Billy O'Neal a28bfe7674
[vcpkg] Remove the tombstones and 'ignore' baseline concepts. (#12197)
This changes our PR builds to treat 'fail' in the ci.baseline.txt as 'skip' instead of using tombstones.

We currently have large numbers of spurious failures that get enshrined in PRs through no fault of a PR author, removing the tombstones concept will fix those by allowing the user to retry. This does mean we accept some risk of not detecting when a port is 'fixed', but that failure is reasonable for us to handle after we see it in CI, but that seems worth it given that it lets us get rid of the tombstone concept.

This also helps out the binary caching feature, because we don't have to figure out how to productize tombstones.
2020-07-02 20:20:07 -07:00

vcpkg-eg-mac VMs

Table of Contents

Basic Usage

The simplest usage, and one which should be used for when spinning up new VMs, and when restarting old ones, is a simple:

$ cd ~/vagrant/vcpkg-eg-mac
$ vagrant up

Any modifications to the machines should be made in configuration/VagrantFile and Setup-VagrantMachines.ps1, and make sure to push any changes!

Setting up a new macOS machine

Before anything else, one must download brew and powershell.

$ /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
$ brew cask install powershell

Then, we need to download the vcpkg repository:

$ git clone

And now all we need to do is set it up! Replace XX with the number of the virtual machine. Generally, that should be the same as the number for the physical machine; i.e., vcpkgmm-04 will have vcpkg-eg-mac-04.

$ cd vcpkg/scripts/azure-pipelines/osx
$ ./Install-Prerequisites.ps1 -Force
  # NOTE: you may get an error about CoreCLR; see the following paragraph if you do
$ ./Setup-VagrantMachines.ps1 XX \
  -Pat '<get this from azure>' \
  -ArchivesUsername '<get this from the archives share>' \
  -ArchivesAccessKey '<get this from the archives share>' \
  -ArchivesUrn '<something>' \
  -ArchivesShare 'archives'
$ cd ~/vagrant/vcpkg-eg-mac
$ vagrant up

If you see the following error:

Failed to initialize CoreCLR, HRESULT: 0x8007001F

You have to reboot the machine; run

$ sudo shutdown -r now

and wait for the machine to start back up. Then, start again from Install-Prerequisites.ps1.