Remove old/buggy examples

This commit is contained in:
Ray 2022-09-10 10:24:50 +02:00
parent b37c0df561
commit c49cbc9849
2 changed files with 0 additions and 595 deletions

View File

@ -1,294 +0,0 @@
* raygui - Controls test
* - GuiTextEditor()
* raylib 3.0 - Windowing/input management and drawing.
* raygui 2.7 - Immediate-mode GUI controls.
* COMPILATION (Windows - MinGW):
* gcc -o $(NAME_PART).exe $(FILE_NAME) -I../../src -lraylib -lopengl32 -lgdi32 -std=c99
* LICENSE: zlib/libpng
* Copyright (c) 2020 Ramon Santamaria (@raysan5)
#include "raylib.h"
#include "../../src/raygui.h"
// Defines and Macros
// ...
// Global Variables Definition
static char text01[128] = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, \xE7\x8C\xBF\xE3\x82\x82\xE6\x9C\xA8\xE3\x81\x8B\xE3\x82\x89\xE8\x90\xBD\xE3\x81\xA1\xE3\x82\x8B consectetur adipiscing elit...\0"; // including some hiragana/kanji
static char text02[128] = "Here's another, much bigger textbox extended.\xf4\xa1\xa1\xff TIP: try COPY/PASTE ;)\0"; // Including some invalid UTF8
bool GuiTextEditor(Rectangle bounds, char *text, int textLen, bool editMode);
// Program main entry point
int main(int argc, char **argv)
// Initialization
const int screenWidth = 800;
const int screenHeight = 450;
InitWindow(screenWidth, screenHeight, "raygui - gui text editor test");
Font font = { 0 };
bool textEditor01EditMode = false;
bool textEditor02EditMode = false;
// Main game loop
while (!WindowShouldClose()) // Detect window close button or ESC key
// Update
Vector2 mouse = GetMousePosition();
// Fonts drag & drop logic
if (IsFileDropped())
FilePathList files = LoadDroppedFiles();
if (IsFileExtension(files.paths[0], ".ttf") ||
IsFileExtension(files.paths[0], ".otf") ||
IsFileExtension(files.paths[0], ".fnt"))
Font fnt = LoadFont(files.paths[0]);
if ( != 0)
// Font was loaded, only change font on success
// Remove old font
if ( != 0) UnloadFont(font);
font = fnt;
// Draw
// Draw textboxes extended
if (GuiTextEditor((Rectangle){ 20, 20, 380, 410 }, text01, strlen(text01), textEditor01EditMode)) textEditor01EditMode = !textEditor01EditMode;
if (GuiTextEditor((Rectangle){ 420, 20, 360, 410 }, text02, strlen(text02), textEditor02EditMode)) textEditor02EditMode = !textEditor02EditMode;
// De-Initialization
CloseWindow(); // Close window and OpenGL context
return 0;
// Text editor control (Advanced text box)
bool GuiTextEditor(Rectangle bounds, char *text, int textSize, bool editMode)
static Rectangle cursor = { 0 }; // Cursor position and size
static int framesCounter = 0; // Blinking cursor frames counter
static int cursorCodepoint = -1;
static int selectStartCp = -1;
static int selectLengthCp = 0;
GuiState state = guiState;
bool pressed = false;
bool textWrap = true; // TODO: Word-Wrap vs Char-Wrap -> textWrapMode { NO_WRAP_LOCK, NO_WRAP_OVERFLOW, CHAR_WRAP, WORD_WRAP }
// WARNING: First string full traversal
int codepointCount = GetCodepointCount(text);
int textLen = strlen(text); // Text length in bytes
// Update control
if ((state != STATE_DISABLED) && !guiLocked)
Vector2 mousePoint = GetMousePosition();
if (editMode)
// TODO: Cursor position logic (mouse and keys)
// Characters selection logic
if (selectStartCp != -1)
if (IsKeyDown(KEY_LEFT_SHIFT) && IsKeyPressed(KEY_RIGHT))
if (selectLengthCp >= (codepointCount - selectStartCp)) selectLengthCp = codepointCount - selectStartCp;
if (IsKeyDown(KEY_LEFT_SHIFT) && IsKeyPressed(KEY_LEFT))
if (selectLengthCp < 0) selectLengthCp = 0;
int key = GetCharPressed();
// TODO: On key pressed, place new character in cursor position
// Exit edit mode logic
