Ray 740d253bc5 Review version numbering
After some thinking and considering that library is still being reviewed and current version suppose a complete redesign comparing to previous versions, we considered that NEW version deserves a major number change instead of minor. So, next raygui will be 2.0.
2018-11-08 10:53:24 +01:00

230 lines
11 KiB

* raygui - image raw importer
* raylib 2.1 - Windowing/input management and drawing.
* raygui 2.0 - Immediate-mode GUI controls.
* COMPILATION (Windows - MinGW):
* gcc -o $(NAME_PART).exe $(FILE_NAME) -I../../src -lraylib -lopengl32 -lgdi32 -std=c99
* LICENSE: zlib/libpng
* Copyright (c) 2018 raylib technologies (@raylibtech)
#include "raylib.h"
#include "raygui.h"
#include <string.h> // Required for: strcpy()
#include <stdlib.h> // Required for: atoi()
// Program main entry point
int main()
// Initialization
const int screenWidth = 800;
const int screenHeight = 600;
InitWindow(screenWidth, screenHeight, "raygui - image raw importer");
Texture2D texture = { 0 };
// GUI controls initialization
Vector2 windowOffset = { screenWidth/2 - 200/2, screenHeight/2 - 465/2 };
bool importWindowActive = false;
int widthValue = 0;
bool widthEditMode = false;
int heightValue = 0;
bool heightEditMode = false;
int pixelFormatActive = 0;
const char *pixelFormatTextList[8] = { "CUSTOM", "GRAYSCALE", "GRAY ALPHA", "R5G6B5", "R8G8B8", "R5G5B5A1", "R4G4B4A4", "R8G8B8A8" };
int channelsActive = 3;
const char *channelsTextList[4] = { "1", "2", "3", "4" };
int bitDepthActive = 0;
const char *bitDepthTextList[3] = { "8", "16", "32" };
int headerSizeValue = 0;
bool headerSizeEditMode = false;
// Image file info
int dataSize = 0;
char fileNamePath[256] = "\0";
char fileName[64] = "\0";
bool btnLoadPressed = false;
bool imageLoaded = false;
float imageScale = 1.0f;
// Main game loop
while (!WindowShouldClose()) // Detect window close button or ESC key
// Update
// Check if a file is dropped
if (IsFileDropped())
int fileCount = 0;
char **droppedFiles = GetDroppedFiles(&fileCount);
// Check file extensions for drag-and-drop
if ((fileCount == 1) && IsFileExtension(droppedFiles[0], ".raw"))
FILE *imageFile = fopen(droppedFiles[0], "rb");
fseek(imageFile, 0L, SEEK_END);
dataSize = ftell(imageFile);
// NOTE: Returned string is just a pointer to droppedFiles[0],
// we need to make a copy of that data somewhere else: fileName
strcpy(fileNamePath, droppedFiles[0]);
strcpy(fileName, GetFileName(droppedFiles[0]));
// Try to guess possible raw values
// Let's assume image is square, RGBA, 8 bit per channel
widthValue = round(sqrt(dataSize/4));
heightValue = widthValue;
headerSizeValue = dataSize - widthValue*heightValue*4;
if (headerSizeValue < 0) headerSizeValue = 0;
importWindowActive = true;
// Check if load button has been pressed
if (btnLoadPressed)
// Depending on channels and bit depth, select correct pixel format
if ((widthValue != 0) && (heightValue != 0))
int format = -1;
if (pixelFormatActive == 0)
int channels = atoi(channelsTextList[channelsActive]);
int bpp = atoi(bitDepthTextList[bitDepthActive]);
// Select correct format depending on channels and bpp
if (bpp == 8)
if (channels == 1) format = UNCOMPRESSED_GRAYSCALE;
else if (channels == 2) format = UNCOMPRESSED_GRAY_ALPHA;
else if (channels == 3) format = UNCOMPRESSED_R8G8B8;
else if (channels == 4) format = UNCOMPRESSED_R8G8B8A8;
else if (bpp == 32)
if (channels == 1) format = UNCOMPRESSED_R32;
else if (channels == 2) TraceLog(LOG_WARNING, "Channel bit-depth not supported!");
else if (channels == 3) format = UNCOMPRESSED_R32G32B32;
else if (channels == 4) format = UNCOMPRESSED_R32G32B32A32;
