Added some functionallity(read description)
Added controls to code exporter, corrected anchor preview drawing.
This commit is contained in:
@ -17,6 +17,8 @@
#include "easings.h"
#include "external/tinyfiledialogs.h" // Open/Save file dialogs
#include <stdlib.h>
#if defined(_WIN32)
#include <direct.h>
#define GetCurrentDir _getcwd
@ -68,7 +70,7 @@ typedef struct {
int id;
int type;
Rectangle rec;
char text[32];
unsigned char *text;
AnchorPoint *ap;
} GuiControl;
@ -80,8 +82,8 @@ static char currentPath[256]; // Path to current working folder
static int screenWidth = 800;
static int screenHeight = 600;
static GuiControl layout[MAX_GUI_CONTROLS];
static AnchorPoint anchors[MAX_ANCHOR_POINTS];
static GuiControl layout[MAX_GUI_CONTROLS] = { 0 };
static AnchorPoint anchors[MAX_ANCHOR_POINTS];
static int controlsCounter = 0;
static int anchorCounter = 1; // NOTE: anchorCounter starts at 1 because the global anchor is 0
@ -107,6 +109,16 @@ int main()
InitWindow(screenWidth, screenHeight, "rGuiLayout - raygui layout editor");
// Initialize layout data
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_GUI_CONTROLS; i++)
layout[i].id = 0;
layout[i].type = 0;
layout[i].rec = (Rectangle){ 0, 0, 0, 0 };
layout[i].text = (unsigned char *)malloc(32);// strcpy(layout[i].text, "SAMPLE TEXT\0");
layout[i].ap = NULL;
int selectedControl = -1;
int selectedType = BUTTON;
int selectedTypeDraw = LABEL;
@ -120,6 +132,7 @@ int main()
bool textEditMode = false;
int framesCounter = 0;
int saveControlSelected = -1;
char previewText[8] = "TEXTBOX";
bool anchorMode = false;
bool anchorLinkMode = false;
int selectedAnchor = -1;
@ -261,20 +274,20 @@ int main()
// Toggle on the controlListViewCounter
if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_LEFT_CONTROL))
if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_W))
startPosXListViewControlsCounter = listViewControlsCounter.x;
deltaPosXListViewControlsCounter = GetScreenWidth() -listViewControlsCounter.width - startPosXListViewControlsCounter;
counterListViewControlsCounter = 0;
if (IsKeyDown(KEY_W))
if (counterListViewControlsCounter >= 60) counterListViewControlsCounter = 60;
listViewControlsCounter.x = (int)EaseCubicInOut(counterListViewControlsCounter, startPosXListViewControlsCounter, deltaPosXListViewControlsCounter, 60);
else if (IsKeyReleased(KEY_LEFT_CONTROL))
else if (IsKeyReleased(KEY_W))
startPosXListViewControlsCounter = listViewControlsCounter.x;
deltaPosXListViewControlsCounter = GetScreenWidth() + 140 - startPosXListViewControlsCounter;
@ -386,7 +399,7 @@ int main()
// Delete selected control and shift array position
if (IsKeyDown(KEY_DELETE))
if (IsKeyPressed(KEY_DELETE))
for (int i = selectedControl; i < controlsCounter; i++) layout[i] = layout[i + 1];
@ -700,7 +713,7 @@ int main()
case SPINNER: GuiSpinner(defaultRec[selectedTypeDraw], 40, 0, 100); break;
case COMBOBOX: GuiComboBox(defaultRec[selectedTypeDraw], list, 3, 1); break;
case CHECKBOX: GuiCheckBox(defaultRec[selectedTypeDraw], false); break;
