2116 lines
128 KiB
2116 lines
128 KiB
* rGuiLayout v1.0 - raygui layout editor
* Compile this program using:
* gcc -o rguilayout.exe rguilayout.c external/tinyfiledialogs.c -I..\.. \
* -lraylib -lopengl32 -lgdi32 -lcomdlg32 -lole32 -std=c99 -Wall
* Ramon Santamaria: Supervision, review, design, update and maintenance...
* Adria Arranz: Design and implementation v1.0 (2018)
* Jordi Jorba: Design and implementation v1.0 (2018)
* LICENSE: zlib/libpng
* Copyright (c) 2014-2018 raylib technologies (@raysan5)
* This software is provided "as-is", without any express or implied warranty. In no event
* will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software.
* Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, including commercial
* applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions:
* 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim that you
* wrote the original software. If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment
* in the product documentation would be appreciated but is not required.
* 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be misrepresented
* as being the original software.
* 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
#include "raylib.h"
#include "raygui.h"
#include "external/easings.h"
#include "external/tinyfiledialogs.h" // Open/Save file dialogs
#include <stdlib.h>
// Defines and Macros
#define MAX_GUI_CONTROLS 256 // Maximum number of gui controls
#define MAX_ANCHOR_POINTS 8 // Maximum number of anchor points
#define ANCHOR_RADIUS 20 // Default anchor radius
#define MAX_CONTROL_TEXT_LENGTH 32 // Maximum length of control text
#define MAX_CONTROL_NAME_LENGTH 32 // Maximum length of control name (used on code generation)
#define GRID_LINE_SPACING 5 // Grid line spacing in pixels
#define MOVEMENT_FRAME_SPEED 10 // Controls movement speed in pixels per frame
#define PALETTE_EASING_FRAMES 30 // Controls the easing time in frames
// Types and Structures Definition
typedef enum {
} GuiControlType;
// Anchor point type
typedef struct {
int id;
int x;
int y;
bool enabled;
bool hidding;
} AnchorPoint;
// Gui control type
typedef struct {
int id;
int type;
Rectangle rec;
unsigned char name[MAX_CONTROL_NAME_LENGTH];
unsigned char text[MAX_CONTROL_TEXT_LENGTH];
AnchorPoint *ap;
} GuiControl;
// Gui layout type
typedef struct {
int controlsCount;
AnchorPoint anchors[MAX_ANCHOR_POINTS];
GuiControl controls[MAX_GUI_CONTROLS];
} GuiLayout;
// Gui layout configuration type
typedef struct {
int width;
int height;
unsigned char name[64];
unsigned char version[32];
unsigned char company[128];
unsigned char description[256];
bool defineRecs;
bool exportAnchors;
bool exportAnchor0;
bool fullComments;
bool defineTexts;
bool cropWindow;
} GuiLayoutConfig;
// Global Variables Definition
static int screenWidth = 800;
static int screenHeight = 600;
static GuiLayout layout = { 0 };
const char *controlTypeNameLow[] = { "WindowBox", "GroupBox", "Line", "Panel", "Label", "Button", "Toggle", "ToggleGroup", "CheckBox", "ComboBox", "DropdownBox", "Spinner", "ValueBox", "TextBox", "Slider", "SliderBar", "ProgressBar", "StatusBar", "ListView", "ColorPicker", "DummyRec" };
const char *controlTypeNameShort[] = { "wdwbox", "grpbox", "lne", "pnl", "lbl", "btn", "tgl", "tglgrp", "chkbox", "combox", "ddwnbox", "spnr", "vlbox", "txtbox", "sldr", "sldrb", "prgssb", "stsb", "lstvw", "clrpckr", "dmyrc" };
static bool cancelSave = false;
// Module specific Functions Declaration
static void ShowSaveLayoutDialog(void); // Show save layout dialog
static void SaveLayoutRGL(const char *fileName, bool binary); // Save gui layout project information
static void LoadLayoutRGL(const char *fileName); // Load gui layout project information
static void GenerateCode(const char *fileName, GuiLayoutConfig config); // Generate C code for gui layout
static void GenerateCodeFromRGL(const char *fileName); // Generate C code from .rgl file
// Main Entry point
int main()
// Initialization
InitWindow(screenWidth, screenHeight, "rGuiLayout v1.0");
// General app variables
Vector2 mouse;
bool exitWindow = false; // Exit window flag
bool snapMode = false; // Snap mode flag (KEY_S)
bool showGrid = true; // Show grid flag (KEY_G)
bool controlLockMode = false; // Control edition locked mode
bool controlDrag = false; // Control drag mode
bool controlGlobalPos = false; // Control global position mode
bool textEditMode = false; // Control text edit mode (KEY_T)
bool nameEditMode = false; // Controlo name edit mode (KEY_N)
int framesCounter = 0;
int framesCounterSnap = 0;
int selectedControl = -1;
int storedControl = -1;
int selectedType = WINDOWBOX;
int selectedTypeDraw = LABEL;
Vector2 panControlOffset = { 0 };
Vector2 prevControlPosition = { 0 };
const char *listData[3] = { "ONE", "TWO", "THREE" }; // ToggleGroup, ComboBox, DropdownBox default data
const char *listViewData[4] = { "WINDOWBOX", "GROUPBOX", "LINE", "PANEL" }; // ListView default data
// Anchors control variables
AnchorPoint auxAnchor = { 9, 0, 0, 0 };
bool anchorMode = false;
bool anchorLinkMode = false;
bool anchorLockMode = false;
bool anchorPosEditMode = false;
int selectedAnchor = -1;
int linkedAnchor = -1;
int storedAnchor = -1;
// Help panel variables
int helpPositionX = -300;
int helpCounter = 0;
int helpStartPositionX = -300;
int helpDeltaPositionX = 0;
// Rectangles used on controls preview drawing
Rectangle defaultRec[21] = {
(Rectangle){ 0, 0, 125, 50}, // WINDOWBOX
(Rectangle){ 0, 0, 125, 30}, // GROUPBOX
(Rectangle){ 0, 0, 125, 25 }, // LINE
(Rectangle){ 0, 0, 125, 35 }, // PANEL
(Rectangle){ 0, 0, 126, 25 }, // LABEL
(Rectangle){ 0, 0, 125, 30 }, // BUTTON
(Rectangle){ 0, 0, 90, 25 }, // TOGGLE
(Rectangle){ 0, 0, 125, 25 }, // TOGGLEGROUP
(Rectangle){ 0, 0, 15, 15}, // CHECKBOX
(Rectangle){ 0, 0, 125, 25 }, // COMBOBOX
(Rectangle){ 0, 0, 125, 25 }, // DROPDOWNBOX
(Rectangle){ 0, 0, 125, 25 }, // SPINNER
(Rectangle){ 0, 0, 125, 25 }, // VALUEBOX
(Rectangle){ 0, 0, 125, 25 }, // TEXTBOX
(Rectangle){ 0, 0, 125, 15 }, // SLIDER
(Rectangle){ 0, 0, 125, 15 }, // SLIDERBAR
(Rectangle){ 0, 0, 125, 15 }, // PROGRESSBAR
(Rectangle){ 0, 0, 125, 25 }, // STATUSBAR
(Rectangle){ 0, 0, 125, 75 }, // LISTVIEW
(Rectangle){ 0, 0, 95, 95 }, // COLORPICKER
(Rectangle){ 0, 0, 125, 30 } // DUMMYREC
// Initialize anchor points to default values
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_ANCHOR_POINTS; i++)
layout.anchors[i].id = i;
layout.anchors[i].x = 0;
layout.anchors[i].y = 0;
layout.anchors[i].enabled = false;
layout.anchors[i].hidding = false;
layout.anchors[0].enabled = true; // Enable layout parent anchor (0, 0)
// Initialize layout controls data
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_GUI_CONTROLS; i++)
layout.controls[i].id = 0;
layout.controls[i].type = 0;
layout.controls[i].rec = (Rectangle){ 0, 0, 0, 0 };
memset(layout.controls[i].text, 0, 32);
memset(layout.controls[i].name, 0, 32);
layout.controls[i].ap = &layout.anchors[0]; // By default, set parent anchor
// Define palette variables
Rectangle palettePanel = { GetScreenWidth() + 130, 20, 135, 870 };
bool paletteMode = false;
int paletteSelect = -1;
int paletteEasingIn = 0;
int paletteEasingOut = PALETTE_EASING_FRAMES;
int paletteStartPosX = GetScreenWidth() + 130;
// Define palette rectangles
Rectangle paletteRecs[21] = {
(Rectangle){ palettePanel.x + 5, palettePanel.y + 5, 125, 50 }, // WindowBox
(Rectangle){ palettePanel.x + 5, palettePanel.y + 65, 125, 30 }, // GroupBox
(Rectangle){ palettePanel.x + 5, palettePanel.y + 105, 125, 25 }, // Line
(Rectangle){ palettePanel.x + 5, palettePanel.y + 140, 125, 35 }, // Panel
(Rectangle){ palettePanel.x + 5, palettePanel.y + 185, 126, 25 }, // Label
(Rectangle){ palettePanel.x + 5, palettePanel.y + 220, 125, 30 }, // Button
(Rectangle){ palettePanel.x + 5, palettePanel.y + 260, 90, 25 }, // Toggle
(Rectangle){ palettePanel.x + 5, palettePanel.y + 295, 125, 25 }, // ToggleGroup
(Rectangle){ palettePanel.x + 105, palettePanel.y + 265, 15, 15 }, // CheckBox
(Rectangle){ palettePanel.x + 5, palettePanel.y + 330, 125, 25 }, // ComboBox
(Rectangle){ palettePanel.x + 5, palettePanel.y + 365, 125, 25 }, // DropdownBox
(Rectangle){ palettePanel.x + 5, palettePanel.y + 400, 125, 25 }, // Spinner
(Rectangle){ palettePanel.x + 5, palettePanel.y + 435, 125, 25 }, // ValueBox
(Rectangle){ palettePanel.x + 5, palettePanel.y + 470, 125, 25 }, // TextBox
(Rectangle){ palettePanel.x + 5, palettePanel.y + 505, 125, 15 }, // Slider
(Rectangle){ palettePanel.x + 5, palettePanel.y + 530, 125, 15 }, // SliderBar
(Rectangle){ palettePanel.x + 5, palettePanel.y + 555, 125, 15 }, // ProgressBar
(Rectangle){ palettePanel.x + 5, palettePanel.y + 580, 125, 25 }, // StatusBar
(Rectangle){ palettePanel.x + 5, palettePanel.y + 615, 125, 75 }, // ListView
(Rectangle){ palettePanel.x + 5, palettePanel.y + 700, 95, 95 }, // ColorPicker
(Rectangle){ palettePanel.x + 5, palettePanel.y + 835, 125, 30 } // DummyRec
// Tracemap (background image for reference) variables
Texture2D tracemap = { 0 };
Rectangle tracemapRec = { 0 };
bool tracemapEditMode = false;
float tracemapFade = 0.5f;
// Very basic undo system
// Undo last-selected rectangle changes
// Undo text/name editing on cancel (KEY_ESC)
int undoSelectedControl = -1;
Rectangle undoLastRec;
char prevControlText[32];
char prevControlName[32];
char loadedFileName[128] = "not_loaded_layout";
// Close layout window variables
bool closingWindowActive = false;
// Generate code options window variables
Vector2 exportWindowPos = { 50, 50 };
bool generateWindowActive = false;
int toolNameSize = 32;
int toolVersionSize = 32;
int companySize = 32;
int toolDescriptionSize = 32;
// Generate code configuration
GuiLayoutConfig config;
memset(&config, 0, sizeof(GuiLayoutConfig));
config.width = 800;
config.height = 600;
strcpy(config.name, "layout_file_name");
strcpy(config.version, "1.0-dev");
strcpy(config.company, "raylib technologies");
strcpy(config.description, "tool description");
config.defineRecs = false;
config.exportAnchors = false;
config.exportAnchor0 = false;
config.fullComments = false;
config.defineTexts = false;
// Main game loop
while (!exitWindow) // Detect window close button or ESC key
// Update
mouse = GetMousePosition();
if (WindowShouldClose()) exitWindow = true;
// Show save layout message window on ESC
if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_ESCAPE) && !textEditMode && !nameEditMode)
if (generateWindowActive) generateWindowActive = false;
closingWindowActive = !closingWindowActive;
selectedControl = -1;
controlLockMode = false;
// Enables or disables snapMode if not in textEditMode
if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_S) && (!textEditMode) && (!nameEditMode)) snapMode = !snapMode;
// Enables or disables position reference information(anchor reference or global reference)
if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_F) && (!textEditMode) && (!nameEditMode)) controlGlobalPos = !controlGlobalPos;
// Toggle help info
if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_TAB))
helpStartPositionX = helpPositionX;
helpDeltaPositionX = 0 - helpStartPositionX;
helpCounter = 0;
if (IsKeyDown(KEY_TAB))
if (helpCounter >= 60) helpCounter = 60;
helpPositionX = (int)EaseCubicInOut(helpCounter, helpStartPositionX, helpDeltaPositionX, 60);
else if (IsKeyReleased(KEY_TAB))
helpStartPositionX = helpPositionX;
helpDeltaPositionX = -300 - helpStartPositionX;
helpCounter = 0;
if (helpCounter >= 60) helpCounter = 60;
helpPositionX = (int)EaseCubicInOut(helpCounter, helpStartPositionX, helpDeltaPositionX, 60);
// Controls palette selector logic
if ((IsMouseButtonDown(MOUSE_RIGHT_BUTTON)) && (!anchorMode))
paletteMode = true;
paletteEasingOut = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 21; i++)
if (CheckCollisionPointRec(mouse, paletteRecs[i]))
paletteSelect = i;
if (IsMouseButtonPressed(MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON)) selectedType = i;
else paletteSelect = -1;
paletteMode = false;
paletteEasingIn = 0;
if (paletteMode)
if (paletteEasingIn >= PALETTE_EASING_FRAMES) paletteEasingIn = PALETTE_EASING_FRAMES;
palettePanel.x = (int)EaseCubicInOut(paletteEasingIn, paletteStartPosX,(GetScreenWidth() - 145) - paletteStartPosX, PALETTE_EASING_FRAMES);
paletteStartPosX = GetScreenWidth() + 130;
if (paletteEasingOut >= PALETTE_EASING_FRAMES) paletteEasingOut = PALETTE_EASING_FRAMES;
palettePanel.x = (int)EaseCubicInOut(paletteEasingOut, (GetScreenWidth() - 145), paletteStartPosX - (GetScreenWidth() - 145), PALETTE_EASING_FRAMES);
for (int i = 0; i < 21; i++)
if (i == 8) paletteRecs[i].x = palettePanel.x + 105;
else paletteRecs[i].x = palettePanel.x + 5;
// Create new control
if (IsMouseButtonPressed(MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON) && (selectedControl == -1) && !anchorMode && !tracemapEditMode && !closingWindowActive && !paletteMode && !generateWindowActive)
// Add new control (button)
layout.controls[layout.controlsCount].id = layout.controlsCount;
layout.controls[layout.controlsCount].type = selectedType;
layout.controls[layout.controlsCount].rec = (Rectangle){ mouse.x - defaultRec[selectedType].width/2, mouse.y - defaultRec[selectedType].height/2, defaultRec[selectedType].width, defaultRec[selectedType].height };
if ((layout.controls[layout.controlsCount].type == LABEL) || (layout.controls[layout.controlsCount].type == TEXTBOX) || (layout.controls[layout.controlsCount].type == BUTTON) || (layout.controls[layout.controlsCount].type == TOGGLE)
