2010-07-19 09:57:32 +00:00
# include "common.hpp"
# include <string>
TEST ( xpath_literal_parse )
xml_node c ;
CHECK_XPATH_STRING ( c , STR ( " 'a \" b' " ) , STR ( " a \" b " ) ) ;
CHECK_XPATH_STRING ( c , STR ( " \" a'b \" " ) , STR ( " a'b " ) ) ;
CHECK_XPATH_STRING ( c , STR ( " \" \" " ) , STR ( " " ) ) ;
CHECK_XPATH_STRING ( c , STR ( " \' \' " ) , STR ( " " ) ) ;
TEST ( xpath_literal_error )
CHECK_XPATH_FAIL ( STR ( " \" " ) ) ;
CHECK_XPATH_FAIL ( STR ( " \" foo " ) ) ;
CHECK_XPATH_FAIL ( STR ( " \' " ) ) ;
CHECK_XPATH_FAIL ( STR ( " \' bar " ) ) ;
TEST ( xpath_number_parse )
xml_node c ;
CHECK_XPATH_NUMBER ( c , STR ( " 0 " ) , 0 ) ;
CHECK_XPATH_NUMBER ( c , STR ( " 123 " ) , 123 ) ;
CHECK_XPATH_NUMBER ( c , STR ( " 123.456 " ) , 123.456 ) ;
CHECK_XPATH_NUMBER ( c , STR ( " .123 " ) , 0.123 ) ;
CHECK_XPATH_NUMBER ( c , STR ( " 123.4567890123456789012345 " ) , 123.4567890123456789012345 ) ;
CHECK_XPATH_NUMBER ( c , STR ( " 123. " ) , 123 ) ;
TEST ( xpath_number_error )
CHECK_XPATH_FAIL ( STR ( " 123a " ) ) ;
CHECK_XPATH_FAIL ( STR ( " 123.a " ) ) ;
CHECK_XPATH_FAIL ( STR ( " .123a " ) ) ;
TEST ( xpath_variables )
2010-08-29 15:39:43 +00:00
CHECK_XPATH_FAIL ( STR ( " $var " ) ) ; // no variable var
2010-07-19 09:57:32 +00:00
CHECK_XPATH_FAIL ( STR ( " $1 " ) ) ;
2010-08-29 15:39:43 +00:00
CHECK_XPATH_FAIL ( STR ( " $ " ) ) ;
2010-07-19 09:57:32 +00:00
TEST ( xpath_empty_expression )
CHECK_XPATH_FAIL ( STR ( " " ) ) ;
TEST ( xpath_lexer_error )
CHECK_XPATH_FAIL ( STR ( " ! " ) ) ;
CHECK_XPATH_FAIL ( STR ( " & " ) ) ;
TEST ( xpath_unmatched_braces )
CHECK_XPATH_FAIL ( STR ( " node[ " ) ) ;
CHECK_XPATH_FAIL ( STR ( " node[1 " ) ) ;
CHECK_XPATH_FAIL ( STR ( " node[]] " ) ) ;
CHECK_XPATH_FAIL ( STR ( " node( " ) ) ;
CHECK_XPATH_FAIL ( STR ( " node(() " ) ) ;
CHECK_XPATH_FAIL ( STR ( " (node)[1 " ) ) ;
CHECK_XPATH_FAIL ( STR ( " (1 " ) ) ;
TEST ( xpath_incorrect_step )
CHECK_XPATH_FAIL ( STR ( " child::1 " ) ) ;
CHECK_XPATH_FAIL ( STR ( " something::* " ) ) ;
CHECK_XPATH_FAIL ( STR ( " a::* " ) ) ;
CHECK_XPATH_FAIL ( STR ( " c::* " ) ) ;
CHECK_XPATH_FAIL ( STR ( " d::* " ) ) ;
CHECK_XPATH_FAIL ( STR ( " f::* " ) ) ;
CHECK_XPATH_FAIL ( STR ( " n::* " ) ) ;
CHECK_XPATH_FAIL ( STR ( " p::* " ) ) ;
TEST ( xpath_semantics_error )
CHECK_XPATH_FAIL ( STR ( " 1[1] " ) ) ;
CHECK_XPATH_FAIL ( STR ( " 1 | 1 " ) ) ;
TEST ( xpath_semantics_posinv ) // coverage for contains()
xpath_query ( STR ( " (node)[substring(1, 2, 3)] " ) ) ;
xpath_query ( STR ( " (node)[concat(1, 2, 3, 4)] " ) ) ;
xpath_query ( STR ( " (node)[count(foo)] " ) ) ;
xpath_query ( STR ( " (node)[local-name()] " ) ) ;
xpath_query ( STR ( " (node)[(node)[1]] " ) ) ;
TEST ( xpath_parse_paths_valid )
const char_t * paths [ ] =
// From Jaxen tests
STR ( " foo[.='bar'] " ) , STR ( " foo[.!='bar'] " ) , STR ( " / " ) , STR ( " * " ) , STR ( " //foo " ) , STR ( " /* " ) , STR ( " /. " ) , STR ( " /foo[/bar[/baz]] " ) ,
