361 lines
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# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
Creates a Linux virtual machine scale set, set up for vcpkg's CI.
create-vmss.ps1 creates an Azure Linux VM scale set, set up for vcpkg's CI
system. See https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/virtual-machine-scale-sets/overview
for more information.
This script assumes you have installed Azure tools into PowerShell by following the instructions
at https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/azure/install-az-ps?view=azps-3.6.1
or are running from Azure Cloud Shell.
This script assumes you have installed the OpenSSH Client optional Windows component.
$Location = 'westus2'
$Prefix = 'PrLin-' + (Get-Date -Format 'yyyy-MM-dd')
$VMSize = 'Standard_D16a_v4'
$ProtoVMName = 'PROTOTYPE'
$LiveVMPrefix = 'BUILD'
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
$ProgressActivity = 'Creating Scale Set'
$TotalProgress = 11
$CurrentProgress = 1
Import-Module "$PSScriptRoot/../create-vmss-helpers.psm1" -DisableNameChecking
Write-Progress `
-Activity $ProgressActivity `
-Status 'Creating SSH key' `
-PercentComplete (100 / $TotalProgress * $CurrentProgress++)
$sshDir = [System.IO.Path]::GetTempPath() + [System.IO.Path]::GetRandomFileName()
mkdir $sshDir
try {
ssh-keygen.exe -q -b 2048 -t rsa -f "$sshDir/key" -P [string]::Empty
$sshPublicKey = Get-Content "$sshDir/key.pub"
} finally {
Remove-Item $sshDir -Recurse -Force
Write-Progress `
-Activity $ProgressActivity `
-Status 'Creating resource group' `
-PercentComplete (100 / $TotalProgress * $CurrentProgress++)
$ResourceGroupName = Find-ResourceGroupName $Prefix
$AdminPW = New-Password
New-AzResourceGroup -Name $ResourceGroupName -Location $Location
$AdminPWSecure = ConvertTo-SecureString $AdminPW -AsPlainText -Force
$Credential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ("AdminUser", $AdminPWSecure)
Write-Progress `
-Activity $ProgressActivity `
-Status 'Creating virtual network' `
-PercentComplete (100 / $TotalProgress * $CurrentProgress++)
[opentracing] Update VMs 2020-12 (#15151) * Add meson from https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg/pull/12860/ * Add autoconf-archive from https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg/pull/13081/ * Add kf5windowsystem libs from https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg/pull/13467/ * Open the FTP and SFTP ports from https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg/pull/14412/ * Add libxcb-util0-dev from https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg/pull/14678/ * Add libasound2-dev from https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg/pull/14774 * Remove no longer necessary apt-mark calls. * Update nasm on Linux. * Fix longstanding bug where Storage was publicly accessible and change to generate SAS token rather than File Share * Delete no longer necessary azure storage firewall rules. * Install the newer Windows SDK with the VS installer instead of manually. * Install the VS2015 and VS2017 compilers. * Update Powershell-Core to 7.1.0. * Update source of WDK. * Update pools. * [opentracing] Repair arm64-windows failures caused by mojibake in `expected.hpp` and errors in opentracing-cpp's lint for arm64 where it thinks exceptions are disabled when they are enabled. Fixes: C:\Dev\vcpkg\buildtrees\opentracing\src\b67575dab0-0250653c81.clean\3rd_party\include\opentracing/expected/expected.hpp(1): warning C4828: The file contains a character starting at offset 0x4a77 that is illegal in the current source character set (codepage 65001). Fixes: D:\buildtrees\opentracing\src\b67575dab0-0250653c81.clean\include\opentracing/tracer.h:223:5: error: cannot use 'try' with exceptions disabled [clang-diagnostic-error] try { ^ * [mmloader] Patch out overrides of CMAKE_C_FLAGS and CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS that inserted /WX. Note that this port sets /GS-, possibly because it may be for authoring shellcode. * Bump storage API version to 2020-04-08.
