Move ricons logic to raygui

Now ricons.h only contains icons data, so, it can be easily generated (and replaced) using rGuiIcons tool.
This commit is contained in:
Ray 2019-11-25 19:54:32 +01:00
parent 9fd0f91dea
commit 1beef1c0e0
2 changed files with 165 additions and 174 deletions

View File

@ -443,6 +443,20 @@ RAYGUIDEF void UnloadGuiStyle(GuiStyle style); // Unload style
RAYGUIDEF const char *GuiIconText(int iconId, const char *text); // Get text with icon id prepended
// Gui icons functionality
RAYGUIDEF void GuiDrawIcon(int iconId, Vector2 position, int pixelSize, Color color);
RAYGUIDEF unsigned int *GuiGetIcons(void); // Get full icons data pointer
RAYGUIDEF unsigned int *GuiGetIconData(int iconId); // Get icon bit data
RAYGUIDEF void GuiSetIconData(int iconId, unsigned int *data); // Set icon bit data
RAYGUIDEF void GuiSetIconPixel(int iconId, int x, int y); // Set icon pixel value
RAYGUIDEF void GuiClearIconPixel(int iconId, int x, int y); // Clear icon pixel value
RAYGUIDEF bool GuiCheckIconPixel(int iconId, int x, int y); // Check icon pixel value
#endif // RAYGUI_H
@ -3170,6 +3184,153 @@ RAYGUIDEF const char *GuiIconText(int iconId, const char *text)
// Get full icons data pointer
RAYGUIDEF unsigned int *GuiGetIcons(void) { return guiIcons; }
// Load raygui icons file (.rgi)
// NOTE: In case nameIds are required, they can be requested with loadIconsName,
// they are returned as a guiIconsName[iconsCount][RICON_MAX_NAME_LENGTH],
// guiIconsName[]][] memory should be manually freed!
RAYGUIDEF char **GuiLoadIcons(const char *fileName, bool loadIconsName)
// Style File Structure (.rgi)
// ------------------------------------------------------
// Offset | Size | Type | Description
// ------------------------------------------------------
// 0 | 4 | char | Signature: "rGI "
// 4 | 2 | short | Version: 100
// 6 | 2 | short | reserved
// 8 | 2 | short | Num icons (N)
// 10 | 2 | short | Icons size (Options: 16, 32, 64) (S)
// Icons name id (32 bytes per name id)
// foreach (icon)
// {
// 12+32*i | 32 | char | Icon NameId
// }
// Icons data: One bit per pixel, stored as unsigned int array (depends on icon size)
// S*S pixels/32bit per unsigned int = K unsigned int per icon
// foreach (icon)
// {
// ... | K | unsigned int | Icon Data
// }
FILE *rgiFile = fopen(fileName, "rb");
char **guiIconsName = NULL;
if (rgiFile != NULL)
char signature[5] = "";
short version = 0;
short reserved = 0;
short iconsCount = 0;
short iconsSize = 0;
fread(signature, 1, 4, rgiFile);
fread(&version, 1, sizeof(short), rgiFile);
fread(&reserved, 1, sizeof(short), rgiFile);
fread(&iconsCount, 1, sizeof(short), rgiFile);
fread(&iconsSize, 1, sizeof(short), rgiFile);
if ((signature[0] == 'r') &&
(signature[1] == 'G') &&
(signature[2] == 'I') &&
(signature[3] == ' '))
if (loadIconsName)
guiIconsName = (char **)malloc(iconsCount*sizeof(char **));
for (int i = 0; i < iconsCount; i++)
guiIconsName[i] = (char *)malloc(RICON_MAX_NAME_LENGTH);
fread(guiIconsName[i], 32, 1, rgiFile);
// Read icons data directly over guiIcons data array
fread(guiIcons, iconsCount*(iconsSize*iconsSize/32), sizeof(unsigned int), rgiFile);
return guiIconsName;
// Draw selected icon using rectangles pixel-by-pixel
RAYGUIDEF void GuiDrawIcon(int iconId, Vector2 position, int pixelSize, Color color)
#define BIT_CHECK(a,b) ((a) & (1<<(b)))
for (int i = 0, y = 0; i < RICON_SIZE*RICON_SIZE/32; i++)
for (int k = 0; k < 32; k++)
if (BIT_CHECK(guiIcons[iconId*RICON_DATA_ELEMENTS + i], k))
DrawRectangle(position.x + (k%RICON_SIZE)*pixelSize, position.y + y*pixelSize, pixelSize, pixelSize, color);
if ((k == 15) || (k == 31)) y++;
// Get icon bit data
// NOTE: Bit data array grouped as unsigned int (ICON_SIZE*ICON_SIZE/32 elements)
RAYGUIDEF unsigned int *GuiGetIconData(int iconId)
static unsigned int iconData[RICON_DATA_ELEMENTS] = { 0 };
memset(iconData, 0, RICON_DATA_ELEMENTS*sizeof(unsigned int));
if (iconId < RICON_MAX_ICONS) memcpy(iconData, &guiIcons[iconId*RICON_DATA_ELEMENTS], RICON_DATA_ELEMENTS*sizeof(unsigned int));
return iconData;
// Set icon bit data
// NOTE: Data must be provided as unsigned int array (ICON_SIZE*ICON_SIZE/32 elements)
RAYGUIDEF void GuiSetIconData(int iconId, unsigned int *data)
if (iconId < RICON_MAX_ICONS) memcpy(&guiIcons[iconId*RICON_DATA_ELEMENTS], data, RICON_DATA_ELEMENTS*sizeof(unsigned int));
// Set icon pixel value
RAYGUIDEF void GuiSetIconPixel(int iconId, int x, int y)
#define BIT_SET(a,b) ((a) |= (1<<(b)))
// This logic works for any RICON_SIZE pixels icons,
// For example, in case of 16x16 pixels, every 2 lines fit in one unsigned int data element
BIT_SET(guiIcons[iconId*RICON_DATA_ELEMENTS + y/(sizeof(unsigned int)*8/RICON_SIZE)], x + (y%(sizeof(unsigned int)*8/RICON_SIZE)*RICON_SIZE));
// Clear icon pixel value
RAYGUIDEF void GuiClearIconPixel(int iconId, int x, int y)
#define BIT_CLEAR(a,b) ((a) &= ~((1)<<(b)))
// This logic works for any RICON_SIZE pixels icons,
// For example, in case of 16x16 pixels, every 2 lines fit in one unsigned int data element
BIT_CLEAR(guiIcons[iconId*RICON_DATA_ELEMENTS + y/(sizeof(unsigned int)*8/RICON_SIZE)], x + (y%(sizeof(unsigned int)*8/RICON_SIZE)*RICON_SIZE));
// Check icon pixel value
RAYGUIDEF bool GuiCheckIconPixel(int iconId, int x, int y)
#define BIT_CHECK(a,b) ((a) & (1<<(b)))
return (BIT_CHECK(guiIcons[iconId*8 + y/2], x + (y%2*16)));
// Module specific Functions Definition

