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// Copyright (c) Microsoft Open Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
#pragma once
/*! \file rx-ref_count.hpp
\brief Make some \c connectable_observable behave like an ordinary \c observable.
Uses a reference count of the subscribers to control the connection to the published observable.
The first subscription will cause a call to \c connect(), and the last \c unsubscribe will unsubscribe the connection.
There are 2 variants of the operator:
\li \c ref_count(): calls \c connect on the \c source \c connectable_observable.
\li \c ref_count(other): calls \c connect on the \c other \c connectable_observable.
\tparam ConnectableObservable the type of the \c other \c connectable_observable (optional)
\param other \c connectable_observable to call \c connect on (optional)
If \c other is omitted, then \c source is used instead (which must be a \c connectable_observable).
Otherwise, \c source can be a regular \c observable.
\return An \c observable that emits the items from its \c source.
\snippet ref_count.cpp ref_count other diamond sample
\snippet output.txt ref_count other diamond sample
#include "../rx-includes.hpp"
namespace rxcpp {
namespace operators {
namespace detail {
template<class... AN>
struct ref_count_invalid_arguments {};
template<class... AN>
struct ref_count_invalid : public rxo::operator_base<ref_count_invalid_arguments<AN...>> {
using type = observable<ref_count_invalid_arguments<AN...>, ref_count_invalid<AN...>>;
template<class... AN>
using ref_count_invalid_t = typename ref_count_invalid<AN...>::type;
// ref_count(other) takes a regular observable source, not a connectable_observable.
// use template specialization to avoid instantiating 'subscribe' for two different types
// which would cause a compilation error.
template <typename connectable_type, typename observable_type>
struct ref_count_state_base {
ref_count_state_base(connectable_type other, observable_type source)
: connectable(std::move(other))
, subscribable(std::move(source)) {}
connectable_type connectable; // connects to this. subscribes to this if subscribable empty.
observable_type subscribable; // subscribes to this if non-empty.
template <typename Subscriber>
void subscribe(Subscriber&& o) {
// Note: explicit specializations have to be at namespace scope prior to C++17.
template <typename connectable_type>
struct ref_count_state_base<connectable_type, void> {
explicit ref_count_state_base(connectable_type c)
: connectable(std::move(c)) {}
connectable_type connectable; // connects to this. subscribes to this if subscribable empty.
template <typename Subscriber>
void subscribe(Subscriber&& o) {
template<class T,
class ConnectableObservable,
class Observable = void> // note: type order flipped versus the operator.
struct ref_count : public operator_base<T>
typedef rxu::decay_t<Observable> observable_type;
typedef rxu::decay_t<ConnectableObservable> connectable_type;
// ref_count() == false
// ref_count(other) == true
using has_observable_t = rxu::negation<std::is_same<void, Observable>>;
// removed constexpr to support older VC compilers
static /*constexpr */ const bool has_observable_v = has_observable_t::value;
struct ref_count_state : public std::enable_shared_from_this<ref_count_state>,
public ref_count_state_base<ConnectableObservable, Observable>
template <class HasObservable = has_observable_t,
class Enabled = rxu::enable_if_all_true_type_t<
explicit ref_count_state(connectable_type source)
: ref_count_state_base<ConnectableObservable, Observable>(std::move(source))
, subscribers(0)
template <bool HasObservableV = has_observable_v>
ref_count_state(connectable_type other,
typename std::enable_if<HasObservableV, observable_type>::type source)
: ref_count_state_base<ConnectableObservable, Observable>(std::move(other),
, subscribers(0)
std::mutex lock;
long subscribers;
composite_subscription connection;
std::shared_ptr<ref_count_state> state;
// connectable_observable<T> source = ...;
// source.ref_count();
// calls connect on source after the subscribe on source.
template <class HasObservable = has_observable_t,
class Enabled = rxu::enable_if_all_true_type_t<
explicit ref_count(connectable_type source)
: state(std::make_shared<ref_count_state>(std::move(source)))
// connectable_observable<?> other = ...;
// observable<T> source = ...;
// source.ref_count(other);
// calls connect on 'other' after the subscribe on 'source'.
template <bool HasObservableV = has_observable_v>
ref_count(connectable_type other,
typename std::enable_if<HasObservableV, observable_type>::type source)
: state(std::make_shared<ref_count_state>(std::move(other), std::move(source)))
template<class Subscriber>
void on_subscribe(Subscriber&& o) const {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> guard(state->lock);
auto needConnect = ++state->subscribers == 1;
auto keepAlive = state;
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> guard_unsubscribe(keepAlive->lock);
if (--keepAlive->subscribers == 0) {
keepAlive->connection = composite_subscription();
if (needConnect) {
/*! @copydoc rx-ref_count.hpp
template<class... AN>
auto ref_count(AN&&... an)
-> operator_factory<ref_count_tag, AN...> {
return operator_factory<ref_count_tag, AN...>(std::make_tuple(std::forward<AN>(an)...));
struct member_overload<ref_count_tag>
template<class ConnectableObservable,
class Enabled = rxu::enable_if_all_true_type_t<
class SourceValue = rxu::value_type_t<ConnectableObservable>,
class RefCount = rxo::detail::ref_count<SourceValue, rxu::decay_t<ConnectableObservable>>,
class Value = rxu::value_type_t<RefCount>,
class Result = observable<Value, RefCount>
static Result member(ConnectableObservable&& o) {
return Result(RefCount(std::forward<ConnectableObservable>(o)));
template<class Observable,
class ConnectableObservable,
class Enabled = rxu::enable_if_all_true_type_t<
class SourceValue = rxu::value_type_t<Observable>,
class RefCount = rxo::detail::ref_count<SourceValue,
class Value = rxu::value_type_t<RefCount>,
class Result = observable<Value, RefCount>
static Result member(Observable&& o, ConnectableObservable&& other) {
return Result(RefCount(std::forward<ConnectableObservable>(other),
template<class... AN>
static operators::detail::ref_count_invalid_t<AN...> member(AN...) {
return {};
static_assert(sizeof...(AN) == 10000, "ref_count takes (optional ConnectableObservable)");