2020-12-22 14:52:58 -08:00
$allFirewallRules = @()
$allFirewallRules += New-AzNetworkSecurityRuleConfig `
-Name AllowHTTP `
-Description 'Allow HTTP(S)' `
-Access Allow `
-Protocol Tcp `
-Direction Outbound `
-Priority 1008 `
-SourceAddressPrefix * `
-SourcePortRange * `
-DestinationAddressPrefix * `
-DestinationPortRange @(80, 443)
[opentracing] Update VMs 2020-12 (#15151) * Add meson from https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg/pull/12860/ * Add autoconf-archive from https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg/pull/13081/ * Add kf5windowsystem libs from https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg/pull/13467/ * Open the FTP and SFTP ports from https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg/pull/14412/ * Add libxcb-util0-dev from https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg/pull/14678/ * Add libasound2-dev from https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg/pull/14774 * Remove no longer necessary apt-mark calls. * Update nasm on Linux. * Fix longstanding bug where Storage was publicly accessible and change to generate SAS token rather than File Share * Delete no longer necessary azure storage firewall rules. * Install the newer Windows SDK with the VS installer instead of manually. * Install the VS2015 and VS2017 compilers. * Update Powershell-Core to 7.1.0. * Update source of WDK. * Update pools. * [opentracing] Repair arm64-windows failures caused by mojibake in `expected.hpp` and errors in opentracing-cpp's lint for arm64 where it thinks exceptions are disabled when they are enabled. Fixes: C:\Dev\vcpkg\buildtrees\opentracing\src\b67575dab0-0250653c81.clean\3rd_party\include\opentracing/expected/expected.hpp(1): warning C4828: The file contains a character starting at offset 0x4a77 that is illegal in the current source character set (codepage 65001). Fixes: D:\buildtrees\opentracing\src\b67575dab0-0250653c81.clean\include\opentracing/tracer.h:223:5: error: cannot use 'try' with exceptions disabled [clang-diagnostic-error] try { ^ * [mmloader] Patch out overrides of CMAKE_C_FLAGS and CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS that inserted /WX. Note that this port sets /GS-, possibly because it may be for authoring shellcode. * Bump storage API version to 2020-04-08.
2020-12-22 14:52:58 -08:00
$allFirewallRules += New-AzNetworkSecurityRuleConfig `
-Name AllowSFTP `
-Description 'Allow (S)FTP' `
-Access Allow `
-Protocol Tcp `
-Direction Outbound `
-Priority 1009 `
-SourceAddressPrefix * `
-SourcePortRange * `
-DestinationAddressPrefix * `
-DestinationPortRange @(21, 22)
$allFirewallRules += New-AzNetworkSecurityRuleConfig `
-Name AllowDNS `
-Description 'Allow DNS' `
-Access Allow `
-Protocol * `
-Direction Outbound `
[opentracing] Update VMs 2020-12 (#15151) * Add meson from https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg/pull/12860/ * Add autoconf-archive from https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg/pull/13081/ * Add kf5windowsystem libs from https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg/pull/13467/ * Open the FTP and SFTP ports from https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg/pull/14412/ * Add libxcb-util0-dev from https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg/pull/14678/ * Add libasound2-dev from https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg/pull/14774 * Remove no longer necessary apt-mark calls. * Update nasm on Linux. * Fix longstanding bug where Storage was publicly accessible and change to generate SAS token rather than File Share * Delete no longer necessary azure storage firewall rules. * Install the newer Windows SDK with the VS installer instead of manually. * Install the VS2015 and VS2017 compilers. * Update Powershell-Core to 7.1.0. * Update source of WDK. * Update pools. * [opentracing] Repair arm64-windows failures caused by mojibake in `expected.hpp` and errors in opentracing-cpp's lint for arm64 where it thinks exceptions are disabled when they are enabled. Fixes: C:\Dev\vcpkg\buildtrees\opentracing\src\b67575dab0-0250653c81.clean\3rd_party\include\opentracing/expected/expected.hpp(1): warning C4828: The file contains a character starting at offset 0x4a77 that is illegal in the current source character set (codepage 65001). Fixes: D:\buildtrees\opentracing\src\b67575dab0-0250653c81.clean\include\opentracing/tracer.h:223:5: error: cannot use 'try' with exceptions disabled [clang-diagnostic-error] try { ^ * [mmloader] Patch out overrides of CMAKE_C_FLAGS and CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS that inserted /WX. Note that this port sets /GS-, possibly because it may be for authoring shellcode. * Bump storage API version to 2020-04-08.
