2016-06-15 20:49:19 +02:00
* raygui styler - raygui Style Editor
2016-06-15 21:24:23 +02:00
* Compile this program using :
* gcc - c external / tinyfiledialogs . c - std = c99 - Wall
* gcc - o $ ( NAME_PART ) . exe $ ( FILE_NAME ) tinyfiledialogs . o - lraylib - lglfw3 - lopengl32 - lgdi32 - lcomdlg32 - lole32 - std = c99 - Wall
2016-06-15 20:49:19 +02:00
* This example has been created using raylib v1 .5 ( www . raylib . com )
* raylib is licensed under an unmodified zlib / libpng license ( View raylib . h for details )
* Copyright ( c ) 2015 Sergio Martinez and Ramon Santamaria
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
# include "raylib.h"
# include "../raygui.h"
# include "external/tinyfiledialogs.h"
# include "colorpicker.h"
# include <stdlib.h>
# include <stdio.h>
# include <string.h>
# define FONT_SIZE 10
# define ELEMENT_HEIGHT 38
# define NUM_ELEMENTS 13
// NOTE: Be extremely careful when defining: NUM_ELEMENTS, GuiElement, guiElementText, guiPropertyNum, guiPropertyType and guiPropertyPos
// All those variables must be coherent, one small mistake breaks the program (and it could take ours to find the error!)
const char * guiElementText [ NUM_ELEMENTS ] = { " GLOBAL " , " BACKGROUND " , " LABEL " , " BUTTON " , " TOGGLE " , " TOGGLEGROUP " , " SLIDER " , " SLIDERBAR " , " PROGRESSBAR " , " SPINNER " , " COMBOBOX " , " CHECKBOX " , " TEXTBOX " } ;
int main ( )
// Initialization
const int screenWidth = 1280 ;
const int screenHeight = 720 ;
const int guiPropertyNum [ NUM_ELEMENTS ] = { 5 , 1 , 3 , 11 , 14 , 1 , 7 , 6 , 4 , 14 , 18 , 8 , 6 } ;
// Defines if the property to change is a Color or a value to update it accordingly
// NOTE: 0 - Color, 1 - value
const unsigned char guiPropertyType [ NUM_PROPERTIES ] = { 0 , 0 , 0 , 1 , 1 , 0 , 1 , 0 , 1 , 1 ,
1 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ,
1 , 1 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ,
0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 0 , 0 , 0 ,
0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ,
0 , 1 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ,
0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 ,
0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ,
0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ,
0 , 1 , 1 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 1 } ;
int aux = 0 ;
int guiPropertyPos [ NUM_ELEMENTS ] ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < NUM_ELEMENTS ; i + + )
guiPropertyPos [ i ] = aux ;
aux + = guiPropertyNum [ i ] ;
InitWindow ( screenWidth , screenHeight , " raygui styler " ) ;
int count = 0 ;
char * * droppedFiles ;
Rectangle guiElementRec [ NUM_ELEMENTS ] ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < NUM_ELEMENTS ; i + + ) guiElementRec [ i ] = ( Rectangle ) { 0 , 0 + i * ELEMENT_HEIGHT , 140 , ELEMENT_HEIGHT } ;
int guiElementSelected = - 1 ;
int guiElementHover = - 1 ;
// Generate properties rectangles depending on guiPropertyNum[] and guiPropertyPos[]
Rectangle propertyRec [ NUM_PROPERTIES ] ;
for ( int j = 0 ; j < NUM_ELEMENTS ; j + + )
for ( int i = 0 ; i < guiPropertyNum [ j ] ; i + + )
if ( ( j + guiPropertyNum [ j ] ) > 18 ) propertyRec [ guiPropertyPos [ j ] + i ] = ( Rectangle ) { guiElementRec [ 0 ] . width , guiElementRec [ 18 - guiPropertyNum [ j ] ] . y + i * ELEMENT_HEIGHT , 260 , ELEMENT_HEIGHT } ;
else propertyRec [ guiPropertyPos [ j ] + i ] = ( Rectangle ) { guiElementRec [ 0 ] . width , guiElementRec [ j ] . y + i * ELEMENT_HEIGHT , 260 , ELEMENT_HEIGHT } ;
int guiPropertySelected = - 1 ;
int guiPropertyHover = - 1 ;
// GUI
int guiPosX = 455 ;
int guiPosY = 35 ;
int guiHeight = 30 ;
int guiWidth = 150 ;
int deltaX = 153 ;
int deltaY = 60 ;