STR ( " /foo/bar/baz[(1 or 2) + 3 * 4 + 8 and 9] " ) , STR ( " /foo/bar/baz " ) , STR ( " (.)[1] " ) , STR ( " self::node() " ) , STR ( " . " ) , STR ( " count(/) " ) ,
STR ( " foo[1] " ) , STR ( " /baz[(1 or 2) + 3 * 4 + 8 and 9] " ) , STR ( " foo/bar[/baz[(1 or 2) - 3 mod 4 + 8 and 9 div 8]] " ) ,
STR ( " foo/bar/yeah:baz[a/b/c and toast] " ) , STR ( " /foo/bar[../x='123'] " ) , STR ( " /foo[@bar='1234'] " ) , STR ( " foo|bar " ) ,
STR ( " /foo|/bar[@id='1234'] " ) , STR ( " count(//author/attribute::*) " ) , STR ( " /child::node()/child::node()[@id='_13563275'] " ) ,
STR ( " 10 + (count(descendant::author) * 5) " ) , STR ( " 10 + count(descendant::author) * 5 " ) , STR ( " 2 + (2 * 5) " ) , STR ( " //foo:bar " ) ,
STR ( " count(//author)+5 " ) , STR ( " count(//author)+count(//author/attribute::*) " ) , STR ( " /foo/bar[@a='1' and @c!='2'] " ) ,
STR ( " 12 + (count(//author)+count(//author/attribute::*)) div 2 " ) , STR ( " text()[.='foo'] " ) , STR ( " /*/*[@id='123'] " )
STR ( " /foo/bar[@a='1' and @b='2'] " ) , STR ( " /foo/bar[@a='1' and @b!='2'] " ) , STR ( " //attribute::*[.!='crunchy'] " ) ,
STR ( " '//*[contains(string(text()), \" yada yada \" )]' " ) ,
// From ajaxslt tests
STR ( " @* " ) , STR ( " @*|node() " ) , STR ( " /descendant-or-self::div " ) , STR ( " /div " ) , STR ( " //div " ) , STR ( " /descendant-or-self::node()/child::para " ) ,
STR ( " substring('12345', 0, 3) " ) , STR ( " //title | //link " ) , STR ( " x//title " ) , STR ( " x/title " ) , STR ( " id('a')//title " ) , STR ( " //*[@about] " ) ,
STR ( " count(descendant::*) " ) , STR ( " count(descendant::*) + count(ancestor::*) " ) , STR ( " @*|text() " ) , STR ( " *|/ " ) , STR ( " source|destination " ) ,
STR ( " page != 'to' and page != 'from' " ) , STR ( " substring-after(icon/@image, '/mapfiles/marker') " ) , STR ( " substring-before(str, c) " ) , STR ( " page = 'from' " ) ,
STR ( " segments/@time " ) , STR ( " child::para " ) , STR ( " child::* " ) , STR ( " child::text() " ) , STR ( " child::node() " ) , STR ( " attribute::name " ) , STR ( " attribute::* " ) ,
STR ( " descendant::para " ) , STR ( " ancestor::div " ) , STR ( " ancestor-or-self::div " ) , STR ( " descendant-or-self::para " ) , STR ( " self::para " ) , STR ( " child::*/child::para " ) ,
STR ( " concat(substring-before(@image,'marker'),'icon',substring-after(@image,'marker')) " ) , STR ( " / " ) , STR ( " /descendant::para " ) , STR ( " /descendant::olist/child::item " ) ,
STR ( " child::para[position()=1] " ) , STR ( " child::para[position()=last()] " ) , STR ( " child::para[position()=last()-1] " ) , STR ( " child::para[position()>1] " ) ,
STR ( " following-sibling::chapter[position()=1] " ) , STR ( " preceding-sibling::chapter[position()=1] " ) , STR ( " /descendant::figure[position()=42] " ) ,
STR ( " /child::doc/child::chapter[position()=5]/child::section[position()=2] " ) , STR ( " child::chapter/descendant::para " ) , STR ( " child::para[attribute::type='warning'] " ) ,
