2020-04-21 17:12:21 -07:00
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
Analyze the test results as output by the CI system .
Takes the set of port test results from $logDir ,
and the baseline from $baselineFile , and makes certain that the set
of failures we expected are exactly the set of failures we got .
Then , uploads the logs from any unexpected failures .
Directory of xml test logs to analyze .
. PARAMETER allResults
Include tests that have no change from the baseline in the output .
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. PARAMETER triplet
The triplet to analyze .
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. PARAMETER baselineFile
The path to the ci . baseline . txt file in the vcpkg repository .
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. PARAMETER passingIsPassing
Indicates that 'Passing, remove from fail list' results should not be emitted as failures . ( For example , this is used
when using vcpkg to test a prerelease MSVC + + compiler )
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[ CmdletBinding ( ) ]
Param (
[ Parameter ( Mandatory = $true ) ]
[ string ] $logDir ,
[ switch ] $allResults ,
2020-07-02 20:20:07 -07:00
[ Parameter ( Mandatory = $true ) ]
[ string ] $triplet ,
2020-04-21 17:12:21 -07:00
[ Parameter ( Mandatory = $true ) ]
2021-07-19 19:55:00 -07:00
[ string ] $baselineFile ,
[ switch ] $passingIsPassing = $false
2020-04-21 17:12:21 -07:00
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
if ( -not ( Test-Path $logDir ) ) {
[ System.Console ] :: Error . WriteLine ( " Log directory does not exist: $logDir " )
Creates an object the represents the test run .
build_test_results takes an XML file of results from the CI run ,
and constructs an object based on that XML file for further
processing .
An object with the following elements :
assemblyName :
assemblyStartDate :
assemblyStartTime :
assemblyTime :
collectionName :
collectionTime :
allTests : A hashtable with an entry for each port tested
The key is the name of the port
The value is an object with the following elements :
name : Name of the port ( Does not include the triplet name )
result : Pass / Fail / Skip result from xunit
time : Test time in seconds
originalResult : Result as defined by Build . h in vcpkg source code
abi_tag : The port hash
features : The features installed
. PARAMETER xmlFilename
The path to the XML file to parse .
function build_test_results {
[ CmdletBinding ( ) ]
[ string ] $xmlFilename
if ( ( $xmlFilename . Length -eq 0 ) -or ( -not ( Test-Path $xmlFilename ) ) ) {
#write-error "Missing file: $xmlFilename"
return $null
Write-Verbose " building test hash for $xmlFilename "
[ xml ] $xmlContents = Get-Content $xmlFilename
# This currently only supports one collection per assembly, which is the way
# the vcpkg tests are designed to run in the pipeline.
$xmlAssembly = $xmlContents . assemblies . assembly
$assemblyName = $xmlAssembly . name
$assemblyStartDate = $xmlAssembly . " run-date "
$assemblyStartTime = $xmlAssembly . " run-time "
$assemblyTime = $xmlAssembly . time
$xmlCollection = $xmlAssembly . collection
$collectionName = $xmlCollection . name
$collectionTime = $xmlCollection . time
$allTestResults = @ { }
foreach ( $test in $xmlCollection . test ) {
2021-05-06 07:12:43 -07:00
if ( ! $test . name . endswith ( " : $triplet " ) )
2020-04-21 17:12:21 -07:00
$name = ( $test . name -replace " :.* $ " )
# Reconstruct the original BuildResult enumeration (defined in Build.h)
# failure.message - why the test failed (valid only on test failure)
# reason - why the test was skipped (valid only when the test is skipped)
# case BuildResult::FILE_CONFLICTS:
# case BuildResult::BUILD_FAILED:
# case BuildResult::EXCLUDED:
$originalResult = " NULLVALUE "
switch ( $test . result ) {
" Skip " {
$originalResult = $test . reason . InnerText
" Fail " {
$originalResult = $test . failure . message . InnerText
" Pass " {
$originalResult = " SUCCEEDED "
$abi_tag = " "
$features = " "
foreach ( $trait in $test . traits . trait ) {
switch ( $trait . name ) {
" abi_tag " { $abi_tag = $trait . value }
" features " { $features = $trait . value }
# If additional fields get saved in the XML, then they should be added to this hash
# also consider using a PSCustomObject here instead of a hash
$testHash = @ { name = $name ; result = $test . result ; time = $test . time ; originalResult = $originalResult ; abi_tag = $abi_tag ; features = $features }
$allTestResults [ $name ] = $testHash
return @ {
assemblyName = $assemblyName ;
assemblyStartDate = $assemblyStartDate ;
assemblyStartTime = $assemblyStartTime ;
assemblyTime = $assemblyTime ;
collectionName = $collectionName ;
collectionTime = $collectionTime ;
allTests = $allTestResults
Creates an object that represents the baseline expectations .
build_baseline_results converts the baseline file to an object representing
the expectations set up by the baseline file . It records four states :
1 ) fail
2 ) skip
3 ) ignore
4 ) pass - - this is represented by not being recorded
In other words , if a port is not contained in the object returned by this
cmdlet , expect it to pass .
