# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT # <# .SYNOPSIS Generates a list of ports to skip in the CI. .DESCRIPTION generate-skip-list takes a triplet, and the path to the ci.baseline.txt file, and generates a skip list string to pass to vcpkg. .PARAMETER Triplet The triplet to find skipped ports for. .PARAMETER BaselineFile The path to the ci.baseline.txt file. #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [string]$Triplet, [string]$BaselineFile ) $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop' if (-not (Test-Path -Path $BaselineFile)) { Write-Error "Unable to find baseline file $BaselineFile" throw } #read in the file, strip out comments and blank lines and spaces $baselineListRaw = Get-Content -Path $BaselineFile ` | Where-Object { -not ($_ -match "\s*#") } ` | Where-Object { -not ( $_ -match "^\s*$") } ` | ForEach-Object { $_ -replace "\s" } ############################################################### # This script is running at the beginning of the CI test, so do a little extra # checking so things can fail early. #verify everything has a valid value $missingValues = $baselineListRaw | Where-Object { -not ($_ -match "=\w") } if ($missingValues) { Write-Error "The following are missing values: $missingValues" throw } $invalidValues = $baselineListRaw ` | Where-Object { -not ($_ -match "=(skip|pass|fail|ignore)$") } if ($invalidValues) { Write-Error "The following have invalid values: $invalidValues" throw } $baselineForTriplet = $baselineListRaw ` | Where-Object { $_ -match ":$Triplet=" } # Verify there are no duplicates (redefinitions are not allowed) $file_map = @{ } foreach ($port in $baselineForTriplet | ForEach-Object { $_ -replace ":.*$" }) { if ($null -ne $file_map[$port]) { Write-Error ` "$($port):$($Triplet) has multiple definitions in $baselineFile" throw } $file_map[$port] = $true } # Format the skip list for the command line $skip_list = $baselineForTriplet ` | Where-Object { $_ -match "=skip$" } ` | ForEach-Object { $_ -replace ":.*$" } [string]::Join(",", $skip_list)