|| (layout.controls[layout.controlsCount].type == GROUPBOX) || (layout.controls[layout.controlsCount].type == WINDOWBOX) || (layout.controls[layout.controlsCount].type == STATUSBAR) || (layout.controls[layout.controlsCount].type == DUMMYREC)) strcpy(layout.controls[layout.controlsCount].text, "SAMPLE TEXT");
strcpy(layout.controls[layout.controlsCount].name, FormatText("%s%03i", controlTypeNameLow[layout.controls[layout.controlsCount].type], layout.controlsCount));
layout.controls[layout.controlsCount].ap = &layout.anchors[0]; // Default anchor point (0, 0)
for (int i = 0; i < layout.controlsCount; i++)
if (CheckCollisionPointRec(mouse, (Rectangle){ layout.controls[i].ap->x + layout.controls[i].rec.x, layout.controls[i].ap->y + layout.controls[i].rec.y, layout.controls[i].rec.width, layout.controls[i].rec.height }) && layout.controls[i].type == WINDOWBOX) layout.controls[layout.controlsCount].ap = layout.controls[i].ap;
if (layout.controls[layout.controlsCount].type == WINDOWBOX)
for (int i = 1; i < MAX_ANCHOR_POINTS; i++)
if (!layout.anchors[i].enabled)
layout.anchors[i].x = layout.controls[layout.controlsCount].rec.x;
layout.anchors[i].y = layout.controls[layout.controlsCount].rec.y;
if (snapMode)
int offsetX = layout.anchors[i].x%GRID_LINE_SPACING;
int offsetY = layout.anchors[i].y%GRID_LINE_SPACING;
if (offsetX >= GRID_LINE_SPACING/2) layout.anchors[i].x += (GRID_LINE_SPACING - offsetX);
else layout.anchors[i].x -= offsetX;
if (offsetY >= GRID_LINE_SPACING/2) layout.anchors[i].y += (GRID_LINE_SPACING - offsetY);
else layout.anchors[i].y -= offsetY;
layout.controls[layout.controlsCount].rec.x = layout.anchors[i].x;
layout.controls[layout.controlsCount].rec.y = layout.anchors[i].y;
layout.anchors[i].enabled = true;
layout.controls[layout.controlsCount].ap = &layout.anchors[i];
layout.controls[layout.controlsCount].rec.x -= layout.controls[layout.controlsCount].ap->x;
layout.controls[layout.controlsCount].rec.y -= layout.controls[layout.controlsCount].ap->y;
// Change controls layer order (position inside array)
if (IsKeyDown(KEY_LEFT_ALT) && !controlLockMode)
if ((IsKeyPressed(KEY_UP)) && (selectedControl < layout.controlsCount - 1))
// Move control towards beginning of array
GuiControl auxControl = layout.controls[selectedControl];
layout.controls[selectedControl] = layout.controls[selectedControl + 1];
layout.controls[selectedControl].id -= 1;
layout.controls[selectedControl + 1] = auxControl;
layout.controls[selectedControl + 1].id += 1;
else if ((IsKeyPressed(KEY_DOWN)) && (selectedControl > 0))
// Move control towards end of array
GuiControl auxControl = layout.controls[selectedControl];
layout.controls[selectedControl] = layout.controls[selectedControl - 1];
layout.controls[selectedControl].id += 1;
layout.controls[selectedControl - 1] = auxControl;
layout.controls[selectedControl - 1].id -= 1;
if (!(controlDrag || controlLockMode || tracemapEditMode || anchorLockMode || closingWindowActive || paletteMode || generateWindowActive))
// Check selected control (on mouse hover)
for (int i = layout.controlsCount; i >= 0; i--)
if (controlDrag || controlLockMode || tracemapEditMode || anchorLockMode) break;
if ((layout.controls[i].type == WINDOWBOX) && (!layout.controls[i].ap->hidding) && (CheckCollisionPointRec(mouse, (Rectangle){ layout.controls[i].ap->x + layout.controls[i].rec.x, layout.controls[i].ap->y + layout.controls[i].rec.y, layout.controls[i].rec.width, 24 })))
selectedControl = i;
if (undoSelectedControl != selectedControl)
undoSelectedControl = selectedControl;
undoLastRec = layout.controls[i].rec;
else if ((!layout.controls[i].ap->hidding) && (CheckCollisionPointRec(mouse, (Rectangle){ layout.controls[i].ap->x + layout.controls[i].rec.x, layout.controls[i].ap->y + layout.controls[i].rec.y, layout.controls[i].rec.width, layout.controls[i].rec.height }) && layout.controls[i].type != WINDOWBOX))
selectedControl = i;
if (undoSelectedControl != selectedControl)
undoSelectedControl = selectedControl;
undoLastRec = layout.controls[i].rec;
else selectedControl = -1;
if (selectedControl != -1 && !textEditMode && !nameEditMode && !anchorMode)
if (IsMouseButtonPressed(MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON))
controlDrag = true;
panControlOffset = mouse;
prevControlPosition = (Vector2){ layout.controls[selectedControl].rec.x, layout.controls[selectedControl].rec.y };
else if (IsMouseButtonReleased(MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON))
controlDrag = false;
if (controlDrag && !controlLockMode)
layout.controls[selectedControl].rec.x = prevControlPosition.x + (mouse.x - panControlOffset.x);
layout.controls[selectedControl].rec.y = prevControlPosition.y + (mouse.y - panControlOffset.y);
// Snap to grid position and size
if (snapMode)
// Snap rectangle position to closer snap point
int offsetX = (int)layout.controls[selectedControl].rec.x%GRID_LINE_SPACING;
int offsetY = (int)layout.controls[selectedControl].rec.y%GRID_LINE_SPACING;
if (offsetX >= GRID_LINE_SPACING/2) layout.controls[selectedControl].rec.x += (GRID_LINE_SPACING - offsetX);
else layout.controls[selectedControl].rec.x -= offsetX;
if (offsetY >= GRID_LINE_SPACING/2) layout.controls[selectedControl].rec.y += (GRID_LINE_SPACING - offsetY);
else layout.controls[selectedControl].rec.y -= offsetY;
if (!IsKeyDown(KEY_LEFT_ALT))
if (snapMode)
// Control modifier of width and height
if (IsKeyDown(KEY_LEFT_SHIFT))
if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_RIGHT)) layout.controls[selectedControl].rec.width += GRID_LINE_SPACING;
else if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_LEFT)) layout.controls[selectedControl].rec.width -= GRID_LINE_SPACING;
if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_UP)) layout.controls[selectedControl].rec.height -= GRID_LINE_SPACING;
else if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_DOWN)) layout.controls[selectedControl].rec.height += GRID_LINE_SPACING;
if (IsKeyDown(KEY_RIGHT) && ((framesCounterSnap%MOVEMENT_FRAME_SPEED) == 0)) layout.controls[selectedControl].rec.width += GRID_LINE_SPACING;
else if (IsKeyDown(KEY_LEFT) && ((framesCounterSnap%MOVEMENT_FRAME_SPEED) == 0)) layout.controls[selectedControl].rec.width -= GRID_LINE_SPACING;
if (IsKeyDown(KEY_UP) && ((framesCounterSnap%MOVEMENT_FRAME_SPEED) == 0)) layout.controls[selectedControl].rec.height -= GRID_LINE_SPACING;
else if (IsKeyDown(KEY_DOWN) && ((framesCounterSnap%MOVEMENT_FRAME_SPEED) == 0)) layout.controls[selectedControl].rec.height += GRID_LINE_SPACING;
// Control modifier of position
if (IsKeyDown(KEY_LEFT_SHIFT))
if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_RIGHT)) layout.controls[selectedControl].rec.x += GRID_LINE_SPACING;
else if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_LEFT)) layout.controls[selectedControl].rec.x -= GRID_LINE_SPACING;
if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_UP)) layout.controls[selectedControl].rec.y -= GRID_LINE_SPACING;
else if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_DOWN)) layout.controls[selectedControl].rec.y += GRID_LINE_SPACING;
if (IsKeyDown(KEY_RIGHT) && ((framesCounterSnap%MOVEMENT_FRAME_SPEED) == 0)) layout.controls[selectedControl].rec.x += GRID_LINE_SPACING;
else if (IsKeyDown(KEY_LEFT) && ((framesCounterSnap%MOVEMENT_FRAME_SPEED) == 0)) layout.controls[selectedControl].rec.x -= GRID_LINE_SPACING;
if (IsKeyDown(KEY_UP) && ((framesCounterSnap%MOVEMENT_FRAME_SPEED) == 0)) layout.controls[selectedControl].rec.y -= GRID_LINE_SPACING;
else if (IsKeyDown(KEY_DOWN) && ((framesCounterSnap%MOVEMENT_FRAME_SPEED) == 0)) layout.controls[selectedControl].rec.y += GRID_LINE_SPACING;
// Control modifier for a more precise sizing
if (IsKeyDown(KEY_LEFT_SHIFT))
// Control modifier of position
if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_RIGHT)) layout.controls[selectedControl].rec.width++;
else if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_LEFT)) layout.controls[selectedControl].rec.width--;
if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_UP)) layout.controls[selectedControl].rec.height--;
else if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_DOWN)) layout.controls[selectedControl].rec.height++;
if (IsKeyDown(KEY_RIGHT)) layout.controls[selectedControl].rec.width++;
else if (IsKeyDown(KEY_LEFT)) layout.controls[selectedControl].rec.width--;
if (IsKeyDown(KEY_UP)) layout.controls[selectedControl].rec.height--;
else if (IsKeyDown(KEY_DOWN)) layout.controls[selectedControl].rec.height++;
if (IsKeyDown(KEY_LEFT_SHIFT))
// Control modifier for a more precise sizing
if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_RIGHT)) layout.controls[selectedControl].rec.x++;
else if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_LEFT)) layout.controls[selectedControl].rec.x--;
if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_UP)) layout.controls[selectedControl].rec.y--;
else if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_DOWN)) layout.controls[selectedControl].rec.y++;
if (IsKeyDown(KEY_RIGHT)) layout.controls[selectedControl].rec.x++;
else if (IsKeyDown(KEY_LEFT)) layout.controls[selectedControl].rec.x--;
if (IsKeyDown(KEY_UP)) layout.controls[selectedControl].rec.y--;
else if (IsKeyDown(KEY_DOWN)) layout.controls[selectedControl].rec.y++;
// Delete selected control and shift array position
if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_DELETE))
for (int i = selectedControl; i < layout.controlsCount; i++)
layout.controls[i].type = layout.controls[i + 1].type;
layout.controls[i].rec = layout.controls[i + 1].rec;
memset(layout.controls[i].text, 0, 32);
memset(layout.controls[i].name, 0, 32);
strcpy(layout.controls[i].text, layout.controls[i + 1].text);
strcpy(layout.controls[i].name, layout.controls[i + 1].name);
layout.controls[i].ap = layout.controls[i + 1].ap;
selectedControl = -1;
// Unlinks the control selected from its current anchor
if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_U))
layout.controls[selectedControl].rec.x += layout.controls[selectedControl].ap->x;
layout.controls[selectedControl].rec.y += layout.controls[selectedControl].ap->y;
layout.controls[selectedControl].ap = &layout.anchors[0];
// Updates the selectedType with the MouseWheel
selectedType -= GetMouseWheelMove();
if (selectedType < WINDOWBOX) selectedType = WINDOWBOX;
else if (selectedType > DUMMYREC) selectedType = DUMMYREC;
selectedTypeDraw = selectedType;
// Updates the defaultRec[selectedType] position
defaultRec[selectedType].x = mouse.x - defaultRec[selectedType].width/2;
defaultRec[selectedType].y = mouse.y - defaultRec[selectedType].height/2;
// Mouse snap
// NOTE: Snap point changes when GRID_LINE_SPACING/2 has been surpassed in X and Y
if ((snapMode) && (selectedControl == -1))
int offsetX = (int)mouse.x%GRID_LINE_SPACING;
int offsetY = (int)mouse.y%GRID_LINE_SPACING;
if (offsetX >= GRID_LINE_SPACING/2) mouse.x += (GRID_LINE_SPACING - offsetX);
else mouse.x -= offsetX;
if (offsetY >= GRID_LINE_SPACING/2) mouse.y += (GRID_LINE_SPACING - offsetY);
else mouse.y -= offsetY;
// SnapMode of the DrawingControls
// Snap rectangle position to closer snap point
offsetX = (int)defaultRec[selectedType].x%GRID_LINE_SPACING;
offsetY = (int)defaultRec[selectedType].y%GRID_LINE_SPACING;
if (offsetX >= GRID_LINE_SPACING/2) defaultRec[selectedType].x += (GRID_LINE_SPACING - offsetX);
else defaultRec[selectedType].x -= offsetX;
if (offsetY >= GRID_LINE_SPACING/2) defaultRec[selectedType].y += (GRID_LINE_SPACING - offsetY);
else defaultRec[selectedType].y -= offsetY;
// Resize the controller aplying the snap
if ((IsKeyDown(KEY_LEFT_CONTROL)) && (!textEditMode) && (!nameEditMode) && (IsKeyPressed(KEY_R)) && (selectedControl != -1))
int offsetX = (int)layout.controls[selectedControl].rec.width%GRID_LINE_SPACING;
int offsetY = (int)layout.controls[selectedControl].rec.height%GRID_LINE_SPACING;
if (offsetX >= GRID_LINE_SPACING/2) layout.controls[selectedControl].rec.width += (GRID_LINE_SPACING - offsetX);
else layout.controls[selectedControl].rec.width -= offsetX;
if (offsetY >= GRID_LINE_SPACING/2) layout.controls[selectedControl].rec.height += (GRID_LINE_SPACING - offsetY);
else layout.controls[selectedControl].rec.height -= offsetY;
// Check if control has text to edit
if (textEditMode)
// Locks the selectedControl for text editing
selectedControl = storedControl;
int key = GetKeyPressed();
int keyCount = strlen(layout.controls[selectedControl].text); // Keeps track of text length
// Replaces characters with pressed keys or '\0' in case of backspace
// NOTE: Only allow keys in range [32..125]
if ((key >= 32) && (key <= 125) && (keyCount < 31))
layout.controls[selectedControl].text[keyCount] = (unsigned char)key;
layout.controls[selectedControl].text[keyCount - 1] = '\0';
if (keyCount < 0) keyCount = 0;
// Used to show the cursor('|') in textEditMode
if (keyCount < 32) framesCounter++;
else if (keyCount == 32) framesCounter = 21;
if ((nameEditMode))
// Locks the selectedControl for text editing
selectedControl = storedControl;
int key = GetKeyPressed();
int keyCount = strlen(layout.controls[selectedControl].name); // Keeps track of name length
// Replaces characters with pressed keys or '\0' in case of backspace
// NOTE: Only allow keys in range [48..57], [65..90] and [97..122]
if ((((key >= 48) && (key <= 57)) || ((key >= 65) && (key <= 90)) || ((key >= 97) && (key <= 122))) && (keyCount < 31))
layout.controls[selectedControl].name[keyCount] = (unsigned char)key;
layout.controls[selectedControl].name[keyCount - 1] = '\0';
if (keyCount < 0) keyCount = 0;
// Used to show the cursor('|') in textEditMode
if (keyCount < 32) framesCounter++;
else if (keyCount == 32) framesCounter = 21;
// Turns off textEditMode