if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_ENTER) || (!CheckCollisionPointRec(mousePoint, bounds) && IsMouseButtonPressed(0))) pressed = true;
if (CheckCollisionPointRec(mousePoint, bounds))
if (IsMouseButtonPressed(0)) pressed = true;
if (pressed)
// Exiting edit mode, reset temp variables
framesCounter = 0;
cursor = (Rectangle){ 0 };
cursorCodepoint = -1;
selectStartCp = -1;
selectLengthCp = 0;
// Draw control
DrawRectangleLinesEx(bounds, GuiGetStyle(TEXTBOX, BORDER_WIDTH), Fade(GetColor(GuiGetStyle(TEXTBOX, BORDER + (state*3))), guiAlpha));
if (state == STATE_PRESSED) DrawRectangle(bounds.x + GuiGetStyle(TEXTBOX, BORDER_WIDTH), bounds.y + GuiGetStyle(TEXTBOX, BORDER_WIDTH), bounds.width - 2*GuiGetStyle(TEXTBOX, BORDER_WIDTH), bounds.height - 2*GuiGetStyle(TEXTBOX, BORDER_WIDTH), Fade(GetColor(GuiGetStyle(TEXTBOX, BASE_COLOR_PRESSED)), guiAlpha));
else if (state == STATE_DISABLED) DrawRectangle(bounds.x + GuiGetStyle(TEXTBOX, BORDER_WIDTH), bounds.y + GuiGetStyle(TEXTBOX, BORDER_WIDTH), bounds.width - 2*GuiGetStyle(TEXTBOX, BORDER_WIDTH), bounds.height - 2*GuiGetStyle(TEXTBOX, BORDER_WIDTH), Fade(GetColor(GuiGetStyle(TEXTBOX, BASE_COLOR_DISABLED)), guiAlpha));
Font font = GetFontDefault();
int textOffsetY = 0; // Offset between lines (on line break '\n')
float textOffsetX = 0.0f; // Offset X to next character to draw
float scaleFactor = GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, TEXT_SIZE)*2/font.baseSize; // Character quad scaling factor
for (int i = 0, cp = 0; i < textLen; i++)
// Get next codepoint from byte string and glyph index in font
int codepointByteCount = 0;
int codepoint = GetCodepoint(&text[i], &codepointByteCount);
int index = GetGlyphIndex(font, codepoint);
Rectangle rec = { bounds.x + textOffsetX + font.glyphs[index].offsetX*scaleFactor,
bounds.y + textOffsetY + font.glyphs[index].offsetY*scaleFactor,
font.recs[index].width*scaleFactor, font.recs[index].height*scaleFactor };
// Automatic line break to wrap text inside box
if (textWrap && ((rec.x + rec.width) >= (bounds.x + bounds.width)))
textOffsetY += (int)((font.baseSize + font.baseSize/2)*scaleFactor);
textOffsetX = 0.0f;
// Recalculate drawing rectangle position
rec = (Rectangle){ bounds.x + textOffsetX + font.glyphs[index].offsetX*scaleFactor,
bounds.y + textOffsetY + font.glyphs[index].offsetY*scaleFactor,
font.recs[index].width*scaleFactor, font.recs[index].height*scaleFactor };
// Check selected codepoint
if (editMode)
if (IsMouseButtonPressed(MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON) && CheckCollisionPointRec(GetMousePosition(), rec))
cursor = rec;
cursorCodepoint = cp;
selectStartCp = cursorCodepoint;
selectLengthCp = 0;
// TODO: Place cursor at the end if pressed out of text
// On mouse left button down allow text selection
if ((selectStartCp != -1) && IsMouseButtonDown(MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON) && CheckCollisionPointRec(GetMousePosition(), rec))
if (cp >= selectStartCp) selectLengthCp = cp - selectStartCp;
else if (cp < selectStartCp)
//int temp = selectStartCp;
//selectStartCp = cp;
//selectLengthCp = temp - selectStartCp;
if (codepoint == '\n') // Line break character
// NOTE: Fixed line spacing of 1.5 line-height
// TODO: Support custom line spacing defined by user
textOffsetY += (int)((font.baseSize + font.baseSize/2)*scaleFactor);
textOffsetX = 0.0f;
// Draw codepoint glyph
if ((codepoint != ' ') && (codepoint != '\t') && ((rec.x + rec.width) < (bounds.x + bounds.width)))
DrawTexturePro(font.texture, font.recs[index], rec, (Vector2){ 0, 0 }, 0.0f, GetColor(GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, TEXT_COLOR_NORMAL)));
// TODO: On text overflow do something... move text to the left?