int selectPosX = 401 ;
//int selectPosY = 0;
int selectWidth = screenWidth - 723 ;
//int selectHeight = screenHeight;
// Cursor texture generation
int sizeCursor = 16 ; // size must be POT
unsigned char * cursorData = ( unsigned char * ) malloc ( sizeCursor * sizeCursor * 2 * sizeof ( unsigned char ) ) ;
for ( int w = 0 ; w < sizeCursor ; w + + )
for ( int h = 0 ; h < sizeCursor ; h + + )
cursorData [ w * sizeCursor * 2 + 2 * h ] = 0 ;
if ( ( sizeCursor % 2 ) = = 0 )
if ( ( ( w = = ( sizeCursor / 2 - 1 ) ) | | ( w = = sizeCursor / 2 ) ) & & ( ( h = = ( sizeCursor / 2 - 1 ) ) | | ( h = = sizeCursor / 2 ) ) )
cursorData [ w * sizeCursor * 2 + 2 * h + 1 ] = 0 ;
else if ( ( w = = ( sizeCursor / 2 - 1 ) ) | | ( w = = sizeCursor / 2 ) ) cursorData [ w * sizeCursor * 2 + 2 * h + 1 ] = 255 ;
else if ( ( h = = ( sizeCursor / 2 - 1 ) ) | | ( h = = sizeCursor / 2 ) ) cursorData [ w * sizeCursor * 2 + 2 * h + 1 ] = 255 ;
else cursorData [ w * sizeCursor * 2 + 2 * h + 1 ] = 0 ;
2016-06-15 21:24:23 +02:00
2016-06-15 20:49:19 +02:00
Texture2D cursorTexture = LoadTextureEx ( cursorData , sizeCursor , sizeCursor , UNCOMPRESSED_GRAY_ALPHA ) ;
free ( cursorData ) ;
2016-06-15 21:24:23 +02:00
2016-06-15 20:49:19 +02:00
// Color picker
Vector2 colorPickerPos = { ( float ) screenWidth - 287 , 20.0f } ;
Image colorPickerImage ;
colorPickerImage . data = pickerData ;
colorPickerImage . width = 256 ;
colorPickerImage . height = 256 ;
colorPickerImage . mipmaps = 1 ;
colorPickerImage . format = UNCOMPRESSED_R8G8B8 ;
Texture2D colorPickerTexture = LoadTextureFromImage ( colorPickerImage ) ;
Vector2 cursorPickerPos = { colorPickerPos . x + ( colorPickerTexture . width / 2 ) - cursorTexture . width / 2 , colorPickerPos . y + ( colorPickerTexture . height / 2 ) - cursorTexture . height / 2 } ;
Color * colorPickerPixel = GetImageData ( colorPickerImage ) ;
Rectangle colorPickerBounds = ( Rectangle ) { ( int ) colorPickerPos . x , ( int ) colorPickerPos . y , colorPickerTexture . width , colorPickerTexture . height } ;
Vector2 colorPosition ;
Color colorPickerValue ;
Color colorSample [ NUM_COLOR_SAMPLES ] ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < NUM_COLOR_SAMPLES ; i + + ) colorSample [ i ] = RAYWHITE ;
2016-06-15 21:24:23 +02:00
int sampleDelta = 18 ;
2016-06-15 20:49:19 +02:00
int rgbWidthLabel = 30 ;
int rgbHeightLabel = 20 ;
int rgbDelta = 6 ;
int redValue = 0 ;
int greenValue = 0 ;
int blueValue = 0 ;
int alphaValue = 255 ;
// -- Color samples
Rectangle colorSelectedBoundsRec = { colorPickerPos . x , colorPickerPos . y + colorPickerTexture . height + 2 * rgbDelta , 2 * rgbWidthLabel , 2 * rgbWidthLabel } ;
bool colorSelectedHover = false ;
Rectangle sampleBoundsRec [ NUM_COLOR_SAMPLES ] ;
int sampleHover = - 1 ;
int sampleSelected = 0 ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < NUM_COLOR_SAMPLES / 2 ; i + + ) sampleBoundsRec [ i ] = ( Rectangle ) { colorPickerPos . x + 2 * rgbWidthLabel + i * rgbWidthLabel + 3 * rgbDelta + i * rgbDelta , colorPickerPos . y + colorPickerTexture . height + 2 * rgbDelta , rgbWidthLabel , rgbWidthLabel - 2 } ;
for ( int i = NUM_COLOR_SAMPLES / 2 ; i < NUM_COLOR_SAMPLES ; i + + ) sampleBoundsRec [ i ] = ( Rectangle ) { colorPickerPos . x + 2 * rgbWidthLabel + ( i - 5 ) * rgbWidthLabel + 3 * rgbDelta + ( i - 5 ) * rgbDelta , colorPickerPos . y + colorPickerTexture . height + 2 * rgbDelta + rgbWidthLabel + 2 , rgbWidthLabel , rgbWidthLabel - 2 } ;
// Value size selection
int sizeValueSelected = 10 ;
Color bgColor = RAYWHITE ;
bool toggleActive = false ;
int toggleNum = 3 ;
2016-06-15 21:24:23 +02:00
char * toggleGuiText [ 3 ] = { " toggle " , " group " , " selection " } ;
2016-06-15 20:49:19 +02:00