if (textEditMode && IsKeyPressed(KEY_ENTER))
textEditMode = false;
framesCounter = 0;
else if (textEditMode && IsKeyPressed(KEY_ESCAPE))
textEditMode = false;
strcpy(layout.controls[selectedControl].text, prevControlText);
framesCounter = 0;
if (nameEditMode && IsKeyPressed(KEY_ENTER))
nameEditMode = false;
framesCounter = 0;
else if (nameEditMode && IsKeyPressed(KEY_ESCAPE))
nameEditMode = false;
strcpy(layout.controls[selectedControl].name, prevControlName);
framesCounter = 0;
// Turns on textEditMode
if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_T) && !nameEditMode && (selectedControl != -1) && (!generateWindowActive) && (!anchorMode) &&
((layout.controls[selectedControl].type == LABEL) || (layout.controls[selectedControl].type == TEXTBOX) || (layout.controls[selectedControl].type == BUTTON) || (layout.controls[selectedControl].type == TOGGLE) || (layout.controls[selectedControl].type == GROUPBOX) || (layout.controls[selectedControl].type == WINDOWBOX) || (layout.controls[selectedControl].type == STATUSBAR) || (layout.controls[selectedControl].type == DUMMYREC)))
textEditMode = true;
storedControl = selectedControl;
strcpy(prevControlText, layout.controls[selectedControl].text);
// Turns on NameEditMode
if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_N) && !textEditMode && (selectedControl != -1) && (!generateWindowActive))
nameEditMode = true;
strcpy(prevControlName, layout.controls[selectedControl].name);
storedControl = selectedControl;
// Selected control lock logic
if (controlLockMode) selectedControl = storedControl;
if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_SPACE) && !nameEditMode && !textEditMode && (selectedControl != -1) && !controlLockMode && !anchorMode)
controlLockMode = true;
storedControl = selectedControl;
else if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_SPACE) && (selectedControl != -1)) controlLockMode = false;
// Checks if mouse is over an anchor
if (!(anchorLinkMode || controlDrag || anchorLockMode))
for (int i = 1; i < MAX_ANCHOR_POINTS; i++)
if (CheckCollisionPointCircle(mouse, (Vector2){ layout.anchors[i].x, layout.anchors[i].y }, ANCHOR_RADIUS))
selectedAnchor = i;
if (layout.anchors[selectedAnchor].enabled) anchorMode = true;
selectedAnchor = -1;
if (!IsKeyDown(KEY_A)) anchorMode = false;
// Selected control lock logic
if (anchorLockMode)
selectedAnchor = storedAnchor;
anchorMode = true;
if (snapMode)
if (IsKeyDown(KEY_LEFT_SHIFT))
if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_RIGHT)) layout.anchors[selectedAnchor].x+= GRID_LINE_SPACING;
else if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_LEFT)) layout.anchors[selectedAnchor].x-= GRID_LINE_SPACING;
if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_UP)) layout.anchors[selectedAnchor].y-= GRID_LINE_SPACING;
else if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_DOWN)) layout.anchors[selectedAnchor].y+= GRID_LINE_SPACING;
if (IsKeyDown(KEY_RIGHT) && ((framesCounterSnap%MOVEMENT_FRAME_SPEED) == 0)) layout.anchors[selectedAnchor].x+= GRID_LINE_SPACING;
else if (IsKeyDown(KEY_LEFT) && ((framesCounterSnap%MOVEMENT_FRAME_SPEED) == 0)) layout.anchors[selectedAnchor].x-= GRID_LINE_SPACING;
if (IsKeyDown(KEY_UP) && ((framesCounterSnap%MOVEMENT_FRAME_SPEED) == 0)) layout.anchors[selectedAnchor].y-= GRID_LINE_SPACING;
else if (IsKeyDown(KEY_DOWN) && ((framesCounterSnap%MOVEMENT_FRAME_SPEED) == 0)) layout.anchors[selectedAnchor].y+= GRID_LINE_SPACING;
if (IsKeyDown(KEY_LEFT_SHIFT))
if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_RIGHT)) layout.anchors[selectedAnchor].x++;
else if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_LEFT)) layout.anchors[selectedAnchor].x--;
if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_UP)) layout.anchors[selectedAnchor].y--;
else if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_DOWN)) layout.anchors[selectedAnchor].y++;
if (IsKeyDown(KEY_RIGHT)) layout.anchors[selectedAnchor].x++;
else if (IsKeyDown(KEY_LEFT)) layout.anchors[selectedAnchor].x--;
if (IsKeyDown(KEY_UP)) layout.anchors[selectedAnchor].y--;
else if (IsKeyDown(KEY_DOWN)) layout.anchors[selectedAnchor].y++;
// Create and edit anchor points
if (anchorMode)
// On mouse click anchor is created
if (IsMouseButtonPressed(MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON) && (selectedAnchor == -1) && (selectedControl == -1))
for (int i = 1; i < MAX_ANCHOR_POINTS; i++)
if (!layout.anchors[i].enabled)
layout.anchors[i].x = mouse.x;
layout.anchors[i].y = mouse.y;
layout.anchors[i].enabled = true;
anchorMode = false;
if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_SPACE) && !nameEditMode && !textEditMode && (selectedAnchor != -1) && !anchorLockMode && anchorMode)
anchorLockMode = true;
storedAnchor = selectedAnchor;
else if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_SPACE) && (selectedAnchor != -1)) anchorLockMode = false;
if (selectedAnchor > 0)
// Unlinks and deletes the selected anchor point
if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_DELETE))
for (int i = 0; i < layout.controlsCount; i++)
if (layout.controls[i].ap->id == selectedAnchor)
layout.controls[i].rec.x += layout.controls[i].ap->x;
layout.controls[i].rec.y += layout.controls[i].ap->y;
layout.controls[i].ap = &layout.anchors[0];
layout.anchors[selectedAnchor].x = 0;
layout.anchors[selectedAnchor].y = 0;
layout.anchors[selectedAnchor].enabled = false;
layout.anchors[selectedAnchor].hidding = false;
anchorMode = false;
anchorLockMode = false;
if (!anchorLockMode)
// Allows to drag an anchor without losing collision
if (IsMouseButtonPressed(MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON) && IsKeyDown(KEY_A))
controlDrag = true;
anchorPosEditMode = true;
for (int i = 0; i < layout.controlsCount; i++)
if (layout.controls[i].ap->id == selectedAnchor)
layout.controls[i].rec.x += layout.controls[i].ap->x;
layout.controls[i].rec.y += layout.controls[i].ap->y;
layout.controls[i].ap = &auxAnchor;
else if (IsMouseButtonPressed(MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON)) controlDrag = true;
if (IsMouseButtonReleased(MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON))
if (anchorPosEditMode)
for (int i = 0; i < layout.controlsCount; i++)
if (layout.controls[i].ap->id == 9)
layout.controls[i].rec.x += layout.controls[i].ap->x;
layout.controls[i].rec.y += layout.controls[i].ap->y;
layout.controls[i].ap = &layout.anchors[selectedAnchor];
layout.controls[i].rec.x -= layout.anchors[selectedAnchor].x;
layout.controls[i].rec.y -= layout.anchors[selectedAnchor].y;
anchorPosEditMode = false;
controlDrag = false;
selectedAnchor = -1;
anchorMode = false;
// Moves the anchor to the mouse position
if (controlDrag)
layout.anchors[selectedAnchor].x = mouse.x;
layout.anchors[selectedAnchor].y = mouse.y;
// Enables the linking between anchor and control
if (IsMouseButtonPressed(MOUSE_RIGHT_BUTTON))
linkedAnchor = selectedAnchor;
anchorLinkMode = true;
// Links the selected control to the current anchor
if (IsMouseButtonReleased(MOUSE_RIGHT_BUTTON))
if (selectedControl != -1 && !controlLockMode)
layout.controls[selectedControl].rec.x += layout.controls[selectedControl].ap->x;
layout.controls[selectedControl].rec.y += layout.controls[selectedControl].ap->y;
layout.controls[selectedControl].ap = &layout.anchors[linkedAnchor];
layout.controls[selectedControl].rec.x -= layout.anchors[linkedAnchor].x;
layout.controls[selectedControl].rec.y -= layout.anchors[linkedAnchor].y;
anchorLinkMode = false;
anchorMode = false;
// Hide/Unhide selected anchor linked controls
if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_H)) layout.anchors[selectedAnchor].hidding = !layout.anchors[selectedAnchor].hidding;
// Enable anchor mode editing
if (IsKeyDown(KEY_A) && !nameEditMode && !textEditMode && (layout.controls[selectedControl].type != TEXTBOX)) anchorMode = true;
// Checks the minimum size of the rec
if (selectedControl != -1)
// Sets the minimum limit of the width
if (layout.controls[selectedControl].type == LABEL || layout.controls[selectedControl].type == BUTTON || layout.controls[selectedControl].type == TOGGLE || layout.controls[selectedControl].type == TEXTBOX)
if (layout.controls[selectedControl].rec.width < MeasureText(layout.controls[selectedControl].text , style[DEFAULT_TEXT_SIZE])) layout.controls[selectedControl].rec.width = MeasureText(layout.controls[selectedControl].text , style[DEFAULT_TEXT_SIZE]);
else if (layout.controls[selectedControl].type == WINDOWBOX || layout.controls[selectedControl].type == GROUPBOX || layout.controls[selectedControl].type == STATUSBAR)
if (layout.controls[selectedControl].rec.width < MeasureText(layout.controls[selectedControl].text, style[DEFAULT_TEXT_SIZE]) + 31) layout.controls[selectedControl].rec.width = MeasureText(layout.controls[selectedControl].text , style[DEFAULT_TEXT_SIZE]) + 31;
else if (layout.controls[selectedControl].type == CHECKBOX)
if (layout.controls[selectedControl].rec.width <= 10) layout.controls[selectedControl].rec.width = 10;
else if (layout.controls[selectedControl].rec.width <= 20) layout.controls[selectedControl].rec.width = 20;
// Sets the minimum limit of the height
if (layout.controls[selectedControl].type == WINDOWBOX)
if (layout.controls[selectedControl].rec.height < 50) layout.controls[selectedControl].rec.height = 50;
else if (layout.controls[selectedControl].type == PROGRESSBAR || layout.controls[selectedControl].type == SLIDER || layout.controls[selectedControl].type == SLIDERBAR || layout.controls[selectedControl].type == CHECKBOX || layout.controls[selectedControl].type == LINE)
if (layout.controls[selectedControl].rec.height <= 10 ) layout.controls[selectedControl].rec.height = 10;
else if (layout.controls[selectedControl].rec.height <= 20) layout.controls[selectedControl].rec.height = 20;
// Shows or hides the grid
if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_G) && (!nameEditMode) && (!textEditMode) && (!generateWindowActive)) showGrid = !showGrid;
// Drop files logic
if (IsFileDropped())
int fileCount = 0;
char **droppedFiles = { 0 };
char droppedFileName[256];
droppedFiles = GetDroppedFiles(&fileCount);
strcpy(droppedFileName, droppedFiles[0]);
if (IsFileExtension(droppedFileName, ".rgl"))
strcpy(loadedFileName, droppedFileName);
SetWindowTitle(FormatText("rGuiLayout v1.0 - %s", GetFileName(loadedFileName)));
else if (IsFileExtension(droppedFileName, ".rgs")) GuiLoadStyle(droppedFileName);
else if (IsFileExtension(droppedFileName, ".png"))
if (tracemap.id > 0) UnloadTexture(tracemap);
tracemap = LoadTexture(droppedFileName);
SetTextureFilter(tracemap, FILTER_BILINEAR);
tracemapRec.width = tracemap.width;
tracemapRec.height = tracemap.height;
// Duplicate selected control
if ((IsKeyDown(KEY_LEFT_CONTROL) && IsKeyPressed(KEY_D)) && (selectedControl != -1) && !anchorMode)
// Add a copy of selected control
layout.controls[layout.controlsCount].id = layout.controlsCount;
layout.controls[layout.controlsCount].type = layout.controls[selectedControl].type;
layout.controls[layout.controlsCount].rec = layout.controls[selectedControl].rec;
layout.controls[layout.controlsCount].rec.x += 10;
layout.controls[layout.controlsCount].rec.y += 10;
strcpy(layout.controls[layout.controlsCount].text, layout.controls[selectedControl].text);
strcpy(layout.controls[layout.controlsCount].name, FormatText("%s%03i", controlTypeNameLow[layout.controls[layout.controlsCount].type], layout.controlsCount));
layout.controls[layout.controlsCount].ap = layout.controls[selectedControl].ap; // Default anchor point (0, 0)
// Save layout file dialog logic
if (IsKeyDown(KEY_LEFT_CONTROL) && IsKeyPressed(KEY_S)) ShowSaveLayoutDialog();
// Open laout file dialog logic
if (IsKeyDown(KEY_LEFT_CONTROL) && IsKeyPressed(KEY_O))
// Open file dialog
const char *filters[] = { "*.rgl" };
const char *fileName = tinyfd_openFileDialog("Load raygui layout file", "", 1, filters, "raygui Layout Files (*.rgl)", 0);
if (fileName != NULL) LoadLayoutRGL(fileName);
// Activate code generation export window
if (IsKeyDown(KEY_LEFT_CONTROL) && IsKeyPressed(KEY_ENTER) && !closingWindowActive) generateWindowActive = true;
if (generateWindowActive) // Keep window in the middle of screen
exportWindowPos.x = GetScreenWidth()/2 - 200;
exportWindowPos.y = GetScreenHeight()/2 - 112;
// Tracemap texture control logic
if (tracemap.id > 0)
// Toggles Texture editting mode between true or false
if (IsKeyDown(KEY_LEFT_CONTROL) && IsKeyPressed(KEY_T)) tracemapEditMode = !tracemapEditMode;
if (tracemapEditMode)
int offsetX = (int)mouse.x%GRID_LINE_SPACING;
int offsetY = (int)mouse.y%GRID_LINE_SPACING;
// Moves the texture with the mouse
if (IsMouseButtonPressed(MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON))
panControlOffset = mouse;
prevControlPosition = (Vector2){ tracemapRec.x, tracemapRec.y };
if (IsMouseButtonDown(MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON))
tracemapRec.x = prevControlPosition.x + (mouse.x - panControlOffset.x);
tracemapRec.y = prevControlPosition.y + (mouse.y - panControlOffset.y);
if (snapMode)
if (offsetX >= GRID_LINE_SPACING/2) mouse.x += (GRID_LINE_SPACING - offsetX);
else mouse.x -= offsetX;
if (offsetY >= GRID_LINE_SPACING/2) mouse.y += (GRID_LINE_SPACING - offsetY);
else mouse.y -= offsetY;
offsetX = (int)tracemapRec.x%GRID_LINE_SPACING;
offsetY = (int)tracemapRec.y%GRID_LINE_SPACING;
if (offsetX >= GRID_LINE_SPACING/2) tracemapRec.x += (GRID_LINE_SPACING - offsetX);
else tracemapRec.x -= offsetX;
if (offsetY >= GRID_LINE_SPACING/2) tracemapRec.y += (GRID_LINE_SPACING - offsetY);
else tracemapRec.y -= offsetY;
// Moves and scales the texture with snap.