STR ( " child::para[attribute::type='warning'][position()=5] " ) , STR ( " child::para[position()=5][attribute::type='warning'] " ) , STR ( " child::chapter[child::title='Introduction'] " ) ,
STR ( " child::chapter[child::title] " ) , STR ( " child::*[self::chapter or self::appendix] " ) , STR ( " child::*[self::chapter or self::appendix][position()=last()] " ) ,
STR ( " count(//*[id='u1']|//*[id='u2']) " ) , STR ( " count(//*[id='u1']|//*[class='u']) " ) , STR ( " count(//*[class='u']|//*[class='u']) " ) , STR ( " count(//*[class='u']|//*[id='u1']) " ) ,
STR ( " count(//*[@id='self']/ancestor-or-self::*) " ) , STR ( " count(//*[@id='self']/ancestor::*) " ) , STR ( " count(//*[@id='self']/attribute::*) " ) , STR ( " count(//*[@id='self']/child::*) " ) ,
STR ( " count(//*[@id='self']/descendant-or-self::*) " ) , STR ( " count(//*[@id='self']/descendant::*) " ) , STR ( " count(//*[@id='self']/following-sibling::*) " ) ,
STR ( " count(//*[@id='self']/following::*) " ) , STR ( " //*[@id='self']/parent::*/@id " ) , STR ( " count(//*[@id='self']/preceding-sibling::*) " ) ,
STR ( " count(//*[@id='self']/preceding::*) " ) , STR ( " //*[@id='self']/self::*/@id " ) , STR ( " id('nested1')/div[1]//input[2] " ) , STR ( " id('foo')//div[contains(@id, 'useful')]//input " ) ,
STR ( " (//table[@class='stylee'])//th[text()='theHeaderText']/../td " ) , STR ( " address " ) , STR ( " address=string(/page/user/defaultlocation) " ) , STR ( " count-of-snippet-of-url = 0 " ) ,
STR ( " daddr " ) , STR ( " form " ) , STR ( " form = 'from' " ) , STR ( " form = 'to' " ) , STR ( " form='near' " ) , STR ( " home " ) , STR ( " i " ) , STR ( " i > page and i < page + range " ) ,
STR ( " i < page and i >= page - range " ) , STR ( " i < @max " ) , STR ( " i <= page " ) , STR ( " i + 1 " ) , STR ( " i = page " ) , STR ( " i = 1 " ) , STR ( " info = position() or (not(info) and position() = 1) " ) ,
STR ( " is-first-order " ) , STR ( " is-first-order and snippets-exist " ) , STR ( " more " ) , STR ( " more > 0 " ) , STR ( " near-point " ) , STR ( " page " ) , STR ( " page != 'from' " ) , STR ( " page != 'to' " ) ,
STR ( " page != 'to' and page != 'from' " ) , STR ( " page > 1 " ) , STR ( " page = 'basics' " ) , STR ( " page = 'details' " ) , STR ( " page = 'from' " ) , STR ( " page = 'to' " ) , STR ( " page='from' " ) ,
STR ( " page='to' " ) , STR ( " r >= 0.5 " ) , STR ( " r >= 1 " ) , STR ( " r - 0 " ) , STR ( " r - 1 " ) , STR ( " r - 2 " ) , STR ( " r - 3 " ) , STR ( " r - 4 " ) , STR ( " saddr " ) , STR ( " sources " ) , STR ( " sources[position() < details] " ) ,
STR ( " src " ) , STR ( " str " ) , STR ( " \" ' \" " ) , STR ( " (//location[string(info/references/reference[1]/url)=string(current-url)]/info/references/reference[1])[1] " ) ,
STR ( " (not(count-of-snippet-of-url = 0) and (position() = 1) or not(current-url = //locations/location[position() = last-pos]//reference[1]/url)) " ) ,