case TEXTBOX: GuiTextBox(defaultRec[selectedTypeDraw], "test text", 32); break;
case TEXTBOX: GuiTextBox(defaultRec[selectedTypeDraw], previewText, 7); break;
case LISTVIEW: GuiListView(defaultRec[selectedTypeDraw], guiControls, 14, 1); break;
case COLORPICKER: GuiColorPicker(defaultRec[selectedTypeDraw], RED); break;
default: break;
@ -734,7 +747,6 @@ int main()
// DrawText(FormatText("Id: %i | X: %i | Y: %i | Enabled: %i", layout[0].ap->id, layout[0].ap->x, layout[0].ap->y, layout[0].ap->enabled), 100, 100, style[DEFAULT_TEXT_SIZE], RED);
// Draw the list of controls
DrawRectangleRec(listViewControls, Fade(WHITE, 0.7f));
selectedType = GuiListView(listViewControls, guiControls, 14, selectedType);
@ -759,7 +771,7 @@ int main()
if (layout[selectedControl].ap->id > 0) DrawLine(layout[selectedControl].ap->x, layout[selectedControl].ap->y, layout[selectedControl].ap->x + layout[selectedControl].rec.x, layout[selectedControl].ap->y + layout[selectedControl].rec.y, RED);
if (selectedControl == -1)
if ((selectedControl == -1) && (selectedAnchor == -1))
if (anchorMode)
@ -881,27 +893,14 @@ static void SaveLayoutRGL(const char *fileName, bool binary)
fwrite(&version, 1, sizeof(short), rglFile);
fwrite(&numControls, 1, sizeof(short), rglFile);
fwrite(&reserved, 1, sizeof(int), rglFile);
for (int i = 0; i < controlsCounter; i++)
// Export data in independent way
printf("Writing %i\n", i);
printf("Id: %i\n", layout[i].id);
printf("Type: %i\n", layout[i].type);
printf("X: %i\n", layout[i].rec.x);
printf("Y: %i\n", layout[i].rec.y);
printf("Width: %i\n", layout[i].rec.width);
printf("Height: %i\n", layout[i].rec.height);
printf("Text: %s\n", layout[i].text);
fwrite(&layout[i].id, 1, sizeof(int), rglFile);
fwrite(&layout[i].type, 1, sizeof(int), rglFile);
fwrite(&layout[i].rec.x, 1, sizeof(int), rglFile);
fwrite(&layout[i].rec.y, 1, sizeof(int), rglFile);
fwrite(&layout[i].rec.width, 1, sizeof(int), rglFile);
fwrite(&layout[i].rec.height, 1, sizeof(int), rglFile);
fwrite(&layout[i].text, 1, 32, rglFile);
fwrite(&layout[i].rec, 1, sizeof(Rectangle), rglFile);
fwrite(layout[i].text, 1, 32, rglFile);
// TODO: Export anchors data
@ -942,7 +941,7 @@ static void LoadLayoutRGL(const char *fileName)
int anchorId = 0; // TODO: Review!!!
int anchorX = 0;
int anchorY = 0;
FILE *rglFile = fopen(fileName, "rt");
if (rglFile != NULL)
@ -985,41 +984,30 @@ static void LoadLayoutRGL(const char *fileName)
fread(&version, 1, sizeof(short), rglFile);
fread(&controlsCounter, 1, sizeof(short), rglFile);
fread(&reserved, 1, sizeof(int), rglFile);
printf("[READ] Controls counter: %i\n", controlsCounter);
if ((signature[0] == 'R') &&
(signature[1] == 'G') &&
(signature[2] == 'L') &&
(signature[3] == ' '))
while (!feof(rglFile))
for (int i = 0; i < controlsCounter; i++)
for (int i = 0; i < controlsCounter; i++)
// Import data in independent way
fread(&layout[i].id, 1, sizeof(int), rglFile);
fread(&layout[i].type, 1, sizeof(int), rglFile);
fread(&layout[i].rec.x, 1, sizeof(int), rglFile);
fread(&layout[i].rec.y, 1, sizeof(int), rglFile);
fread(&layout[i].rec.width, 1, sizeof(int), rglFile);