else if (bpp == 16) TraceLog(LOG_WARNING, "Channel bit-depth not supported!");
else format = pixelFormatActive;
if (format != -1)
Image image = LoadImageRaw(fileNamePath, widthValue, heightValue, format, headerSizeValue);
texture = LoadTextureFromImage(image);
importWindowActive = false;
btnLoadPressed = false;
if (texture.id > 0)
imageLoaded = true;
imageScale = (float)(screenHeight - 100)/texture.height;
if (imageLoaded) imageScale += (float)GetMouseWheelMove(); // Image scale control
// Draw
if (texture.id != 0)
DrawTextureEx(texture, (Vector2){ screenWidth/2 - texture.width*imageScale/2, screenHeight/2 - texture.height*imageScale/2 }, 0, imageScale, WHITE);
DrawText(FormatText("SCALE x%.0f", imageScale), 20, screenHeight - 40, 20, GetColor(style[DEFAULT_LINES_COLOR]));
else DrawText("drag & drop RAW image file", 320, 180, 10, GetColor(style[DEFAULT_LINES_COLOR]));
// raygui: controls drawing
if (importWindowActive)
importWindowActive = !GuiWindowBox((Rectangle){ windowOffset.x + 0, windowOffset.y + 0, 200, 465 }, "Image RAW Import Options");
GuiLabel((Rectangle){ windowOffset.x + 10, windowOffset.y + 30, 65, 20 }, "Import file:");
GuiLabel((Rectangle){ windowOffset.x + 85, windowOffset.y + 30, 75, 20 }, fileName);
GuiLabel((Rectangle){ windowOffset.x + 10, windowOffset.y + 50, 65, 20 }, "File size:");
GuiLabel((Rectangle){ windowOffset.x + 85, windowOffset.y + 50, 75, 20 }, FormatText("%i bytes", dataSize));
GuiGroupBox((Rectangle){ windowOffset.x + 10, windowOffset.y + 85, 180, 80 }, "Resolution");
GuiLabel((Rectangle){ windowOffset.x + 20, windowOffset.y + 100, 33, 25 }, "Width:");
if (GuiValueBox((Rectangle){ windowOffset.x + 60, windowOffset.y + 100, 80, 25 }, &widthValue, 0, 8192, widthEditMode)) widthEditMode = !widthEditMode;
GuiLabel((Rectangle){ windowOffset.x + 145, windowOffset.y + 100, 30, 25 }, "pixels");
GuiLabel((Rectangle){ windowOffset.x + 20, windowOffset.y + 130, 33, 25 }, "Height:");
if (GuiValueBox((Rectangle){ windowOffset.x + 60, windowOffset.y + 130, 80, 25 }, &heightValue, 0, 8192, heightEditMode)) heightEditMode = !heightEditMode;
GuiLabel((Rectangle){ windowOffset.x + 145, windowOffset.y + 130, 30, 25 }, "pixels");
GuiGroupBox((Rectangle){ windowOffset.x + 10, windowOffset.y + 180, 180, 160 }, "Pixel Format");
pixelFormatActive = GuiComboBox((Rectangle){ windowOffset.x + 20, windowOffset.y + 195, 160, 25 }, pixelFormatTextList, 8, pixelFormatActive);
GuiLine((Rectangle){ windowOffset.x + 20, windowOffset.y + 220, 160, 20 }, 1);
if (pixelFormatActive != 0) GuiDisable();
GuiLabel((Rectangle){ windowOffset.x + 20, windowOffset.y + 235, 50, 20 }, "Channels:");
channelsActive = GuiToggleGroup((Rectangle){ windowOffset.x + 20, windowOffset.y + 255, 159, 25 }, channelsTextList, 4, channelsActive);
GuiLabel((Rectangle){ windowOffset.x + 20, windowOffset.y + 285, 50, 20 }, "Bit Depth:");
bitDepthActive = GuiToggleGroup((Rectangle){ windowOffset.x + 20, windowOffset.y + 305, 159, 25 }, bitDepthTextList, 3, bitDepthActive);
GuiGroupBox((Rectangle){ windowOffset.x + 10, windowOffset.y + 355, 180, 50 }, "Header");
GuiLabel((Rectangle){ windowOffset.x + 25, windowOffset.y + 370, 27, 25 }, "Size:");
if (GuiValueBox((Rectangle){ windowOffset.x + 55, windowOffset.y + 370, 85, 25 }, &headerSizeValue, 0, 10000, headerSizeEditMode)) headerSizeEditMode = !headerSizeEditMode;
GuiLabel((Rectangle){ windowOffset.x + 145, windowOffset.y + 370, 30, 25 }, "bytes");
btnLoadPressed = GuiButton((Rectangle){ windowOffset.x + 10, windowOffset.y + 420, 180, 30 }, "Import RAW");
// De-Initialization
if (texture.id != 0) UnloadTexture(texture);
CloseWindow(); // Close window and OpenGL context
return 0;