float sliderValue = 50 ;
float sliderBarValue = 50 ;
float progressValue = 0 ;
int spinnerValue = 20 ;
int comboNum = 5 ;
2016-06-15 21:24:23 +02:00
char * comboText [ 5 ] = { " this " , " is " , " a " , " combo " , " box " } ;
2016-06-15 20:49:19 +02:00
int comboActive = 0 ;
char * guiText = ( char * ) malloc ( 20 ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 20 ; i + + ) guiText [ i ] = ' \0 ' ;
bool saveStyle = false ;
bool loadStyle = false ;
2016-06-15 21:24:23 +02:00
bool isModified = false ;
2016-06-15 20:49:19 +02:00
const char * fileName ;
// Checked texture generation
int size = 8 ;
Color * pixels = ( Color * ) malloc ( size * size * sizeof ( Color ) ) ;
for ( int y = 0 ; y < size ; y + + )
for ( int x = 0 ; x < size ; x + + )
if ( ( ( x / ( size / 2 ) + y / ( size / 2 ) ) ) % 2 = = 0 ) pixels [ y * size + x ] = RAYWHITE ;
else pixels [ y * size + x ] = Fade ( LIGHTGRAY , 0.5f ) ;
Texture2D checkerTexture = LoadTextureEx ( pixels , size , size , UNCOMPRESSED_R8G8B8A8 ) ;
free ( pixels ) ;
2016-06-15 21:24:23 +02:00
2016-06-15 20:49:19 +02:00
SetTargetFPS ( 60 ) ;
// Main game loop
while ( ! WindowShouldClose ( ) ) // Detect window close button or ESC key
// Update
if ( IsFileDropped ( ) )
guiPropertySelected = - 1 ;
droppedFiles = GetDroppedFiles ( & count ) ;
fileName = droppedFiles [ 0 ] ;
loadStyle = true ;
printf ( " Droped file detected: %s \n " , droppedFiles [ 0 ] ) ;
2016-06-15 21:24:23 +02:00
if ( guiElementSelected = = PROGRESSBAR )
2016-06-15 20:49:19 +02:00
if ( progressValue > 1.0f ) progressValue = 0 ;
progressValue + = 0.005f ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < NUM_ELEMENTS ; i + + )
if ( CheckCollisionPointRec ( GetMousePosition ( ) , guiElementRec [ i ] ) )
guiElementSelected = i ;
guiElementHover = i ;
guiPropertySelected = - 1 ;
guiPropertyHover = - 1 ;
if ( ! CheckCollisionPointRec ( GetMousePosition ( ) , guiElementRec [ guiElementHover ] ) ) guiElementHover = - 1 ;
// Check for selected property
for ( int i = guiPropertyPos [ guiElementSelected ] ; i < guiPropertyPos [ guiElementSelected ] + guiPropertyNum [ guiElementSelected ] ; i + + )
if ( CheckCollisionPointRec ( GetMousePosition ( ) , propertyRec [ i ] ) )
guiPropertyHover = i ;
// Show current value in color picker or spinner
if ( guiPropertySelected = = - 1 )
if ( guiPropertyType [ guiPropertyHover ] = = 0 ) // Color type
// Update color picker color value
colorPickerValue = GetColor ( GetStyleProperty ( guiPropertyHover ) ) ;
redValue = colorPickerValue . r ;
greenValue = colorPickerValue . g ;
blueValue = colorPickerValue . b ;
cursorPickerPos = ( Vector2 ) { screenWidth , screenHeight } ;
// Value Type
else if ( guiPropertyType [ guiPropertyHover ] = = 1 ) sizeValueSelected = GetStyleProperty ( guiPropertyHover ) ;
2016-06-15 21:24:23 +02:00
// TODO: REVIEW: Can make the application crash...
2016-06-15 20:49:19 +02:00
if ( IsMouseButtonPressed ( MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON ) )
if ( guiPropertySelected = = i ) guiPropertySelected = - 1 ;
guiPropertySelected = i ;
if ( guiPropertyType [ guiPropertyHover ] = = 0 )
colorPickerValue = GetColor ( GetStyleProperty ( guiPropertySelected ) ) ;
redValue = colorPickerValue . r ;
greenValue = colorPickerValue . g ;
blueValue = colorPickerValue . b ;
else sizeValueSelected = GetStyleProperty ( guiPropertySelected ) ;
2016-06-15 21:24:23 +02:00
2016-06-15 20:49:19 +02:00
break ;
else guiPropertyHover = - 1 ;
2016-06-15 21:24:23 +02:00
2016-06-15 20:49:19 +02:00
// Update style size value
2016-06-15 21:24:23 +02:00
if ( ( guiPropertySelected > = 0 ) & & ( guiPropertyType [ guiPropertySelected ] = = 1 ) )
if ( GetStyleProperty ( guiPropertySelected ) ! = sizeValueSelected )