tracemapRec.height -= GetMouseWheelMove();
tracemapRec.width -= GetMouseWheelMove();
tracemapRec.height -= 10*GetMouseWheelMove();
tracemapRec.width -= 10*GetMouseWheelMove();
tracemap.height = tracemapRec.height;
tracemap.width = tracemapRec.width;
// Change texture fade
if (IsKeyDown(KEY_LEFT_SHIFT))
if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_LEFT)) tracemapRec.x--;
else if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_RIGHT)) tracemapRec.x++;
if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_UP)) tracemapRec.y--;
else if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_DOWN)) tracemapRec.y++;
if (IsKeyDown(KEY_LEFT)) tracemapRec.x--;
else if (IsKeyDown(KEY_RIGHT)) tracemapRec.x++;
if (IsKeyDown(KEY_UP)) tracemapRec.y--;
else if (IsKeyDown(KEY_DOWN)) tracemapRec.y++;
if (IsKeyDown(KEY_LEFT)) tracemapFade-= 0.01f;
else if (IsKeyDown(KEY_RIGHT)) tracemapFade+=0.01f;
if (tracemapFade < 0) tracemapFade = 0;
else if (tracemapFade > 1) tracemapFade = 1;
// Deletes the texture and resets it
if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_DELETE))
tracemap.id = 0;
tracemapEditMode = false;
tracemapRec.x = 0;
tracemapRec.y = 0;
if ((IsKeyDown(KEY_LEFT_CONTROL)) && (IsKeyPressed(KEY_Z))) layout.controls[undoSelectedControl].rec = undoLastRec;
// Draw
// TODO: Draw global app screen limits (black rectangle with black default anchor)
if (showGrid) GuiGrid((Rectangle){ 0, 0, GetScreenWidth(), GetScreenHeight() }, GRID_LINE_SPACING, 5, false);
// Draw the texture if loaded
if (tracemap.id > 0)
DrawTexture(tracemap, tracemapRec.x, tracemapRec.y, Fade(WHITE, tracemapFade));
// Draw the tracemap rectangle
if (tracemapEditMode) DrawRectangleLines(tracemapRec.x, tracemapRec.y, tracemapRec.width, tracemapRec.height, RED);
else DrawRectangleLines(tracemapRec.x, tracemapRec.y, tracemapRec.width, tracemapRec.height, GRAY);
for (int i = 0; i < layout.controlsCount; i++)
// Draws the Controls when placed on the grid.
if (!layout.controls[i].ap->hidding)
switch (layout.controls[i].type)
GuiWindowBox((Rectangle){ layout.controls[i].ap->x + layout.controls[i].rec.x, layout.controls[i].ap->y + layout.controls[i].rec.y, layout.controls[i].rec.width, layout.controls[i].rec.height }, layout.controls[i].text);
case GROUPBOX: GuiGroupBox((Rectangle){ layout.controls[i].ap->x + layout.controls[i].rec.x, layout.controls[i].ap->y + layout.controls[i].rec.y, layout.controls[i].rec.width, layout.controls[i].rec.height }, layout.controls[i].text); break;
case LINE: GuiLine((Rectangle){ layout.controls[i].ap->x + layout.controls[i].rec.x, layout.controls[i].ap->y + layout.controls[i].rec.y, layout.controls[i].rec.width, layout.controls[i].rec.height }, 1); break;
case PANEL:
GuiPanel((Rectangle){ layout.controls[i].ap->x + layout.controls[i].rec.x, layout.controls[i].ap->y + layout.controls[i].rec.y, layout.controls[i].rec.width, layout.controls[i].rec.height });
case LABEL: GuiLabel((Rectangle){ layout.controls[i].ap->x + layout.controls[i].rec.x, layout.controls[i].ap->y + layout.controls[i].rec.y, layout.controls[i].rec.width, layout.controls[i].rec.height }, layout.controls[i].text); break;
case BUTTON: GuiButton((Rectangle){ layout.controls[i].ap->x + layout.controls[i].rec.x, layout.controls[i].ap->y + layout.controls[i].rec.y, layout.controls[i].rec.width, layout.controls[i].rec.height }, layout.controls[i].text); break;
case TOGGLE: GuiToggleButton((Rectangle){ layout.controls[i].ap->x + layout.controls[i].rec.x, layout.controls[i].ap->y + layout.controls[i].rec.y, layout.controls[i].rec.width, layout.controls[i].rec.height }, layout.controls[i].text, false); break;
case TOGGLEGROUP: GuiToggleGroup((Rectangle){ layout.controls[i].ap->x + layout.controls[i].rec.x, layout.controls[i].ap->y + layout.controls[i].rec.y, layout.controls[i].rec.width, layout.controls[i].rec.height }, listData, 3, 1); break;
case CHECKBOX: GuiCheckBox((Rectangle){ layout.controls[i].ap->x + layout.controls[i].rec.x, layout.controls[i].ap->y + layout.controls[i].rec.y, layout.controls[i].rec.width, layout.controls[i].rec.height }, false); break;
case COMBOBOX: GuiComboBox((Rectangle){ layout.controls[i].ap->x + layout.controls[i].rec.x, layout.controls[i].ap->y + layout.controls[i].rec.y, layout.controls[i].rec.width, layout.controls[i].rec.height }, listData, 3, 1); break;
case DROPDOWNBOX: GuiDropdownBox((Rectangle){ layout.controls[i].ap->x + layout.controls[i].rec.x, layout.controls[i].ap->y + layout.controls[i].rec.y, layout.controls[i].rec.width, layout.controls[i].rec.height }, listData, 3, 2); break;
case SPINNER: GuiSpinner((Rectangle){ layout.controls[i].ap->x + layout.controls[i].rec.x, layout.controls[i].ap->y + layout.controls[i].rec.y, layout.controls[i].rec.width, layout.controls[i].rec.height }, 42, 3, 25); break;
case VALUEBOX: GuiValueBox((Rectangle){ layout.controls[i].ap->x + layout.controls[i].rec.x, layout.controls[i].ap->y + layout.controls[i].rec.y, layout.controls[i].rec.width, layout.controls[i].rec.height }, 42, 100); break;
case TEXTBOX: GuiTextBox((Rectangle){ layout.controls[i].ap->x + layout.controls[i].rec.x, layout.controls[i].ap->y + layout.controls[i].rec.y, layout.controls[i].rec.width, layout.controls[i].rec.height }, layout.controls[i].text, 32, false); break;
case SLIDER: GuiSlider((Rectangle){ layout.controls[i].ap->x + layout.controls[i].rec.x, layout.controls[i].ap->y + layout.controls[i].rec.y, layout.controls[i].rec.width, layout.controls[i].rec.height }, 42, 0, 100); break;
case SLIDERBAR: GuiSliderBar((Rectangle){ layout.controls[i].ap->x + layout.controls[i].rec.x, layout.controls[i].ap->y + layout.controls[i].rec.y, layout.controls[i].rec.width, layout.controls[i].rec.height }, 40, 0, 100); break;
case PROGRESSBAR: GuiProgressBar((Rectangle){ layout.controls[i].ap->x + layout.controls[i].rec.x, layout.controls[i].ap->y + layout.controls[i].rec.y, layout.controls[i].rec.width, layout.controls[i].rec.height }, 40, 0, 100); break;
case STATUSBAR: GuiStatusBar((Rectangle){ layout.controls[i].ap->x + layout.controls[i].rec.x, layout.controls[i].ap->y + layout.controls[i].rec.y, layout.controls[i].rec.width, layout.controls[i].rec.height }, layout.controls[i].text, 15); break;
case LISTVIEW: GuiListView((Rectangle){ layout.controls[i].ap->x + layout.controls[i].rec.x, layout.controls[i].ap->y + layout.controls[i].rec.y, layout.controls[i].rec.width, layout.controls[i].rec.height }, listViewData, 4, 1); break;
case COLORPICKER: GuiColorPicker((Rectangle){ layout.controls[i].ap->x + layout.controls[i].rec.x, layout.controls[i].ap->y + layout.controls[i].rec.y, layout.controls[i].rec.width, layout.controls[i].rec.height }, RED); break;
case DUMMYREC: GuiDummyRec((Rectangle){ layout.controls[i].ap->x + layout.controls[i].rec.x, layout.controls[i].ap->y + layout.controls[i].rec.y, layout.controls[i].rec.width, layout.controls[i].rec.height }, layout.controls[i].text); break;
default: break;
if ((layout.controls[i].ap->id == selectedAnchor) && (layout.controls[i].ap->id > 0)) DrawLine(layout.controls[i].ap->x, layout.controls[i].ap->y, layout.controls[i].ap->x + layout.controls[i].rec.x, layout.controls[i].ap->y + layout.controls[i].rec.y, RED);
else if ((layout.controls[i].ap->id == selectedAnchor) && (layout.controls[i].ap->id > 0)) DrawLine(layout.controls[i].ap->x, layout.controls[i].ap->y, layout.controls[i].ap->x + layout.controls[i].rec.x, layout.controls[i].ap->y + layout.controls[i].rec.y, BLUE);
// Draws the defaultRec[selectedType] of the control selected
if (selectedControl == -1 && !anchorMode && !tracemapEditMode && !closingWindowActive && !paletteMode && !generateWindowActive)
switch (selectedTypeDraw)
case WINDOWBOX: GuiWindowBox(defaultRec[selectedTypeDraw], "WINDOW BOX"); break;
case GROUPBOX: GuiGroupBox(defaultRec[selectedTypeDraw], "GROUP BOX"); break;
case LINE: GuiLine(defaultRec[selectedTypeDraw], 1); break;
case PANEL: GuiPanel(defaultRec[selectedTypeDraw]); break;
case LABEL: GuiLabel(defaultRec[selectedTypeDraw], "TEXT SAMPLE"); break;
case BUTTON: GuiButton(defaultRec[selectedTypeDraw], "BUTTON"); break;
case TOGGLE: GuiToggleButton(defaultRec[selectedTypeDraw], "TOGGLE", false); break;
case TOGGLEGROUP: GuiToggleGroup(defaultRec[selectedTypeDraw], listData, 3, 1); break;
case CHECKBOX: GuiCheckBox(defaultRec[selectedTypeDraw], false); break;
case COMBOBOX: GuiComboBox(defaultRec[selectedTypeDraw], listData, 3, 1); break;
case DROPDOWNBOX: GuiDropdownBox(defaultRec[selectedTypeDraw], listData, 3, 2); break;
case SPINNER: GuiSpinner(defaultRec[selectedTypeDraw], 42, 3, 25); break;
case VALUEBOX: GuiValueBox(defaultRec[selectedTypeDraw], 42, 100); break;
case TEXTBOX: GuiTextBox(defaultRec[selectedTypeDraw], "TEXTBOX", 7, false); break;
case SLIDER: GuiSlider(defaultRec[selectedTypeDraw], 42, 0, 100); break;
case SLIDERBAR: GuiSliderBar(defaultRec[selectedTypeDraw], 40, 0, 100); break;
case PROGRESSBAR: GuiProgressBar(defaultRec[selectedTypeDraw], 40, 0, 100); break;
case STATUSBAR: GuiStatusBar(defaultRec[selectedTypeDraw], "STATUS BAR", 15); break;
case LISTVIEW: GuiListView(defaultRec[selectedTypeDraw], listViewData, 4, 1); break;
case COLORPICKER: GuiColorPicker(defaultRec[selectedTypeDraw], RED); break;
case DUMMYREC: GuiDummyRec(defaultRec[selectedTypeDraw], "DUMMY REC"); break;
default: break;
// Draw the anchorPoints
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_ANCHOR_POINTS; i++)
if ((layout.anchors[i].enabled) && (layout.anchors[i].x != 0) && (layout.anchors[i].y != 0))
if (layout.anchors[i].id == selectedAnchor && anchorPosEditMode)
// Draw the anchor that is currently moving
DrawCircle(layout.anchors[i].x, layout.anchors[i].y, ANCHOR_RADIUS, Fade(ORANGE, 0.5f));
DrawRectangle(layout.anchors[i].x - ANCHOR_RADIUS - 5, layout.anchors[i].y, ANCHOR_RADIUS*2 + 10, 1, ORANGE);
DrawRectangle(layout.anchors[i].x, layout.anchors[i].y - ANCHOR_RADIUS - 5, 1, ANCHOR_RADIUS*2 + 10, ORANGE);
if (layout.anchors[i].id == selectedAnchor && IsKeyDown(KEY_A))
// Draw the anchor that is currently moving
DrawCircle(layout.anchors[i].x, layout.anchors[i].y, ANCHOR_RADIUS, Fade(ORANGE, 0.5f));
DrawRectangle(layout.anchors[i].x - ANCHOR_RADIUS - 5, layout.anchors[i].y, ANCHOR_RADIUS*2 + 10, 1, ORANGE);
DrawRectangle(layout.anchors[i].x, layout.anchors[i].y - ANCHOR_RADIUS - 5, 1, ANCHOR_RADIUS*2 + 10, ORANGE);
else if (layout.anchors[i].hidding && layout.anchors[i].id == selectedAnchor)
// Draw idle anchor