View File

@ -43,14 +43,14 @@
#define RICON_MAX_ICONS 256 // Maximum number of icons
#define RICON_SIZE 16 // Size of icons (squared)
#define RICON_MAX_NAME_LENGTH 32 // Maximum length of icon name id
// Icons data is defined by bit array (every bit represents one pixel)
// Those arrays are stored as unsigned int data arrays, so every array
// element defines 32 pixels (bits) of information
// Number of elemens depend on RICON_SIZE (by default 16x16 pixels)
#define RICON_MAX_NAME_LENGTH 32 // Maximum length of icon name id
// Types and Structures Definition
@ -318,20 +318,6 @@ typedef enum {
RICON_255 = 255,
} guiIconName;
// Module Functions Declaration
void GuiDrawIcon(int iconId, Vector2 position, int pixelSize, Color color);
unsigned int *GuiGetIcons(void); // Get full icons data pointer
unsigned int *GuiGetIconData(int iconId); // Get icon bit data
void GuiSetIconData(int iconId, unsigned int *data); // Set icon bit data
void GuiSetIconPixel(int iconId, int x, int y); // Set icon pixel value
void GuiClearIconPixel(int iconId, int x, int y); // Clear icon pixel value
bool GuiCheckIconPixel(int iconId, int x, int y); // Check icon pixel value
#endif // RICONS_H
@ -342,14 +328,6 @@ bool GuiCheckIconPixel(int iconId, int x, int y); // Check icon pixel value
#include "raylib.h" // Required for: Icons drawing function: DrawRectangle()
#include <stdio.h> // Required for: fopen(), fclose()...
#include <string.h> // Required for: memset(), memcpy()
#include <stdlib.h> // Required for: malloc()
// Global Variables Definition
@ -615,152 +593,4 @@ static unsigned int guiIcons[RICON_MAX_ICONS*RICON_DATA_ELEMENTS] = {
0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, // RICON_255
// Module Functions Definition
// Get full icons data pointer
unsigned int *GuiGetIcons(void) { return guiIcons; }
// Load raygui icons file (.rgi)
// NOTE: In case nameIds are required, they can be requested with loadIconsName,
// they are returned as a guiIconsName[iconsCount][RICON_MAX_NAME_LENGTH],
// guiIconsName[]][] memory should be manually freed!
char **GuiLoadIcons(const char *fileName, bool loadIconsName)
// Style File Structure (.rgi)
// ------------------------------------------------------
// Offset | Size | Type | Description
// ------------------------------------------------------
// 0 | 4 | char | Signature: "rGI "
// 4 | 2 | short | Version: 100
// 6 | 2 | short | reserved
// 8 | 2 | short | Num icons (N)
// 10 | 2 | short | Icons size (Options: 16, 32, 64) (S)
// Icons name id (32 bytes per name id)
// foreach (icon)
// {
// 12+32*i | 32 | char | Icon NameId
// }
// Icons data: One bit per pixel, stored as unsigned int array (depends on icon size)
// S*S pixels/32bit per unsigned int = K unsigned int per icon
// foreach (icon)
// {
// ... | K | unsigned int | Icon Data
// }
FILE *rgiFile = fopen(fileName, "rb");
char **guiIconsName = NULL;
if (rgiFile != NULL)
char signature[5] = "";