2020-12-22 14:52:58 -08:00
-Priority 1010 `
-SourceAddressPrefix * `
-SourcePortRange * `
-DestinationAddressPrefix * `
-DestinationPortRange 53
[opentracing] Update VMs 2020-12 (#15151) * Add meson from https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg/pull/12860/ * Add autoconf-archive from https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg/pull/13081/ * Add kf5windowsystem libs from https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg/pull/13467/ * Open the FTP and SFTP ports from https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg/pull/14412/ * Add libxcb-util0-dev from https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg/pull/14678/ * Add libasound2-dev from https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg/pull/14774 * Remove no longer necessary apt-mark calls. * Update nasm on Linux. * Fix longstanding bug where Storage was publicly accessible and change to generate SAS token rather than File Share * Delete no longer necessary azure storage firewall rules. * Install the newer Windows SDK with the VS installer instead of manually. * Install the VS2015 and VS2017 compilers. * Update Powershell-Core to 7.1.0. * Update source of WDK. * Update pools. * [opentracing] Repair arm64-windows failures caused by mojibake in `expected.hpp` and errors in opentracing-cpp's lint for arm64 where it thinks exceptions are disabled when they are enabled. Fixes: C:\Dev\vcpkg\buildtrees\opentracing\src\b67575dab0-0250653c81.clean\3rd_party\include\opentracing/expected/expected.hpp(1): warning C4828: The file contains a character starting at offset 0x4a77 that is illegal in the current source character set (codepage 65001). Fixes: D:\buildtrees\opentracing\src\b67575dab0-0250653c81.clean\include\opentracing/tracer.h:223:5: error: cannot use 'try' with exceptions disabled [clang-diagnostic-error] try { ^ * [mmloader] Patch out overrides of CMAKE_C_FLAGS and CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS that inserted /WX. Note that this port sets /GS-, possibly because it may be for authoring shellcode. * Bump storage API version to 2020-04-08.
2020-12-22 14:52:58 -08:00
$allFirewallRules += New-AzNetworkSecurityRuleConfig `
-Name AllowGit `
-Description 'Allow git' `
-Access Allow `
-Protocol Tcp `
-Direction Outbound `
[opentracing] Update VMs 2020-12 (#15151) * Add meson from https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg/pull/12860/ * Add autoconf-archive from https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg/pull/13081/ * Add kf5windowsystem libs from https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg/pull/13467/ * Open the FTP and SFTP ports from https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg/pull/14412/ * Add libxcb-util0-dev from https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg/pull/14678/ * Add libasound2-dev from https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg/pull/14774 * Remove no longer necessary apt-mark calls. * Update nasm on Linux. * Fix longstanding bug where Storage was publicly accessible and change to generate SAS token rather than File Share * Delete no longer necessary azure storage firewall rules. * Install the newer Windows SDK with the VS installer instead of manually. * Install the VS2015 and VS2017 compilers. * Update Powershell-Core to 7.1.0. * Update source of WDK. * Update pools. * [opentracing] Repair arm64-windows failures caused by mojibake in `expected.hpp` and errors in opentracing-cpp's lint for arm64 where it thinks exceptions are disabled when they are enabled. Fixes: C:\Dev\vcpkg\buildtrees\opentracing\src\b67575dab0-0250653c81.clean\3rd_party\include\opentracing/expected/expected.hpp(1): warning C4828: The file contains a character starting at offset 0x4a77 that is illegal in the current source character set (codepage 65001). Fixes: D:\buildtrees\opentracing\src\b67575dab0-0250653c81.clean\include\opentracing/tracer.h:223:5: error: cannot use 'try' with exceptions disabled [clang-diagnostic-error] try { ^ * [mmloader] Patch out overrides of CMAKE_C_FLAGS and CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS that inserted /WX. Note that this port sets /GS-, possibly because it may be for authoring shellcode. * Bump storage API version to 2020-04-08.
