**raygui is a simple and easy-to-use immediate-mode-gui library.** `raygui` was originally inspired by [Unity IMGUI](https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/GUIScriptingGuide.html) (immediate mode GUI API). `raygui` was designed as an auxiliar module for [raylib](https://github.com/raysan5/raylib) to create simple GUI interfaces using raylib graphic style (simple colors, plain rectangular shapes, wide borders...) but it can be adapted to other engines/frameworks. `raygui` is intended for **tools development**; it has already been used to develop [multiple published tools](https://raylibtech.itch.io).
**WARNING: Latest `raygui` from master branch is always aligned with latest `raylib` from master branch. Make sure to use the appropiate versions.** **WARNING: Latest `raygui 4.0` is an API-BREAKING redesign from previous versions (3.x), now all functions are more consistent and coherent, you can read the details about this breaking change in issue [283](https://github.com/raysan5/raygui/issues/283)** *NOTE: raygui is a single-file header-only library (despite its internal dependency on raylib), so, functions definition AND implementation reside in the same file `raygui.h`, when including `raygui.h` in a module, `RAYGUI_IMPLEMENTATION` must be previously defined to include the implementation part of `raygui.h` BUT only in one compilation unit, other modules could also include `raygui.h` but `RAYGUI_IMPLEMENTATION` must not be defined again.* ## features - **Immediate-mode gui, no retained data** - **+25** controls provided (basic and advanced) - Powerful **styling system** for colors, font and metrics - Standalone usage mode supported (for other graphic libs) - **Icons support**, embedding a complete 1-bit icons pack - Multiple **tools** provided for raygui development ## raygui controls ### basic controls ``` Label | Button | LabelButton | Toggle | ToggleGroup | ToggleSlider CheckBox | ComboBox | DropdownBox | TextBox | ValueBox | Spinner Slider | SliderBar | ProgressBar | StatusBar | DummyRec | Grid ``` ### container/separator controls ``` WindowBox | GroupBox | Line | Panel | ScrollPanel | TabBar ``` ### advanced controls ``` ListView | ColorPicker | MessageBox | TextInputBox ``` ## raygui styles `raygui` comes with a [default](styles/default) style automatically loaded at runtime: ![raygui default style](styles/default/style_default.png) Some additional styles are also provided for convenience, just check [styles directory](styles) for details: ![raygui additional styles](images/raygui_style_table_multi.png) Custom styles can also be created very easily using [rGuiStyler](https://raylibtech.itch.io/rguistyler) tool. Styles can be loaded at runtime using raygui `GuiLoadStyle()` function. Simple and easy-to-use. ## raygui icons `raygui` supports custom icons, by default, a predefined set of icons is provided inside `raygui` as an array of binary data; it contains **256 possible icons** defined as **16x16 pixels** each; each pixel is codified using **1-bit**. The total size of the array is `2048 bytes`. To use any of those icons just prefix the *#iconId#* number to **any text** written within `raygui` controls: ```c if (GuiButton(rec, "#05#Open Image")) { /* ACTION */ } ``` It's also possible to use the provided `GuiIconText()` function to prefix it automatically, using a clearer identifier (defined in `raygui.h`). ```c if (GuiButton(rec, GuiIconText(RICON_FILE_OPEN, "Open Image"))) { /* ACTION */ } ``` Provided set of icons can be reviewed and customized using [rGuiIcons](https://raylibtech.itch.io/rguiicons) tool. ## raygui support tools - [**rGuiStyler**](https://raylibtech.itch.io/rguistyler) - A simple and easy-to-use raygui styles editor. ![rGuiStyler v3.1](images/rguistyler_v300.png) - [**rGuiIcons**](https://raylibtech.itch.io/rguiicons) - A simple and easy-to-use raygui icons editor. ![rGuiIcons v1.0](images/rguiicons_v100.png) - [**rGuiLayout**](https://raylibtech.itch.io/rguilayout) - A simple and easy-to-use raygui layouts editor. ![rGuiLayout v2.2](images/rguilayout_v220.png) ## building `raygui` is intended to be used as a portable single-file header-only library, to be directly integrated into any C/C++ codebase but some users could require a shared/dynamic version of the library, for example, to create bindings: - **Windows (MinGW, GCC)** ``` copy src/raygui.h src/raygui.c gcc -o src/raygui.dll src/raygui.c -shared -DRAYGUI_IMPLEMENTATION -DBUILD_LIBTYPE_SHARED -static-libgcc -lopengl32 -lgdi32 -lwinmm -Wl,--out-implib,src/librayguidll.a ``` - **Windows (MSVC)** ``` copy src\raylib.h src\raylib.c cl /O2 /I../raylib/src/ /D_USRDLL /D_WINDLL /DRAYGUI_IMPLEMENTATION /DBUILD_LIBTYPE_SHARED src/raygui.c /LD /Feraygui.dll /link /LIBPATH ../raylib/build/raylib/Release/raylib.lib /subsystem:windows /machine:x64 ``` - **Linux (GCC)** ``` mv src/raygui.h src/raygui.c gcc -o raygui.so src/raygui.c -shared -fpic -DRAYGUI_IMPLEMENTATION -lraylib -lGL -lm -lpthread -ldl -lrt -lX11 ``` - **Mac (clang, homebrew installed raylib)** ``` cp src/raygui.h src/raygui.c brew install raylib gcc -o raygui.dynlib src/raygui.c -shared -fpic -DRAYGUI_IMPLEMENTATION -framework OpenGL -lm -lpthread -ldl $(pkg-config --libs --cflags raylib) ``` ## license raygui is licensed under an unmodified zlib/libpng license, which is an OSI-certified, BSD-like license that allows static linking with closed source software. Check [LICENSE](LICENSE) for further details.