#[===[.md: # vcpkg_copy_pdbs Automatically locate pdbs in the build tree and copy them adjacent to all DLLs. ## Usage ```cmake vcpkg_copy_pdbs([BUILD_PATHS <${CURRENT_PACKAGES_DIR}/bin/*.dll> ...]) ``` ## Notes This command should always be called by portfiles after they have finished rearranging the binary output. ## Parameters ### BUILD_PATHS Path patterns passed to `file(GLOB_RECURSE)` for locating dlls. Defaults to `${CURRENT_PACKAGES_DIR}/bin/*.dll` and `${CURRENT_PACKAGES_DIR}/debug/bin/*.dll`. ## Examples * [zlib](https://github.com/Microsoft/vcpkg/blob/master/ports/zlib/portfile.cmake) * [cpprestsdk](https://github.com/Microsoft/vcpkg/blob/master/ports/cpprestsdk/portfile.cmake) #]===] function(vcpkg_copy_pdbs) # parse parameters such that semicolons in options arguments to COMMAND don't get erased cmake_parse_arguments(PARSE_ARGV 0 _vcp "" "" "BUILD_PATHS") if(NOT _vcp_BUILD_PATHS) set( _vcp_BUILD_PATHS ${CURRENT_PACKAGES_DIR}/bin/*.dll ${CURRENT_PACKAGES_DIR}/debug/bin/*.dll ) endif() function(merge_filelist OUTVAR INVAR) set(MSG "") foreach(VAR ${${INVAR}}) set(MSG "${MSG} ${VAR}\n") endforeach() set(${OUTVAR} ${MSG} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() if(VCPKG_LIBRARY_LINKAGE STREQUAL dynamic AND NOT VCPKG_TARGET_IS_MINGW) file(GLOB_RECURSE DLLS ${_vcp_BUILD_PATHS}) set(DLLS_WITHOUT_MATCHING_PDBS) set(PREVIOUS_VSLANG $ENV{VSLANG}) set(ENV{VSLANG} 1033) foreach(DLL ${DLLS}) execute_process(COMMAND dumpbin /PDBPATH ${DLL} COMMAND findstr PDB OUTPUT_VARIABLE PDB_LINE ERROR_QUIET RESULT_VARIABLE error_code ) if(NOT error_code AND PDB_LINE MATCHES "PDB file found at") string(REGEX MATCH '.*' PDB_PATH ${PDB_LINE}) # Extract the path which is in single quotes string(REPLACE ' "" PDB_PATH ${PDB_PATH}) # Remove single quotes get_filename_component(DLL_DIR ${DLL} DIRECTORY) file(COPY ${PDB_PATH} DESTINATION ${DLL_DIR}) else() list(APPEND DLLS_WITHOUT_MATCHING_PDBS ${DLL}) endif() endforeach() set(ENV{VSLANG} ${PREVIOUS_VSLANG}) list(LENGTH DLLS_WITHOUT_MATCHING_PDBS UNMATCHED_DLLS_LENGTH) if(UNMATCHED_DLLS_LENGTH GREATER 0) merge_filelist(MSG DLLS_WITHOUT_MATCHING_PDBS) message(STATUS "Warning: Could not find a matching pdb file for:\n${MSG}") endif() endif() endfunction()