2020-12-22 14:52:58 -08:00
-Priority 1011 `
-SourceAddressPrefix * `
-SourcePortRange * `
-DestinationAddressPrefix * `
-DestinationPortRange 9418
[opentracing] Update VMs 2020-12 (#15151) * Add meson from https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg/pull/12860/ * Add autoconf-archive from https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg/pull/13081/ * Add kf5windowsystem libs from https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg/pull/13467/ * Open the FTP and SFTP ports from https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg/pull/14412/ * Add libxcb-util0-dev from https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg/pull/14678/ * Add libasound2-dev from https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg/pull/14774 * Remove no longer necessary apt-mark calls. * Update nasm on Linux. * Fix longstanding bug where Storage was publicly accessible and change to generate SAS token rather than File Share * Delete no longer necessary azure storage firewall rules. * Install the newer Windows SDK with the VS installer instead of manually. * Install the VS2015 and VS2017 compilers. * Update Powershell-Core to 7.1.0. * Update source of WDK. * Update pools. * [opentracing] Repair arm64-windows failures caused by mojibake in `expected.hpp` and errors in opentracing-cpp's lint for arm64 where it thinks exceptions are disabled when they are enabled. Fixes: C:\Dev\vcpkg\buildtrees\opentracing\src\b67575dab0-0250653c81.clean\3rd_party\include\opentracing/expected/expected.hpp(1): warning C4828: The file contains a character starting at offset 0x4a77 that is illegal in the current source character set (codepage 65001). Fixes: D:\buildtrees\opentracing\src\b67575dab0-0250653c81.clean\include\opentracing/tracer.h:223:5: error: cannot use 'try' with exceptions disabled [clang-diagnostic-error] try { ^ * [mmloader] Patch out overrides of CMAKE_C_FLAGS and CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS that inserted /WX. Note that this port sets /GS-, possibly because it may be for authoring shellcode. * Bump storage API version to 2020-04-08.
2020-12-22 14:52:58 -08:00
$allFirewallRules += New-AzNetworkSecurityRuleConfig `
-Name DenyElse `
-Description 'Deny everything else' `
-Access Deny `
-Protocol * `
-Direction Outbound `
[opentracing] Update VMs 2020-12 (#15151) * Add meson from https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg/pull/12860/ * Add autoconf-archive from https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg/pull/13081/ * Add kf5windowsystem libs from https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg/pull/13467/ * Open the FTP and SFTP ports from https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg/pull/14412/ * Add libxcb-util0-dev from https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg/pull/14678/ * Add libasound2-dev from https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg/pull/14774 * Remove no longer necessary apt-mark calls. * Update nasm on Linux. * Fix longstanding bug where Storage was publicly accessible and change to generate SAS token rather than File Share * Delete no longer necessary azure storage firewall rules. * Install the newer Windows SDK with the VS installer instead of manually. * Install the VS2015 and VS2017 compilers. * Update Powershell-Core to 7.1.0. * Update source of WDK. * Update pools. * [opentracing] Repair arm64-windows failures caused by mojibake in `expected.hpp` and errors in opentracing-cpp's lint for arm64 where it thinks exceptions are disabled when they are enabled. Fixes: C:\Dev\vcpkg\buildtrees\opentracing\src\b67575dab0-0250653c81.clean\3rd_party\include\opentracing/expected/expected.hpp(1): warning C4828: The file contains a character starting at offset 0x4a77 that is illegal in the current source character set (codepage 65001). Fixes: D:\buildtrees\opentracing\src\b67575dab0-0250653c81.clean\include\opentracing/tracer.h:223:5: error: cannot use 'try' with exceptions disabled [clang-diagnostic-error] try { ^ * [mmloader] Patch out overrides of CMAKE_C_FLAGS and CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS that inserted /WX. Note that this port sets /GS-, possibly because it may be for authoring shellcode. * Bump storage API version to 2020-04-08.
