mirror of https://github.com/zeux/pugixml.git synced 2024-12-28 14:48:43 +08:00
Arseny Kapoulkine bd960159dd tests: Write temporary files to executable folder.
Temp folder is the root folder on Windows; writing to the folder may require administrator rights.
We can't use current folder for temporaries because tests from different configurations can be running
in parallel, but executable folder is always safe since we only run each executable once.

git-svn-id: https://pugixml.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@984 99668b35-9821-0410-8761-19e4c4f06640
2014-02-19 06:21:51 +00:00

165 lines
6.9 KiB

#include "../src/pugixml.hpp"
#include <setjmp.h>
struct test_runner
test_runner(const char* name)
_name = name;
_next = _tests;
_tests = this;
virtual ~test_runner() {}
virtual void run() = 0;
const char* _name;
test_runner* _next;
static test_runner* _tests;
static size_t _memory_fail_threshold;
static jmp_buf _failure_buffer;
static const char* _failure_message;
static const char* _temp_path;
bool test_string_equal(const pugi::char_t* lhs, const pugi::char_t* rhs);
template <typename Node> inline bool test_node_name_value(const Node& node, const pugi::char_t* name, const pugi::char_t* value)
return test_string_equal(node.name(), name) && test_string_equal(node.value(), value);
bool test_node(const pugi::xml_node& node, const pugi::char_t* contents, const pugi::char_t* indent, unsigned int flags);
bool test_double_nan(double value);
bool test_xpath_string(const pugi::xpath_node& node, const pugi::char_t* query, pugi::xpath_variable_set* variables, const pugi::char_t* expected);
bool test_xpath_boolean(const pugi::xpath_node& node, const pugi::char_t* query, pugi::xpath_variable_set* variables, bool expected);
bool test_xpath_number(const pugi::xpath_node& node, const pugi::char_t* query, pugi::xpath_variable_set* variables, double expected);
bool test_xpath_number_nan(const pugi::xpath_node& node, const pugi::char_t* query, pugi::xpath_variable_set* variables);
bool test_xpath_fail_compile(const pugi::char_t* query, pugi::xpath_variable_set* variables);
struct xpath_node_set_tester
pugi::xpath_node* document_order;
size_t document_size;
pugi::xpath_node_set result;
unsigned int last;
const char* message;
void check(bool condition);
xpath_node_set_tester(const pugi::xpath_node_set& set, const char* message);
xpath_node_set_tester& operator%(unsigned int expected);
struct dummy_fixture {};
#define TEST_FIXTURE(name, fixture) \
struct test_runner_helper_##name: fixture \
{ \
void run(); \
}; \
static struct test_runner_##name: test_runner \
{ \
test_runner_##name(): test_runner(#name) {} \
virtual void run() \
{ \
test_runner_helper_##name helper; \
helper.run(); \
} \
} test_runner_instance_##name; \
void test_runner_helper_##name::run()
#define TEST(name) TEST_FIXTURE(name, dummy_fixture)
#define TEST_XML_FLAGS(name, xml, flags) \
struct test_fixture_##name \
{ \
pugi::xml_document doc; \
test_fixture_##name() \
{ \
CHECK(doc.load(PUGIXML_TEXT(xml), flags)); \
} \
private: \
test_fixture_##name(const test_fixture_##name&); \
test_fixture_##name& operator=(const test_fixture_##name&); \
}; \
TEST_FIXTURE(name, test_fixture_##name)
#define TEST_XML(name, xml) TEST_XML_FLAGS(name, xml, pugi::parse_default)
#define CHECK_JOIN(text, file, line) text " at " file ":" #line
#define CHECK_JOIN2(text, file, line) CHECK_JOIN(text, file, line)
#define CHECK_TEXT(condition, text) if (condition) ; else test_runner::_failure_message = CHECK_JOIN2(text, __FILE__, __LINE__), longjmp(test_runner::_failure_buffer, 1)
#define CHECK_FORCE_FAIL(text) test_runner::_failure_message = CHECK_JOIN2(text, __FILE__, __LINE__), longjmp(test_runner::_failure_buffer, 1)