STR ( " (not(info) and position() = 1) or info = position() " ) , STR ( " . " ) , STR ( " ../@arg0 " ) , STR ( " ../@filterpng " ) , STR ( " /page/@filterpng " ) , STR ( " 4 " ) , STR ( " @attribution " ) ,
STR ( " @id " ) , STR ( " @max > @num " ) , STR ( " @meters > 16093 " ) , STR ( " @name " ) , STR ( " @start div @num + 1 " ) , STR ( " @url " ) , STR ( " ad " ) , STR ( " address/line " ) , STR ( " adsmessage " ) ,
STR ( " attr " ) , STR ( " boolean(location[@id='near'][icon/@image]) " ) , STR ( " bubble/node() " ) , STR ( " calltoaction/node() " ) , STR ( " category " ) , STR ( " contains(str, c) " ) ,
STR ( " count(//location[string(info/references/reference[1]/url)=string(current-url)]//snippet) " ) , STR ( " count(//snippet) " ) , STR ( " count(attr) " ) , STR ( " count(location) " ) ,
STR ( " count(structured/source) > 1 " ) , STR ( " description/node() " ) , STR ( " destination " ) , STR ( " destinationAddress " ) , STR ( " domain " ) , STR ( " false() " ) , STR ( " icon/@class != 'noicon' " ) ,
STR ( " icon/@image " ) , STR ( " info " ) , STR ( " info/address/line " ) , STR ( " info/distance " ) , STR ( " info/distance and near-point " ) , STR ( " info/distance and info/phone and near-point " ) ,
STR ( " info/distance or info/phone " ) , STR ( " info/panel/node() " ) , STR ( " info/phone " ) , STR ( " info/references/reference[1] " ) , STR ( " info/references/reference[1]/snippet " ) ,
STR ( " info/references/reference[1]/url " ) , STR ( " info/title " ) , STR ( " info/title/node() " ) , STR ( " line " ) , STR ( " location " ) , STR ( " location[@id!='near'] " ) , STR ( " location[@id='near'][icon/@image] " ) ,
STR ( " location[position() > umlocations div 2] " ) , STR ( " location[position() <= numlocations div 2] " ) , STR ( " locations " ) , STR ( " locations/location " ) , STR ( " near " ) , STR ( " node() " ) ,
STR ( " not(count-of-snippets = 0) " ) , STR ( " not(form = 'from') " ) , STR ( " not(form = 'near') " ) , STR ( " not(form = 'to') " ) , STR ( " not(../@page) " ) , STR ( " not(structured/source) " ) , STR ( " notice " ) ,
STR ( " number(../@info) " ) , STR ( " number(../@items) " ) , STR ( " number(/page/@linewidth) " ) , STR ( " page/ads " ) , STR ( " page/directions " ) , STR ( " page/error " ) , STR ( " page/overlay " ) ,
STR ( " page/overlay/locations/location " ) , STR ( " page/refinements " ) , STR ( " page/request/canonicalnear " ) , STR ( " page/request/near " ) , STR ( " page/request/query " ) , STR ( " page/spelling/suggestion " ) ,
STR ( " page/user/defaultlocation " ) , STR ( " phone " ) , STR ( " position() " ) , STR ( " position() != 1 " ) , STR ( " position() != last() " ) , STR ( " position() > 1 " ) , STR ( " position() < details " ) ,
STR ( " position()-1 " ) , STR ( " query " ) , STR ( " references/@total " ) , STR ( " references/reference " ) , STR ( " references/reference/domain " ) , STR ( " references/reference/url " ) ,
STR ( " reviews/@positive div (reviews/@positive + reviews/@negative) * 5 " ) , STR ( " reviews/@positive div (reviews/@positive + reviews/@negative) * (5) " ) , STR ( " reviews/@total " ) ,