// Draw codepoints selection from selectStartCp to selectLengthCp
// TODO: Consider spacing when drawing selected characters background
if (editMode && (selectStartCp != -1) && ((cp >= selectStartCp) && (cp <= (selectStartCp + selectLengthCp)))) DrawRectangleRec(rec, MAROON);
if (font.glyphs[index].advanceX == 0) textOffsetX += ((float)font.recs[index].width*scaleFactor + GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, TEXT_SPACING));
else textOffsetX += ((float)font.glyphs[index].advanceX*scaleFactor + GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, TEXT_SPACING));
i += (codepointByteCount - 1); // Move text bytes counter to next codepoint
// Draw blinking cursor
if (editMode && ((framesCounter/20)%2 == 0)) DrawRectangleRec(cursor, Fade(GetColor(GuiGetStyle(TEXTBOX, BORDER_COLOR_PRESSED)), guiAlpha));
//GuiDrawText(text, GetTextBounds(TEXTBOX, bounds), GuiGetStyle(TEXTBOX, TEXT_ALIGNMENT), Fade(GetColor(GuiGetStyle(TEXTBOX, TEXT + (state*3))), guiAlpha));
return pressed;

View File

@ -1,301 +0,0 @@
* raygui - Controls test
* - GuiScrollPanel()
* raylib 2.5 - Windowing/input management and drawing.
* raygui 2.0 - Immediate-mode GUI controls.
* COMPILATION (Windows - MinGW):
* gcc -o $(NAME_PART).exe $(FILE_NAME) -I../../src -lraylib -lopengl32 -lgdi32 -std=c99
* COMPILATION (Linux - gcc):
* gcc -o $(NAME_PART) $(FILE_NAME) -I../../src -lraylib -std=c99
* LICENSE: zlib/libpng
* Copyright (c) 2019 Vlad Adrian (@Demizdor) and Ramon Santamaria (@raysan5)
#include "raylib.h"
#include "../../src/raygui.h"
#undef RAYGUI_IMPLEMENTATION // Avoid including raygui implementation again
#include "../../src/extras/gui_textbox_extended.h"
#include <limits.h>
// Defines and Macros
#define SIZEOF(A) (sizeof(A)/sizeof(A[0])) // Get number of elements in array `A`. Total size of `A` should be known at compile time.
// Global Variables Definition
static char text01[92] = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, \xE7\x8C\xBF\xE3\x82\x82\xE6\x9C\xA8\xE3\x81\x8B\xE3\x82\x89\xE8\x90\xBD\xE3\x81\xA1\xE3\x82\x8B consectetur adipiscing elit"; // including some hiragana/kanji
static char text02[128] = "Here's another, much bigger textboxBounds." "\xf4\xa1\xa1\xff" " TIP: try COPY/PASTE ;)"; // including some invalid UTF8
static int textboxActive = 0; // Keeps traks of the active textboxBounds
static Rectangle textboxBounds[4] = {
{ 20, 60, 160, 25 },
{ 220, 60, 300, 25 },
{ 565, 60, 95, 25 },
{ 680, 60, 100, 25 },
static Texture2D checked = { 0 };
// Draw a color button, if clicked return true
bool ColorButton(Rectangle bounds, Color color)
Rectangle body = {bounds.x + 2, bounds.y + 2, bounds.width - 4, bounds.height - 4};
bool pressed = false;
// Update control
Vector2 mouse = GetMousePosition();
if (IsMouseButtonPressed(MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON) && CheckCollisionPointRec(mouse, bounds)) pressed = true;
// Draw control
DrawTexture(checked, body.x, body.y, WHITE);
DrawRectangleRec(body, color);
DrawRectangleLinesEx(bounds, 1, BLACK);
return pressed;
// Program main entry point
int main(int argc, char **argv)
// Initialization
const int screenWidth = 800;
const int screenHeight = 450;
InitWindow(screenWidth, screenHeight, "raygui - gui textboxBounds extended demo");
// Generate a checked checked used by the color buttons
Image img = GenImageChecked(26, 26, 5, 5, RAYWHITE, DARKGRAY);
checked = LoadTextureFromImage(img);
Font font = { 0 };