DrawCircle(layout.anchors[i].x, layout.anchors[i].y, ANCHOR_RADIUS, Fade(BLUE, 0.5f));
DrawRectangle(layout.anchors[i].x - ANCHOR_RADIUS - 5, layout.anchors[i].y, ANCHOR_RADIUS*2 + 10, 1, BLUE);
DrawRectangle(layout.anchors[i].x, layout.anchors[i].y - ANCHOR_RADIUS - 5, 1, ANCHOR_RADIUS*2 + 10, BLUE);
DrawText(FormatText("[%i, %i]", layout.anchors[i].x, layout.anchors[i].y), layout.anchors[i].x, layout.anchors[i].y - 25, 20, BLUE);
else if (layout.anchors[i].id == selectedAnchor)
// Draw the selected anchor
DrawCircle(layout.anchors[i].x, layout.anchors[i].y, ANCHOR_RADIUS, Fade(RED, 0.5f));
DrawRectangle(layout.anchors[i].x - ANCHOR_RADIUS - 5, layout.anchors[i].y, ANCHOR_RADIUS*2 + 10, 1, RED);
DrawRectangle(layout.anchors[i].x, layout.anchors[i].y - ANCHOR_RADIUS - 5, 1, ANCHOR_RADIUS*2 + 10, RED);
DrawText(FormatText("[%i, %i]", layout.anchors[i].x, layout.anchors[i].y), layout.anchors[i].x, layout.anchors[i].y - 25, 20, RED);
else if (layout.anchors[i].hidding)
// Draw idle anchor
DrawCircleLines(layout.anchors[i].x, layout.anchors[i].y, ANCHOR_RADIUS, Fade(BLUE, 0.5f));
DrawRectangle(layout.anchors[i].x - ANCHOR_RADIUS - 5, layout.anchors[i].y, ANCHOR_RADIUS*2 + 10, 1, BLUE);
DrawRectangle(layout.anchors[i].x, layout.anchors[i].y - ANCHOR_RADIUS - 5, 1, ANCHOR_RADIUS*2 + 10, BLUE);
// Draw idle anchor
DrawCircleLines(layout.anchors[i].x, layout.anchors[i].y, ANCHOR_RADIUS, Fade(RED, 0.5f));
DrawRectangle(layout.anchors[i].x - ANCHOR_RADIUS - 5, layout.anchors[i].y, ANCHOR_RADIUS*2 + 10, 1, RED);
DrawRectangle(layout.anchors[i].x, layout.anchors[i].y - ANCHOR_RADIUS - 5, 1, ANCHOR_RADIUS*2 + 10, RED);
// Draw selected control selection rectangle (transparent RED/WHITE)
if ((selectedControl != -1) && (selectedControl < layout.controlsCount))
DrawRectangleRec((Rectangle){ layout.controls[selectedControl].ap->x + layout.controls[selectedControl].rec.x, layout.controls[selectedControl].ap->y + layout.controls[selectedControl].rec.y, layout.controls[selectedControl].rec.width, layout.controls[selectedControl].rec.height }, (nameEditMode) ? Fade(WHITE, 0.7f) : Fade(RED, 0.5f));
// Draw anchor lines (if not hidden)
if (layout.controls[selectedControl].ap->id > 0 && !layout.controls[selectedControl].ap->hidding) DrawLine(layout.controls[selectedControl].ap->x, layout.controls[selectedControl].ap->y, layout.controls[selectedControl].ap->x + layout.controls[selectedControl].rec.x, layout.controls[selectedControl].ap->y + layout.controls[selectedControl].rec.y, RED);
else if (layout.controls[selectedControl].ap->id > 0 && layout.controls[selectedControl].ap->hidding) DrawLine(layout.controls[selectedControl].ap->x, layout.controls[selectedControl].ap->y, layout.controls[selectedControl].ap->x + layout.controls[selectedControl].rec.x, layout.controls[selectedControl].ap->y + layout.controls[selectedControl].rec.y, BLUE);
// Draw cursor (control mode or anchor mode)
if ((selectedControl == -1) && (selectedAnchor == -1))
if (anchorMode)
DrawCircleLines(mouse.x, mouse.y, ANCHOR_RADIUS, Fade(RED, 0.5f));
DrawRectangle(mouse.x - ANCHOR_RADIUS - 5, mouse.y, ANCHOR_RADIUS*2 + 10, 1, RED);
DrawRectangle(mouse.x , mouse.y - ANCHOR_RADIUS - 5, 1, ANCHOR_RADIUS*2 + 10, RED);
DrawRectangle(mouse.x - 8, mouse.y, 17, 1, RED);
DrawRectangle(mouse.x, mouse.y - 8, 1, 17, RED);
// Draw cursor on textEditMode
if (textEditMode)
if (((framesCounter/20)%2) == 0)
if (layout.controls[selectedControl].type == LABEL) DrawText("|", layout.controls[selectedControl].rec.x + layout.controls[selectedControl].ap->x + MeasureText(layout.controls[selectedControl].text, style[DEFAULT_TEXT_SIZE]), layout.controls[selectedControl].rec.y + layout.controls[selectedControl].ap->y - style[DEFAULT_TEXT_SIZE]/2 + layout.controls[selectedControl].rec.height/2, style[DEFAULT_TEXT_SIZE] + 2, BLACK);
else if (layout.controls[selectedControl].type == TEXTBOX) DrawText("|", layout.controls[selectedControl].rec.x + layout.controls[selectedControl].ap->x + MeasureText(layout.controls[selectedControl].text, style[DEFAULT_TEXT_SIZE]) + 4, layout.controls[selectedControl].rec.y + layout.controls[selectedControl].ap->y - style[DEFAULT_TEXT_SIZE]/2 + layout.controls[selectedControl].rec.height/2, style[DEFAULT_TEXT_SIZE] + 2, BLACK);
else if (layout.controls[selectedControl].type == GROUPBOX) DrawText("|", layout.controls[selectedControl].rec.x + layout.controls[selectedControl].ap->x + 15 + MeasureText(layout.controls[selectedControl].text, style[DEFAULT_TEXT_SIZE]), layout.controls[selectedControl].rec.y + layout.controls[selectedControl].ap->y - style[DEFAULT_TEXT_SIZE]/2, style[DEFAULT_TEXT_SIZE] + 2, BLACK);
else if (layout.controls[selectedControl].type == WINDOWBOX) DrawText("|", layout.controls[selectedControl].rec.x + layout.controls[selectedControl].ap->x + 10 + MeasureText(layout.controls[selectedControl].text, style[DEFAULT_TEXT_SIZE]), layout.controls[selectedControl].rec.y + layout.controls[selectedControl].ap->y + style[DEFAULT_TEXT_SIZE]/2, style[DEFAULT_TEXT_SIZE] + 2, BLACK);
else if (layout.controls[selectedControl].type == STATUSBAR) DrawText("|", layout.controls[selectedControl].rec.x + layout.controls[selectedControl].ap->x + 15 + MeasureText(layout.controls[selectedControl].text, style[DEFAULT_TEXT_SIZE]), layout.controls[selectedControl].rec.y + layout.controls[selectedControl].ap->y - style[DEFAULT_TEXT_SIZE]/2 + layout.controls[selectedControl].rec.height/2, style[DEFAULT_TEXT_SIZE] + 2, BLACK);
else DrawText("|", layout.controls[selectedControl].rec.x + layout.controls[selectedControl].ap->x + layout.controls[selectedControl].rec.width/2 + MeasureText(layout.controls[selectedControl].text , style[DEFAULT_TEXT_SIZE])/2 + 2, layout.controls[selectedControl].rec.y + layout.controls[selectedControl].ap->y + layout.controls[selectedControl].rec.height/2 - 6, style[DEFAULT_TEXT_SIZE] + 2, BLACK);
// Draw nameEditMode
if (nameEditMode)
DrawText(FormatText("%s", layout.controls[selectedControl].name), layout.controls[selectedControl].rec.x + layout.controls[selectedControl].ap->x + layout.controls[selectedControl].rec.width/2 - MeasureText(layout.controls[selectedControl].name, style[DEFAULT_TEXT_SIZE]*2)/2, layout.controls[selectedControl].rec.y + layout.controls[selectedControl].ap->y + layout.controls[selectedControl].rec.height/2 - 10, style[DEFAULT_TEXT_SIZE]*2, BLACK);
if (((framesCounter/20)%2) == 0) DrawText("|", layout.controls[selectedControl].rec.x + layout.controls[selectedControl].rec.width/2 + layout.controls[selectedControl].ap->x + MeasureText(layout.controls[selectedControl].name, style[DEFAULT_TEXT_SIZE]*2)/2 + 2, layout.controls[selectedControl].rec.y + layout.controls[selectedControl].ap->y + layout.controls[selectedControl].rec.height/2 - 10, style[DEFAULT_TEXT_SIZE]*2 + 2, BLACK);
else if ((IsKeyDown(KEY_N)) && (!textEditMode) && (!generateWindowActive))
if (layout.controlsCount > 0) DrawRectangle(0, 0, GetScreenWidth(), GetScreenHeight(), Fade(WHITE, 0.7f));
for (int i = 0; i < layout.controlsCount; i++)
// Draws the Controls when placed on the grid.
if (!layout.controls[i].ap->hidding)
DrawText(FormatText("%s", layout.controls[i].name), layout.controls[i].rec.x + layout.controls[i].ap->x + layout.controls[i].rec.width/2 - MeasureText(layout.controls[i].name, style[DEFAULT_TEXT_SIZE]*2)/2, layout.controls[i].rec.y + layout.controls[i].ap->y + layout.controls[i].rec.height/2 - 10, style[DEFAULT_TEXT_SIZE]*2, BLACK);
// Draw anchor linking line
if (anchorLinkMode) DrawLine(layout.anchors[linkedAnchor].x, layout.anchors[linkedAnchor].y, mouse.x, mouse.y, BLACK);
// Draw Rectangle Info
if (selectedControl != -1)
if (!controlGlobalPos) DrawText(FormatText("[%i, %i, %i, %i]", (int)layout.controls[selectedControl].rec.x, (int)layout.controls[selectedControl].rec.y, (int)layout.controls[selectedControl].rec.width, (int)layout.controls[selectedControl].rec.height), (int)layout.controls[selectedControl].rec.x + layout.controls[selectedControl].ap->x, (int)layout.controls[selectedControl].rec.y + layout.controls[selectedControl].ap->y - 30, 20, MAROON);
else DrawText(FormatText("[%i, %i, %i, %i]", (int)layout.controls[selectedControl].rec.x + layout.controls[selectedControl].ap->x, (int)layout.controls[selectedControl].rec.y + layout.controls[selectedControl].ap->y, (int)layout.controls[selectedControl].rec.width, (int)layout.controls[selectedControl].rec.height), (int)layout.controls[selectedControl].rec.x + layout.controls[selectedControl].ap->x, (int)layout.controls[selectedControl].rec.y + layout.controls[selectedControl].ap->y - 30, 20, RED);
// Draw Image info
if (tracemapEditMode) DrawText(FormatText("[%i, %i, %i, %i]", tracemapRec.x, tracemapRec.y, tracemapRec.width, tracemapRec.height), tracemapRec.x + 25, tracemapRec.y + 25, 20, MAROON);
// Draw the id of all controls
if (IsKeyDown(KEY_LEFT_ALT))
for (int i = layout.controlsCount - 1; i >= 0; i--) DrawText(FormatText("[%i]", layout.controls[i].id), layout.controls[i].rec.x + layout.controls[i].ap->x + layout.controls[i].rec.width, layout.controls[i].rec.y + layout.controls[i].ap->y - 10, 10, BLUE);
// Draw the help listData (by default is out of screen)
if (helpPositionX > -280)
DrawRectangleRec((Rectangle){ helpPositionX + 20, 15, 280, 530 }, GetColor(style[DEFAULT_BACKGROUND_COLOR]));
GuiGroupBox((Rectangle){ helpPositionX + 20, 15, 280, 530 }, "TAB - Shortcuts");
GuiLabel((Rectangle){ helpPositionX + 30, 30, 0, 0 }, "G - Toggle grid mode");
GuiLabel((Rectangle){ helpPositionX + 30, 50, 0, 0 }, "S - Toggle snap to grid mode");
GuiLabel((Rectangle){ helpPositionX + 30, 70, 0, 0 }, "F - Toggle control position (global/anchor)");
GuiLine((Rectangle){ helpPositionX + 30, 85, 260, 10 }, 1);
GuiLabel((Rectangle){ helpPositionX + 30, 100, 0, 0 }, "SPACE - Lock/unlock control for editing");
GuiLabel((Rectangle){ helpPositionX + 30, 120, 0, 0 }, "ARROWS - Edit control position");
GuiLabel((Rectangle){ helpPositionX + 30, 140, 0, 0 }, "LSHIFT + ARROWS - Smooth edit position");
GuiLabel((Rectangle){ helpPositionX + 30, 160, 0, 0 }, "LCTRL + ARROWS - Edit control scale");
GuiLabel((Rectangle){ helpPositionX + 30, 180, 0, 0 }, "LCTRL + LSHIFT + ARROWS - Smooth edit scale");
GuiLabel((Rectangle){ helpPositionX + 30, 200, 0, 0 }, "LCTRL + R - Resize control to closest snap");
GuiLabel((Rectangle){ helpPositionX + 30, 220, 0, 0 }, "LCTRL + D - Duplicate selected control");
GuiLabel((Rectangle){ helpPositionX + 30, 240, 0, 0 }, "DEL - Delete selected control");
GuiLine((Rectangle){ helpPositionX + 30, 255, 260, 10 }, 1);