STR ( " reviews/@total > 1 " ) , STR ( " reviews/@total > 5 " ) , STR ( " reviews/@total = 1 " ) , STR ( " segments/@distance " ) , STR ( " segments/@time " ) , STR ( " segments/segment " ) , STR ( " shorttitle/node() " ) ,
STR ( " snippet " ) , STR ( " snippet/node() " ) , STR ( " source " ) , STR ( " sourceAddress " ) , STR ( " sourceAddress and destinationAddress " ) , STR ( " string(../@daddr) " ) , STR ( " string(../@form) " ) ,
STR ( " string(../@page) " ) , STR ( " string(../@saddr) " ) , STR ( " string(info/title) " ) , STR ( " string(page/request/canonicalnear) != '' " ) , STR ( " string(page/request/near) != '' " ) ,
STR ( " string-length(address) > linewidth " ) , STR ( " structured/@total - details " ) , STR ( " structured/source " ) , STR ( " structured/source[@name] " ) , STR ( " substring(address, 1, linewidth - 3) " ) ,
STR ( " substring-after(str, c) " ) , STR ( " substring-after(icon/@image, '/mapfiles/marker') " ) , STR ( " substring-before(str, c) " ) , STR ( " tagline/node() " ) , STR ( " targetedlocation " ) ,
STR ( " title " ) , STR ( " title/node() " ) , STR ( " true() " ) , STR ( " url " ) , STR ( " visibleurl " ) , STR ( " id( \" level10 \" )/ancestor::SPAN " ) , STR ( " id( \" level10 \" )/ancestor-or-self::SPAN " ) , STR ( " //attribute::* " ) ,
STR ( " child::HTML/child::BODY/child::H1 " ) , STR ( " descendant::node() " ) , STR ( " descendant-or-self::SPAN " ) , STR ( " id( \" first \" )/following::text() " ) , STR ( " id( \" first \" )/following-sibling::node() " ) ,
STR ( " id( \" level10 \" )/parent::node() " ) , STR ( " id( \" last \" )/preceding::text() " ) , STR ( " id( \" last \" )/preceding-sibling::node() " ) , STR ( " /HTML/BODY/H1/self::node() " ) , STR ( " //*[@name] " ) ,
STR ( " id( \" pet \" )/SELECT[@name= \" species \" ]/OPTION[@selected]/@value " ) , STR ( " descendant::INPUT[@name= \" name \" ]/@value " ) , STR ( " id( \" pet \" )/INPUT[@name= \" gender \" and @checked]/@value " ) ,
STR ( " //TEXTAREA[@name= \" description \" ]/text() " ) , STR ( " id( \" div1 \" )|id( \" div2 \" )|id( \" div3 div4 div5 \" ) " ) , STR ( " //LI[1] " ) , STR ( " //LI[last()]/text() " ) , STR ( " //LI[position() mod 2]/@class " ) ,
STR ( " //text()[.= \" foo \" ] " ) , STR ( " descendant-or-self::SPAN[position() > 2] " ) , STR ( " descendant::*[contains(@class, \" fruit \" )] " ) ,
// ajaxslt considers this path invalid, however I believe it's valid as per spec
STR ( " *** " ) ,
// Oasis MSFT considers this path invalid, however I believe it's valid as per spec
STR ( " **..** " ) ,
// Miscellaneous
STR ( " ..***..***.***.***..***..***.. " )
} ;
for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < sizeof ( paths ) / sizeof ( paths [ 0 ] ) ; + + i )
xpath_query q ( paths [ i ] ) ;
2010-08-29 20:57:42 +00:00
# if defined(PUGIXML_WCHAR_MODE) || !defined(PUGIXML_NO_STL)
2010-07-19 09:57:32 +00:00
TEST ( xpath_parse_paths_valid_unicode )