isModified = true ;
SetStyleProperty ( guiPropertySelected , sizeValueSelected ) ;
2016-06-15 20:49:19 +02:00
// Color picker logic
if ( CheckCollisionPointRec ( GetMousePosition ( ) , colorPickerBounds ) )
if ( IsMouseButtonDown ( MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON ) )
if ( ! IsCursorHidden ( ) ) HideCursor ( ) ;
cursorPickerPos = ( Vector2 ) { GetMousePosition ( ) . x - cursorTexture . width / 2 , GetMousePosition ( ) . y - cursorTexture . height / 2 } ;
colorPosition = ( Vector2 ) { GetMousePosition ( ) . x - colorPickerPos . x , GetMousePosition ( ) . y - colorPickerPos . y } ;
colorPickerValue = colorPickerPixel [ ( int ) colorPosition . x + ( int ) colorPosition . y * colorPickerTexture . width ] ;
redValue = colorPickerValue . r ;
greenValue = colorPickerValue . g ;
blueValue = colorPickerValue . b ;
alphaValue = colorPickerValue . a ;
if ( IsMouseButtonUp ( MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON ) ) if ( IsCursorHidden ( ) ) ShowCursor ( ) ;
if ( IsCursorHidden ( ) ) ShowCursor ( ) ;
colorPickerValue . r = redValue ;
colorPickerValue . g = greenValue ;
colorPickerValue . b = blueValue ;
colorPickerValue . a = alphaValue ;
2016-06-15 21:24:23 +02:00
if ( ( guiPropertySelected > = 0 ) & & ( guiPropertyType [ guiPropertySelected ] = = 0 ) )
if ( GetStyleProperty ( guiPropertySelected ) ! = GetHexValue ( colorPickerValue ) )
SetStyleProperty ( guiPropertySelected , GetHexValue ( colorPickerValue ) ) ;
isModified = true ;
2016-06-15 20:49:19 +02:00
// Color samples
if ( CheckCollisionPointRec ( GetMousePosition ( ) , colorSelectedBoundsRec ) )
colorSelectedHover = true ;
if ( IsMouseButtonDown ( MOUSE_RIGHT_BUTTON ) ) colorSample [ sampleSelected ] = colorPickerValue ;
else colorSelectedHover = false ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < NUM_COLOR_SAMPLES ; i + + )
if ( CheckCollisionPointRec ( GetMousePosition ( ) , sampleBoundsRec [ i ] ) )
sampleHover = i ;
if ( IsMouseButtonDown ( MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON ) )
sampleSelected = i ;
if ( IsMouseButtonDown ( MOUSE_RIGHT_BUTTON ) )
sampleSelected = i ;
colorPickerValue = colorSample [ sampleSelected ] ;
redValue = colorPickerValue . r ;
greenValue = colorPickerValue . g ;
blueValue = colorPickerValue . b ;
alphaValue = colorPickerValue . a ;
2016-06-15 21:24:23 +02:00
// Update style color value --> PROGRAM CRASH!!!
2016-06-15 20:49:19 +02:00
if ( guiPropertySelected = = BACKGROUND_COLOR ) bgColor = colorPickerValue ;
else if ( ( guiPropertySelected ! = BACKGROUND_COLOR ) & & ( guiPropertyType [ guiPropertySelected ] = = 0 ) )
bgColor = GetColor ( GetStyleProperty ( BACKGROUND_COLOR ) ) ;
SetStyleProperty ( guiPropertySelected , GetHexValue ( colorPickerValue ) ) ;
2016-06-15 21:24:23 +02:00
2016-06-15 20:49:19 +02:00
if ( saveStyle )
SaveGuiStyle ( fileName ) ;
saveStyle = false ;
fileName = " " ;
2016-06-15 21:24:23 +02:00
isModified = false ;
2016-06-15 20:49:19 +02:00
2016-06-15 21:24:23 +02:00
2016-06-15 20:49:19 +02:00
if ( loadStyle )
LoadGuiStyle ( fileName ) ;
loadStyle = false ;
fileName = " " ;
2016-06-15 21:24:23 +02:00
isModified = false ;
2016-06-15 20:49:19 +02:00
ClearDroppedFiles ( ) ;
2016-06-15 21:24:23 +02:00
2016-06-15 20:49:19 +02:00
// Draw
BeginDrawing ( ) ;
ClearBackground ( RAYWHITE ) ;
2016-06-15 21:24:23 +02:00
// Show selected properties
if ( guiPropertySelected > = 0 ) DrawText ( FormatText ( " SELECTED PROPERTY: <%s> " , guiPropertyName [ guiPropertySelected ] ) , 5 , screenHeight - STATUS_BAR_HEIGHT + 8 , FONT_SIZE , BLACK ) ;
else DrawText ( " SELECTED PROPERTY: <style property> / none " , 5 , screenHeight - STATUS_BAR_HEIGHT + 8 , FONT_SIZE , BLACK ) ;