GuiLabel((Rectangle){ helpPositionX + 30, 270, 0, 0 }, "T - Control text editing (if possible)");
GuiLabel((Rectangle){ helpPositionX + 30, 290, 0, 0 }, "N - Control name editing ");
GuiLabel((Rectangle){ helpPositionX + 30, 310, 0, 0 }, "ESC - Exit text/name editing mode");
GuiLabel((Rectangle){ helpPositionX + 30, 330, 0, 0 }, "ENTER - Validate text/name edition");
GuiLine((Rectangle){ helpPositionX + 30, 345, 260, 10 }, 1);
GuiLabel((Rectangle){ helpPositionX + 30, 360, 0, 0 }, "LALT + UP/DOWN - Control layer order");
GuiLine((Rectangle){ helpPositionX + 30, 375, 260, 10 }, 1);
GuiLabel((Rectangle){ helpPositionX + 30, 390, 0, 0 }, "A - Anchor editing mode");
GuiLabel((Rectangle){ helpPositionX + 30, 410, 0, 0 }, "RMB - Link anchor to control");
GuiLabel((Rectangle){ helpPositionX + 30, 430, 0, 0 }, "U - Unlink control from anchor");
GuiLabel((Rectangle){ helpPositionX + 30, 450, 0, 0 }, "H - Hide/Unhide controls for selected anchor");
GuiLine((Rectangle){ helpPositionX + 30, 465, 260, 10 }, 1);
GuiLabel((Rectangle){ helpPositionX + 30, 480, 0, 0 }, "LCTRL + S - Save layout file (.rgl)");
GuiLabel((Rectangle){ helpPositionX + 30, 500, 0, 0 }, "LCTRL + O - Open layout file (.rgl)");
GuiLabel((Rectangle){ helpPositionX + 30, 520, 0, 0 }, "LCTRL + ENTER - Export layout to code");
// Draw right panel controls palette
GuiWindowBox(paletteRecs[0], "WindowBox");
GuiGroupBox(paletteRecs[1], "GroupBox");
GuiLine(paletteRecs[2], 1);
GuiLabel(paletteRecs[4], "Label (SAMPLE TEXT)");
GuiButton(paletteRecs[5], "Button");
GuiToggleButton(paletteRecs[6], "Toggle", false);
GuiCheckBox(paletteRecs[8], false);
GuiToggleGroup(paletteRecs[7], listData, 3, 0);
GuiComboBox(paletteRecs[9], listData, 3, 0);
GuiDropdownBox(paletteRecs[10], listData, 3, 0);
GuiSpinner(paletteRecs[11], 42, 100, 25);
GuiValueBox(paletteRecs[12], 42, 100);
GuiTextBox(paletteRecs[13], "TEXTBOX", 7, false);
GuiSlider(paletteRecs[14], 42, 0, 100);
GuiSliderBar(paletteRecs[15], 42, 0, 100);
GuiProgressBar(paletteRecs[16], 42, 0, 100);
GuiStatusBar(paletteRecs[17], "StatusBar", 10);
GuiListView(paletteRecs[18], listData, 3, 1);
GuiColorPicker(paletteRecs[19], RED);
GuiDummyRec(paletteRecs[20], "DummyRec");
DrawRectangleRec(paletteRecs[selectedType], Fade(RED, 0.5f));
if (paletteSelect > -1) DrawRectangleLinesEx(paletteRecs[paletteSelect], 1, RED);
// Draw export options window
if (generateWindowActive)
DrawRectangle(0, 0, GetScreenWidth(), GetScreenHeight(), Fade(WHITE, 0.7f));
generateWindowActive = !GuiWindowBox((Rectangle){ exportWindowPos.x, exportWindowPos.y, 400, 225 }, "Generate Code Options - layout");
GuiLabel((Rectangle){ exportWindowPos.x + 10, exportWindowPos.y + 35, 65, 25 }, "Name:");
GuiTextBox((Rectangle){ exportWindowPos.x + 75, exportWindowPos.y + 35, 135, 25 }, config.name, toolNameSize, true);
GuiLabel((Rectangle){ exportWindowPos.x + 225, exportWindowPos.y + 35, 50, 25 }, "Version:");
GuiTextBox((Rectangle){ exportWindowPos.x + 275, exportWindowPos.y + 35, 115, 25 }, config.version, toolVersionSize, true);
GuiLabel((Rectangle){ exportWindowPos.x + 10, exportWindowPos.y + 65, 65, 25 }, "Window size:");
config.width = GuiValueBox((Rectangle){ exportWindowPos.x + 75, exportWindowPos.y + 65, 60, 25 }, config.width, 1000);
GuiLabel((Rectangle){ exportWindowPos.x + 140, exportWindowPos.y + 65, 10, 25 }, "x");
config.height = GuiValueBox((Rectangle){ exportWindowPos.x + 150, exportWindowPos.y + 65, 60, 25 }, config.height, 1000);
GuiLabel((Rectangle){ exportWindowPos.x + 225, exportWindowPos.y + 65, 50, 25 }, "Company:");
GuiTextBox((Rectangle){ exportWindowPos.x + 275, exportWindowPos.y + 65, 115, 25 }, config.company, companySize, true);
GuiLabel((Rectangle){ exportWindowPos.x + 10, exportWindowPos.y + 95, 65, 25 }, "Description:");
GuiTextBox((Rectangle){ exportWindowPos.x + 75, exportWindowPos.y + 95, 315, 55 }, config.description, toolDescriptionSize, true);
config.defineRecs = GuiCheckBox((Rectangle){ exportWindowPos.x + 10, exportWindowPos.y + 160, 15, 15 }, config.defineRecs);
GuiLabel((Rectangle){ exportWindowPos.x + 30, exportWindowPos.y + 155, 92, 25 }, "Define Rectangles");
config.defineTexts = GuiCheckBox((Rectangle){ exportWindowPos.x + 10, exportWindowPos.y + 180, 15, 15 }, config.defineTexts);
GuiLabel((Rectangle){ exportWindowPos.x + 160, exportWindowPos.y + 195, 100, 25 }, "Full comments");
GuiLabel((Rectangle){ exportWindowPos.x + 30, exportWindowPos.y + 195, 92, 25 }, "Crop to Window");
config.exportAnchors = GuiCheckBox((Rectangle){ exportWindowPos.x + 140, exportWindowPos.y + 160, 15, 15 }, config.exportAnchors);
GuiLabel((Rectangle){ exportWindowPos.x + 160, exportWindowPos.y + 155, 100, 25 }, "Export anchors");
config.exportAnchor0 = GuiCheckBox((Rectangle){ exportWindowPos.x + 140, exportWindowPos.y + 180, 15, 15 }, config.exportAnchor0);
GuiLabel((Rectangle){ exportWindowPos.x + 160, exportWindowPos.y + 175, 100, 25 }, "Export anchor 0");
config.fullComments = GuiCheckBox((Rectangle){ exportWindowPos.x + 140, exportWindowPos.y + 200, 15, 15 }, config.fullComments);
GuiLabel((Rectangle){ exportWindowPos.x + 30, exportWindowPos.y + 175, 95, 25 }, "Define text const");
config.cropWindow = GuiCheckBox((Rectangle){ exportWindowPos.x + 10, exportWindowPos.y + 200, 15, 15 }, config.cropWindow);
if (GuiButton((Rectangle){ exportWindowPos.x + 275, exportWindowPos.y + 185, 115, 30 }, "Generate Code"))
const char *filters[] = { "*.c", "*.go", "*.lua" };
const char *fileName = tinyfd_saveFileDialog("Generate code file", config.name, 3, filters, "Code file");
if (fileName != NULL)
char outFileName[64] = { 0 };
strcpy(outFileName, fileName);
if (GetExtension(fileName) == NULL) strcat(outFileName, ".c\0"); // No extension provided
GenerateCode(fileName, config);
generateWindowActive = false;
// Draw status bar bottom with debug information
GuiStatusBar((Rectangle){ 0, GetScreenHeight() - 24, 126, 24}, FormatText("MOUSE: (%i, %i)", (int)mouse.x, (int)mouse.y), 15);
GuiStatusBar((Rectangle){ 124, GetScreenHeight() - 24, 81, 24}, (snapMode ? "SNAP: ON" : "SNAP: OFF"), 10);
GuiStatusBar((Rectangle){ 204, GetScreenHeight() - 24, 145, 24}, FormatText("CONTROLS COUNT: %i", layout.controlsCount), 20);
if (selectedControl != -1) GuiStatusBar((Rectangle){ 348, GetScreenHeight() - 24, GetScreenWidth() - 348, 24}, FormatText("SELECTED CONTROL: #%03i | %s | REC (%i, %i, %i, %i) | %s", selectedControl, controlTypeName[layout.controls[selectedControl].type], (int)layout.controls[selectedControl].rec.x, (int)layout.controls[selectedControl].rec.y, (int)layout.controls[selectedControl].rec.width, (int)layout.controls[selectedControl].rec.height, layout.controls[selectedControl].name), 15);
else GuiStatusBar((Rectangle){ 348, GetScreenHeight() - 24, GetScreenWidth() - 348, 24}, "", 15);
// Draw ending message window (save)
if (closingWindowActive)
DrawRectangle(0, 0, GetScreenWidth(), GetScreenHeight(), Fade(WHITE, 0.7f));
closingWindowActive = !GuiWindowBox((Rectangle){ GetScreenWidth()/2 - 125, GetScreenHeight()/2 - 50, 250, 100 }, "Closing rGuiLayout");
GuiLabel((Rectangle){ GetScreenWidth()/2 - 95, GetScreenHeight()/2 - 60, 200, 100 }, "Do you want to save before quitting?");
if (GuiButton((Rectangle){ GetScreenWidth()/2 - 94, GetScreenHeight()/2 + 10, 85, 25 }, "Yes"))
cancelSave = false;
if (cancelSave) exitWindow = true;
else if (GuiButton((Rectangle){ GetScreenWidth()/2 + 10, GetScreenHeight()/2 + 10, 85, 25 }, "No")) { exitWindow = true; }
// De-Initialization
CloseWindow(); // Close window and OpenGL context
return 0;
// Module specific Functions Definition
// Show save layout dialog
static void ShowSaveLayoutDialog(void)
const char *filters[] = { "*.rgl" };
const char *fileName = tinyfd_saveFileDialog("Save raygui layout text file", "", 1, filters, "raygui Layout Files (*.rgl)");
// Save layout.controls file (text or binary)
if (fileName != NULL)
char outFileName[64] = { 0 };
strcpy(outFileName, fileName);
if (GetExtension(fileName) == NULL) strcat(outFileName, ".rgl\0"); // No extension provided
SaveLayoutRGL(outFileName, false);
cancelSave = true;
// Save gui layout information
static void SaveLayoutRGL(const char *fileName, bool binary)
if (binary)
FILE *rglFile = fopen(fileName, "wb");
if (rglFile != NULL)
// Write some header info (12 bytes)
// id: "RGL " - 4 bytes
// version: 100 - 2 bytes
// reserved - 2 bytes
char signature[5] = "RGL ";
short version = RGL_FILE_VERSION_BINARY;
short reserved = 0;
fwrite(signature, 1, 4, rglFile);
fwrite(&version, 1, sizeof(short), rglFile);
fwrite(&reserved, 1, sizeof(short), rglFile);
fwrite(&layout, 1, sizeof(GuiLayout), rglFile);
FILE *rglFile = fopen(fileName, "wt");
if (rglFile != NULL)
// Write some description comments
fprintf(rglFile, "#\n# rgl text file (v%s) - raygui layout text file generated using rGuiLayout\n#\n", RGL_FILE_VERSION_TEXT);
fprintf(rglFile, "# Total number of controls: %i\n", layout.controlsCount);
fprintf(rglFile, "# Anchor info: a <id> <posx> <posy> <enabled>\n");
fprintf(rglFile, "# Control info: c <id> <type> <name> <rectangle> <anchor_id> <text>\n#\n");
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_ANCHOR_POINTS; i++)
fprintf(rglFile, "a %03i %i %i %i\n", layout.anchors[i].id, layout.anchors[i].x, layout.anchors[i].y, layout.anchors[i].enabled);
for (int i = 0; i < layout.controlsCount; i++)
fprintf(rglFile, "c %03i %i %s %i %i %i %i %i %s\n", layout.controls[i].id, layout.controls[i].type, layout.controls[i].name, (int)layout.controls[i].rec.x, (int)layout.controls[i].rec.y, (int)layout.controls[i].rec.width, (int)layout.controls[i].rec.height, layout.controls[i].ap->id, layout.controls[i].text);
// Import gui layout information
// NOTE: Updates global variable: layout
static void LoadLayoutRGL(const char *fileName)
char buffer[256];
bool tryBinary = false;
int anchorId = 0; // TODO: Review!!!
int anchorX = 0;
int anchorY = 0;
int anchorCounter = 0;
FILE *rglFile = fopen(fileName, "rt");
if (rglFile != NULL)
// Reset all the controls
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_GUI_CONTROLS; i++)
layout.controls[i].id = 0;
layout.controls[i].type = 0;
layout.controls[i].rec = (Rectangle){ 0, 0, 0, 0 };
memset(layout.controls[i].text, 0, 32);
memset(layout.controls[i].name, 0, 32);
layout.controls[i].ap = &layout.anchors[0];
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_ANCHOR_POINTS; i++) layout.anchors[i].hidding = false;
fgets(buffer, 256, rglFile);
if (buffer[0] != 'R') // Text file!
