raygui was originated as an auxiliar module for [raylib](https://github.com/raysan5/raylib) to create simple GUI interfaces using raylib graphic style (simple colors, plain rectangular shapes, wide borders...).
raygui is intended for **tools development**; it has already been used to develop the following tools: [rFXGen](https://github.com/raysan5/rfxgen), [rTexViewer](https://raylibtech.itch.io/rtexviewer), [rTexPacker](https://raylibtech.itch.io/rtexpacker) [rGuiStyler](https://raylibtech.itch.io/rguistyler), [rGuiLayout](https://raylibtech.itch.io/rguilayout) and [rGuiIcons](https://raylibtech.itch.io/rguiicons)
`raygui` supports custom icons provided as an external array of data. To support icons just define `RAYGUI_SUPPORT_ICONS` before including `raygui`.
A set of custom handcrafter icons is provided in [`riconsdata`](src/riconsdata.h). This set of icons can be created and customized using [rGuiIcons](https://raylibtech.itch.io/rguiicons) tool.
raygui is licensed under an unmodified zlib/libpng license, which is an OSI-certified, BSD-like license that allows static linking with closed source software. Check [LICENSE](LICENSE.md) for further details.