// Show if have been a modification
if ( ! isModified ) DrawText ( " SAVE STATUS: SAVED (filename.style) " , screenWidth - 230 , screenHeight - STATUS_BAR_HEIGHT + 8 , FONT_SIZE , BLACK ) ;
else DrawText ( " SAVE STATUS: NOT SAVED " , screenWidth - 230 , screenHeight - STATUS_BAR_HEIGHT + 8 , FONT_SIZE , BLACK ) ;
DrawText ( FormatText ( " ColorPicker hexadecimal value #%x " , GetHexValue ( colorPickerValue ) ) , screenWidth / 2 - 180 , screenHeight - STATUS_BAR_HEIGHT + 8 , FONT_SIZE , BLACK ) ;
2016-06-15 20:49:19 +02:00
// Background color
DrawRectangle ( 0 , 0 , guiElementRec [ 0 ] . width , GetScreenHeight ( ) - STATUS_BAR_HEIGHT , Fade ( COLOR_REC , 0.3f ) ) ;
DrawRectangle ( guiElementRec [ 0 ] . width , 0 , propertyRec [ 0 ] . width , GetScreenHeight ( ) - STATUS_BAR_HEIGHT , Fade ( COLOR_REC , 0.1f ) ) ;
// UI sample
// Background
DrawRectangle ( 400 , 0 , screenWidth - 320 - 400 , GetScreenHeight ( ) - STATUS_BAR_HEIGHT , bgColor ) ;
GuiLabel ( ( Rectangle ) { guiPosX , guiPosY , guiWidth , guiHeight } , " Label " ) ;
GuiLabelEx ( ( Rectangle ) { guiPosX + deltaX , guiPosY , guiWidth , guiHeight } , " LabelEx " , BLACK , BLACK , WHITE ) ;
if ( GuiButton ( ( Rectangle ) { guiPosX , guiPosY + deltaY , guiWidth , guiHeight } , " Button " ) ) { }
GuiToggleButton ( ( Rectangle ) { guiPosX , guiPosY + 2 * deltaY , guiWidth , guiHeight } , " Toggle inactive " , false ) ;
GuiToggleButton ( ( Rectangle ) { guiPosX + deltaX , guiPosY + 2 * deltaY , guiWidth , guiHeight } , " Toggle active " , true ) ;
toggleActive = GuiToggleGroup ( ( Rectangle ) { guiPosX , guiPosY + 3 * deltaY , guiWidth , guiHeight } , toggleNum , toggleGuiText , toggleActive ) ;
sliderValue = GuiSlider ( ( Rectangle ) { guiPosX , guiPosY + 4 * deltaY , 3 * guiWidth , guiHeight } , sliderValue , 0 , 100 ) ;
sliderBarValue = GuiSliderBar ( ( Rectangle ) { guiPosX , guiPosY + 5 * deltaY , 3 * guiWidth , guiHeight } , sliderBarValue , - 50 , 50 ) ;
GuiProgressBar ( ( Rectangle ) { guiPosX , guiPosY + 6 * deltaY , 3 * guiWidth , guiHeight } , progressValue ) ;
spinnerValue = GuiSpinner ( ( Rectangle ) { guiPosX , guiPosY + 7 * deltaY , guiWidth , guiHeight } , spinnerValue , 0 , 100 ) ;
comboActive = GuiComboBox ( ( Rectangle ) { guiPosX , guiPosY + 8 * deltaY , guiWidth , guiHeight } , comboNum , comboText , comboActive ) ;
GuiCheckBox ( ( Rectangle ) { guiPosX , guiPosY + 9 * deltaY , guiWidth / 5 , guiHeight } , " " , false ) ;
GuiCheckBox ( ( Rectangle ) { guiPosX + deltaX / 4 , guiPosY + 9 * deltaY , guiWidth / 5 , guiHeight } , " " , true ) ;
guiText = GuiTextBox ( ( Rectangle ) { guiPosX , guiPosY + 10 * deltaY , guiWidth , guiHeight } , guiText ) ;
if ( guiElementSelected > = 0 ) DrawRectangleRec ( guiElementRec [ guiElementSelected ] , COLOR_REC ) ;
if ( guiElementHover > = 0 ) DrawRectangleRec ( guiElementRec [ guiElementHover ] , Fade ( COLOR_REC , 0.5f ) ) ;
if ( guiElementSelected > = 0 ) DrawRectangleLines ( guiElementRec [ guiElementSelected ] . x , guiElementRec [ guiElementSelected ] . y , guiElementRec [ guiElementSelected ] . width , guiElementRec [ guiElementSelected ] . height , Fade ( COLOR_REC , 0.5f ) ) ;
// Draw corresponding selected properties depending on guiElementSelected
if ( guiElementSelected > = 0 )
if ( guiPropertyHover > = 0 ) DrawRectangleRec ( propertyRec [ guiPropertyHover ] , Fade ( COLOR_REC , 0.3f ) ) ;
if ( guiPropertySelected > = 0 ) DrawRectangleRec ( propertyRec [ guiPropertySelected ] , Fade ( COLOR_REC , 0.4f ) ) ;
if ( guiPropertySelected > = 0 ) DrawRectangleLines ( propertyRec [ guiPropertySelected ] . x , propertyRec [ guiPropertySelected ] . y , propertyRec [ guiPropertySelected ] . width , propertyRec [ guiPropertySelected ] . height , Fade ( COLOR_REC , 0.8f ) ) ;
