#[===[.md: # vcpkg_execute_build_process Execute a required build process ## Usage ```cmake vcpkg_execute_build_process( COMMAND [...] [NO_PARALLEL_COMMAND [...]] WORKING_DIRECTORY LOGNAME ) ``` ## Parameters ### COMMAND The command to be executed, along with its arguments. ### NO_PARALLEL_COMMAND Optional parameter which specifies a non-parallel command to attempt if a failure potentially due to parallelism is detected. ### WORKING_DIRECTORY The directory to execute the command in. ### LOGNAME The prefix to use for the log files. This should be a unique name for different triplets so that the logs don't conflict when building multiple at once. ## Examples * [icu](https://github.com/Microsoft/vcpkg/blob/master/ports/icu/portfile.cmake) #]===] set(Z_VCPKG_EXECUTE_BUILD_PROCESS_RETRY_ERROR_MESSAGES "LINK : fatal error LNK1102:" " fatal error C1060: " # The linker ran out of memory during execution. We will try continuing once more, with parallelism disabled. "LINK : fatal error LNK1318:" "LINK : fatal error LNK1104:" "LINK : fatal error LNK1201:" "ld terminated with signal 9" # Multiple threads using the same directory at the same time cause conflicts, will try again. "Cannot create parent directory" "Cannot write file" # Multiple threads caused the wrong order of creating folders and creating files in folders "Can't open" ) list(JOIN Z_VCPKG_EXECUTE_BUILD_PROCESS_RETRY_ERROR_MESSAGES "|" Z_VCPKG_EXECUTE_BUILD_PROCESS_RETRY_ERROR_MESSAGES) function(vcpkg_execute_build_process) cmake_parse_arguments(PARSE_ARGV 0 arg "" "WORKING_DIRECTORY;LOGNAME" "COMMAND;NO_PARALLEL_COMMAND") if(DEFINED arg_UNPARSED_ARGUMENTS) message(WARNING "${CMAKE_CURRENT_FUNCTION} was passed extra arguments: ${arg_UNPARSED_ARGUMENTS}") endif() foreach(required_arg IN ITEMS WORKING_DIRECTORY COMMAND) if(NOT DEFINED arg_${required_arg}) message(FATAL_ERROR "${required_arg} must be specified.") endif() endforeach() if(NOT DEFINED arg_LOGNAME) message(WARNING "LOGNAME should be specified.") set(arg_LOGNAME "build") endif() set(log_prefix "${CURRENT_BUILDTREES_DIR}/${arg_LOGNAME}") set(log_out "${log_prefix}-out.log") set(log_err "${log_prefix}-err.log") set(all_logs "${log_out}" "${log_err}") execute_process( COMMAND ${arg_COMMAND} WORKING_DIRECTORY "${arg_WORKING_DIRECTORY}" OUTPUT_FILE "${log_out}" ERROR_FILE "${log_err}" RESULT_VARIABLE error_code ) if(NOT error_code EQUAL "0") file(READ "${log_out}" out_contents) file(READ "${log_err}" err_contents) set(all_contents "${out_contents}${err_contents}") if(all_contents MATCHES "${Z_VCPKG_EXECUTE_BUILD_PROCESS_RETRY_ERROR_MESSAGES}") message(WARNING "Please ensure your system has sufficient memory.") set(log_out "${log_prefix}-out-1.log") set(log_err "${log_prefix}-err-1.log") list(APPEND all_logs "${log_out}" "${log_err}") if(DEFINED arg_NO_PARALLEL_COMMAND) message(STATUS "Restarting build without parallelism") execute_process( COMMAND ${arg_NO_PARALLEL_COMMAND} WORKING_DIRECTORY "${arg_WORKING_DIRECTORY}" OUTPUT_FILE "${log_out}" ERROR_FILE "${log_err}" RESULT_VARIABLE error_code ) else() message(STATUS "Restarting build") execute_process( COMMAND ${arg_COMMAND} WORKING_DIRECTORY "${arg_WORKING_DIRECTORY}" OUTPUT_FILE "${log_out}" ERROR_FILE "${log_err}" RESULT_VARIABLE error_code ) endif() elseif(all_contents MATCHES "mt : general error c101008d: ") # Antivirus workaround - occasionally files are locked and cause mt.exe to fail message(STATUS "mt.exe has failed. This may be the result of anti-virus. Disabling anti-virus on the buildtree folder may improve build speed") foreach(iteration RANGE 1 3) message(STATUS "Restarting Build ${TARGET_TRIPLET}-${SHORT_BUILDTYPE} because of mt.exe file locking issue. Iteration: ${iteration}") set(log_out "${log_prefix}-out-${iteration}.log") set(log_err "${log_prefix}-err-${iteration}.log") list(APPEND all_logs "${log_out}" "${log_err}") execute_process( COMMAND ${arg_COMMAND} WORKING_DIRECTORY "${arg_WORKING_DIRECTORY}" OUTPUT_FILE "${log_out}" ERROR_FILE "${log_err}" RESULT_VARIABLE error_code ) if(error_code EQUAL "0") break() endif() file(READ "${log_out}" out_contents) file(READ "${log_err}" err_contents) set(all_contents "${out_contents}${err_contents}") if(NOT all_contents MATCHES "mt : general error c101008d: ") break() endif() endforeach() endif() endif() if(NOT error_code EQUAL "0") set(stringified_logs "") foreach(log IN LISTS all_logs) if(NOT EXISTS "${log}") continue() endif() file(SIZE "${log}" log_size) if(NOT log_size EQUAL "0") file(TO_NATIVE_PATH "${log}" native_log) string(APPEND stringified_logs " ${native_log}\n") endif() endforeach() z_vcpkg_prettify_command_line(pretty_command ${arg_COMMAND}) message(FATAL_ERROR " Command failed: ${pretty_command}\n" " Working Directory: ${arg_WORKING_DIRECTORY}\n" " See logs for more information:\n" "${stringified_logs}" ) endif() endfunction()