fread(&layout[i].rec.height, 1, sizeof(int), rglFile);
fread(&layout[i].text, 1, 32, rglFile);
printf("Reading %i\n", i);
printf("Id: %i\n", layout[i].id);
printf("Type: %i\n", layout[i].type);
printf("X: %i\n", layout[i].rec.x);
printf("Y: %i\n", layout[i].rec.y);
printf("Width: %i\n", layout[i].rec.width);
printf("Height: %i\n", layout[i].rec.height);
printf("Text: %s\n", layout[i].text);
// Import anchor id and position
// fread(&layout[i].ap->id, 1, sizeof(int), rglFile);
// fread(&layout[i].ap->x, 1, sizeof(int), rglFile);
// fread(&layout[i].ap->y, 1, sizeof(int), rglFile);
// Import data in independent way
fread(&layout[i].id, 1, sizeof(int), rglFile);
fread(&layout[i].type, 1, sizeof(int), rglFile);
fread(&layout[i].rec, 1, sizeof(Rectangle), rglFile);
fread(layout[i].text, 1, 32, rglFile);
// Import anchor id and position
// fread(&layout[i].ap->id, 1, sizeof(int), rglFile);
// fread(&layout[i].ap->x, 1, sizeof(int), rglFile);
// fread(&layout[i].ap->y, 1, sizeof(int), rglFile);
printf("[READ] Controls info: id-%i type-%i rec-%i,%i,%i,%i text-%s\n", layout[i].id, layout[i].type, layout[i].rec.x, layout[i].rec.y, layout[i].rec.width, layout[i].rec.height, layout[i].text);
else TraceLog(LOG_WARNING, "[raygui] Invalid layout file");
@ -1027,51 +1015,26 @@ static void LoadLayoutRGL(const char *fileName)
// char line[128];
// FILE *rglFile = fopen(fileName, "rt");
// controlsCounter = 0;
// while (!feof(rglFile))
// {
// fgets(line, 128, rglFile);
// switch (line[0])
// {
// case 'c':
// {
// sscanf(line, "c type %i rec %i %i %i %i", &layout[controlsCounter].type,
// &layout[controlsCounter].rec.x,
// &layout[controlsCounter].rec.y,
// &layout[controlsCounter].rec.width,
// &layout[controlsCounter].rec.height);
// controlsCounter++;
// } break;
// default: break;
// }
// }
// fclose(rglFile);
printf("[READ] Layout data loaded successfully!\n");
// Generate C code for gui layout
static void GenerateLayoutCode(const char *fileName)
#define RGL_TOOL_NAME "tool_name"
#define RGL_TOOL_NAME "rGuiLayout"
#define RGL_TOOL_DESCRIPTION "tool_name"
#define RGL_TOOL_AUTHOR "tool_name"
#define RGL_TOOL_YEAR "tool_name"
#define RGL_TOOL_YEAR "2018"
FILE *ftool = fopen(fileName, "wt");
fprintf(ftool, "/*******************************************************************************************\n");
fprintf(ftool, "*\n");
fprintf(ftool, "* $(tool_name) - $(tool_description)\n");
fprintf(ftool, "* $(RGL_TOOL_NAME) - $(RGL_TOOL_DESCRIPTION)\n");
fprintf(ftool, "*\n");
fprintf(ftool, "* LICENSE: zlib/libpng\n");
fprintf(ftool, "*\n");
fprintf(ftool, "* Copyright (c) $(year) $(author)\n");
fprintf(ftool, "* Copyright (c) $(RGL_TOOL_YEAR) $(RGL_TOOL_AUTHOR)\n");
fprintf(ftool, "*\n");
fprintf(ftool, "**********************************************************************************************/\n\n");
fprintf(ftool, "#include \"raylib.h\"\n\n");
@ -1109,27 +1072,60 @@ static void GenerateLayoutCode(const char *fileName)
// Bools
case TOGGLE:
case CHECKBOX: fprintf(ftool, " bool %s%03i = false;\n", controlTypeNameShort[layout[i].type], i); break;
fprintf(ftool, " // %s%03i variables\n", controlTypeName[layout[i].type], i);
fprintf(ftool, " bool %s%03i = false;\n", controlTypeNameShort[layout[i].type], i);
fprintf(ftool, " // %s%03i variables\n", controlTypeName[layout[i].type], i);
fprintf(ftool, " int %sCount%03i = 3;\n", controlTypeNameShort[layout[i].type], i);
fprintf(ftool, " int %sActive%03i = 0;\n", controlTypeNameShort[layout[i].type], i);
fprintf(ftool, " const char *%sList%03i[3] = { \"ONE\", \"TWO\", \"THREE\" };\n", controlTypeNameShort[layout[i].type], i);
// Floats
case SLIDER:
fprintf(ftool, " float %svalue%03i = 50.0f;\n", controlTypeNameShort[layout[i].type], i);
fprintf(ftool, " float %sminValue%03i = 0.0f;\n", controlTypeNameShort[layout[i].type], i);
fprintf(ftool, " float %smaxValue%03i = 100.0f;\n", controlTypeNameShort[layout[i].type], i);
fprintf(ftool, " // %s%03i variables\n", controlTypeName[layout[i].type], i);
fprintf(ftool, " float %sValue%03i = 50.0f;\n", controlTypeNameShort[layout[i].type], i);
fprintf(ftool, " float %sMinValue%03i = 0.0f;\n", controlTypeNameShort[layout[i].type], i);
fprintf(ftool, " float %sMaxValue%03i = 100.0f;\n", controlTypeNameShort[layout[i].type], i);
// Ints
fprintf(ftool, " int %svalue%03i = 0;\n", controlTypeNameShort[layout[i].type], i);
fprintf(ftool, " int %sminValue%03i = 0;\n", controlTypeNameShort[layout[i].type], i);
fprintf(ftool, " int %smaxValue%03i = 100;\n", controlTypeNameShort[layout[i].type], i);
fprintf(ftool, " // %s%03i variables\n", controlTypeName[layout[i].type], i);
fprintf(ftool, " int %sValue%03i = 0;\n", controlTypeNameShort[layout[i].type], i);
fprintf(ftool, " int %sMinValue%03i = 0;\n", controlTypeNameShort[layout[i].type], i);
fprintf(ftool, " int %sMaxValue%03i = 100;\n", controlTypeNameShort[layout[i].type], i);
case COLORPICKER: fprintf(ftool, " Color %scolor%03i;\n", controlTypeNameShort[layout[i].type], i);
// Colors
fprintf(ftool, " // %s%03i variables\n", controlTypeName[layout[i].type], i);
fprintf(ftool, " Color %sColor%03i;\n", controlTypeNameShort[layout[i].type], i);
fprintf(ftool, " // %s%03i variables\n", controlTypeName[layout[i].type], i);
fprintf(ftool, " char %s%03i[32] = \"%s\";\n", controlTypeNameShort[layout[i].type], i, layout[i].text);
fprintf(ftool, " int %sSize%03i = 32;\n", controlTypeNameShort[layout[i].type], i);
default: break;
@ -1141,10 +1137,10 @@ static void GenerateLayoutCode(const char *fileName)
for (int i = 0; i < controlsCounter; i++)
fprintf(ftool, " (Rectangle){ %i, %i, %i, %i }", layout[i].rec.x, layout[i].rec.y, layout[i].rec.width, layout[i].rec.height);
fprintf(ftool, " (Rectangle){ %i, %i, %i, %i }", (layout[i].rec.x + layout[i].ap->x), (layout[i].rec.y + layout[i].ap->y), layout[i].rec.width, layout[i].rec.height);
if (i == controlsCounter - 1) fprintf(ftool, " // %s %03i\n };\n\n", controlTypeName[layout[i].type], i);
else fprintf(ftool, ", // %s %03i\n", controlTypeName[layout[i].type], i);