for ( int i = guiPropertyPos [ guiElementSelected ] ; i < guiPropertyPos [ guiElementSelected ] + guiPropertyNum [ guiElementSelected ] ; i + + )
DrawText ( guiPropertyName [ i ] , propertyRec [ i ] . x + propertyRec [ i ] . width / 2 - MeasureText ( guiPropertyName [ i ] , FONT_SIZE ) / 2 , propertyRec [ i ] . y + 15 , FONT_SIZE , BLACK ) ;
// Draw Element selected rectangles
switch ( guiElementSelected )
case GLOBAL : DrawRectangleLines ( selectPosX + 2 , 2 , selectWidth - 4 , GetScreenHeight ( ) - 4 - STATUS_BAR_HEIGHT , COLOR_REC ) ; break ;
case BACKGROUND : DrawRectangleLines ( selectPosX + 10 , 10 , selectWidth - 20 , GetScreenHeight ( ) - 20 - STATUS_BAR_HEIGHT , Fade ( COLOR_REC , 0.8f ) ) ; break ;
case LABEL : DrawRectangleLines ( selectPosX + 10 , guiPosY - 10 , selectWidth - 20 , guiHeight + 20 , Fade ( COLOR_REC , 0.8f ) ) ; break ;
case BUTTON : DrawRectangleLines ( selectPosX + 10 , guiPosY + deltaY - 10 , selectWidth - 20 , guiHeight + 20 , Fade ( COLOR_REC , 0.8f ) ) ; break ;
case TOGGLE :
case TOGGLEGROUP : DrawRectangleLines ( selectPosX + 10 , guiPosY + ( 2 * deltaY ) - 10 , selectWidth - 20 , guiHeight + 80 , Fade ( COLOR_REC , 0.8f ) ) ; break ;
case SLIDER : DrawRectangleLines ( selectPosX + 10 , guiPosY + ( 4 * deltaY ) - 10 , selectWidth - 20 , guiHeight + 80 , Fade ( COLOR_REC , 0.8f ) ) ; break ;
case PROGRESSBAR : DrawRectangleLines ( selectPosX + 10 , guiPosY + ( 6 * deltaY ) - 10 , selectWidth - 20 , guiHeight + 20 , Fade ( COLOR_REC , 0.8f ) ) ; break ;
case SPINNER : DrawRectangleLines ( selectPosX + 10 , guiPosY + ( 7 * deltaY ) - 10 , selectWidth - 20 , guiHeight + 20 , Fade ( COLOR_REC , 0.8f ) ) ; break ;
case COMBOBOX : DrawRectangleLines ( selectPosX + 10 , guiPosY + ( 8 * deltaY ) - 10 , selectWidth - 20 , guiHeight + 20 , Fade ( COLOR_REC , 0.8f ) ) ; break ;
case CHECKBOX : DrawRectangleLines ( selectPosX + 10 , guiPosY + ( 9 * deltaY ) - 10 , selectWidth - 20 , guiHeight + 20 , Fade ( COLOR_REC , 0.8f ) ) ; break ;
case TEXTBOX : DrawRectangleLines ( selectPosX + 10 , guiPosY + ( 10 * deltaY ) - 10 , selectWidth - 20 , guiHeight + 20 , Fade ( COLOR_REC , 0.8f ) ) ; break ;
default : break ;
// Value editor
// -- Color picker
DrawRectangleRec ( ( Rectangle ) { colorPickerPos . x - 2 , colorPickerPos . y - 2 , colorPickerTexture . width + 4 , colorPickerTexture . height + 4 } , COLOR_REC ) ;
DrawTextureV ( colorPickerTexture , colorPickerPos , WHITE ) ;
DrawTextureV ( cursorTexture , cursorPickerPos , WHITE ) ;
//DrawRectangleV(GetMousePosition(), (Vector2){ 4, 4 }, RED);
// -- Color value result
if ( colorSelectedHover ) DrawRectangle ( colorPickerPos . x - 3 , colorPickerPos . y - 3 + colorPickerTexture . height + 2 * rgbDelta , 2 * rgbWidthLabel + 6 , 2 * rgbWidthLabel + 6 , BLACK ) ;
else DrawRectangle ( colorPickerPos . x - 2 , colorPickerPos . y - 2 + colorPickerTexture . height + 2 * rgbDelta , 2 * rgbWidthLabel + 4 , 2 * rgbWidthLabel + 4 , Fade ( COLOR_REC , 0.8f ) ) ;
DrawRectangleRec ( colorSelectedBoundsRec , WHITE ) ;
DrawRectangleRec ( colorSelectedBoundsRec , colorPickerValue ) ;
// -- Color samples
for ( int i = 0 ; i < NUM_COLOR_SAMPLES / 2 ; i + + )
if ( i = = sampleSelected ) DrawRectangle ( colorPickerPos . x + 2 * rgbWidthLabel + i * rgbWidthLabel + 3 * rgbDelta + i * rgbDelta - 2 , colorPickerPos . y - 2 + colorPickerTexture . height + 2 * rgbDelta , rgbWidthLabel + 4 , rgbWidthLabel + 2 , BLACK ) ;
else if ( i = = sampleHover ) DrawRectangle ( colorPickerPos . x + 2 * rgbWidthLabel + i * rgbWidthLabel + 3 * rgbDelta + i * rgbDelta - 2 , colorPickerPos . y - 2 + colorPickerTexture . height + 2 * rgbDelta , rgbWidthLabel + 4 , rgbWidthLabel + 2 , Fade ( COLOR_REC , 0.8f ) ) ;