2020-12-22 14:52:58 -08:00
-Priority 1013 `
-SourceAddressPrefix * `
-SourcePortRange * `
-DestinationAddressPrefix * `
-DestinationPortRange *
$NetworkSecurityGroupName = $ResourceGroupName + 'NetworkSecurity'
$NetworkSecurityGroup = New-AzNetworkSecurityGroup `
-Name $NetworkSecurityGroupName `
-ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName `
-Location $Location `
[opentracing] Update VMs 2020-12 (#15151) * Add meson from https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg/pull/12860/ * Add autoconf-archive from https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg/pull/13081/ * Add kf5windowsystem libs from https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg/pull/13467/ * Open the FTP and SFTP ports from https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg/pull/14412/ * Add libxcb-util0-dev from https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg/pull/14678/ * Add libasound2-dev from https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg/pull/14774 * Remove no longer necessary apt-mark calls. * Update nasm on Linux. * Fix longstanding bug where Storage was publicly accessible and change to generate SAS token rather than File Share * Delete no longer necessary azure storage firewall rules. * Install the newer Windows SDK with the VS installer instead of manually. * Install the VS2015 and VS2017 compilers. * Update Powershell-Core to 7.1.0. * Update source of WDK. * Update pools. * [opentracing] Repair arm64-windows failures caused by mojibake in `expected.hpp` and errors in opentracing-cpp's lint for arm64 where it thinks exceptions are disabled when they are enabled. Fixes: C:\Dev\vcpkg\buildtrees\opentracing\src\b67575dab0-0250653c81.clean\3rd_party\include\opentracing/expected/expected.hpp(1): warning C4828: The file contains a character starting at offset 0x4a77 that is illegal in the current source character set (codepage 65001). Fixes: D:\buildtrees\opentracing\src\b67575dab0-0250653c81.clean\include\opentracing/tracer.h:223:5: error: cannot use 'try' with exceptions disabled [clang-diagnostic-error] try { ^ * [mmloader] Patch out overrides of CMAKE_C_FLAGS and CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS that inserted /WX. Note that this port sets /GS-, possibly because it may be for authoring shellcode. * Bump storage API version to 2020-04-08.
2020-12-22 14:52:58 -08:00
-SecurityRules $allFirewallRules
$SubnetName = $ResourceGroupName + 'Subnet'
$Subnet = New-AzVirtualNetworkSubnetConfig `
-Name $SubnetName `
-AddressPrefix "" `
[opentracing] Update VMs 2020-12 (#15151) * Add meson from https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg/pull/12860/ * Add autoconf-archive from https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg/pull/13081/ * Add kf5windowsystem libs from https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg/pull/13467/ * Open the FTP and SFTP ports from https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg/pull/14412/ * Add libxcb-util0-dev from https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg/pull/14678/ * Add libasound2-dev from https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg/pull/14774 * Remove no longer necessary apt-mark calls. * Update nasm on Linux. * Fix longstanding bug where Storage was publicly accessible and change to generate SAS token rather than File Share * Delete no longer necessary azure storage firewall rules. * Install the newer Windows SDK with the VS installer instead of manually. * Install the VS2015 and VS2017 compilers. * Update Powershell-Core to 7.1.0. * Update source of WDK. * Update pools. * [opentracing] Repair arm64-windows failures caused by mojibake in `expected.hpp` and errors in opentracing-cpp's lint for arm64 where it thinks exceptions are disabled when they are enabled. Fixes: C:\Dev\vcpkg\buildtrees\opentracing\src\b67575dab0-0250653c81.clean\3rd_party\include\opentracing/expected/expected.hpp(1): warning C4828: The file contains a character starting at offset 0x4a77 that is illegal in the current source character set (codepage 65001). Fixes: D:\buildtrees\opentracing\src\b67575dab0-0250653c81.clean\include\opentracing/tracer.h:223:5: error: cannot use 'try' with exceptions disabled [clang-diagnostic-error] try { ^ * [mmloader] Patch out overrides of CMAKE_C_FLAGS and CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS that inserted /WX. Note that this port sets /GS-, possibly because it may be for authoring shellcode. * Bump storage API version to 2020-04-08.