// From ajaxslt
const wchar_t * paths [ ] =
# ifdef U_LITERALS
L " /descendant-or-self:: \u90e8 \u5206 " , L " // \u90e8 \u5206 " , L " substring(' \uff11 \uff12 \uff13 \uff14 \uff15 ', 0, 3) " , L " // \u30bf \u30a4 \u30c8 \u30eb | // \u30ea \u30f3 \u30af " ,
L " \u8b0e // \u30bf \u30a4 \u30c8 \u30eb " , L " //*[@ \u30c7 \u30b9 \u30c6 \u30a3 \u30cd \u30a4 \u30b7 \u30e7 \u30f3 ] " , L " \u30da \u30fc \u30b8 = ' \u304b \u3089 ' " ,
L " concat(substring-before(@ \u30a4 \u30e1 \u30fc \u30b8 ,' \u76ee \u5370 '),' \u30a2 \u30a4 \u30b3 \u30f3 ',substring-after(@ \u30a4 \u30e1 \u30fc \u30b8 ,' \u76ee \u5370 ')) " ,
L " \u30bd \u30fc \u30b9 | \u30c7 \u30b9 \u30c6 \u30a3 \u30cd \u30a4 \u30b7 \u30e7 \u30f3 " , L " \u30da \u30fc \u30b8 != ' \u307e \u3067 ' and \u30da \u30fc \u30b8 != ' \u304b \u3089 ' " ,
L " substring-after( \u30a2 \u30a4 \u30b3 \u30f3 /@ \u30a4 \u30e1 \u30fc \u30b8 , '/ \u5730 \u56f3 \u30d5 \u30a1 \u30a4 \u30eb / \u76ee \u5370 ') " , L " child:: \u6bb5 \u843d " ,
L " substring-before( \u6587 \u5b57 \u5217 , \u6587 \u5b57 ) " , L " \u30bb \u30b0 \u30e1 \u30f3 \u30c8 /@ \u6642 \u523b " , L " attribute:: \u540d \u524d " , L " descendant:: \u6bb5 \u843d " ,
L " ancestor:: \u90e8 \u5206 " , L " ancestor-or-self:: \u90e8 \u5206 " , L " descendant-or-self:: \u6bb5 \u843d " , L " self:: \u6bb5 \u843d " , L " child:: \u7ae0 /descendant:: \u6bb5 \u843d " ,
L " child::*/child:: \u6bb5 \u843d " , L " /descendant:: \u6bb5 \u843d " , L " /descendant:: \u9806 \u5e8f \u30ea \u30b9 \u30c8 /child:: \u9805 \u76ee " , L " child:: \u6bb5 \u843d [position()=1] " ,
L " child:: \u6bb5 \u843d [position()=last()] " , L " child:: \u6bb5 \u843d [position()=last()-1] " , L " child:: \u6bb5 \u843d [position()>1] " , L " following-sibling:: \u7ae0 [position()=1] " ,
L " preceding-sibling:: \u7ae0 [position()=1] " , L " /descendant:: \u56f3 \u8868 [position()=42] " , L " /child:: \u6587 \u66f8 /child:: \u7ae0 [position()=5]/child:: \u7bc0 [position()=2] " ,
L " child:: \u6bb5 \u843d [attribute:: \u30bf \u30a4 \u30d7 =' \u8b66 \u544a '] " , L " child:: \u6bb5 \u843d [attribute:: \u30bf \u30a4 \u30d7 =' \u8b66 \u544a '][position()=5] " ,
L " child:: \u6bb5 \u843d [position()=5][attribute:: \u30bf \u30a4 \u30d7 =' \u8b66 \u544a '] " , L " child:: \u7ae0 [child:: \u30bf \u30a4 \u30c8 \u30eb =' \u306f \u3058 \u3081 \u306b '] " ,
L " child:: \u7ae0 [child:: \u30bf \u30a4 \u30c8 \u30eb ] " , L " child::*[self:: \u7ae0 or self:: \u4ed8 \u9332 ] " , L " child::*[self:: \u7ae0 or self:: \u4ed8 \u9332 ][position()=last()] " ,
# else
L " /descendant-or-self:: \x90e8 \x5206 " , L " // \x90e8 \x5206 " , L " substring(' \xff11 \xff12 \xff13 \xff14 \xff15 ', 0, 3) " , L " // \x30bf \x30a4 \x30c8 \x30eb | // \x30ea \x30f3 \x30af " ,
L " \x8b0e // \x30bf \x30a4 \x30c8 \x30eb " , L " //*[@ \x30c7 \x30b9 \x30c6 \x30a3 \x30cd \x30a4 \x30b7 \x30e7 \x30f3 ] " , L " \x30da \x30fc \x30b8 = ' \x304b \x3089 ' " ,