short version = 0;
short reserved = 0;
short iconsCount = 0;
short iconsSize = 0;
fread(signature, 1, 4, rgiFile);
fread(&version, 1, sizeof(short), rgiFile);
fread(&reserved, 1, sizeof(short), rgiFile);
fread(&iconsCount, 1, sizeof(short), rgiFile);
fread(&iconsSize, 1, sizeof(short), rgiFile);
if ((signature[0] == 'r') &&
(signature[1] == 'G') &&
(signature[2] == 'I') &&
(signature[3] == ' '))
if (loadIconsName)
guiIconsName = (char **)malloc(iconsCount*sizeof(char **));
for (int i = 0; i < iconsCount; i++)
guiIconsName[i] = (char *)malloc(RICON_MAX_NAME_LENGTH);
fread(guiIconsName[i], 32, 1, rgiFile);
// Read icons data directly over guiIcons data array
fread(guiIcons, iconsCount*(iconsSize*iconsSize/32), sizeof(unsigned int), rgiFile);
return guiIconsName;
// Draw selected icon using rectangles pixel-by-pixel
void GuiDrawIcon(int iconId, Vector2 position, int pixelSize, Color color)
#define BIT_CHECK(a,b) ((a) & (1<<(b)))
for (int i = 0, y = 0; i < RICON_SIZE*RICON_SIZE/32; i++)
for (int k = 0; k < 32; k++)
if (BIT_CHECK(guiIcons[iconId*RICON_DATA_ELEMENTS + i], k))
DrawRectangle(position.x + (k%RICON_SIZE)*pixelSize, position.y + y*pixelSize, pixelSize, pixelSize, color);
if ((k == 15) || (k == 31)) y++;
// Get icon bit data
// NOTE: Bit data array grouped as unsigned int (ICON_SIZE*ICON_SIZE/32 elements)
unsigned int *GuiGetIconData(int iconId)
static unsigned int iconData[RICON_DATA_ELEMENTS] = { 0 };
memset(iconData, 0, RICON_DATA_ELEMENTS*sizeof(unsigned int));
if (iconId < RICON_MAX_ICONS) memcpy(iconData, &guiIcons[iconId*RICON_DATA_ELEMENTS], RICON_DATA_ELEMENTS*sizeof(unsigned int));
return iconData;
// Set icon bit data
// NOTE: Data must be provided as unsigned int array (ICON_SIZE*ICON_SIZE/32 elements)
void GuiSetIconData(int iconId, unsigned int *data)
if (iconId < RICON_MAX_ICONS) memcpy(&guiIcons[iconId*RICON_DATA_ELEMENTS], data, RICON_DATA_ELEMENTS*sizeof(unsigned int));
// Set icon pixel value
void GuiSetIconPixel(int iconId, int x, int y)
#define BIT_SET(a,b) ((a) |= (1<<(b)))
// This logic works for any RICON_SIZE pixels icons,
// For example, in case of 16x16 pixels, every 2 lines fit in one unsigned int data element
BIT_SET(guiIcons[iconId*RICON_DATA_ELEMENTS + y/(sizeof(unsigned int)*8/RICON_SIZE)], x + (y%(sizeof(unsigned int)*8/RICON_SIZE)*RICON_SIZE));
// Clear icon pixel value
void GuiClearIconPixel(int iconId, int x, int y)
#define BIT_CLEAR(a,b) ((a) &= ~((1)<<(b)))
// This logic works for any RICON_SIZE pixels icons,
// For example, in case of 16x16 pixels, every 2 lines fit in one unsigned int data element
BIT_CLEAR(guiIcons[iconId*RICON_DATA_ELEMENTS + y/(sizeof(unsigned int)*8/RICON_SIZE)], x + (y%(sizeof(unsigned int)*8/RICON_SIZE)*RICON_SIZE));
// Check icon pixel value
bool GuiCheckIconPixel(int iconId, int x, int y)
#define BIT_CHECK(a,b) ((a) & (1<<(b)))
return (BIT_CHECK(guiIcons[iconId*8 + y/2], x + (y%2*16)));