2020-12-22 14:52:58 -08:00
-NetworkSecurityGroup $NetworkSecurityGroup `
-ServiceEndpoint "Microsoft.Storage"
$VirtualNetworkName = $ResourceGroupName + 'Network'
$VirtualNetwork = New-AzVirtualNetwork `
-Name $VirtualNetworkName `
-ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName `
-Location $Location `
-AddressPrefix "" `
-Subnet $Subnet
Write-Progress `
-Activity $ProgressActivity `
-Status 'Creating archives storage account' `
-PercentComplete (100 / $TotalProgress * $CurrentProgress++)
$StorageAccountName = Sanitize-Name $ResourceGroupName
New-AzStorageAccount `
-ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName `
-Location $Location `
-Name $StorageAccountName `
-SkuName 'Standard_LRS' `
-Kind StorageV2
$StorageAccountKeys = Get-AzStorageAccountKey `
-ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName `
-Name $StorageAccountName
$StorageAccountKey = $StorageAccountKeys[0].Value
$StorageContext = New-AzStorageContext `
-StorageAccountName $StorageAccountName `
-StorageAccountKey $StorageAccountKey
[opentracing] Update VMs 2020-12 (#15151) * Add meson from https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg/pull/12860/ * Add autoconf-archive from https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg/pull/13081/ * Add kf5windowsystem libs from https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg/pull/13467/ * Open the FTP and SFTP ports from https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg/pull/14412/ * Add libxcb-util0-dev from https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg/pull/14678/ * Add libasound2-dev from https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg/pull/14774 * Remove no longer necessary apt-mark calls. * Update nasm on Linux. * Fix longstanding bug where Storage was publicly accessible and change to generate SAS token rather than File Share * Delete no longer necessary azure storage firewall rules. * Install the newer Windows SDK with the VS installer instead of manually. * Install the VS2015 and VS2017 compilers. * Update Powershell-Core to 7.1.0. * Update source of WDK. * Update pools. * [opentracing] Repair arm64-windows failures caused by mojibake in `expected.hpp` and errors in opentracing-cpp's lint for arm64 where it thinks exceptions are disabled when they are enabled. Fixes: C:\Dev\vcpkg\buildtrees\opentracing\src\b67575dab0-0250653c81.clean\3rd_party\include\opentracing/expected/expected.hpp(1): warning C4828: The file contains a character starting at offset 0x4a77 that is illegal in the current source character set (codepage 65001). Fixes: D:\buildtrees\opentracing\src\b67575dab0-0250653c81.clean\include\opentracing/tracer.h:223:5: error: cannot use 'try' with exceptions disabled [clang-diagnostic-error] try { ^ * [mmloader] Patch out overrides of CMAKE_C_FLAGS and CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS that inserted /WX. Note that this port sets /GS-, possibly because it may be for authoring shellcode. * Bump storage API version to 2020-04-08.
2020-12-22 14:52:58 -08:00
New-AzStorageContainer -Name archives -Context $StorageContext -Permission Off
$StartTime = [DateTime]::Now
$ExpiryTime = $StartTime.AddMonths(6)
$SasToken = New-AzStorageAccountSASToken `
-Service Blob `
-Permission "racwdlup" `
-Context $StorageContext `
-StartTime $StartTime `
-ExpiryTime $ExpiryTime `
-ResourceType Service,Container,Object `
-Protocol HttpsOnly
$SasToken = $SasToken.Substring(1) # strip leading ?