L " concat(substring-before(@ \x30a4 \x30e1 \x30fc \x30b8 ,' \x76ee \x5370 '),' \x30a2 \x30a4 \x30b3 \x30f3 ',substring-after(@ \x30a4 \x30e1 \x30fc \x30b8 ,' \x76ee \x5370 ')) " ,
L " \x30bd \x30fc \x30b9 | \x30c7 \x30b9 \x30c6 \x30a3 \x30cd \x30a4 \x30b7 \x30e7 \x30f3 " , L " \x30da \x30fc \x30b8 != ' \x307e \x3067 ' and \x30da \x30fc \x30b8 != ' \x304b \x3089 ' " ,
L " substring-after( \x30a2 \x30a4 \x30b3 \x30f3 /@ \x30a4 \x30e1 \x30fc \x30b8 , '/ \x5730 \x56f3 \x30d5 \x30a1 \x30a4 \x30eb / \x76ee \x5370 ') " , L " child:: \x6bb5 \x843d " ,
L " substring-before( \x6587 \x5b57 \x5217 , \x6587 \x5b57 ) " , L " \x30bb \x30b0 \x30e1 \x30f3 \x30c8 /@ \x6642 \x523b " , L " attribute:: \x540d \x524d " , L " descendant:: \x6bb5 \x843d " ,
L " ancestor:: \x90e8 \x5206 " , L " ancestor-or-self:: \x90e8 \x5206 " , L " descendant-or-self:: \x6bb5 \x843d " , L " self:: \x6bb5 \x843d " , L " child:: \x7ae0 /descendant:: \x6bb5 \x843d " ,
L " child::*/child:: \x6bb5 \x843d " , L " /descendant:: \x6bb5 \x843d " , L " /descendant:: \x9806 \x5e8f \x30ea \x30b9 \x30c8 /child:: \x9805 \x76ee " , L " child:: \x6bb5 \x843d [position()=1] " ,
L " child:: \x6bb5 \x843d [position()=last()] " , L " child:: \x6bb5 \x843d [position()=last()-1] " , L " child:: \x6bb5 \x843d [position()>1] " , L " following-sibling:: \x7ae0 [position()=1] " ,
L " preceding-sibling:: \x7ae0 [position()=1] " , L " /descendant:: \x56f3 \x8868 [position()=42] " , L " /child:: \x6587 \x66f8 /child:: \x7ae0 [position()=5]/child:: \x7bc0 [position()=2] " ,
L " child:: \x6bb5 \x843d [attribute:: \x30bf \x30a4 \x30d7 =' \x8b66 \x544a '] " , L " child:: \x6bb5 \x843d [attribute:: \x30bf \x30a4 \x30d7 =' \x8b66 \x544a '][position()=5] " ,
L " child:: \x6bb5 \x843d [position()=5][attribute:: \x30bf \x30a4 \x30d7 =' \x8b66 \x544a '] " , L " child:: \x7ae0 [child:: \x30bf \x30a4 \x30c8 \x30eb =' \x306f \x3058 \x3081 \x306b '] " ,
L " child:: \x7ae0 [child:: \x30bf \x30a4 \x30c8 \x30eb ] " , L " child::*[self:: \x7ae0 or self:: \x4ed8 \x9332 ] " , L " child::*[self:: \x7ae0 or self:: \x4ed8 \x9332 ][position()=last()] " ,
# endif
} ;
for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < sizeof ( paths ) / sizeof ( paths [ 0 ] ) ; + + i )
# if defined(PUGIXML_WCHAR_MODE)
xpath_query q ( paths [ i ] ) ;
# elif !defined(PUGIXML_NO_STL)
std : : basic_string < char > path_utf8 = pugi : : as_utf8 ( paths [ i ] ) ;
xpath_query q ( path_utf8 . c_str ( ) ) ;
# endif
2010-08-29 20:57:42 +00:00
# endif
2010-07-19 09:57:32 +00:00
TEST ( xpath_parse_invalid )
const char_t * paths [ ] =
// From Jaxen tests
STR ( " //:p " ) , STR ( " /foo/bar/ " ) , STR ( " 12 + (count(//author)+count(//author/attribute::*)) / 2 " ) , STR ( " id()/2 " ) , STR ( " + " ) ,
STR ( " ///triple slash " ) , STR ( " /numbers numbers " ) , STR ( " /a/b[c > d]efg " ) , STR ( " /inv/child:: " ) , STR ( " /invoice/@test[abcd " ) ,
STR ( " /invoice/@test[abcd > x " ) , STR ( " string-length('a " ) , STR ( " /descendant::() " ) , STR ( " (1 + 1 " ) , STR ( " !false() " ) ,
