# Copyright (c) 2013 Austin T. Clements. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by an MIT license # that can be found in the LICENSE file. import sys, re from optparse import OptionParser def read_toks(): data = sys.stdin.read() while data: data = data.lstrip() if data.startswith("//") or data.startswith("#"): data = data.split("\n",1)[1] elif data.startswith("/*"): data = data.split("*/",1)[1] elif data.startswith("\"") or data.startswith("'"): c = data[0] m = re.match(r'%s([^\\%s]|\\.)*%s' % (c,c,c), data) yield m.group(0) data = data[m.end():] else: m = re.match(r"[_a-zA-Z0-9]+|[{}();]|[^_a-zA-Z0-9 \n\t\f]+", data) yield m.group(0) data = data[m.end():] enums = {} def do_top_level(toks, ns=[]): while toks: tok = toks.pop(0) if tok == "enum" and toks[0] == "class": toks.pop(0) name = toks.pop(0) # Get to the first token in the body while toks.pop(0) != "{": pass # Consume body and close brace do_enum_body("::".join(ns + [name]), toks) elif tok == "class": name = do_qname(toks) # Find the class body, if there is one while toks[0] != "{" and toks[0] != ";": toks.pop(0) # Enter the class's namespace if toks[0] == "{": toks.pop(0) do_top_level(toks, ns + [name]) elif tok == "{": # Enter an unknown namespace do_top_level(toks, ns + [None]) elif tok == "}": # Exit the namespace assert len(ns) return elif not ns and tok == "string" and toks[:2] == ["to_string", "("]: # Get the argument type and name toks.pop(0) toks.pop(0) typ = do_qname(toks) if typ not in enums: continue arg = toks.pop(0) assert toks[0] == ")" if typ in options.mask: make_to_string_mask(typ, arg) else: make_to_string(typ, arg) def fmt_value(typ, key): if options.no_type: val = key else: val = "%s%s%s" % (typ, options.separator, key) if options.strip_underscore: val = val.strip("_") return val def expr_remainder(typ, arg): if options.hex: return "\"(%s)0x\" + to_hex((int)%s)" % (typ, arg) else: return "\"(%s)\" + std::to_string((int)%s)" % (typ, arg) def make_to_string(typ, arg): print("std::string") print("to_string(%s %s)" % (typ, arg)) print("{") print(" switch (%s) {" % arg) for key in enums[typ]: if key in options.exclude: print(" case %s::%s: break;" % (typ, key)) continue print(" case %s::%s: return \"%s\";" % \ (typ, key, fmt_value(typ, key))) print(" }") print(" return %s;" % expr_remainder(typ, arg)) print("}") print() def make_to_string_mask(typ, arg): print("std::string") print("to_string(%s %s)" % (typ, arg)) print("{") print(" std::string res;") for key in enums[typ]: if key in options.exclude: continue print(" if ((%s & %s::%s) == %s::%s) { res += \"%s|\"; %s &= ~%s::%s; }" % \ (arg, typ, key, typ, key, fmt_value(typ, key), arg, typ, key)) print(" if (res.empty() || %s != (%s)0) res += %s;" % \ (arg, typ, expr_remainder(typ, arg))) print(" else res.pop_back();") print(" return res;") print("}") print() def do_enum_body(name, toks): keys = [] while True: key = toks.pop(0) if key == "}": assert toks.pop(0) == ";" enums[name] = keys return keys.append(key) if toks[0] == "=": toks.pop(0) toks.pop(0) if toks[0] == ",": toks.pop(0) else: assert toks[0] == "}" def do_qname(toks): # Get a nested-name-specifier followed by an identifier res = [] while True: res.append(toks.pop(0)) if toks[0] != "::": return "::".join(res) toks.pop(0) parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option("-x", "--exclude", dest="exclude", action="append", help="exclude FIELD", metavar="FIELD", default=[]) parser.add_option("-u", "--strip-underscore", dest="strip_underscore", action="store_true", help="strip leading and trailing underscores") parser.add_option("-s", "--separator", dest="separator", help="use SEP between type and field", metavar="SEP", default="::") parser.add_option("--hex", dest="hex", action="store_true", help="return unknown values in hex", default=False) parser.add_option("--no-type", dest="no_type", action="store_true", help="omit type") parser.add_option("--mask", dest="mask", action="append", help="treat TYPE as a bit-mask", metavar="TYPE", default=[]) (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if args: parser.error("expected 0 arguments") do_top_level(list(read_toks()))