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// Copyright (c) 2013 Austin T. Clements. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by an MIT license
// that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef _ELFPP_DATA_HH_
#define _ELFPP_DATA_HH_
#include "common.hh"
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstring>
#include <string>
// Object file classes (ELF64 table 3)
enum class elfclass : unsigned char
_32 = 1, // 32-bit objects
_64 = 2, // 64-bit objects
to_string(elfclass v);
// Common basic data types
struct ElfTypes
typedef std::uint16_t Half;
typedef std::uint32_t Word;
typedef std::int32_t Sword;
struct Elf32 : public ElfTypes
// ELF class
static const elfclass cls = elfclass::_32;
// Basic data types (ELF32 figure 1-2)
typedef std::uint32_t Addr;
typedef std::uint32_t Off;
// Predicated types
typedef Word Word32_Xword64;
template<typename t32, typename t64>
struct pick
typedef t32 t;
struct Elf64 : ElfTypes
// ELF class
static const elfclass cls = elfclass::_64;
// Basic data types (ELF64 table 1)
typedef std::uint64_t Addr;
typedef std::uint64_t Off;
typedef std::uint64_t Xword;
typedef std::int64_t Sxword;
// Predicated types
typedef Xword Word32_Xword64;
template<typename t32, typename t64>
struct pick
typedef t64 t;
// Data encodings (ELF64 table 4)
enum class elfdata : unsigned char
lsb = 1,
msb = 2,
to_string(elfdata v);
// Operating system and ABI identifiers (ELF64 table 5)
enum class elfosabi : unsigned char
sysv = 0,
hpux = 1,
standalone = 255,
to_string(elfosabi v);
// Object file types (ELF64 table 6)
enum class et : ElfTypes::Half
none = 0, // No file type
rel = 1, // Relocatable object file
exec = 2, // Executable file
dyn = 3, // Shared object file
core = 4, // Core file
loos = 0xfe00, // Environment-specific use
hios = 0xfeff,
loproc = 0xff00, // Processor-specific use
hiproc = 0xffff,
to_string(et v);
// ELF header (ELF32 figure 1-3, ELF64 figure 2)
template<typename E = Elf64, byte_order Order = byte_order::native>
struct Ehdr
typedef E types;
static const byte_order order = Order;
// ELF identification
unsigned char ei_magic[4];
elfclass ei_class;
elfdata ei_data;
unsigned char ei_version;
elfosabi ei_osabi;
unsigned char ei_abiversion;
unsigned char ei_pad[7];
et type; // Object file type
typename E::Half machine; // Machine type
typename E::Word version; // Object file version
typename E::Addr entry; // Entry point address
typename E::Off phoff; // Program header offset
typename E::Off shoff; // Section header offset
typename E::Word flags; // Processor-specific flags
typename E::Half ehsize; // ELF header size
typename E::Half phentsize; // Size of program header entry
typename E::Half phnum; // Number of program header entries
typename E::Half shentsize; // Size of section header entry
typename E::Half shnum; // Number of section header entries
typename E::Half shstrndx; // Section name string table index
template<typename E2>
void from(const E2 &o)
std::memcpy(ei_magic, o.ei_magic, sizeof(ei_magic));
ei_class = swizzle(o.ei_class, o.order, order);
ei_data = swizzle(o.ei_data, o.order, order);
ei_version = swizzle(o.ei_version, o.order, order);
ei_osabi = swizzle(o.ei_osabi, o.order, order);
ei_abiversion = swizzle(o.ei_abiversion, o.order, order);
std::memcpy(ei_pad, o.ei_pad, sizeof(ei_pad));
type = swizzle(o.type, o.order, order);
machine = swizzle(o.machine, o.order, order);
version = swizzle(o.version, o.order, order);
entry = swizzle(o.entry, o.order, order);
phoff = swizzle(o.phoff, o.order, order);
shoff = swizzle(o.shoff, o.order, order);
flags = swizzle(o.flags, o.order, order);
ehsize = swizzle(o.ehsize, o.order, order);
phentsize = swizzle(o.phentsize, o.order, order);
phnum = swizzle(o.phnum, o.order, order);
shentsize = swizzle(o.shentsize, o.order, order);
shnum = swizzle(o.shnum, o.order, order);
shstrndx = swizzle(o.shstrndx, o.order, order);
// Special section indices (ELF32 figure 1-7, ELF64 table 7)
// This is an integer with a few special values, so this is a regular
// enum, rather than a type-safe enum. However, this is declared in a
// namespace and then used to avoid polluting the elf:: namespace.
namespace enums {
enum shn : ElfTypes::Half // This is a Word in Shdr and Half in Sym.
