VERSION 0.8 PROJECT earthly-technologies/core ARG EARTHLY_LIB_VERSION=3.0.1 IMPORT$EARTHLY_LIB_VERSION AS git npm-base: FROM node:21.7-alpine3.19 COPY ./package.json ./ COPY ./package-lock.json ./ RUN npm install # Output these back in case npm install changes them. SAVE ARTIFACT package.json AS LOCAL ./package.json SAVE ARTIFACT package-lock.json AS LOCAL ./package-lock.json code: FROM +npm-base WORKDIR /code COPY package.json package-lock.json . RUN npm ci COPY --dir src . lint: FROM +code COPY .eslintrc.cjs . RUN npm run-script lint compile: FROM +code WORKDIR /code RUN npm ci COPY tsconfig.json . RUN npm run-script package SAVE ARTIFACT dist AS LOCAL dist SAVE ARTIFACT node_modules AS LOCAL node_modules test-compile-was-run: FROM alpine:3.21 COPY dist /from-git COPY +compile/dist /from-compile RUN diff -r /from-git /from-compile >/dev/null || (echo "dist and +compile/dist are different, did you forget to run earthly +compile?" && exit 1) test: FROM +code COPY tsconfig.json . COPY vite.config.ts vitest.config.ts . RUN npm test test-run: FROM +npm-base COPY --dir +compile/dist . ENV RUNNER_TOOL_CACHE=/tmp/cache-dir RUN node dist/setup/index.js | tee output RUN ! grep 'Found tool in cache' output RUN cat output | grep '^::add-path::' | sed 's/::add-path:://g' > earthly-path RUN test "$(cat earthly-path)" = "/root/.earthly/bin" # [a-zA-Z0-9]* attempt to match a commit hash RUN export PATH="$(cat earthly-path):$PATH" && earthly --version | tee version.output RUN grep '^earthly version v.*linux/amd64; Alpine Linux' version.output # validate cache was used RUN node dist/setup/index.js | tee output2 RUN grep 'Found tool in cache' output2 lint-newline: FROM alpine:3.21 WORKDIR /everything COPY . . # test that line endings are unix-style RUN set -e; \ code=0; \ for f in $(find . -type f \( -iname '*.ts' -o -iname 'Earthfile' \) | grep -v node_modules); do \ if ! dos2unix < "$f" | cmp - "$f"; then \ echo "$f contains windows-style newlines and must be converted to unix-style (use dos2unix to fix)"; \ code=1; \ fi; \ done; \ exit $code # test file ends with a single newline RUN set -e; \ code=0; \ for f in $(find . -type f \( -iname '*.ts' -o -iname 'Earthfile' \) | grep -v node_modules); do \ if [ "$(tail -c 1 $f)" != "$(printf '\n')" ]; then \ echo "$f does not end with a newline"; \ code=1; \ fi; \ done; \ exit $code # check for files with trailing newlines RUN set -e; \ code=0; \ for f in $(find . -type f \( -iname '*.ts' -o -iname 'Earthfile' \) | grep -v node_modules); do \ if [ "$(tail -c 2 $f)" == "$(printf '\n\n')" ]; then \ echo "$f has trailing newlines"; \ code=1; \ fi; \ done; \ exit $code update-dist-for-renovate: FROM alpine/git RUN git config --global "renovate[bot]" && \ git config --global "renovate[bot]" && \ git config --global url."".insteadOf "" ARG git_repo="earthly/actions-setup" ARG git_url="$git_repo" ARG SECRET_PATH=littleredcorvette-id_rsa DO --pass-args git+DEEP_CLONE --GIT_URL=$git_url --SECRET_PATH=$SECRET_PATH ARG EARTHLY_GIT_BRANCH LET branch=$EARTHLY_GIT_BRANCH RUN --mount=type=secret,id=$SECRET_PATH,mode=0400,target=/root/.ssh/id_rsa \ git checkout $branch COPY --dir +compile/dist . RUN git add dist && git commit -m "update dist for Renovate" || echo nothing to commit RUN --push --mount=type=secret,id=$SECRET_PATH,mode=0400,target=/root/.ssh/id_rsa \ git push origin $branch merge-release-to-major-branch: FROM alpine/git RUN git config --global "littleredcorvette" && \ git config --global "" && \ git config --global url."".insteadOf "" ARG git_repo="earthly/actions-setup" ARG git_url="$git_repo" ARG SECRET_PATH=littleredcorvette-id_rsa DO --pass-args git+DEEP_CLONE --GIT_URL=$git_url --SECRET_PATH=$SECRET_PATH ARG --required RELEASE_TAG LET tag=${RELEASE_TAG#refs/tags/} LET major=$tag SET major=$(echo ${major%.*}) SET major=$(echo ${major%.*}) RUN --mount=type=secret,id=$SECRET_PATH,mode=0400,target=/root/.ssh/id_rsa \ git checkout $major && git merge --ff-only $tag RUN --push --mount=type=secret,id=$SECRET_PATH,mode=0400,target=/root/.ssh/id_rsa \ git push origin $major all: BUILD +lint BUILD +lint-newline BUILD +compile BUILD +test BUILD +test-run BUILD +test-compile-was-run