2023-11-16 00:44:12 +08:00

82 lines
3.0 KiB

#include <cstdint>
// #include <afxres.h>
#include <iterator>
#include <iostream>
/* Library routines to output text and "word wrap" so that words are not broken across lines. */
uint16_t consoleWidth = 80;
uint16_t currentConsoleOffset = 5;
* Set up the word wrap library.
void initWordWrap() {
/* Find the width of the console window. */
// GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE),&csbi);
/* We subtract 2 because Windows doesn't allow for the right hand scroll bar when reporting
* width of command prompt windows. */
// consoleWidth = static_cast<uint16_t>(csbi.srWindow.Right - csbi.srWindow.Left - 2);
currentConsoleOffset = 0;
* Output a string with word wrap.
* @param text Pointer to the string to output.
void wrapOut(const std::string *text) {
size_t len = text->length(); // Length of the string
size_t position = 0; // How much of the string we've printed
std::ostream_iterator<char> iout(std::cout); // Iterators for the string and display
std::string::const_iterator strInt = text->begin();
const char *rawString = text->data();
while (position < len) {
// How much space do we have left on the current console line?
size_t left = (consoleWidth - currentConsoleOffset);
if ((len - position) < left) { // Can we fit the whole string on this line?
std::cout << &rawString[position] << " "; // Yes, just do it.
currentConsoleOffset += len + 1; // Update our position on this line.
} else { // We can't fit the whole string on this line.
size_t lastSpace = left; // This would be the last character we did fit on this line
// Move this pointer back until we find a space
while ((rawString[position + lastSpace] != ' ') && (lastSpace > 0)) {
// Print up to that space using the output iterator
std::copy(strInt + position, strInt + position + lastSpace, iout);
// Print an end-of-line, unless the string ended exactly at the end of the line in which case the
// cursor has automatically moved to the next line
if (lastSpace < left) {
std::cout << std::endl;
position += lastSpace + 1; // Mark how much of the string we've printed
currentConsoleOffset = 0; // Since we just created a new line, we're now at the start of it
void wrapOut(const std::string& text) {
* Ends a paragraph of word wrapped output.
void wrapEndPara() {
// If we aren't at the end of a line already, end the line
if (currentConsoleOffset != 0) {
std::cout << std::endl;
// And print a blank line
std::cout << std::endl;
// Since we just started a new line, we're now at the start of it
currentConsoleOffset = 0;