lit0 = 0x30,
lit31 = 0x4f,
// Registers 0..31 = (reg0 + regnum)
reg0 = 0x50,
reg31 = 0x6f,
// Base register 0..31 = (breg0 + regnum)
breg0 = 0x70,// [SLEB128 offset]
breg31 = 0x8f,// [SLEB128 offset]
regx = 0x90,// [ULEB128 register]
fbreg = 0x91,// [SLEB128 offset]
bregx = 0x92,// [ULEB128 register, SLEB128 offset]
piece = 0x93,// [ULEB128 size of piece addressed]
deref_size = 0x94,// [1-byte size of data retrieved]
xderef_size = 0x95,// [1-byte size of data retrieved]
nop = 0x96,
// DWARF 3
push_object_address = 0x97,
call2 = 0x98,// [2-byte offset of DIE]
call4 = 0x99,// [4-byte offset of DIE]
call_ref = 0x9a,// [4- or 8-byte offset of DIE]
form_tls_address = 0x9b,
call_frame_cfa = 0x9c,
bit_piece = 0x9d,// [ULEB128 size, ULEB128 offset]
// DWARF 4
implicit_value = 0x9e,// [ULEB128 size, block of that size]
stack_value = 0x9f,
lo_user = 0xe0,
hi_user = 0xff,
std::string to_string(DW_OP v);
// DW_AT::encoding constants (DWARF4 section 7.8 figure 25)
enum class DW_ATE {
address = 0x01,
boolean = 0x02,
complex_float = 0x03,
float_ = 0x04,
signed_ = 0x05,
signed_char = 0x06,
unsigned_ = 0x07,
unsigned_char = 0x08,
imaginary_float = 0x09,
packed_decimal = 0x0a,
numeric_string = 0x0b,
edited = 0x0c,
signed_fixed = 0x0d,
unsigned_fixed = 0x0e,
decimal_float = 0x0f,
// DWARF 4
UTF = 0x10,
lo_user = 0x80,
hi_user = 0xff,
std::string to_string(DW_ATE v);
// DW_AT::decimal_sign constants (DWARF4 section 7.8 figure 26)
enum class DW_DS {
unsigned_ = 0x01,
leading_overpunch = 0x02,
trailing_overpunch = 0x03,
leading_separate = 0x04,
trailing_separate = 0x05,
std::string to_string(DW_DS v);
// DW_AT::endianity constants (DWARF4 section 7.8 figure 27)
enum class DW_END {
default_ = 0x00,
big = 0x01,
little = 0x02,
lo_user = 0x40,
hi_user = 0xff,
std::string to_string(DW_END v);
// DW_AT::accessibility constants (DWARF4 section 7.9 figure 28)
enum class DW_ACCESS {
public_ = 0x01,
protected_ = 0x02,
private_ = 0x03,
std::string to_string(DW_ACCESS v);
// DW_AT::visibility constants (DWARF4 section 7.10 figure 29)
enum class DW_VIS {
local = 0x01,
exported = 0x02,
qualified = 0x03,
std::string to_string(DW_VIS v);
// DW_AT::virtuality constants (DWARF4 section 7.11 figure 30)
enum class DW_VIRTUALITY {
none = 0x00,
virtual_ = 0x01,
pure_virtual = 0x02,
std::string to_string(DW_VIRTUALITY v);
// DW_AT::language constants (DWARF4 section 7.12 figure 31)
enum class DW_LANG {
C89 = 0x0001,// Lower bound 0
C = 0x0002,// Lower bound 0
Ada83 = 0x0003,// Lower bound 1
C_plus_plus = 0x0004,// Lower bound 0
Cobol74 = 0x0005,// Lower bound 1
Cobol85 = 0x0006,// Lower bound 1
Fortran77 = 0x0007,// Lower bound 1
Fortran90 = 0x0008,// Lower bound 1
Pascal83 = 0x0009,// Lower bound 1
Modula2 = 0x000a,// Lower bound 1
Java = 0x000b,// Lower bound 0
C99 = 0x000c,// Lower bound 0
Ada95 = 0x000d,// Lower bound 1
Fortran95 = 0x000e,// Lower bound 1
PLI = 0x000f,// Lower bound 1
ObjC = 0x0010,// Lower bound 0
ObjC_plus_plus = 0x0011,// Lower bound 0
UPC = 0x0012,// Lower bound 0
D = 0x0013,// Lower bound 0
Python = 0x0014,// Lower bound 0
lo_user = 0x8000,
hi_user = 0xffff,
std::string to_string(DW_LANG v);
// DW_AT::identifier_case constants (DWARF4 section 7.14 figure 32)
enum class DW_ID {
case_sensitive = 0x00,
up_case = 0x01,
down_case = 0x02,
case_insensitive = 0x03,
std::string to_string(DW_ID v);
// DW_AT::calling_convention constants (DWARF4 section 7.15 figure 33)
enum class DW_CC {
normal = 0x01,
program = 0x02,
nocall = 0x03,
lo_user = 0x40,
hi_user = 0xff,
std::string to_string(DW_CC v);
// DW_AT::inline constants (DWARF4 section 7.16 figure 34)
enum class DW_INL {
not_inlined = 0x00,
inlined = 0x01,
declared_not_inlined = 0x02,
declared_inlined = 0x03,
std::string to_string(DW_INL v);
// DW_AT::ordering constants (DWARF4 section 7.17 figure 35)
enum class DW_ORD {
row_major = 0x00,
col_major = 0x01,
std::string to_string(DW_ORD v);
// DW_AT::discr_list constants (DWARF4 section 7.18 figure 36)
enum class DW_DSC {
label = 0x00,
range = 0x01,
std::string to_string(DW_DSC v);
// Line number standard opcodes (DWARF4 section 7.21 figure 37)
enum class DW_LNS {
copy = 0x01,
advance_pc = 0x02,
advance_line = 0x03,
set_file = 0x04,
set_column = 0x05,
negate_stmt = 0x06,
set_basic_block = 0x07,
const_add_pc = 0x08,
fixed_advance_pc = 0x09,
// DWARF 3
set_prologue_end = 0x0a,
set_epilogue_begin = 0x0b,
set_isa = 0x0c,
std::string to_string(DW_LNS v);
// Line number extended opcodes (DWARF4 section 7.21 figure 38)
enum class DW_LNE {
end_sequence = 0x01,
set_address = 0x02,
define_file = 0x03,
// DWARF 4
set_discriminator = 0x04,
// DWARF 3
lo_user = 0x80,
hi_user = 0xff,
std::string to_string(DW_LNE v);