else DrawRectangle ( colorPickerPos . x + 2 * rgbWidthLabel + i * rgbWidthLabel + 3 * rgbDelta + i * rgbDelta - 1 , colorPickerPos . y - 1 + colorPickerTexture . height + 2 * rgbDelta , rgbWidthLabel + 2 , rgbWidthLabel , Fade ( COLOR_REC , 0.6f ) ) ;
DrawRectangle ( colorPickerPos . x + 2 * rgbWidthLabel + i * rgbWidthLabel + 3 * rgbDelta + i * rgbDelta , colorPickerPos . y + colorPickerTexture . height + 2 * rgbDelta , rgbWidthLabel , rgbWidthLabel - 2 , colorSample [ i ] ) ;
for ( int i = NUM_COLOR_SAMPLES / 2 ; i < NUM_COLOR_SAMPLES ; i + + )
if ( i = = sampleSelected ) DrawRectangle ( colorPickerPos . x + 2 * rgbWidthLabel + ( i - 5 ) * rgbWidthLabel + 3 * rgbDelta + ( i - 5 ) * rgbDelta - 2 , colorPickerPos . y - 2 + colorPickerTexture . height + 2 * rgbDelta + rgbWidthLabel + 2 , rgbWidthLabel + 4 , rgbWidthLabel + 2 , BLACK ) ;
else if ( i = = sampleHover ) DrawRectangle ( colorPickerPos . x + 2 * rgbWidthLabel + ( i - 5 ) * rgbWidthLabel + 3 * rgbDelta + ( i - 5 ) * rgbDelta - 2 , colorPickerPos . y - 2 + colorPickerTexture . height + 2 * rgbDelta + rgbWidthLabel + 2 , rgbWidthLabel + 4 , rgbWidthLabel + 2 , Fade ( COLOR_REC , 0.8f ) ) ;
else DrawRectangle ( colorPickerPos . x + 2 * rgbWidthLabel + ( i - 5 ) * rgbWidthLabel + 3 * rgbDelta + ( i - 5 ) * rgbDelta - 1 , colorPickerPos . y - 1 + colorPickerTexture . height + 2 * rgbDelta + rgbWidthLabel + 2 , rgbWidthLabel + 2 , rgbWidthLabel , Fade ( COLOR_REC , 0.6f ) ) ;
DrawRectangle ( colorPickerPos . x + 2 * rgbWidthLabel + ( i - 5 ) * rgbWidthLabel + 3 * rgbDelta + ( i - 5 ) * rgbDelta , colorPickerPos . y + colorPickerTexture . height + 2 * rgbDelta + rgbWidthLabel + 2 , rgbWidthLabel , rgbWidthLabel - 2 , colorSample [ i ] ) ;
// -- RGBA sliders
GuiLabelEx ( ( Rectangle ) { colorPickerPos . x , colorPickerPos . y + colorPickerTexture . height + 14 * rgbDelta , rgbWidthLabel , rgbHeightLabel } , FormatText ( " %d " , redValue ) , BLACK , COLOR_REC , RED ) ;
redValue = GuiSlider ( ( Rectangle ) ( Rectangle ) { colorPickerPos . x + rgbWidthLabel + rgbDelta , colorPickerPos . y + colorPickerTexture . height + 14 * rgbDelta , colorPickerTexture . height - rgbWidthLabel - rgbDelta , rgbHeightLabel } , redValue , 0 , 255 ) ;
GuiLabelEx ( ( Rectangle ) { colorPickerPos . x , colorPickerPos . y + colorPickerTexture . height + 15 * rgbDelta + rgbHeightLabel , rgbWidthLabel , rgbHeightLabel } , FormatText ( " %d " , greenValue ) , BLACK , COLOR_REC , GREEN ) ;
greenValue = GuiSlider ( ( Rectangle ) ( Rectangle ) { colorPickerPos . x + rgbWidthLabel + rgbDelta , colorPickerPos . y + colorPickerTexture . height + 15 * rgbDelta + rgbHeightLabel , colorPickerTexture . height - rgbWidthLabel - rgbDelta , rgbHeightLabel } , greenValue , 0 , 255 ) ;
GuiLabelEx ( ( Rectangle ) { colorPickerPos . x , colorPickerPos . y + colorPickerTexture . height + 16 * rgbDelta + 2 * rgbHeightLabel , rgbWidthLabel , rgbHeightLabel } , FormatText ( " %d " , blueValue ) , BLACK , COLOR_REC , BLUE ) ;
blueValue = GuiSlider ( ( Rectangle ) ( Rectangle ) { colorPickerPos . x + rgbWidthLabel + rgbDelta , colorPickerPos . y + colorPickerTexture . height + 16 * rgbDelta + 2 * rgbHeightLabel , colorPickerTexture . height - rgbWidthLabel - rgbDelta , rgbHeightLabel } , blueValue , 0 , 255 ) ;
DrawTextureRec ( checkerTexture , ( Rectangle ) { 0 , 0 , rgbWidthLabel , rgbHeightLabel } , ( Vector2 ) { colorPickerPos . x , colorPickerPos . y + colorPickerTexture . height + 17 * rgbDelta + 3 * rgbHeightLabel } , WHITE ) ;