if (i == controlsCounter - 1) fprintf(ftool, "\t\t// %s %03i\n };\n\n", controlTypeName[layout[i].type], i);
else fprintf(ftool, ",\t\t// %s %03i\n", controlTypeName[layout[i].type], i);
fprintf(ftool, " SetTargetFPS(60);\n");
@ -1166,20 +1162,20 @@ static void GenerateLayoutCode(const char *fileName)
switch (layout[i].type)
case LABEL: fprintf(ftool, " GuiLabel(layoutRecs[%i], \"%s\");\n\n", i, layout[i].text); break;
case BUTTON: fprintf(ftool, " if (GuiButton(layoutRecs[%i], \"%s\")) Button%03i(); \n\n", i, layout[i].text, i); break;
case IMAGEBUTTON: fprintf(ftool, " if (GuiImageButtonEx(layoutRecs[%i], texture, (Rectangle){ 0, 0, texture.width/3, texture.height/6 }, \"%s\")) ImageButton%03i(); \n\n", i, layout[i].text, i); break;
case TOGGLE: fprintf(ftool, " %s%03i = GuiToggleButton(layoutRecs[%i], \"%s\", %s%03i); \n\n", controlTypeNameShort[layout[i].type], i, i, layout[i].text, controlTypeNameShort[layout[i].type], i); break;
// case TOGGLEGROUP: GuiToggleGroup(layout[i].rec, 3, list, 1); break;
case SLIDER: fprintf(ftool, " %svalue%03i = GuiSlider(layoutRecs[%i], %svalue%03i, %sminValue%03i, %smaxValue%03i);\n\n", controlTypeNameShort[layout[i].type], i, i, controlTypeNameShort[layout[i].type], i, controlTypeNameShort[layout[i].type], i, controlTypeNameShort[layout[i].type], i); break;
case SLIDERBAR: fprintf(ftool, " %svalue%03i = GuiSliderBar(layoutRecs[%i], %svalue%03i, %sminValue%03i, %smaxValue%03i);\n\n", controlTypeNameShort[layout[i].type], i, i, controlTypeNameShort[layout[i].type], i, controlTypeNameShort[layout[i].type], i, controlTypeNameShort[layout[i].type], i); break;
case PROGRESSBAR: fprintf(ftool, " %svalue%03i = GuiProgressBar(layoutRecs[%i], %svalue%03i, %sminValue%03i, %smaxValue%03i);\n\n", controlTypeNameShort[layout[i].type], i, i, controlTypeNameShort[layout[i].type], i, controlTypeNameShort[layout[i].type], i, controlTypeNameShort[layout[i].type], i); break;
case SPINNER: fprintf(ftool, " %svalue%03i = GuiSpinner(layoutRecs[%i], %svalue%03i, %sminValue%03i, %smaxValue%03i);\n\n", controlTypeNameShort[layout[i].type], i, i, controlTypeNameShort[layout[i].type], i, controlTypeNameShort[layout[i].type], i, controlTypeNameShort[layout[i].type], i); break;
// case COMBOBOX: GuiComboBox(layout[i].rec, 3, list, 1); break;
case CHECKBOX: fprintf(ftool, " %s%03i = GuiCheckBox(layoutRecs[%i], %s%03i); \n\n", controlTypeNameShort[layout[i].type], i, i, controlTypeNameShort[layout[i].type], i); break;
// case TEXTBOX: GuiTextBox(layout[i].rec, \"test text\"); break;
case COLORPICKER: fprintf(ftool, " %scolor%03i = GuiColorPicker(layoutRecs[%i], %scolor%03i);\n\n", controlTypeNameShort[layout[i].type], i, i, controlTypeNameShort[layout[i].type], i); break;
case LABEL: fprintf(ftool, "\t\t\tGuiLabel(layoutRecs[%i], \"%s\");\n\n", i, layout[i].text); break;
case BUTTON: fprintf(ftool, "\t\t\tif (GuiButton(layoutRecs[%i], \"%s\")) Button%03i(); \n\n", i, layout[i].text, i); break;
case IMAGEBUTTON: fprintf(ftool, "\t\t\tif (GuiImageButtonEx(layoutRecs[%i], texture, (Rectangle){ 0, 0, texture.width/3, texture.height/6 }, \"%s\")) ImageButton%03i(); \n\n", i, layout[i].text, i); break;