int fontSize = GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, TEXT_SIZE);
int fontSpacing = GuiGetStyle(DEFAULT, TEXT_SPACING);
int padding = GuiGetStyle(TEXTBOX, TEXT_INNER_PADDING);
int border = GuiGetStyle(TEXTBOX, BORDER_WIDTH);
Color colorFG = GetColor(GuiGetStyle(TEXTBOX, TEXT_COLOR_FOCUSED)); // Color Selected Foreground
Color colorBG = GetColor(GuiGetStyle(TEXTBOX, BASE_COLOR_FOCUSED)); // Color Selected Background
Color *colorSelected = &colorFG;
bool showMenu = false;
Rectangle menuRect = { 0 };
int spinnerValue = 0;
int valueBoxValue = 0;
bool textBox01EditMode = false;
bool textBox02EditMode = false;
bool spinnerEditMode = false;
bool valueBoxEditMode = false;
// Main game loop
while (!WindowShouldClose()) // Detect window close button or ESC key
// Update
Vector2 mouse = GetMousePosition();
// Check all textboxes to get the active textboxBounds
if (textBox01EditMode) textboxActive = 0;
else if (textBox02EditMode) textboxActive = 1;
else if (spinnerEditMode) textboxActive = 2;
else if (valueBoxEditMode) textboxActive = 3;
// Show/Hide the textboxBounds menu
if ((textboxActive < 2) && !showMenu && CheckCollisionPointRec(mouse, textboxBounds[textboxActive]) && IsMouseButtonPressed(MOUSE_RIGHT_BUTTON))
showMenu = true;
menuRect = (Rectangle){mouse.x, mouse.y, 80, 110};
// Menu hidding logic
if (showMenu && IsMouseButtonPressed(MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON) && !CheckCollisionPointRec(mouse, menuRect)) showMenu = false;
// Fonts drag & drop logic
if (IsFileDropped())
FilePathList droppedFiles = LoadDroppedFiles();
if (IsFileExtension(droppedFiles.paths[0], ".ttf") ||
IsFileExtension(droppedFiles.paths[0], ".otf") ||
IsFileExtension(droppedFiles.paths[0], ".fnt"))
Font fnt = LoadFont(droppedFiles.paths[0]);
if ( != 0)
// Font was loaded, only change font on success
fontSize = fnt.baseSize;
// Remove old font
if ( != 0) UnloadFont(font);
font = fnt;
// Convert text to hex representation and draw it on screen
char *hex = RAYGUI_MALLOC((((textboxActive == 1) ? SIZEOF(text02) : SIZEOF(text01)) + 1)*3 + 1);
char *text = (textboxActive == 1) ? text02 : text01;
int maxSize = (textboxActive == 1) ? SIZEOF(text02) : SIZEOF(text01);
for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < maxSize; ++i, j += 3) sprintf(&hex[j], "%02Xh ", (char)text[i]);
int startIdx = 0, endIdx = 0;
if (textboxActive < 2)
Vector2 sel = GuiTextBoxGetSelection();
startIdx = GuiTextBoxGetByteIndex(text, 0, 0, sel.x);
endIdx = GuiTextBoxGetByteIndex(text, 0, 0, sel.x + sel.y);
int len = endIdx - startIdx;
// Draw
// Draw textboxes extended
// Set custom style
GuiSetStyle(DEFAULT, TEXT_SIZE, fontSize);
GuiSetStyle(DEFAULT, TEXT_SPACING, fontSpacing);
GuiSetStyle(TEXTBOX, BORDER_WIDTH, border);
GuiSetStyle(TEXTBOX, BASE_COLOR_FOCUSED, ColorToInt(colorBG));
GuiSetStyle(TEXTBOX, TEXT_COLOR_FOCUSED, ColorToInt(colorFG));
// TODO: GuiTextBoxEx() is not following editMode logic like GuiTextBox()
if (GuiTextBoxEx(textboxBounds[0], text01, SIZEOF(text01) - 1, textBox01EditMode)) textBox01EditMode = !textBox01EditMode;
if (GuiTextBoxEx(textboxBounds[1], text02, SIZEOF(text02) - 1, textBox02EditMode)) textBox02EditMode = !textBox02EditMode;
if (GuiSpinner(textboxBounds[2], NULL, &spinnerValue, INT_MIN, INT_MAX, spinnerEditMode)) spinnerEditMode = !spinnerEditMode;
if (GuiValueBox(textboxBounds[3], NULL, &valueBoxValue, INT_MIN, INT_MAX, valueBoxEditMode)) valueBoxEditMode = !valueBoxEditMode;
// Reset style to default
