## # vcpkg_extract_source_archive_ex ## ## Extract an archive into the source directory. Replaces [`vcpkg_extract_source_archive`](vcpkg_extract_source_archive.md). ## ## ## Usage ## ```cmake ## vcpkg_extract_source_archive_ex( ## SKIP_PATCH_CHECK ## OUT_SOURCE_PATH ## ARCHIVE <${ARCHIVE}> ## [REF <1.0.0>] ## [NO_REMOVE_ONE_LEVEL] ## [WORKING_DIRECTORY <${CURRENT_BUILDTREES_DIR}/src>] ## [PATCHES ...] ## ) ## ``` ## ## Parameters ## ### SKIP_PATCH_CHECK ## If this option is set the failure to apply a patch is ignored. ## ## ### OUT_SOURCE_PATH ## Specifies the out-variable that will contain the extracted location. ## ## This should be set to `SOURCE_PATH` by convention. ## ## ### ARCHIVE ## The full path to the archive to be extracted. ## ## This is usually obtained from calling [`vcpkg_download_distfile`](vcpkg_download_distfile.md). ## ## ### REF ## A friendly name that will be used instead of the filename of the archive. If more than 10 characters it will be truncated. ## ## By convention, this is set to the version number or tag fetched ## ## ### WORKING_DIRECTORY ## If specified, the archive will be extracted into the working directory instead of `${CURRENT_BUILDTREES_DIR}/src/`. ## ## Note that the archive will still be extracted into a subfolder underneath that directory (`${WORKING_DIRECTORY}/${REF}-${HASH}/`). ## ## ### PATCHES ## A list of patches to be applied to the extracted sources. ## ## Relative paths are based on the port directory. ## ## ### NO_REMOVE_ONE_LEVEL ## Specifies that the default removal of the top level folder should not occur. ## ## ## Examples ## ## * [bzip2](https://github.com/Microsoft/vcpkg/blob/master/ports/bzip2/portfile.cmake) ## * [sqlite3](https://github.com/Microsoft/vcpkg/blob/master/ports/sqlite3/portfile.cmake) ## * [cairo](https://github.com/Microsoft/vcpkg/blob/master/ports/cairo/portfile.cmake) include(vcpkg_apply_patches) include(vcpkg_extract_source_archive) function(vcpkg_extract_source_archive_ex) cmake_parse_arguments( _vesae "NO_REMOVE_ONE_LEVEL;SKIP_PATCH_CHECK" "OUT_SOURCE_PATH;ARCHIVE;REF;WORKING_DIRECTORY" "PATCHES" ${ARGN} ) if(NOT _vesae_ARCHIVE) message(FATAL_ERROR "Must specify ARCHIVE parameter to vcpkg_extract_source_archive_ex()") endif() if(NOT DEFINED _vesae_OUT_SOURCE_PATH) message(FATAL_ERROR "Must specify OUT_SOURCE_PATH parameter to vcpkg_extract_source_archive_ex()") endif() if(NOT DEFINED _vesae_WORKING_DIRECTORY) set(_vesae_WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CURRENT_BUILDTREES_DIR}/src) endif() if(NOT DEFINED _vesae_REF) get_filename_component(_vesae_REF ${_vesae_ARCHIVE} NAME_WE) endif() string(REPLACE "/" "-" SANITIZED_REF "${_vesae_REF}") # Take the last 10 chars of the REF set(REF_MAX_LENGTH 10) string(LENGTH ${SANITIZED_REF} REF_LENGTH) math(EXPR FROM_REF ${REF_LENGTH}-${REF_MAX_LENGTH}) if(FROM_REF LESS 0) set(FROM_REF 0) endif() string(SUBSTRING ${SANITIZED_REF} ${FROM_REF} ${REF_LENGTH} SHORTENED_SANITIZED_REF) # Hash the archive hash along with the patches. Take the first 10 chars of the hash file(SHA512 ${_vesae_ARCHIVE} PATCHSET_HASH) foreach(PATCH IN LISTS _vesae_PATCHES) get_filename_component(ABSOLUTE_PATCH "${PATCH}" ABSOLUTE BASE_DIR "${CURRENT_PORT_DIR}") file(SHA512 ${ABSOLUTE_PATCH} CURRENT_HASH) string(APPEND PATCHSET_HASH ${CURRENT_HASH}) endforeach() string(SHA512 PATCHSET_HASH ${PATCHSET_HASH}) string(SUBSTRING ${PATCHSET_HASH} 0 10 PATCHSET_HASH) set(SOURCE_PATH "${_vesae_WORKING_DIRECTORY}/${SHORTENED_SANITIZED_REF}-${PATCHSET_HASH}") if (NOT _VCPKG_EDITABLE) string(APPEND SOURCE_PATH ".clean") if(EXISTS ${SOURCE_PATH}) message(STATUS "Cleaning sources at ${SOURCE_PATH}. Pass --editable to vcpkg to reuse sources.") file(REMOVE_RECURSE ${SOURCE_PATH}) endif() endif() if(NOT EXISTS ${SOURCE_PATH}) set(TEMP_DIR "${_vesae_WORKING_DIRECTORY}/${SHORTENED_SANITIZED_REF}-${PATCHSET_HASH}.tmp") file(REMOVE_RECURSE ${TEMP_DIR}) vcpkg_extract_source_archive("${_vesae_ARCHIVE}" "${TEMP_DIR}") if(_vesae_NO_REMOVE_ONE_LEVEL) set(TEMP_SOURCE_PATH ${TEMP_DIR}) else() file(GLOB _ARCHIVE_FILES "${TEMP_DIR}/*") list(LENGTH _ARCHIVE_FILES _NUM_ARCHIVE_FILES) set(TEMP_SOURCE_PATH) foreach(dir IN LISTS _ARCHIVE_FILES) if (IS_DIRECTORY ${dir}) set(TEMP_SOURCE_PATH "${dir}") break() endif() endforeach() if(NOT _NUM_ARCHIVE_FILES EQUAL 2 OR NOT TEMP_SOURCE_PATH) message(FATAL_ERROR "Could not unwrap top level directory from archive. Pass NO_REMOVE_ONE_LEVEL to disable this.") endif() endif() if (_vesae_SKIP_PATCH_CHECK) set (QUIET QUIET) else() set (QUIET) endif() vcpkg_apply_patches( ${QUIET} SOURCE_PATH ${TEMP_SOURCE_PATH} PATCHES ${_vesae_PATCHES} ) file(RENAME ${TEMP_SOURCE_PATH} ${SOURCE_PATH}) file(REMOVE_RECURSE ${TEMP_DIR}) endif() set(${_vesae_OUT_SOURCE_PATH} "${SOURCE_PATH}" PARENT_SCOPE) message(STATUS "Using source at ${SOURCE_PATH}") return() endfunction()