# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT param([string]$SasToken) if (Test-Path "$PSScriptRoot/utility-prefix.ps1") { . "$PSScriptRoot/utility-prefix.ps1" } <# .SYNOPSIS Partitions a new physical disk. .DESCRIPTION Takes the disk $DiskNumber, turns it on, then partitions it for use with label $Label and drive letter $Letter. .PARAMETER DiskNumber The number of the disk to set up. .PARAMETER Letter The drive letter at which to mount the disk. .PARAMETER Label The label to give the disk. #> Function New-PhysicalDisk { Param( [int]$DiskNumber, [string]$Letter, [string]$Label ) if ($Letter.Length -ne 1) { throw "Bad drive letter $Letter, expected only one letter. (Did you accidentially add a : ?)" } try { Write-Host "Attempting to online physical disk $DiskNumber" [string]$diskpartScriptPath = Get-TempFilePath -Extension 'txt' [string]$diskpartScriptContent = "SELECT DISK $DiskNumber`r`n" + "ONLINE DISK`r`n" Write-Host "Writing diskpart script to $diskpartScriptPath with content:" Write-Host $diskpartScriptContent Set-Content -Path $diskpartScriptPath -Value $diskpartScriptContent Write-Host 'Invoking DISKPART...' & diskpart.exe /s $diskpartScriptPath Write-Host "Provisioning physical disk $DiskNumber as drive $Letter" [string]$diskpartScriptContent = "SELECT DISK $DiskNumber`r`n" + "ATTRIBUTES DISK CLEAR READONLY`r`n" + "CREATE PARTITION PRIMARY`r`n" + "FORMAT FS=NTFS LABEL=`"$Label`" QUICK`r`n" + "ASSIGN LETTER=$Letter`r`n" Write-Host "Writing diskpart script to $diskpartScriptPath with content:" Write-Host $diskpartScriptContent Set-Content -Path $diskpartScriptPath -Value $diskpartScriptContent Write-Host 'Invoking DISKPART...' & diskpart.exe /s $diskpartScriptPath } catch { Write-Error "Failed to provision physical disk $DiskNumber as drive $Letter! $($_.Exception.Message)" } } New-PhysicalDisk -DiskNumber 1 -Letter 'E' -Label 'install disk'