# Note that we put the storage account into the firewall after creating the above SAS token or we
# would be denied since the person running this script isn't one of the VMs we're creating here.
Set-AzStorageAccount `
-ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName `
-AccountName $StorageAccountName `
-NetworkRuleSet ( `
@{bypass="AzureServices"; `
virtualNetworkRules=( `
@{VirtualNetworkResourceId=$VirtualNetwork.Subnets[0].Id;Action="allow"}); `
Write-Progress `
-Activity $ProgressActivity `
-Status 'Creating prototype VM' `
-PercentComplete (100 / $TotalProgress * $CurrentProgress++)
$NicName = $ResourceGroupName + 'NIC'
$Nic = New-AzNetworkInterface `
-Name $NicName `
-ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName `
-Location $Location `
-Subnet $VirtualNetwork.Subnets[0]
$VM = New-AzVMConfig -Name $ProtoVMName -VMSize $VMSize -Priority 'Spot' -MaxPrice -1
$VM = Set-AzVMOperatingSystem `
-VM $VM `
-Linux `
-ComputerName $ProtoVMName `
-Credential $Credential `
$VM = Add-AzVMNetworkInterface -VM $VM -Id $Nic.Id
$VM = Set-AzVMSourceImage `
-VM $VM `
-PublisherName 'Canonical' `
-Offer 'UbuntuServer' `
-Skus '18.04-LTS' `
-Version latest
$VM = Set-AzVMBootDiagnostic -VM $VM -Disable
$VM = Add-AzVMSshPublicKey `
-VM $VM `
-KeyData $sshPublicKey `
-Path "/home/AdminUser/.ssh/authorized_keys"
New-AzVm `
-ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName `
-Location $Location `
Write-Progress `
-Activity $ProgressActivity `
-Status 'Running provisioning script provision-image.sh in VM' `
-PercentComplete (100 / $TotalProgress * $CurrentProgress++)
[opentracing] Update VMs 2020-12 (#15151) * Add meson from https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg/pull/12860/ * Add autoconf-archive from https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg/pull/13081/ * Add kf5windowsystem libs from https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg/pull/13467/ * Open the FTP and SFTP ports from https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg/pull/14412/ * Add libxcb-util0-dev from https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg/pull/14678/ * Add libasound2-dev from https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg/pull/14774 * Remove no longer necessary apt-mark calls. * Update nasm on Linux. * Fix longstanding bug where Storage was publicly accessible and change to generate SAS token rather than File Share * Delete no longer necessary azure storage firewall rules. * Install the newer Windows SDK with the VS installer instead of manually. * Install the VS2015 and VS2017 compilers. * Update Powershell-Core to 7.1.0. * Update source of WDK. * Update pools. * [opentracing] Repair arm64-windows failures caused by mojibake in `expected.hpp` and errors in opentracing-cpp's lint for arm64 where it thinks exceptions are disabled when they are enabled. Fixes: C:\Dev\vcpkg\buildtrees\opentracing\src\b67575dab0-0250653c81.clean\3rd_party\include\opentracing/expected/expected.hpp(1): warning C4828: The file contains a character starting at offset 0x4a77 that is illegal in the current source character set (codepage 65001). Fixes: D:\buildtrees\opentracing\src\b67575dab0-0250653c81.clean\include\opentracing/tracer.h:223:5: error: cannot use 'try' with exceptions disabled [clang-diagnostic-error] try { ^ * [mmloader] Patch out overrides of CMAKE_C_FLAGS and CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS that inserted /WX. Note that this port sets /GS-, possibly because it may be for authoring shellcode. * Bump storage API version to 2020-04-08.