An object containing the following fields :
collectionName : the triplet
fail : ports marked as fail
skip : ports marked as skipped
ignore : ports marked as ignore
. PARAMETER baselineFile
The path to vcpkg ' s ci . baseline . txt .
. PARAMETER triplet
The triplet to create the result object for .
function build_baseline_results {
[ CmdletBinding ( ) ]
Param (
$baselineFile ,
#read in the file, strip out comments and blank lines and spaces, leave only the current triplet
#remove comments, remove empty lines, remove whitespace, then keep only those lines for $triplet
$baseline_list_raw = Get-Content -Path $baselineFile `
| Where-Object { -not ( $_ -match " \s*# " ) } `
| Where-Object { -not ( $_ -match " ^\s* $ " ) } `
| ForEach-Object { $_ -replace " \s " } `
| Where-Object { $_ -match " : $triplet = " }
#filter to skipped and trim the triplet
$skip_hash = @ { }
foreach ( $port in $baseline_list_raw | ? { $_ -match " =skip $ " } | % { $_ -replace " :.* $ " } ) {
if ( $skip_hash [ $port ] -ne $null ) {
[ System.Console ] :: Error . WriteLine ( " $( $port ) : $( $triplet ) has multiple definitions in $baselineFile " )
$skip_hash [ $port ] = $true
$fail_hash = @ { }
$baseline_list_raw | ? { $_ -match " =fail $ " } | % { $_ -replace " :.* $ " } | ? { $fail_hash [ $_ ] = $true } | Out-Null
$ignore_hash = @ { }
$baseline_list_raw | ? { $_ -match " =ignore $ " } | % { $_ -replace " :.* $ " } | ? { $ignore_hash [ $_ ] = $true } | Out-Null
return @ {
collectionName = $triplet ;
skip = $skip_hash ;
fail = $fail_hash ;
ignore = $ignore_hash
Analyzes the results of the current run against the baseline .
combine_results compares the results to the baselie , and generates the results
for the CI - - whether it should pass or fail .
An object containing the following :
( Note that this is not the same data structure as build_test_results )
assemblyName :
assemblyStartDate :
assemblyStartTime :
assemblyTime :
collectionName :
collectionTime :
allTests : A hashtable of each port with a different status from the baseline
The key is the name of the port
The value is an object with the following data members :
name : The name of the port
result : xunit test result Pass / Fail / Skip
message : Human readable message describing the test result
time : time the current test results took to run .
baselineResult :
currentResult :
features :
ignored : list of ignored tests
. PARAMETER baseline
The baseline object to use from build_baseline_results .
. PARAMETER current
The results object to use from build_test_results .
function combine_results {
[ CmdletBinding ( ) ]
$baseline ,
if ( $baseline . collectionName -ne $current . collectionName ) {
Write-Warning " Comparing mismatched collections $( $baseline . collectionName ) and $( $current . collectionName ) "
$currentTests = $current . allTests
# lookup table with the results of all of the tests
$allTestResults = @ { }
$ignoredList = @ ( )
Write-Verbose " analyzing $( $currentTests . count ) tests "
foreach ( $key in $currentTests . keys ) {
Write-Verbose " analyzing $key "
$message = $null
$result = $null
$time = $null
$currentResult = $null
$features = $currentTest . features
$baselineResult = " Pass "
if ( $baseline . fail [ $key ] -ne $null ) {
Write-Verbose " $key is failing "
$baselineResult = " Fail "
elseif ( $baseline . skip [ $key ] -ne $null ) {
Write-Verbose " $key is skipped "
$baselineResult = " Skip "
elseif ( $baseline . ignore [ $key ] -ne $null ) {
$baselineResult = " ignore "
$currentTest = $currentTests [ $key ]
if ( $currentTest . result -eq $baselineResult ) {
Write-Verbose " $key has no change from baseline "
$currentResult = $currentTest . result
if ( $allResults ) {
# Only marking regressions as failures but keep the skipped status
if ( $currentResult -eq " Skip " ) {
$result = " Skip "
else {
$result = " Pass "
$message = " No change from baseline "
$time = $currentTest . time
elseif ( $baselineResult -eq " ignore " ) {
if ( $currentTest . result -eq " Fail " ) {
Write-Verbose " ignoring failure on $key "
$ignoredList + = $key
else {
Write-Verbose " $key had a change from the baseline "
$currentResult = $currentTest . result
# Test exists in both test runs but does not match. Determine if this is a regression
# Pass -> Fail = Fail (Regression)
# Pass -> Skip = Skip
# Fail -> Pass = Fail (need to update baseline)
# Fail -> Skip = Skip
# Skip -> Fail = Fail (Should not happen)
# Skip -> Pass = Fail (should not happen)
$lookupTable = @ {
