2019-02-05 19:20:34 +01:00

170 lines
7.6 KiB

* raygui - controls test suite
* - GuiDropdownBox()
* - GuiValueBox()
* - GuiSpinner()
* - GuiTextBox()
* - GuiTextBoxMulti()
* - GuiListView()
* raylib 2.1 - Windowing/input management and drawing.
* raygui 2.0 - Immediate-mode GUI controls.
* COMPILATION (Windows - MinGW):
* gcc -o $(NAME_PART).exe $(FILE_NAME) -I../../src -lraylib -lopengl32 -lgdi32 -std=c99
* LICENSE: zlib/libpng
* Copyright (c) 2018 raylib technologies (@raylibtech)
#include "raylib.h"
#include "../../src/raygui.h"
// Program main entry point
int main()
// Initialization
int screenWidth = 690;
int screenHeight = 540;
InitWindow(screenWidth, screenHeight, "raygui - controls test suite");
// GUI controls initialization
int dropdownBox000Active = 0;
bool dropDown000EditMode = false;
int dropdownBox001Active = 0;
bool dropDown001EditMode = false;
int spinner001Value = 0;
bool spinnerEditMode = false;
int valueBox002Value = 0;
bool valueBoxEditMode = false;
char textBoxText[64] = "Text box";
bool textBoxEditMode = false;
int listViewScrollIndex = 0;
int listViewActive = -1;
bool listViewEditMode = false;
int listViewExScrollIndex = 0;
int listViewExActive = -1;
int listViewExFocus = -1;
char *listViewExList[8] = { "This", "is", "a", "list view", "with", "disable", "elements", "amazing!" };
int listViewExElementsEnable[8] = {1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1};
bool listViewExEditMode = false;
char multiTextBoxText[141] = "Multi text box";
bool multiTextBoxEditMode = false;
Color colorPickerValue = RED;
int sliderValue = 50;
int sliderBarValue = 60;
float progressValue = 0.4f;
bool forceSquaredChecked = false;
int comboBoxActive = 1;
int toggleGroupActive = 0;
Vector2 viewScroll = { 0, 0 };
// Custom GUI font loading
//Font font = LoadFontEx("fonts/rainyhearts16.ttf", 12, 0, 0);
// Main game loop
while (!WindowShouldClose()) // Detect window close button or ESC key
// Update
// TODO: Implement required update logic
// Draw
ClearBackground(GetColor(GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, BACKGROUND_COLOR)));
// raygui: controls drawing
if (dropDown000EditMode || dropDown001EditMode) GuiLock();
// First GUI column
forceSquaredChecked = GuiCheckBox((Rectangle){ 25, 108, 15, 15 }, "Force Square", forceSquaredChecked);
if (GuiSpinner((Rectangle){ 25, 135, 125, 30 }, &spinner001Value, 0, 100, 25, spinnerEditMode)) spinnerEditMode = !spinnerEditMode;
if (GuiValueBox((Rectangle){ 25, 175, 125, 30 }, &valueBox002Value, 0, 100, valueBoxEditMode)) valueBoxEditMode = !valueBoxEditMode;
if (GuiTextBox((Rectangle){ 25, 215, 125, 30 }, textBoxText, 64, textBoxEditMode)) textBoxEditMode = !textBoxEditMode;
if (IsKeyDown(KEY_SPACE)) GuiDisable(); if (GuiButton((Rectangle){ 25, 255, 125, 30 }, "#001#SAMPLE TEXT")) { } GuiEnable();
GuiGroupBox((Rectangle){ 25, 310, 125, 150 }, "CONTROL STATES");
GuiState(GUI_STATE_NORMAL); if (GuiButton((Rectangle){ 30, 320, 115, 30 }, "NORMAL")) { }
GuiState(GUI_STATE_FOCUSED); if (GuiButton((Rectangle){ 30, 355, 115, 30 }, "FOCUSED")) { }
GuiState(GUI_STATE_PRESSED); if (GuiButton((Rectangle){ 30, 390, 115, 30 }, "PRESSED")) { }
GuiState(GUI_STATE_DISABLED); if (GuiButton((Rectangle){ 30, 425, 115, 30 }, "DISABLED")) { }
comboBoxActive = GuiComboBox((Rectangle){ 25, 470, 125, 30 }, "ONE;TWO;THREE;FOUR", comboBoxActive);
// NOTE: GuiDropdownBox must draw after any other control that can be covered on unfolding
if (GuiDropdownBox((Rectangle){ 25, 65, 125, 30 }, "ONE;TWO;THREE;FOUR", &dropdownBox001Active, dropDown001EditMode)) dropDown001EditMode = !dropDown001EditMode;
if (GuiDropdownBox((Rectangle){ 25, 25, 125, 30 }, "ONE;TWO;THREE", &dropdownBox000Active, dropDown000EditMode)) dropDown000EditMode = !dropDown000EditMode;
// Second GUI column
if (GuiListView((Rectangle){ 165, 25, 140, 140 }, "Charmander;Bulbasaur;Squirtel;Pikachu;Eevee;Pidgey", &listViewActive, &listViewScrollIndex, listViewEditMode)) listViewEditMode = !listViewEditMode;
if (GuiListViewEx((Rectangle){ 165, 180, 140, 200 }, listViewExList, 8, listViewExElementsEnable, &listViewExActive, &listViewExFocus, &listViewExScrollIndex, listViewExEditMode)) listViewExEditMode = !listViewExEditMode;
if (listViewExFocus >= 0 && listViewExFocus < 8) DrawText(FormatText("FOCUS: %s", listViewExList[listViewExFocus]), 165, 390, 10, listViewExElementsEnable[listViewExFocus] ? LIME : MAROON);
toggleGroupActive = GuiToggleGroupEx((Rectangle){ 165, 400, 140, 25 }, "ONE;TWO;THREE;FOUR", toggleGroupActive, 4, 1);
// Third GUI column
if (GuiTextBoxMulti((Rectangle){ 320, 25, 225, 140 }, multiTextBoxText, 141, multiTextBoxEditMode)) multiTextBoxEditMode = !multiTextBoxEditMode;
colorPickerValue = GuiColorPicker((Rectangle){ 320, 185, 196, 192 }, colorPickerValue);
sliderValue = GuiSlider((Rectangle){ 320, 400, 200, 20 }, NULL, sliderValue, -50, 100, true);
sliderBarValue = GuiSliderBar((Rectangle){ 320, 430, 200, 20 }, NULL, sliderBarValue, 0, 100, true);
progressValue = GuiProgressBar((Rectangle){ 320, 460, 200, 20 }, NULL, progressValue, 0, 1, true);
viewScroll = GuiScrollPanel((Rectangle){ 560, 25, 100, 160 }, (Rectangle){ 560, 25, 100, 400 }, viewScroll);
// De-Initialization
CloseWindow(); // Close window and OpenGL context
return 0;