// Draw hexadecimal values viewer
DrawTextBoxedSelectable(guiFont, hex, (Rectangle){ 20, 95, 760, 205 }, 20, 1, true, BLACK, startIdx*3, len*3, colorFG, colorBG);
// Draw right-mouse-button-click menu and logic
if (showMenu)
GuiSetStyle(LISTVIEW, LIST_ITEMS_HEIGHT, 24); // make items look a little bigger
const char *menuItems[] = { "#17# Cut", "#16# Copy", "#18# Paste", "#101# SelectAll" };
//int enabledItems[] = { textboxActive < 2 ? 1 : 0, textboxActive < 2 ? 1 : 0, GetClipboardText() != NULL, 1 };
int active = -1, focus = 0, scroll = 0;
GuiSetStyle(DEFAULT, TEXT_ALIGNMENT, TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT); // Fixes visual glitch with other alignments
active = GuiListViewEx(menuRect, menuItems, SIZEOF(menuItems), &focus, &scroll, active);
if (active != -1)
showMenu = false;
char *text = (textboxActive == 1) ? text02 : text01;
case 0: GuiTextBoxCut(text); break;
case 1: GuiTextBoxCopy(text); break;
case 2: GuiTextBoxPaste(text, (textboxActive == 1) ? SIZEOF(text02) : SIZEOF(text01)); break;
case 3: GuiTextBoxSelectAll(text); break;
default: break;
// Draw GUI to change textboxes parameters
// UI for changing the font size and spacing of all textboxes
GuiLine((Rectangle){25,280,750,10}, NULL);
GuiGroupBox((Rectangle){20,320,190,100}, GuiIconText(RICON_GEAR, "FONT"));
GuiLabel((Rectangle){30,340,60,20}, "Size");
GuiSpinner((Rectangle){95,340,100,20}, NULL, &fontSize, 10, 40, true);
GuiLabel((Rectangle){30,380,60,20}, "Spacing");
GuiSpinner((Rectangle){95,380,100,20}, NULL, &fontSpacing, 1, 10, true);
// UI for changing the style of all textboxes
GuiGroupBox((Rectangle){225,320,190,100}, GuiIconText(RICON_COLOR_BUCKET, "STYLE"));
GuiLabel((Rectangle){240,340,60,20}, "Padding");
GuiSpinner((Rectangle){305,340,100,20}, NULL, &padding, 2, 30, true);
GuiLabel((Rectangle){240,380,60,20}, "Border");
GuiSpinner((Rectangle){305,380,100,20}, NULL, &border, 0, 8, true);
// UI for changing the width/height of the active textboxBounds
bool changed = false;
int width = textboxBounds[textboxActive].width, height = textboxBounds[textboxActive].height;
GuiGroupBox((Rectangle){430,320,175,100}, GuiIconText(RICON_CURSOR_SCALE, "SCALE"));
GuiLabel((Rectangle){435,340,55,20}, "Width");
if (GuiSpinner((Rectangle){495,340,100,20}, NULL, &width, 30, 300, true)) changed = true;
GuiLabel((Rectangle){435,380,55,20}, "Height");
if (GuiSpinner((Rectangle){495,380,100,20}, NULL, &height, 12, 60, true)) changed = true;
GuiLabel((Rectangle){30,290,740,10}, GuiIconText(RICON_TEXT_T, " DRAG A FONT FILE (*.TTF, *.FNT) ANYWHERE TO CHANGE THE DEFAULT FONT!"));
textboxBounds[textboxActive].y = 85 - height;
textboxBounds[textboxActive].height = height;
textboxBounds[textboxActive].width = width;
if (changed) GuiTextBoxSetActive(textboxBounds[textboxActive]);
// UI for selecting the selected text background and foreground color
if (ColorButton((Rectangle){625,320,30,30}, colorFG)) colorSelected = &colorFG;
if (ColorButton((Rectangle){625,389,30,30}, colorBG)) colorSelected = &colorBG;
*colorSelected = GuiColorPicker((Rectangle){660,320,90,85}, *colorSelected);
float alpha = colorSelected->a;
GuiSetStyle(SLIDER, TEXT_ALIGNMENT, TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT); // Slider for the selected color alpha value
colorSelected->a = GuiSlider((Rectangle){664,420,100,20}, GuiIconText(RICON_CROP_ALPHA, "Alpha"), NULL, alpha, 0.0f, 255.0f);
// De-Initialization
CloseWindow(); // Close window and OpenGL context
return 0;