2020-12-22 14:52:58 -08:00
$tempScript = [System.IO.Path]::GetTempPath() + [System.IO.Path]::GetRandomFileName() + ".sh"
try {
$script = Get-Content "$PSScriptRoot\provision-image.sh" -Encoding utf8NoBOM
$script += "echo `"PROVISIONED_AZURE_STORAGE_NAME=\`"$StorageAccountName\`"`" | sudo tee -a /etc/environment"
$script += "echo `"PROVISIONED_AZURE_STORAGE_SAS_TOKEN=\`"$SasToken\`"`" | sudo tee -a /etc/environment"
Set-Content -Path $tempScript -Value $script -Encoding utf8NoBOM
$ProvisionImageResult = Invoke-AzVMRunCommand `
-ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName `
-VMName $ProtoVMName `
-CommandId 'RunShellScript' `
-ScriptPath $tempScript
Write-Host "provision-image.sh output: $($ProvisionImageResult.value.Message)"
} finally {
Remove-Item $tempScript -Recurse -Force
Write-Progress `
-Activity $ProgressActivity `
-Status 'Restarting VM' `
-PercentComplete (100 / $TotalProgress * $CurrentProgress++)
Restart-AzVM -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -Name $ProtoVMName
Write-Progress `
-Activity $ProgressActivity `
-Status 'Converting VM to Image' `
-PercentComplete (100 / $TotalProgress * $CurrentProgress++)
Stop-AzVM `
-ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName `
-Name $ProtoVMName `
Set-AzVM `
-ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName `
-Name $ProtoVMName `
$VM = Get-AzVM -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -Name $ProtoVMName
$PrototypeOSDiskName = $VM.StorageProfile.OsDisk.Name
$ImageConfig = New-AzImageConfig -Location $Location -SourceVirtualMachineId $VM.ID
$Image = New-AzImage -Image $ImageConfig -ImageName $ProtoVMName -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName
Write-Progress `
-Activity $ProgressActivity `
-Status 'Deleting unused VM and disk' `
-PercentComplete (100 / $TotalProgress * $CurrentProgress++)
Remove-AzVM -Id $VM.ID -Force
Remove-AzDisk -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -DiskName $PrototypeOSDiskName -Force
Write-Progress `
-Activity $ProgressActivity `
-Status 'Creating scale set' `
-PercentComplete (100 / $TotalProgress * $CurrentProgress++)
$VmssIpConfigName = $ResourceGroupName + 'VmssIpConfig'
$VmssIpConfig = New-AzVmssIpConfig -SubnetId $Nic.IpConfigurations[0].Subnet.Id -Primary -Name $VmssIpConfigName
$VmssName = $ResourceGroupName + 'Vmss'
$Vmss = New-AzVmssConfig `
-Location $Location `
-SkuCapacity 0 `
-SkuName $VMSize `
-SkuTier 'Standard' `
-Overprovision $false `
-UpgradePolicyMode Manual `
-EvictionPolicy Delete `
-Priority Spot `
-MaxPrice -1
$Vmss = Add-AzVmssNetworkInterfaceConfiguration `
-VirtualMachineScaleSet $Vmss `
-Primary $true `
-IpConfiguration $VmssIpConfig `
-NetworkSecurityGroupId $NetworkSecurityGroup.Id `
-Name $NicName
$VmssPublicKey = New-Object -TypeName 'Microsoft.Azure.Management.Compute.Models.SshPublicKey' `
-ArgumentList @('/home/AdminUser/.ssh/authorized_keys', $sshPublicKey)
$Vmss = Set-AzVmssOsProfile `
-VirtualMachineScaleSet $Vmss `
-ComputerNamePrefix $LiveVMPrefix `
-AdminUsername AdminUser `
-AdminPassword $AdminPW `
-LinuxConfigurationDisablePasswordAuthentication $true `
-PublicKey @($VmssPublicKey)
$Vmss = Set-AzVmssStorageProfile `
-VirtualMachineScaleSet $Vmss `
-OsDiskCreateOption 'FromImage' `
-OsDiskCaching ReadWrite `
-ImageReferenceId $Image.Id
New-AzVmss `
-ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName `
-Name $VmssName `
-VirtualMachineScaleSet $Vmss
Write-Progress -Activity $ProgressActivity -Completed
Write-Host "Location: $Location"
Write-Host "Resource group name: $ResourceGroupName"
Write-Host "User name: AdminUser"
Write-Host "Using generated password: $AdminPW"
Write-Host 'Finished!'