layout.controlsCount = 0;
while (!feof(rglFile))
if ((buffer[0] != '\n') && (buffer[0] != '#') && (buffer[0] == 'a'))
sscanf(buffer, "a %03i %i %i %i", &layout.anchors[anchorCounter].id, &layout.anchors[anchorCounter].x, &layout.anchors[anchorCounter].y, &layout.anchors[anchorCounter].enabled);
//printf("a %03i %i %i %i\n", layout.anchors[anchorCounter].id, layout.anchors[anchorCounter].x, layout.anchors[anchorCounter].y, layout.anchors[anchorCounter].enabled);
else if ((buffer[0] != '\n') && (buffer[0] != '#') && (buffer[0] == 'c'))
sscanf(buffer, "c %d %i %s %f %f %f %f %d %[^\n]s", &layout.controls[layout.controlsCount].id, &layout.controls[layout.controlsCount].type, layout.controls[layout.controlsCount].name, &layout.controls[layout.controlsCount].rec.x, &layout.controls[layout.controlsCount].rec.y, &layout.controls[layout.controlsCount].rec.width, &layout.controls[layout.controlsCount].rec.height, &anchorId, layout.controls[layout.controlsCount].text);
//printf("c %d %i %i %i %i %i %i %s\n", layout.controls[layout.controlsCount].id, layout.controls[layout.controlsCount].type, layout.controls[layout.controlsCount].rec.x, layout.controls[layout.controlsCount].rec.y, layout.controls[layout.controlsCount].rec.width, layout.controls[layout.controlsCount].rec.height, anchorId, layout.controls[layout.controlsCount].text);
layout.controls[layout.controlsCount].ap = &layout.anchors[anchorId];
fgets(buffer, 256, rglFile);
else tryBinary = true;
if (tryBinary)
FILE *rglFile = fopen(fileName, "rb");
if (rglFile != NULL)
char signature[5] = "";
short version = 0;
short reserved = 0;
fread(signature, 1, 4, rglFile);
fread(&version, 1, sizeof(short), rglFile);
fread(&reserved, 1, sizeof(short), rglFile);
if ((signature[0] == 'R') &&
(signature[1] == 'G') &&
(signature[2] == 'L') &&
(signature[3] == ' ')) fread(&layout, 1, sizeof(GuiLayout), rglFile);
else TraceLog(LOG_WARNING, "[raygui] Invalid layout file");
printf("[GuiLayout] Controls counter: %i\n", layout.controlsCount);
printf("[GuiLayout] Layout data loaded successfully\n");
// Generate C code for gui layout
static void GenerateCode(const char *fileName, GuiLayoutConfig config)
FILE *ftool = fopen(fileName, "wt");
fprintf(ftool, "/*******************************************************************************************\n");
fprintf(ftool, "*\n");
fprintf(ftool, "* %s - %s\n", config.name, config.description);
fprintf(ftool, "*\n");
fprintf(ftool, "* LICENSE: zlib/libpng\n");
fprintf(ftool, "*\n");
fprintf(ftool, "* Copyright (c) %i %s\n", 2018, config.company);
fprintf(ftool, "*\n");
fprintf(ftool, "**********************************************************************************************/\n\n");
fprintf(ftool, "#include \"raylib.h\"\n\n");
fprintf(ftool, "#define RAYGUI_IMPLEMENTATION\n");
fprintf(ftool, "#include \"raygui.h\"\n\n");
fprintf(ftool, "//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n");
fprintf(ftool, "// Controls Functions Declaration\n");
fprintf(ftool, "//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n");
for (int i = 0; i < layout.controlsCount; i++)
if (layout.controls[i].type == BUTTON) fprintf(ftool, "static void %s();\t\t// %s: %s logic\n", layout.controls[i].name, controlTypeNameLow[layout.controls[i].type], layout.controls[i].name);
fprintf(ftool, "\n");
fprintf(ftool, "//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n");
fprintf(ftool, "// Program main entry point\n");
fprintf(ftool, "//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n");
fprintf(ftool, "int main()\n");
fprintf(ftool, "{\n");
fprintf(ftool, " // Initialization\n");
fprintf(ftool, " //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n");
fprintf(ftool, " int screenWidth = %i;\n", config.width);
fprintf(ftool, " int screenHeight = %i;\n\n", config.height);
fprintf(ftool, " InitWindow(screenWidth, screenHeight, \"%s\");\n\n", config.name);
fprintf(ftool, " // %s: controls initialization\n", config.name);
fprintf(ftool, " //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n");
// TODO: Use config.exportAnchors and config.exportAnchor0
if (config.exportAnchors)
fprintf(ftool, " // Anchor points\n");
for(int i = 0; i < MAX_ANCHOR_POINTS; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < layout.controlsCount; j++)
if (layout.controls[j].ap->id == layout.anchors[i].id)
fprintf(ftool, " Vector2 %s%02i = { %i, %i };\n", "anchor", i, layout.anchors[i].x, layout.anchors[i].y);
if (!config.fullComments) fprintf(ftool, "\n");
// Define controls variables
// TODO: Use config.fullComments
for (int i = 0; i < layout.controlsCount; i++)
switch (layout.controls[i].type)
// Bools
case TOGGLE:
if (config.fullComments) fprintf(ftool, " \n\t// %s: %s\n", controlTypeNameLow[layout.controls[i].type], layout.controls[i].name);
fprintf(ftool, " bool %sActive = true;\n", layout.controls[i].name);
if (config.fullComments) fprintf(ftool, " \n\t// %s: %s\n", controlTypeNameLow[layout.controls[i].type], layout.controls[i].name);
fprintf(ftool, " bool %sChecked = false;\n", layout.controls[i].name);
// Const text
case LABEL:
if (config.defineTexts)
if (config.fullComments) fprintf(ftool, " \n\t// %s: %s\n", controlTypeNameLow[layout.controls[i].type], layout.controls[i].name);
fprintf(ftool, " const char *%sText = \"%s\";\n", layout.controls[i].name, layout.controls[i].text);
if (config.fullComments) fprintf(ftool, " \n\t// %s: %s\n", controlTypeNameLow[layout.controls[i].type], layout.controls[i].name);
fprintf(ftool, " char *%sText = \"%s\";\n", layout.controls[i].name, layout.controls[i].text);
if (config.fullComments) fprintf(ftool, " \n\t// %s: %s\n", controlTypeNameLow[layout.controls[i].type], layout.controls[i].name);
fprintf(ftool, " int %sCount = 3;\n", layout.controls[i].name);
fprintf(ftool, " int %sActive = 0;\n", layout.controls[i].name);
fprintf(ftool, " const char *%sTextList[3] = { \"ONE\", \"TWO\", \"THREE\" };\n", layout.controls[i].name);
// Floats
case SLIDER:
if (config.fullComments) fprintf(ftool, " \n\t// %s: %s\n", controlTypeNameLow[layout.controls[i].type], layout.controls[i].name);
fprintf(ftool, " float %sValue = 50.0f;\n", layout.controls[i].name);
fprintf(ftool, " const float %sMinValue = 0.0f;\n", layout.controls[i].name);
fprintf(ftool, " const float %sMaxValue = 100.0f;\n", layout.controls[i].name);
if (config.fullComments) fprintf(ftool, " \n\t// %s: %s\n", controlTypeNameLow[layout.controls[i].type], layout.controls[i].name);
fprintf(ftool, " float %sValue = 50.0f;\n", layout.controls[i].name);
// Ints
if (config.fullComments) fprintf(ftool, " \n\t// %s: %s\n", controlTypeNameLow[layout.controls[i].type], layout.controls[i].name);
fprintf(ftool, " int %sValue = 0;\n", layout.controls[i].name);
// Colors
if (config.fullComments) fprintf(ftool, " \n\t// %s: %s\n", controlTypeNameLow[layout.controls[i].type], layout.controls[i].name);
fprintf(ftool, " Color %sValue;\n", layout.controls[i].name);
if (config.fullComments) fprintf(ftool, " \n\t// %s: %s\n", controlTypeNameLow[layout.controls[i].type], layout.controls[i].name);
fprintf(ftool, " int %sSize = 32;\n", layout.controls[i].name);
fprintf(ftool, " char %sText[32] = \"%s\";\n", layout.controls[i].name, layout.controls[i].text);
default: break;
if (config.defineRecs)
// Define controls rectangles
fprintf(ftool, "\n // Define controls rectangles\n");
fprintf(ftool, " Rectangle layoutRecs[%i] = {\n", layout.controlsCount);
for (int i = 0; i < layout.controlsCount; i++)
fprintf(ftool, " (Rectangle){ %s, %i, %i }", (config.exportAnchors) ? FormatText("%s%02i%s + %i, %s%02i%s + %i", "anchor", layout.controls[i].ap->id, ".x", (int)layout.controls[i].rec.x, "anchor", layout.controls[i].ap->id, ".y", (int)layout.controls[i].rec.y) : FormatText("%i, %i", layout.controls[i].ap->x + (int)layout.controls[i].rec.x, layout.controls[i].ap->y + (int)layout.controls[i].rec.y), (int)layout.controls[i].rec.width, (int)layout.controls[i].rec.height);
if (i == layout.controlsCount - 1) fprintf(ftool, "\t\t// %s: %s\n };\n\n", controlTypeNameLow[layout.controls[i].type], layout.controls[i].name);
else fprintf(ftool, ",\t\t// %s: %s\n", controlTypeNameLow[layout.controls[i].type], layout.controls[i].name);
fprintf(ftool, " //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n");
fprintf(ftool, " SetTargetFPS(60);\n");
fprintf(ftool, " //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n");
fprintf(ftool, " // Main game loop\n");
fprintf(ftool, " while (!WindowShouldClose()) // Detect window close button or ESC key\n");
fprintf(ftool, " {\n");
fprintf(ftool, " // Update\n");
fprintf(ftool, " //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n");
fprintf(ftool, " // TODO: Implement required update logic\n");
fprintf(ftool, " //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n");
fprintf(ftool, " // Draw\n");
fprintf(ftool, " //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n");
fprintf(ftool, " BeginDrawing();\n\n");
fprintf(ftool, " ClearBackground(GetColor(style[DEFAULT_BACKGROUND_COLOR]));\n\n");
fprintf(ftool, "\t\t\t// raygui: controls drawing\n");
fprintf(ftool, "\t\t\t//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n");
// Draw all controls
// TODO: Use config.fullComments to add extra comments
if (!config.defineRecs)
for (int i = 0; i < layout.controlsCount; i++)
switch (layout.controls[i].type)
case LABEL:
if (config.defineTexts) fprintf(ftool, "\t\t\tGuiLabel((Rectangle){ %s, %i, %i }, %sText);\n", (config.exportAnchors) ? FormatText("%s%02i%s + %i, %s%02i%s + %i", "anchor", layout.controls[i].ap->id, ".x", (int)layout.controls[i].rec.x, "anchor", layout.controls[i].ap->id, ".y", (int)layout.controls[i].rec.y) : FormatText("%i, %i", layout.controls[i].ap->x + (int)layout.controls[i].rec.x, layout.controls[i].ap->y + (int)layout.controls[i].rec.y), (int)layout.controls[i].rec.width, (int)layout.controls[i].rec.height, layout.controls[i].name);
else fprintf(ftool, "\t\t\tGuiLabel((Rectangle){ %s, %i, %i }, \"%s\");\n", (config.exportAnchors) ? FormatText("%s%02i%s + %i, %s%02i%s + %i", "anchor", layout.controls[i].ap->id, ".x", (int)layout.controls[i].rec.x, "anchor", layout.controls[i].ap->id, ".y", (int)layout.controls[i].rec.y) : FormatText("%i, %i", layout.controls[i].ap->x + (int)layout.controls[i].rec.x, layout.controls[i].ap->y + (int)layout.controls[i].rec.y), (int)layout.controls[i].rec.width, (int)layout.controls[i].rec.height, layout.controls[i].text);
case BUTTON: fprintf(ftool, "\n\t\t\tif (GuiButton((Rectangle){ %s, %i, %i }, \"%s\")) %s(); \n\n", (config.exportAnchors) ? FormatText("%s%02i%s + %i, %s%02i%s + %i", "anchor", layout.controls[i].ap->id, ".x", (int)layout.controls[i].rec.x, "anchor", layout.controls[i].ap->id, ".y", (int)layout.controls[i].rec.y) : FormatText("%i, %i", layout.controls[i].ap->x + (int)layout.controls[i].rec.x, layout.controls[i].ap->y + (int)layout.controls[i].rec.y), (int)layout.controls[i].rec.width, (int)layout.controls[i].rec.height, layout.controls[i].text, layout.controls[i].name); break;
case VALUEBOX: fprintf(ftool, "\t\t\t%sValue = GuiValueBox((Rectangle){ %s, %i, %i }, %sValue, 100); \n", layout.controls[i].name, (config.exportAnchors) ? FormatText("%s%02i%s + %i, %s%02i%s + %i", "anchor", layout.controls[i].ap->id, ".x", (int)layout.controls[i].rec.x, "anchor", layout.controls[i].ap->id, ".y", (int)layout.controls[i].rec.y) : FormatText("%i, %i", layout.controls[i].ap->x + (int)layout.controls[i].rec.x, layout.controls[i].ap->y + (int)layout.controls[i].rec.y), (int)layout.controls[i].rec.width, (int)layout.controls[i].rec.height, layout.controls[i].name); break;
case TOGGLE: fprintf(ftool, "\t\t\t%sActive = GuiToggleButton((Rectangle){ %s, %i, %i }, \"%s\", %sActive); \n", layout.controls[i].name, (config.exportAnchors) ? FormatText("%s%02i%s + %i, %s%02i%s + %i", "anchor", layout.controls[i].ap->id, ".x", (int)layout.controls[i].rec.x, "anchor", layout.controls[i].ap->id, ".y", (int)layout.controls[i].rec.y) : FormatText("%i, %i", layout.controls[i].ap->x + (int)layout.controls[i].rec.x, layout.controls[i].ap->y + (int)layout.controls[i].rec.y), (int)layout.controls[i].rec.width, (int)layout.controls[i].rec.height, layout.controls[i].text, layout.controls[i].name); break;
case TOGGLEGROUP: fprintf(ftool, "\t\t\t%sActive = GuiToggleGroup((Rectangle){ %s, %i, %i }, %sTextList, %sCount, %sActive); \n", layout.controls[i].name, (config.exportAnchors) ? FormatText("%s%02i%s + %i, %s%02i%s + %i", "anchor", layout.controls[i].ap->id, ".x", (int)layout.controls[i].rec.x, "anchor", layout.controls[i].ap->id, ".y", (int)layout.controls[i].rec.y) : FormatText("%i, %i", layout.controls[i].ap->x + (int)layout.controls[i].rec.x, layout.controls[i].ap->y + (int)layout.controls[i].rec.y), (int)layout.controls[i].rec.width, (int)layout.controls[i].rec.height, layout.controls[i].name, layout.controls[i].name, layout.controls[i].name); break;
case SLIDER: fprintf(ftool, "\t\t\t%sValue = GuiSlider((Rectangle){ %s, %i, %i }, %sValue, %sMinValue, %sMaxValue);\n", layout.controls[i].name, (config.exportAnchors) ? FormatText("%s%02i%s + %i, %s%02i%s + %i", "anchor", layout.controls[i].ap->id, ".x", (int)layout.controls[i].rec.x, "anchor", layout.controls[i].ap->id, ".y", (int)layout.controls[i].rec.y) : FormatText("%i, %i", layout.controls[i].ap->x + (int)layout.controls[i].rec.x, layout.controls[i].ap->y + (int)layout.controls[i].rec.y), (int)layout.controls[i].rec.width, (int)layout.controls[i].rec.height, layout.controls[i].name, layout.controls[i].name, layout.controls[i].name); break;
case SLIDERBAR: fprintf(ftool, "\t\t\t%sValue = GuiSliderBar((Rectangle){ %s, %i, %i }, %sValue, %sMinValue, %sMaxValue);\n", layout.controls[i].name, (config.exportAnchors) ? FormatText("%s%02i%s + %i, %s%02i%s + %i", "anchor", layout.controls[i].ap->id, ".x", (int)layout.controls[i].rec.x, "anchor", layout.controls[i].ap->id, ".y", (int)layout.controls[i].rec.y) : FormatText("%i, %i", layout.controls[i].ap->x + (int)layout.controls[i].rec.x, layout.controls[i].ap->y + (int)layout.controls[i].rec.y), (int)layout.controls[i].rec.width, (int)layout.controls[i].rec.height, layout.controls[i].name, layout.controls[i].name, layout.controls[i].name); break;