undef = 0, // Undefined or meaningless
loproc = 0xff00, // Processor-specific use
hiproc = 0xff1f,
loos = 0xff20, // Environment-specific use
hios = 0xff3f,
abs = 0xfff1, // Reference is an absolute value
common = 0xfff2, // Symbol declared as a common block
to_string(shn v);
using enums::shn;
// Section types (ELF64 table 8)
enum class sht : ElfTypes::Word
null = 0, // Marks an unseen section header
progbits = 1, // Contains information defined by the program
symtab = 2, // Contains a linker symbol table
strtab = 3, // Contains a string table
rela = 4, // Contains "Rela" type relocation entries
hash = 5, // Contains a symbol hash table
dynamic = 6, // Contains dynamic linking tables
note = 7, // Contains note information
nobits = 8, // Contains uninitialized space;
// does not occupy any space in the file
rel = 9, // Contains "Rel" type relocation entries
shlib = 10, // Reserved
dynsym = 11, // Contains a dynamic loader symbol table
loos = 0x60000000, // Environment-specific use
hios = 0x6FFFFFFF,
loproc = 0x70000000, // Processor-specific use
hiproc = 0x7FFFFFFF,
to_string(sht v);
// Section attributes (ELF64 table 9). Note: This is an Elf32_Word in
// ELF32. We use the larger ELF64 type for the canonical
// representation and switch it out for a plain Elf32_Word in the
// ELF32 format.
enum class shf : Elf64::Xword
write = 0x1, // Section contains writable data
alloc = 0x2, // Section is allocated in memory image of program
execinstr = 0x4, // Section contains executable instructions
maskos = 0x0F000000, // Environment-specific use
maskproc = 0xF0000000, // Processor-specific use
to_string(shf v);
static inline constexpr shf operator&(shf a, shf b)
return (shf)((std::uint64_t)a & (std::uint64_t)b);
static inline constexpr shf operator|(shf a, shf b)
return (shf)((std::uint64_t)a | (std::uint64_t)b);
static inline constexpr shf operator^(shf a, shf b)
return (shf)((std::uint64_t)a ^ (std::uint64_t)b);
static inline constexpr shf operator~(shf a)
return (shf)~((std::uint64_t)a);
static inline shf& operator&=(shf &a, shf b)
a = a & b;
return a;
static inline shf& operator|=(shf &a, shf b)
a = a | b;
return a;
static inline shf& operator^=(shf &a, shf b)
a = a ^ b;
return a;
// Section header (ELF32 figure 1-8, ELF64 figure 3)
template<typename E = Elf64, byte_order Order = byte_order::native>
struct Shdr
typedef E types;
static const byte_order order = Order;
// Section numbers are half-words in some structures and full
// words in others. Here we declare a local shn type that is
// elf::shn for the native byte order, but the full word for
// specific encoding byte orders.
typedef typename internal::OrderPick<Order, elf::shn, typename E::Word, typename E::Word>::T shn;
typename E::Word name; // Section name
sht type; // Section type
typename E::template pick<typename E::Word, shf>::t flags; // Section attributes
typename E::Addr addr; // Virtual address in memory
typename E::Off offset; // Offset in file
typename E::Word32_Xword64 size; // Size of section
shn link; // Link to other section
typename E::Word info; // Miscellaneous information
typename E::Word32_Xword64 addralign; // Address alignment boundary
typename E::Word32_Xword64 entsize; // Size of entries, if section has table
template<typename E2>
void from(const E2 &o)
name = swizzle(o.name, o.order, order);
type = swizzle(o.type, o.order, order);
flags = (decltype(flags))swizzle(o.flags, o.order, order);
addr = swizzle(o.addr, o.order, order);
offset = swizzle(o.offset, o.order, order);
size = swizzle(o.size, o.order, order);
link = (decltype(link))swizzle((typename E::Word)o.link, o.order, order);
info = swizzle(o.info, o.order, order);
addralign = swizzle(o.addralign, o.order, order);
entsize = swizzle(o.entsize, o.order, order);
// Segment types (ELF64 table 16)
enum class pt : ElfTypes::Word
null = 0, // Unused entry
load = 1, // Loadable segment
dynamic = 2, // Dynamic linking tables
interp = 3, // Program interpreter path name
note = 4, // Note sections
shlib = 5, // Reserved
phdr = 6, // Program header table
loos = 0x60000000, // Environment-specific use
hios = 0x6FFFFFFF,
loproc = 0x70000000, // Processor-specific use
hiproc = 0x7FFFFFFF,
to_string(pt v);
// Segment attributes
enum class pf : ElfTypes::Word
x = 0x1, // Execute permission
w = 0x2, // Write permission
r = 0x4, // Read permission
maskos = 0x00FF0000, // Environment-specific use
maskproc = 0xFF000000, // Processor-specific use
to_string(pf v);
static inline constexpr pf operator&(pf a, pf b)
return (pf)((std::uint64_t)a & (std::uint64_t)b);
static inline constexpr pf operator|(pf a, pf b)
return (pf)((std::uint64_t)a | (std::uint64_t)b);