'Pass' = @ {
'Fail' = @ ( 'Fail' , " Test passes in baseline but fails in current run. If expected update ci.baseline.txt with ' $( $key ) : $( $current . collectionName ) =fail' " ) ;
'Skip' = @ ( $null , 'Test was skipped due to missing dependencies' )
} ;
'Fail' = @ {
'Pass' = @ ( 'Fail' , " Test fails in baseline but now passes. Update ci.baseline.txt with ' $( $key ) : $( $current . collectionName ) =pass' " ) ;
'Skip' = @ ( $null , 'Test fails in baseline but is skipped in current run' )
} ;
'Skip' = @ {
'Fail' = @ ( 'Skip' , " Test is skipped in baseline but fails in current run. Results are ignored " )
'Pass' = @ ( 'Skip' , " Test is skipped in baseline but passes in current run. Results are ignored " )
$resultList = $lookupTable [ $baselineResult ] [ $currentResult ]
$result = $resultList [ 0 ]
$message = $resultList [ 1 ]
$time = $currentTest . time
Write-Verbose " > $key $message "
if ( $result -ne $null ) {
Write-Verbose " Adding $key to result list "
$allTestResults [ $key ] = @ { name = $key ; result = $result ; message = $message ; time = $time ; abi_tag = $currentTest . abi_tag ; baselineResult = $baselineResult ; currentResult = $currentResult ; features = $features }
return @ {
assemblyName = $current . assemblyName ;
assemblyStartDate = $current . assemblyStartDate ;
assemblyStartTime = $current . assemblyStartTime ;
assemblyTime = $current . assemblyTime ;
collectionName = $current . collectionName ;
collectionTime = $current . collectionTime ;
allTests = $allTestResults ;
ignored = $ignoredList
Writes short errors to the CI logs .
write_errors_for_summary takes a hashtable from triplets to combine_results
objects , and writes short errors to the CI logs .
. PARAMETER complete_results
A hashtable from triplets to combine_results objects .
function write_errors_for_summary {
[ CmdletBinding ( ) ]
Param (
$failure_found = $false
Write-Verbose " preparing error output for Azure Devops "
foreach ( $triplet in $complete_results . Keys ) {
$triplet_results = $complete_results [ $triplet ]
Write-Verbose " searching $triplet triplet "
# add each port results
foreach ( $testName in $triplet_results . allTests . Keys ) {
$test = $triplet_results . allTests [ $testName ]
Write-Verbose " checking $( $testName ) : $triplet $( $test . result ) "
if ( $test . result -eq 'Fail' ) {
2021-07-19 19:55:00 -07:00
if ( ( $test . currentResult ) -eq " pass " -and $passingIsPassing ) {
continue ;
2020-04-21 17:12:21 -07:00
$failure_found = $true
if ( $test . currentResult -eq " pass " ) {
[ System.Console ] :: Error . WriteLine ( `
" PASSING, REMOVE FROM FAIL LIST: $( $test . name ) : $triplet ( $baselineFile ) " `
else {
[ System.Console ] :: Error . WriteLine ( `
" REGRESSION: $( $test . name ) : $triplet . If expected, add $( $test . name ) : $triplet =fail to $baselineFile . " `
$complete_results = @ { }
2020-07-02 20:20:07 -07:00
Write-Verbose " looking for $triplet logs "
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2020-07-02 20:20:07 -07:00
# The standard name for logs is:
# <triplet>.xml
# for example:
# x64-linux.xml
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2020-07-02 20:20:07 -07:00
$current_test_hash = build_test_results ( Convert-Path " $logDir \ $( $triplet ) .xml " )
$baseline_results = build_baseline_results -baselineFile $baselineFile -triplet $triplet
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2020-07-02 20:20:07 -07:00
if ( $current_test_hash -eq $null ) {
[ System.Console ] :: Error . WriteLine ( " Missing $triplet test results in current test run " )
$missing_triplets [ $triplet ] = " test "
2020-04-21 17:12:21 -07:00
else {
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Write-Verbose " combining results... "
$complete_results [ $triplet ] = combine_results -baseline $baseline_results -current $current_test_hash
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2020-07-02 20:20:07 -07:00
Write-Verbose " done analyzing results "
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# emit error last. Unlike the table output this is going to be seen in the "status" section of the pipeline
# and needs to be formatted for a single line.
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write_errors_for_summary -complete_results $complete_results