case PROGRESSBAR: fprintf(ftool, "\t\t\t%sValue = GuiProgressBar((Rectangle){ %s, %i, %i }, %sValue, 0, 100);\n", layout.controls[i].name, (config.exportAnchors) ? FormatText("%s%02i%s + %i, %s%02i%s + %i", "anchor", layout.controls[i].ap->id, ".x", (int)layout.controls[i].rec.x, "anchor", layout.controls[i].ap->id, ".y", (int)layout.controls[i].rec.y) : FormatText("%i, %i", layout.controls[i].ap->x + (int)layout.controls[i].rec.x, layout.controls[i].ap->y + (int)layout.controls[i].rec.y), (int)layout.controls[i].rec.width, (int)layout.controls[i].rec.height, layout.controls[i].name); break;
case SPINNER: fprintf(ftool, "\t\t\t%sValue = GuiSpinner((Rectangle){ %s, %i, %i }, %sValue, 100, 25);\n", layout.controls[i].name, (config.exportAnchors) ? FormatText("%s%02i%s + %i, %s%02i%s + %i", "anchor", layout.controls[i].ap->id, ".x", (int)layout.controls[i].rec.x, "anchor", layout.controls[i].ap->id, ".y", (int)layout.controls[i].rec.y) : FormatText("%i, %i", layout.controls[i].ap->x + (int)layout.controls[i].rec.x, layout.controls[i].ap->y + (int)layout.controls[i].rec.y), (int)layout.controls[i].rec.width, (int)layout.controls[i].rec.height, layout.controls[i].name); break;
case COMBOBOX: fprintf(ftool, "\t\t\t%sActive = GuiComboBox((Rectangle){ %s, %i, %i }, %sTextList, %sCount, %sActive); \n", layout.controls[i].name, (config.exportAnchors) ? FormatText("%s%02i%s + %i, %s%02i%s + %i", "anchor", layout.controls[i].ap->id, ".x", (int)layout.controls[i].rec.x, "anchor", layout.controls[i].ap->id, ".y", (int)layout.controls[i].rec.y) : FormatText("%i, %i", layout.controls[i].ap->x + (int)layout.controls[i].rec.x, layout.controls[i].ap->y + (int)layout.controls[i].rec.y), (int)layout.controls[i].rec.width, (int)layout.controls[i].rec.height, layout.controls[i].name, layout.controls[i].name, layout.controls[i].name); break;
case CHECKBOX: fprintf(ftool, "\t\t\t%sChecked = GuiCheckBox((Rectangle){ %s, %i, %i }, %sChecked); \n", layout.controls[i].name, (config.exportAnchors) ? FormatText("%s%02i%s + %i, %s%02i%s + %i", "anchor", layout.controls[i].ap->id, ".x", (int)layout.controls[i].rec.x, "anchor", layout.controls[i].ap->id, ".y", (int)layout.controls[i].rec.y) : FormatText("%i, %i", layout.controls[i].ap->x + (int)layout.controls[i].rec.x, layout.controls[i].ap->y + (int)layout.controls[i].rec.y), (int)layout.controls[i].rec.width, (int)layout.controls[i].rec.height, layout.controls[i].name); break;
case LISTVIEW: fprintf(ftool, "\t\t\t%sActive = GuiListView((Rectangle){ %s, %i, %i }, %sTextList, %sCount, %sActive); \n", layout.controls[i].name, (config.exportAnchors) ? FormatText("%s%02i%s + %i, %s%02i%s + %i", "anchor", layout.controls[i].ap->id, ".x", (int)layout.controls[i].rec.x, "anchor", layout.controls[i].ap->id, ".y", (int)layout.controls[i].rec.y) : FormatText("%i, %i", layout.controls[i].ap->x + (int)layout.controls[i].rec.x, layout.controls[i].ap->y + (int)layout.controls[i].rec.y), (int)layout.controls[i].rec.width, (int)layout.controls[i].rec.height, layout.controls[i].name, layout.controls[i].name, layout.controls[i].name); break;
case TEXTBOX: fprintf(ftool, "\t\t\tGuiTextBox((Rectangle){ %s, %i, %i }, %sText, %sSize, true);\n", (config.exportAnchors) ? FormatText("%s%02i%s + %i, %s%02i%s + %i", "anchor", layout.controls[i].ap->id, ".x", (int)layout.controls[i].rec.x, "anchor", layout.controls[i].ap->id, ".y", (int)layout.controls[i].rec.y) : FormatText("%i, %i", layout.controls[i].ap->x + (int)layout.controls[i].rec.x, layout.controls[i].ap->y + (int)layout.controls[i].rec.y), (int)layout.controls[i].rec.width, (int)layout.controls[i].rec.height, layout.controls[i].name, layout.controls[i].name); break;
case GROUPBOX: fprintf(ftool, "\t\t\tGuiGroupBox((Rectangle){ %s, %i, %i }, \"%s\");\n", (config.exportAnchors) ? FormatText("%s%02i%s + %i, %s%02i%s + %i", "anchor", layout.controls[i].ap->id, ".x", (int)layout.controls[i].rec.x, "anchor", layout.controls[i].ap->id, ".y", (int)layout.controls[i].rec.y) : FormatText("%i, %i", layout.controls[i].ap->x + (int)layout.controls[i].rec.x, layout.controls[i].ap->y + (int)layout.controls[i].rec.y), (int)layout.controls[i].rec.width, (int)layout.controls[i].rec.height, layout.controls[i].text); break;
fprintf(ftool, "\t\t\tif (%sActive)\n\t\t\t{\n", layout.controls[i].name);
fprintf(ftool, "\t\t\t\t%sActive = !GuiWindowBox((Rectangle){ %s, %i, %i }, \"%s\");\n", layout.controls[i].name, (config.exportAnchors) ? FormatText("%s%02i%s + %i, %s%02i%s + %i", "anchor", layout.controls[i].ap->id, ".x", (int)layout.controls[i].rec.x, "anchor", layout.controls[i].ap->id, ".y", (int)layout.controls[i].rec.y) : FormatText("%i, %i", layout.controls[i].ap->x + (int)layout.controls[i].rec.x, layout.controls[i].ap->y + (int)layout.controls[i].rec.y), (int)layout.controls[i].rec.width, (int)layout.controls[i].rec.height, layout.controls[i].text);
fprintf(ftool, "\t\t\t}\n");
case DUMMYREC: fprintf(ftool, "\t\t\tGuiDummyRec((Rectangle){ %s, %i, %i }, \"%s\");\n", (config.exportAnchors) ? FormatText("%s%02i%s + %i, %s%02i%s + %i", "anchor", layout.controls[i].ap->id, ".x", (int)layout.controls[i].rec.x, "anchor", layout.controls[i].ap->id, ".y", (int)layout.controls[i].rec.y) : FormatText("%i, %i", layout.controls[i].ap->x + (int)layout.controls[i].rec.x, layout.controls[i].ap->y + (int)layout.controls[i].rec.y), (int)layout.controls[i].rec.width, (int)layout.controls[i].rec.height, layout.controls[i].text); break;
case DROPDOWNBOX: fprintf(ftool, "\t\t\t%sActive = GuiDropdownBox((Rectangle){ %s, %i, %i }, %sTextList, %sCount, %sActive); \n", layout.controls[i].name, (config.exportAnchors) ? FormatText("%s%02i%s + %i, %s%02i%s + %i", "anchor", layout.controls[i].ap->id, ".x", (int)layout.controls[i].rec.x, "anchor", layout.controls[i].ap->id, ".y", (int)layout.controls[i].rec.y) : FormatText("%i, %i", layout.controls[i].ap->x + (int)layout.controls[i].rec.x, layout.controls[i].ap->y + (int)layout.controls[i].rec.y), (int)layout.controls[i].rec.width, (int)layout.controls[i].rec.height, layout.controls[i].name, layout.controls[i].name, layout.controls[i].name); break;
case STATUSBAR: fprintf(ftool, "\t\t\tGuiStatusBar((Rectangle){ %s, %i, %i }, %sText, 10);\n", (config.exportAnchors) ? FormatText("%s%02i%s + %i, %s%02i%s + %i", "anchor", layout.controls[i].ap->id, ".x", (int)layout.controls[i].rec.x, "anchor", layout.controls[i].ap->id, ".y", (int)layout.controls[i].rec.y) : FormatText("%i, %i", layout.controls[i].ap->x + (int)layout.controls[i].rec.x, layout.controls[i].ap->y + (int)layout.controls[i].rec.y), (int)layout.controls[i].rec.width, (int)layout.controls[i].rec.height, layout.controls[i].name); break;
case COLORPICKER: fprintf(ftool, "\t\t\t%sValue = GuiColorPicker((Rectangle){ %s, %i, %i }, %sValue);\n", layout.controls[i].name, (config.exportAnchors) ? FormatText("%s%02i%s + %i, %s%02i%s + %i", "anchor", layout.controls[i].ap->id, ".x", (int)layout.controls[i].rec.x, "anchor", layout.controls[i].ap->id, ".y", (int)layout.controls[i].rec.y) : FormatText("%i, %i", layout.controls[i].ap->x + (int)layout.controls[i].rec.x, layout.controls[i].ap->y + (int)layout.controls[i].rec.y), (int)layout.controls[i].rec.width, (int)layout.controls[i].rec.height, layout.controls[i].name); break;
case LINE: fprintf(ftool, "\t\t\tGuiLine((Rectangle){ %s, %i, %i }, 1);\n", (config.exportAnchors) ? FormatText("%s%02i%s + %i, %s%02i%s + %i", "anchor", layout.controls[i].ap->id, ".x", (int)layout.controls[i].rec.x, "anchor", layout.controls[i].ap->id, ".y", (int)layout.controls[i].rec.y) : FormatText("%i, %i", layout.controls[i].ap->x + (int)layout.controls[i].rec.x, layout.controls[i].ap->y + (int)layout.controls[i].rec.y), (int)layout.controls[i].rec.width, (int)layout.controls[i].rec.height); break;
case PANEL: fprintf(ftool, "\t\t\tGuiPanel((Rectangle){ %s, %i, %i });\n", (config.exportAnchors) ? FormatText("%s%02i%s + %i, %s%02i%s + %i", "anchor", layout.controls[i].ap->id, ".x", (int)layout.controls[i].rec.x, "anchor", layout.controls[i].ap->id, ".y", (int)layout.controls[i].rec.y) : FormatText("%i, %i", layout.controls[i].ap->x + (int)layout.controls[i].rec.x, layout.controls[i].ap->y + (int)layout.controls[i].rec.y), (int)layout.controls[i].rec.width, (int)layout.controls[i].rec.height); break;
default: break;
for (int i = 0; i < layout.controlsCount; i++)
switch (layout.controls[i].type)
case LABEL:
if (config.defineTexts) fprintf(ftool, "\t\t\tGuiLabel(layoutRecs[%i], %sText);\n", i, layout.controls[i].name);
else fprintf(ftool, "\t\t\tGuiLabel(layoutRecs[%i], \"%s\");\n", i, layout.controls[i].text);
case BUTTON: fprintf(ftool, "\n\t\t\tif (GuiButton(layoutRecs[%i], \"%s\")) %s(); \n\n", i, layout.controls[i].text, layout.controls[i].name); break;
case VALUEBOX: fprintf(ftool, "\t\t\t%sValue = GuiValueBox(layoutRecs[%i], %sValue, 100); \n",layout.controls[i].name, i, layout.controls[i].name); break;
case TOGGLE: fprintf(ftool, "\t\t\t%sActive = GuiToggleButton(layoutRecs[%i], \"%s\", %sActive); \n", layout.controls[i].name, i, layout.controls[i].text, layout.controls[i].name); break;
case TOGGLEGROUP: fprintf(ftool, "\t\t\t%sActive = GuiToggleGroup(layoutRecs[%i], %sTextList, %sCount, %sActive); \n", layout.controls[i].name, i, layout.controls[i].name, layout.controls[i].name, layout.controls[i].name); break;
case SLIDER: fprintf(ftool, "\t\t\t%sValue = GuiSlider(layoutRecs[%i], %sValue, %sMinValue, %sMaxValue);\n", layout.controls[i].name, i, layout.controls[i].name, layout.controls[i].name, layout.controls[i].name); break;
case SLIDERBAR: fprintf(ftool, "\t\t\t%sValue = GuiSliderBar(layoutRecs[%i], %sValue, %sMinValue, %sMaxValue);\n", layout.controls[i].name, i, layout.controls[i].name, layout.controls[i].name, layout.controls[i].name); break;
case PROGRESSBAR: fprintf(ftool, "\t\t\t%sValue = GuiProgressBar(layoutRecs[%i], %sValue, %sMinValue, %sMaxValue);\n", layout.controls[i].name, i, layout.controls[i].name, layout.controls[i].name, layout.controls[i].name); break;
case SPINNER: fprintf(ftool, "\t\t\t%sValue = GuiSpinner(layoutRecs[%i], %sValue, 100, 25);\n", layout.controls[i].name, i, layout.controls[i].name); break;
case COMBOBOX: fprintf(ftool, "\t\t\t%sActive = GuiComboBox(layoutRecs[%i], %sTextList, %sCount, %sActive); \n", layout.controls[i].name, i, layout.controls[i].name, layout.controls[i].name, layout.controls[i].name); break;
case CHECKBOX: fprintf(ftool, "\t\t\t%sChecked = GuiCheckBox(layoutRecs[%i], %sChecked); \n", layout.controls[i].name, i, layout.controls[i].name); break;
case LISTVIEW: fprintf(ftool, "\t\t\t%sActive = GuiListView(layoutRecs[%i], %sTextList, %sCount, %sActive); \n", layout.controls[i].name, i, layout.controls[i].name, layout.controls[i].name, layout.controls[i].name); break;
case TEXTBOX: fprintf(ftool, "\t\t\tGuiTextBox(layoutRecs[%i], %sText, %sSize, true);\n", i, layout.controls[i].name, layout.controls[i].name); break;
case GROUPBOX: fprintf(ftool, "\t\t\tGuiGroupBox(layoutRecs[%i], \"%s\");\n", i, layout.controls[i].text); break;
fprintf(ftool, "\t\t\tif (%sActive)\n\t\t\t{\n", layout.controls[i].name);
fprintf(ftool, "\t\t\t\t%sActive = !GuiWindowBox(layoutRecs[%i], \"%s\");\n", layout.controls[i].name, i, layout.controls[i].text);
fprintf(ftool, "\t\t\t}\n");
case DUMMYREC: fprintf(ftool, "\t\t\tGuiDummyRec(layoutRecs[%i], \"%s\");\n", i, layout.controls[i].text); break;
case DROPDOWNBOX: fprintf(ftool, "\t\t\t%sActive = GuiDropdownBox(layoutRecs[%i], %sTextList, %sCount, %sActive); \n", layout.controls[i].name, i, layout.controls[i].name, layout.controls[i].name, layout.controls[i].name); break;
case STATUSBAR: fprintf(ftool, "\t\t\tGuiStatusBar(layoutRecs[%i], %sText, 10);\n", i, layout.controls[i].name); break;
case COLORPICKER: fprintf(ftool, "\t\t\t%sValue = GuiColorPicker(layoutRecs[%i], %sValue);\n", layout.controls[i].name, i, layout.controls[i].name); break;
case LINE: fprintf(ftool, "\t\t\tGuiLine(layoutRecs[%i], 1);\n", i); break;
case PANEL: fprintf(ftool, "\t\t\tGuiPanel(layoutRecs[%i]);\n", i); break;
default: break;
fprintf(ftool, "\t\t\t//----------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n");
fprintf(ftool, " EndDrawing();\n");
fprintf(ftool, " //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n");
fprintf(ftool, " }\n\n");
fprintf(ftool, " // De-Initialization\n");
fprintf(ftool, " //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n");
fprintf(ftool, " CloseWindow(); // Close window and OpenGL context\n");
fprintf(ftool, " //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n");
fprintf(ftool, " return 0;\n");
fprintf(ftool, "}\n\n");
fprintf(ftool, "//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n");
fprintf(ftool, "// Controls Functions Definitions (local)\n");
fprintf(ftool, "//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n");
for (int i = 0; i < layout.controlsCount; i++)
if (layout.controls[i].type == BUTTON)
fprintf(ftool, "// %s: %s logic\n", controlTypeNameLow[layout.controls[i].type], layout.controls[i].name);
fprintf(ftool, "static void %s()\n{\n // TODO: Implement control logic\n}\n\n", layout.controls[i].name);
// Generate C code from .rgl file
static void GenerateCodeFromRGL(const char *fileName)
if (IsFileExtension(fileName, ".rgl"))
LoadLayoutRGL(fileName); // Updates global: layout.controls
int len = strlen(fileName);
char outName[256] = { 0 };
strcpy(outName, fileName);
outName[len - 3] = 'c';
outName[len - 2] = '\0';
GuiLayoutConfig config;
memset(&config, 0, sizeof(GuiLayoutConfig));
config.width = 800;
config.height = 600;
strcpy(config.name, "layout_file_name");
strcpy(config.version, "1.0-dev");
strcpy(config.company, "raylib technologies");
strcpy(config.description, "tool description");
config.defineRecs = false;
config.exportAnchors = true;
config.exportAnchor0 = false;
config.fullComments = true;
// Generate C code for gui layout.controls
GenerateCode(outName, config);
else printf("Input RGL file not valid\n");