#if (defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER == 1200) || defined(__MWERKS__)
# define STRINGIZE(value) "??" // MSVC 6.0 and CodeWarrior have troubles stringizing stuff with strings w/escaping inside
# define STRINGIZE(value) #value
#define CHECK(condition) CHECK_TEXT(condition, STRINGIZE(condition) " is false")
#define CHECK_STRING(value, expected) CHECK_TEXT(test_string_equal(value, expected), STRINGIZE(value) " is not equal to " STRINGIZE(expected))
#define CHECK_DOUBLE(value, expected) CHECK_TEXT((value > expected ? value - expected : expected - value) < 1e-6, STRINGIZE(value) " is not equal to " STRINGIZE(expected))
#define CHECK_DOUBLE_NAN(value) CHECK_TEXT(test_double_nan(value), STRINGIZE(value) " is not equal to NaN")
#define CHECK_NAME_VALUE(node, name, value) CHECK_TEXT(test_node_name_value(node, name, value), STRINGIZE(node) " name/value do not match " STRINGIZE(name) " and " STRINGIZE(value))
#define CHECK_NODE_EX(node, expected, indent, flags) CHECK_TEXT(test_node(node, expected, indent, flags), STRINGIZE(node) " contents does not match " STRINGIZE(expected))
#define CHECK_NODE(node, expected) CHECK_NODE_EX(node, expected, PUGIXML_TEXT(""), pugi::format_raw)
#define CHECK_XPATH_STRING_VAR(node, query, variables, expected) CHECK_TEXT(test_xpath_string(node, query, variables, expected), STRINGIZE(query) " does not evaluate to " STRINGIZE(expected) " in context " STRINGIZE(node))
#define CHECK_XPATH_BOOLEAN_VAR(node, query, variables, expected) CHECK_TEXT(test_xpath_boolean(node, query, variables, expected), STRINGIZE(query) " does not evaluate to " STRINGIZE(expected) " in context " STRINGIZE(node))
#define CHECK_XPATH_NUMBER_VAR(node, query, variables, expected) CHECK_TEXT(test_xpath_number(node, query, variables, expected), STRINGIZE(query) " does not evaluate to " STRINGIZE(expected) " in context " STRINGIZE(node))
#define CHECK_XPATH_NUMBER_NAN_VAR(node, query, variables) CHECK_TEXT(test_xpath_number_nan(node, query, variables), STRINGIZE(query) " does not evaluate to NaN in context " STRINGIZE(node))
#define CHECK_XPATH_NODESET_VAR(node, query, variables) xpath_node_set_tester(pugi::xpath_query(query, variables).evaluate_node_set(node), CHECK_JOIN2(STRINGIZE(query) " does not evaluate to expected set in context " STRINGIZE(node), __FILE__, __LINE__))
#define CHECK_XPATH_FAIL_VAR(query, variables) CHECK_TEXT(test_xpath_fail_compile(query, variables), STRINGIZE(query) " should not compile")
#define CHECK_XPATH_STRING(node, query, expected) CHECK_XPATH_STRING_VAR(node, query, 0, expected)
#define CHECK_XPATH_BOOLEAN(node, query, expected) CHECK_XPATH_BOOLEAN_VAR(node, query, 0, expected)
#define CHECK_XPATH_NUMBER(node, query, expected) CHECK_XPATH_NUMBER_VAR(node, query, 0, expected)
#define CHECK_XPATH_NUMBER_NAN(node, query) CHECK_XPATH_NUMBER_NAN_VAR(node, query, 0)
#define CHECK_XPATH_NODESET(node, query) CHECK_XPATH_NODESET_VAR(node, query, 0)
#define CHECK_XPATH_FAIL(query) CHECK_XPATH_FAIL_VAR(query, 0)
#define STR(text) PUGIXML_TEXT(text)
#ifdef __DMC__
#define U_LITERALS // DMC does not understand \x01234 (it parses first three digits), but understands \u01234
#if (defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER == 1200) || (defined(__INTEL_COMPILER) && __INTEL_COMPILER == 800) || defined(__BORLANDC__)
// NaN comparison on MSVC6 is incorrect, see http://www.nabble.com/assertDoubleEquals,-NaN---Microsoft-Visual-Studio-6-td9137859.html
// IC8 and BCC are also affected by the same bug
# define MSVC6_NAN_BUG
inline wchar_t wchar_cast(unsigned int value)
return static_cast<wchar_t>(value); // to avoid C4310 on MSVC
bool is_little_endian();
pugi::xml_encoding get_native_encoding();