2017-01-23 12:54:03 -08:00
2017-02-12 22:18:09 -08:00
[switch]$DisableVS2017 = $False,
2017-01-23 12:54:03 -08:00
2017-02-12 22:18:09 -08:00
[switch]$DisableVS2015 = $False
2017-01-23 12:54:03 -08:00
2017-02-24 16:11:48 -08:00
if ($DisableVS2017 -and $DisableVS2015)
throw "Both VS2015 and VS2017 were disabled."
function New-MSBuildInstance()
param ($msbuildExePath, $toolsetVersion)
$instance = new-object PSObject
$instance | add-member -type NoteProperty -Name msbuildExePath -Value $msbuildExePath
$instance | add-member -type NoteProperty -Name toolsetVersion -Value $toolsetVersion
return $instance
Write-Verbose "Executing $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name) with DisableVS2017=$DisableVS2017, DisableVS2015=$DisableVS2015"
2017-01-23 12:54:03 -08:00
$scriptsDir = split-path -parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition
2017-02-24 16:11:48 -08:00
$validInstances = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
# VS2017
Write-Verbose "`n`n"
Write-Verbose "Checking for MSBuild from VS2017 instances..."
$VisualStudio2017InstallationInstances = & $scriptsDir\findVisualStudioInstallationInstances.ps1
Write-Verbose "VS2017 Candidates: $([system.String]::Join(',', $VisualStudio2017InstallationInstances))"
foreach ($instanceCandidate in $VisualStudio2017InstallationInstances)
2017-01-23 12:54:03 -08:00
2017-02-24 16:11:48 -08:00
$VCFolder= "$instanceCandidate\VC\Tools\MSVC\"
if (Test-Path $VCFolder)
2017-01-23 12:54:03 -08:00
2017-02-24 16:11:48 -08:00
$instance = New-MSBuildInstance "$instanceCandidate\MSBuild\15.0\Bin\MSBuild.exe" "v141"
Write-Verbose "Found $instance"
$validInstances.Add($instance) > $null
2017-02-12 22:18:09 -08:00
2017-02-24 16:11:48 -08:00
# VS2015 - in Program Files
Write-Verbose "`n`n"
Write-Verbose "Checking for MSBuild from VS2015 in Program Files..."
$CandidateProgramFiles = $(& $scriptsDir\getProgramFiles32bit.ps1), $(& $scriptsDir\getProgramFilesPlatformBitness.ps1)
Write-Verbose "Program Files Candidate locations: $([system.String]::Join(',', $CandidateProgramFiles))"
foreach ($ProgramFiles in $CandidateProgramFiles)
$clExe= "$ProgramFiles\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\bin\cl.exe"
2017-02-24 16:36:10 -08:00
if (!(Test-Path $clExe))
2017-02-24 16:11:48 -08:00
2017-02-24 16:36:10 -08:00
Write-Verbose "$clExe - Not Found"
2017-01-23 12:54:03 -08:00
2017-02-24 16:36:10 -08:00
Write-Verbose "$clExe - Found"
$instance = New-MSBuildInstance "$ProgramFiles\MSBuild\14.0\Bin\MSBuild.exe" "v140"
Write-Verbose "Found $instance"
$validInstances.Add($instance) > $null
2017-01-23 12:54:03 -08:00
2017-02-24 16:11:48 -08:00
# VS2015 - through the registry
function NewCppRegistryPair()
param ($visualStudioEntry, $msBuildEntry)
$instance = new-object PSObject
$instance | add-member -type NoteProperty -Name visualStudioEntry -Value $visualStudioEntry
$instance | add-member -type NoteProperty -Name msBuildEntry -Value $msBuildEntry
return $instance
Write-Verbose "`n`n"
Write-Verbose "Checking for MSBuild from VS2015 through the registry..."
$registryPairs =
$(NewCppRegistryPair "Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\visualstudio\14.0" "Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\msbuild\toolsversions\14.0"),
$(NewCppRegistryPair "Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\visualstudio\14.0" "Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\msbuild\toolsversions\14.0")
foreach ($pair in $registryPairs)
2017-01-23 12:54:03 -08:00
2017-02-24 16:11:48 -08:00
$vsEntry = $pair.visualStudioEntry
$VS14InstallDir = $(gp $vsEntry InstallDir -erroraction Stop | % { $_.InstallDir })
2017-04-11 14:41:57 -07:00
Write-Verbose "$vsEntry\InstallDir - Found"
2017-02-24 16:11:48 -08:00
2017-04-11 14:41:57 -07:00
Write-Verbose "$vsEntry\InstallDir - Not Found"
2017-02-24 16:11:48 -08:00
Write-Verbose "$VS14InstallDir - Obtained from registry"
# We want "${VS14InstallDir}..\..\VC\bin\cl.exe"
# Doing Split-path to avoid the ..\.. from appearing in the output
$clExePath = Split-path $VS14InstallDir -Parent
$clExePath = Split-path $clExePath -Parent
$clExePath = "$clExePath\VC\bin\cl.exe"
if (!(Test-Path $clExePath))
Write-Verbose "$clExePath - Not Found"
Write-Verbose "$clExePath - Found"
$msbuildEntry = $pair.msBuildEntry
2017-02-12 22:18:09 -08:00
2017-02-24 16:11:48 -08:00
$MSBuild14 = $(gp $msbuildEntry MSBuildToolsPath -erroraction Stop | % { $_.MSBuildToolsPath })
2017-04-11 14:41:57 -07:00
Write-Verbose "$msbuildEntry\MSBuildToolsPath - Found"
2017-02-12 22:18:09 -08:00
2017-01-23 12:54:03 -08:00
2017-04-11 14:41:57 -07:00
Write-Verbose "$msbuildEntry\MSBuildToolsPath - Not Found"
2017-02-24 16:11:48 -08:00
Write-Verbose "${MSBuild14} - Obtained from registry"
$msbuildPath = "${MSBuild14}MSBuild.exe"
if (!(Test-Path $msbuildPath))
Write-Verbose "$msbuildPath - Not Found"
2017-01-23 12:54:03 -08:00
2017-02-24 16:11:48 -08:00
$instance = New-MSBuildInstance $msbuildPath "v140"
Write-Verbose "Found $instance"
$validInstances.Add($instance) > $null
2017-01-23 12:54:03 -08:00
2017-02-24 16:11:48 -08:00
Write-Verbose "`n`n`n"
Write-Verbose "The following MSBuild instances were found:"
foreach ($instance in $validInstances)
Write-Verbose $instance
# Selecting
foreach ($instance in $validInstances)
if (!$DisableVS2017 -and $instance.toolsetVersion -eq "v141")
return $instance.msbuildExePath, $instance.toolsetVersion
if (!$DisableVS2015 -and $instance.toolsetVersion -eq "v140")
return $instance.msbuildExePath, $instance.toolsetVersion
2017-02-12 22:18:09 -08:00
throw "Could not find MSBuild version with C++ support. VS2015 or VS2017 (with C++) needs to be installed."