case TOGGLE: fprintf(ftool, "\t\t\t%s%03i = GuiToggleButton(layoutRecs[%i], \"%s\", %s%03i); \n\n", controlTypeNameShort[layout[i].type], i, i, layout[i].text, controlTypeNameShort[layout[i].type], i); break;
case TOGGLEGROUP: fprintf(ftool, "\t\t\t%sActive%03i = GuiToggleGroup(layoutRecs[%i], %sList%03i, %sCount%03i, %sActive%03i); \n\n", controlTypeNameShort[layout[i].type], i, i, controlTypeNameShort[layout[i].type], i, controlTypeNameShort[layout[i].type], i, controlTypeNameShort[layout[i].type], i); break;
case SLIDER: fprintf(ftool, "\t\t\t%sValue%03i = GuiSlider(layoutRecs[%i], %sValue%03i, %sMinValue%03i, %sMaxValue%03i);\n\n", controlTypeNameShort[layout[i].type], i, i, controlTypeNameShort[layout[i].type], i, controlTypeNameShort[layout[i].type], i, controlTypeNameShort[layout[i].type], i); break;
case SLIDERBAR: fprintf(ftool, "\t\t\t%sValue%03i = GuiSliderBar(layoutRecs[%i], %sValue%03i, %sMinValue%03i, %sMaxValue%03i);\n\n", controlTypeNameShort[layout[i].type], i, i, controlTypeNameShort[layout[i].type], i, controlTypeNameShort[layout[i].type], i, controlTypeNameShort[layout[i].type], i); break;
case PROGRESSBAR: fprintf(ftool, "\t\t\t%sValue%03i = GuiProgressBar(layoutRecs[%i], %sValue%03i, %sMinValue%03i, %sMaxValue%03i);\n\n", controlTypeNameShort[layout[i].type], i, i, controlTypeNameShort[layout[i].type], i, controlTypeNameShort[layout[i].type], i, controlTypeNameShort[layout[i].type], i); break;
case SPINNER: fprintf(ftool, "\t\t\t%sValue%03i = GuiSpinner(layoutRecs[%i], %sValue%03i, %sMinValue%03i, %sMaxValue%03i);\n\n", controlTypeNameShort[layout[i].type], i, i, controlTypeNameShort[layout[i].type], i, controlTypeNameShort[layout[i].type], i, controlTypeNameShort[layout[i].type], i); break;
case COMBOBOX: fprintf(ftool, "\t\t\t%sActive%03i = GuiComboBox(layoutRecs[%i], %sList%03i, %sCount%03i, %sActive%03i); \n\n", controlTypeNameShort[layout[i].type], i, i, controlTypeNameShort[layout[i].type], i, controlTypeNameShort[layout[i].type], i, controlTypeNameShort[layout[i].type], i); break;
case CHECKBOX: fprintf(ftool, "\t\t\t%s%03i = GuiCheckBox(layoutRecs[%i], %s%03i); \n\n", controlTypeNameShort[layout[i].type], i, i, controlTypeNameShort[layout[i].type], i); break;
case LISTVIEW: fprintf(ftool, "\t\t\t%sActive%03i = GuiListView(layoutRecs[%i], %sList%03i, %sCount%03i, %sActive%03i); \n\n", controlTypeNameShort[layout[i].type], i, i, controlTypeNameShort[layout[i].type], i, controlTypeNameShort[layout[i].type], i, controlTypeNameShort[layout[i].type], i); break;
case TEXTBOX: fprintf(ftool, "\t\t\tGuiTextBox(layoutRecs[%i], %s%03i, %sSize%03i);\n\n", i, controlTypeNameShort[layout[i].type], i, controlTypeNameShort[layout[i].type], i); break;
case COLORPICKER: fprintf(ftool, "\t\t\t%sColor%03i = GuiColorPicker(layoutRecs[%i], %sColor%03i);\n\n", controlTypeNameShort[layout[i].type], i, i, controlTypeNameShort[layout[i].type], i); break;
default: break;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user