DrawRectangle ( colorPickerPos . x , colorPickerPos . y + colorPickerTexture . height + 17 * rgbDelta + 3 * rgbHeightLabel , rgbWidthLabel , rgbHeightLabel , Fade ( colorPickerValue , ( float ) alphaValue / 100 ) ) ;
alphaValue = GuiSlider ( ( Rectangle ) ( Rectangle ) { colorPickerPos . x + rgbWidthLabel + rgbDelta , colorPickerPos . y + colorPickerTexture . height + 17 * rgbDelta + 3 * rgbHeightLabel , colorPickerTexture . height - rgbWidthLabel - rgbDelta , rgbHeightLabel } , alphaValue , 0 , 255 ) ;
DrawRectangleLines ( colorPickerPos . x , colorPickerPos . y + colorPickerTexture . height + 17 * rgbDelta + 3 * rgbHeightLabel , rgbWidthLabel , rgbHeightLabel , COLOR_REC ) ;
// -- VALUE Spinner
GuiLabel ( ( Rectangle ) { colorPickerPos . x + 2 * rgbDelta , colorPickerPos . y + colorPickerTexture . height + 10 * rgbHeightLabel , rgbWidthLabel , rgbWidthLabel } , " Value " ) ;
sizeValueSelected = GuiSpinner ( ( Rectangle ) { colorPickerPos . x + 2 * rgbWidthLabel , colorPickerPos . y + colorPickerTexture . height + 10 * rgbHeightLabel , colorPickerTexture . height - 2 * rgbWidthLabel , rgbWidthLabel } , sizeValueSelected , 0 , 50 ) ;
// -- Import & Save buttons
if ( GuiButton ( ( Rectangle ) { colorPickerPos . x , screenHeight - 3 * rgbWidthLabel - rgbDelta - STATUS_BAR_HEIGHT , colorPickerTexture . width , rgbWidthLabel } , " Import Style " ) )
fileName = tinyfd_openFileDialog ( " " , " name.style " , 0 , NULL , NULL , 0 ) ;
if ( fileName = = NULL ) fileName = " " ;
guiPropertySelected = - 1 ;
loadStyle = true ;
2016-06-15 21:24:23 +02:00
2016-06-15 20:49:19 +02:00
if ( GuiButton ( ( Rectangle ) { colorPickerPos . x , screenHeight - 2 * rgbWidthLabel - STATUS_BAR_HEIGHT , colorPickerTexture . width , rgbWidthLabel } , " Save Style " ) )
fileName = tinyfd_saveFileDialog ( " " , " name.style " , 0 , NULL , NULL ) ;
if ( fileName = = NULL ) fileName = " " ;
else saveStyle = true ;
//GuiLabel((Rectangle){colorPickerPos.x, screenHeight - 2*rgbWidthLabel - STATUS_BAR_HEIGHT + rgbDelta, 2*rgbWidthLabel, rgbWidthLabel}, "File name");
//fileName = GuiTextBox((Rectangle){colorPickerPos.x + 2*rgbWidthLabel, screenHeight - 2*rgbWidthLabel - STATUS_BAR_HEIGHT + rgbDelta, colorPickerTexture.width - 2*rgbWidthLabel, rgbWidthLabel}, fileName);
// Draw GUI Elements text
for ( int i = 0 ; i < NUM_ELEMENTS ; i + + ) DrawText ( guiElementText [ i ] , guiElementRec [ i ] . width / 2 - MeasureText ( guiElementText [ i ] , FONT_SIZE ) / 2 , 15 + i * ELEMENT_HEIGHT , FONT_SIZE , BLACK ) ;
// Draw Borders
DrawLine ( guiElementRec [ 0 ] . width , 0 , guiElementRec [ 0 ] . width , screenHeight - STATUS_BAR_HEIGHT , COLOR_REC ) ;
DrawLine ( 400 , 0 , 400 , screenHeight - STATUS_BAR_HEIGHT , COLOR_REC ) ;
DrawLine ( 401 , 0 , 401 , screenHeight - STATUS_BAR_HEIGHT , Fade ( COLOR_REC , 0.4f ) ) ;
DrawLine ( screenWidth - 320 , 0 , screenWidth - 320 , screenHeight - STATUS_BAR_HEIGHT , COLOR_REC ) ;
DrawLine ( screenWidth - 321 , 0 , screenWidth - 321 , screenHeight - STATUS_BAR_HEIGHT , Fade ( COLOR_REC , 0.4f ) ) ;
// Draw info bar
DrawLine ( 0 , screenHeight - STATUS_BAR_HEIGHT , screenWidth , screenHeight - STATUS_BAR_HEIGHT , Fade ( COLOR_REC , 0.8f ) ) ;
DrawLine ( 0 , screenHeight - STATUS_BAR_HEIGHT + 1 , screenWidth , screenHeight - STATUS_BAR_HEIGHT + 1 , Fade ( COLOR_REC , 0.4f ) ) ;
DrawRectangle ( 0 , screenHeight - STATUS_BAR_HEIGHT , screenWidth , STATUS_BAR_HEIGHT , Fade ( COLOR_REC , 0.1f ) ) ;
EndDrawing ( ) ;
// De-Initialization
// Unload all loaded data (textures, fonts, audio)
UnloadTexture ( colorPickerTexture ) ;
UnloadTexture ( checkerTexture ) ;
UnloadTexture ( cursorTexture ) ;
free ( guiText ) ;
free ( colorPickerPixel ) ;
ClearDroppedFiles ( ) ; // Clear internal buffers
CloseWindow ( ) ; // Close window and OpenGL context
return 0 ;