5 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Jia Yue Hua
[flint] update to 2.9.0 (#34143) 2023-10-02 20:00:19 -07:00
[many-ports] Don't use deprecated functions (autogenerated) (#26981)
* [libuvc,qt5-virtualkeyboard] remove duplicated dependency entry

* [many-ports] don't use deprecated functions (autogenerated)

* atkmm: Fix license.
gperftools: Reformat vcpkg_check_features call.
gsl: Fix license.
libpff: Fix license.
pangomm: Fix license.
qtbase: Revert, only comment changes.
type-lite: Reformat vcpkg_check_features and actually use the feature options.


Co-authored-by: Billy Robert O'Neal III <bion@microsoft.com>
2023-04-13 09:13:15 -07:00
Billy O'Neal
[many ports] remove remaining vcpkg_fail_port_install calls. (#22770)
* Bulk remove vcpkg_fail_port_install calls.

Interesting ones have been split out into separate reviews, where "interesting" means "anything more than just deleting the call to vcpkg_fail_port_install",

In support of https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg/pull/21502

* Update version database.

* Revert google benchmark changes already submitted as https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg/pull/22728

* Repair version database.
2022-01-25 10:31:15 -08:00
[getdns/flint/arb] Update to the latest version (#20050)
* [getdns/flint] Update to the latest version

* [getdns/flint] Update to the latest version

* [flint] Add unsupported on uwp

* Update version files

* [flint] Handle dllimport macro in header files

* [arb] Update to 2.21.0

* [arb] Update to 2.2.1 and use upstream CMakeLists.txt

* [arb] App patch

* Update versions/a-/arb.json
2021-11-05 16:09:43 -07:00
Billy O'Neal
Bulk convert control files. (#19986)
function Convert-Control {
    .\vcpkg.exe format-manifest $full
    $root = $full.Substring(0, $full.Length - 7) # CONTROL
    $new = $root + 'vcpkg.json'
    $content = Get-Content -Raw $new
    $asJson = ConvertFrom-Json $content -AsHashtable -Depth 100
    $oldVersion = $asJson['port-version']
    if ($null -eq $oldVersion) {
        $oldVersionFull = $asJson['version-string']
        Write-Host "Got version $oldVersionFull"
        $match = [System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex]::Match($oldVersionFull, '^(.+)-(\d+)$')
        if ($match.Success -and -not [System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex]::IsMatch($oldVersionFull, '^\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d$')) {
            $newFullVersion = [string]$match.Groups[1].Value
            $oldVersion = [int]$match.Groups[2].Value
            Write-Host "newFullVersion $newFullVersion oldVersion $oldVersion"
            $newVersion = $oldVersion + 1
            $asJson['version-string'] = $newFullVersion
            Write-Host "Previous version for $full extracted from version field -- setting version-string $newFullVersion and port-version $newVersion"
        } else {
            Write-Host "No previous version for $full -- setting 1"
            $newVersion = 1
    } else {
        $newVersion = [int]$oldVersion + 1
        Write-Host "New version for $full : $newVersion"

    $asJson['port-version'] = $newVersion

    $content = ConvertTo-Json $asJson -Depth 100
    Set-Content -Path $new -Value $content
    .\vcpkg.exe format-manifest $new

Get-ChildItem ports\CONTROL -Recurse | Foreach-Object {
    Convert-Control $_.FullName

git commit -am "this message"
.\vcpkg.exe x-add-version -all
git commit -a --amend
2021-09-09 01:24:04 -07:00