static inline constexpr pf operator^(pf a, pf b)
return (pf)((std::uint64_t)a ^ (std::uint64_t)b);
static inline constexpr pf operator~(pf a)
return (pf)~((std::uint64_t)a);
static inline pf& operator&=(pf &a, pf b)
a = a & b;
return a;
static inline pf& operator|=(pf &a, pf b)
a = a | b;
return a;
static inline pf& operator^=(pf &a, pf b)
a = a ^ b;
return a;
// Program header (ELF32 figure 2-1, ELF64 figure 6)
template<typename E = Elf64, byte_order Order = byte_order::native>
struct Phdr;
template<byte_order Order>
struct Phdr<Elf32, Order>
typedef Elf32 types;
static const byte_order order = Order;
pt type; // Type of segment
Elf32::Off offset; // Offset in file
Elf32::Addr vaddr; // Virtual address in memory
Elf32::Addr paddr; // Reserved
Elf32::Word filesz; // Size of segment in file
Elf32::Word memsz; // Size of segment in memory
pf flags; // Segment attributes
Elf32::Word align; // Alignment of segment
template<typename E2>
void from(const E2 &o)
type = swizzle(o.type, o.order, order);
offset = swizzle(o.offset, o.order, order);
vaddr = swizzle(o.vaddr, o.order, order);
paddr = swizzle(o.paddr, o.order, order);
filesz = swizzle(o.filesz, o.order, order);
memsz = swizzle(o.memsz, o.order, order);
flags = swizzle(o.flags, o.order, order);
align = swizzle(o.align, o.order, order);
template<byte_order Order>
struct Phdr<Elf64, Order>
typedef Elf64 types;
static const byte_order order = Order;
pt type; // Type of segment
pf flags; // Segment attributes
Elf64::Off offset; // Offset in file
Elf64::Addr vaddr; // Virtual address in memory
Elf64::Addr paddr; // Reserved
Elf64::Xword filesz; // Size of segment in file
Elf64::Xword memsz; // Size of segment in memory
Elf64::Xword align; // Alignment of segment
template<typename E2>
void from(const E2 &o)
type = swizzle(o.type, o.order, order);
offset = swizzle(o.offset, o.order, order);
vaddr = swizzle(o.vaddr, o.order, order);
paddr = swizzle(o.paddr, o.order, order);
filesz = swizzle(o.filesz, o.order, order);
memsz = swizzle(o.memsz, o.order, order);
flags = swizzle(o.flags, o.order, order);
align = swizzle(o.align, o.order, order);
// Symbol bindings (ELF32 figure 1-16, ELF64 table 14)
enum class stb : unsigned char
local = 0, // Not visible outside the object file
global = 1, // Global symbol
weak = 2, // Global scope, but with lower
// precedence than global symbols
loos = 10, // Environment-specific use
hios = 12,
loproc = 13, // Processor-specific use
hiproc = 15,
to_string(stb v);
// Symbol types (ELF32 figure 1-17, ELF64 table 15)
enum class stt : unsigned char
notype = 0, // No type (e.g., absolute symbol)
object = 1, // Data object
func = 2, // Function entry point
section = 3, // Symbol is associated with a section
file = 4, // Source file associated with the
// object file
loos = 10, // Environment-specific use
hios = 12,
loproc = 13, // Processor-specific use
hiproc = 15,
to_string(stt v);
// Symbol table (ELF32 figure 1-15, ELF64 figure 4)
template<typename E = Elf64, byte_order Order = byte_order::native>
struct Sym;
template<byte_order Order>
struct Sym<Elf32, Order>
typedef Elf32 types;
static const byte_order order = Order;
Elf32::Word name; // Symbol name (strtab offset)
Elf32::Addr value; // Symbol value (address)
Elf32::Word size; // Size of object
unsigned char info; // Type and binding attributes
unsigned char other; // Reserved
shn shnxd; // Section table index
template<typename E2>
void from(const E2 &o)
name = swizzle(o.name, o.order, order);
value = swizzle(o.value, o.order, order);
size = swizzle(o.size, o.order, order);
info = o.info;
other = o.other;
shnxd = swizzle(o.shnxd, o.order, order);
stb binding() const
return (stb)(info >> 4);
void set_binding(stb v)
info = (info & 0x0F) | ((unsigned char)v << 4);
stt type() const
return (stt)(info & 0xF);
void set_type(stt v)
info = (info & 0xF0) | (unsigned char)v;
template<byte_order Order>
struct Sym<Elf64, Order>
typedef Elf64 types;
static const byte_order order = Order;
Elf64::Word name; // Symbol name (strtab offset)
unsigned char info; // Type and binding attributes
unsigned char other; // Reserved
shn shnxd; // Section table index
Elf64::Addr value; // Symbol value (address)
Elf64::Xword size; // Size of object
template<typename E2>
void from(const E2 &o)
name = swizzle(o.name, o.order, order);
value = swizzle(o.value, o.order, order);
size = swizzle(o.size, o.order, order);
info = o.info;
other = o.other;
shnxd = swizzle(o.shnxd, o.order, order);
stb binding() const
return (stb)(info >> 4);
void set_binding(stb v)
info = (info & 0xF) | ((unsigned char)v << 4);
stt type() const
return (stt)(info & 0xF);
void set_type(stt v)
info = (info & 0xF0) | (unsigned char)v;