STR ( " $author " ) , STR ( " 10 + $foo " ) , STR ( " $foo:bar " ) , STR ( " $varname[@a='1'] " ) , STR ( " foo/$variable/foo " ) ,
STR ( " .[1] " ) , STR ( " chyld::foo " ) , STR ( " foo/tacos() " ) , STR ( " foo/tacos() " ) , STR ( " /foo/bar[baz " ) , STR ( " // " ) , STR ( " *:foo " ) ,
STR ( " /cracker/cheese[(mold > 1) and (sense/taste " ) ,
// From xpath-as3 tests
STR ( " a b " ) , STR ( " //self::node()) " ) , STR ( " /x/y[contains(self::node()) " ) , STR ( " /x/y[contains(self::node()] " ) , STR ( " /// " ) , STR ( " text::a " ) ,
// From haXe-xpath tests
STR ( " |/gjs " ) , STR ( " +3 " ) , STR ( " /html/body/p != ---'div'/a " ) , STR ( " " ) , STR ( " @ " ) , STR ( " #akf " ) , STR ( " , " )
// Miscellaneous
STR ( " ... " ) , STR ( " .... " ) , STR ( " ** " ) , STR ( " **** " ) , STR ( " ****** " ) , STR ( " ..***..***.***.***..***..***..* " ) , STR ( " /[1] " )
} ;
for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < sizeof ( paths ) / sizeof ( paths [ 0 ] ) ; + + i )
CHECK_XPATH_FAIL ( paths [ i ] ) ;
TEST_XML ( xpath_parse_absolute , " <div><s/></div> " )
CHECK_XPATH_NODESET ( doc , STR ( " / " ) ) % 1 ;
CHECK_XPATH_NODESET ( doc , STR ( " /div/s " ) ) % 3 ;
CHECK_XPATH_NODESET ( doc , STR ( " / div /s " ) ) % 3 ;
CHECK_XPATH_FAIL ( STR ( " / div 5 " ) ) ;
CHECK_XPATH_NODESET ( doc , STR ( " /*/s " ) ) % 3 ;
CHECK_XPATH_NODESET ( doc , STR ( " / * /s " ) ) % 3 ;
CHECK_XPATH_FAIL ( STR ( " / * 5 " ) ) ;
CHECK_XPATH_NODESET ( doc , STR ( " /*[/] " ) ) % 2 ;
2010-10-03 14:28:18 +00:00
# else
void test_xpath_fail_oom ( const char_t * query )
pugi : : xpath_query q ( query ) ;
CHECK_FORCE_FAIL ( " Expected out of memory exception " ) ;
catch ( const std : : bad_alloc & )
# define CHECK_XPATH_FAIL_OOM(query) test_xpath_fail_oom(query)
# endif
2010-08-29 15:16:55 +00:00
TEST ( xpath_parse_out_of_memory_first_page )
2010-08-29 15:14:48 +00:00
test_runner : : _memory_fail_threshold = 1 ;
2010-10-03 14:28:18 +00:00
CHECK_XPATH_FAIL_OOM ( STR ( " 1 " ) ) ;
2010-08-29 15:16:55 +00:00
2010-08-29 15:14:48 +00:00
2010-08-29 15:16:55 +00:00
TEST ( xpath_parse_out_of_memory_second_page_node )
2010-08-29 15:14:48 +00:00
test_runner : : _memory_fail_threshold = 8192 ;
2010-10-03 14:28:18 +00:00
CHECK_XPATH_FAIL_OOM ( STR ( " 1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1 " ) ) ;
2010-08-29 15:14:48 +00:00
2010-08-29 15:16:55 +00:00
TEST ( xpath_parse_out_of_memory_string_to_number )
test_runner : : _memory_fail_threshold = 4096 + 128 ;
2010-10-03 14:28:18 +00:00
CHECK_XPATH_FAIL_OOM ( STR ( " 0.11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 " ) ) ;
2010-08-29 15:16:55 +00:00
2010-08-29 15:41:16 +00:00
TEST ( xpath_parse_qname_error )
CHECK_XPATH_FAIL ( STR ( " foo: bar " ) ) ;
CHECK_XPATH_FAIL ( STR ( " foo :bar " ) ) ;
CHECK_XPATH_FAIL ( STR ( " foo: * " ) ) ;
CHECK_XPATH_FAIL ( STR ( " foo :* " ) ) ;
CHECK_XPATH_FAIL ( STR ( " :* " ) ) ;
CHECK_XPATH_FAIL ( STR ( " :bar " ) ) ;
CHECK_XPATH_FAIL ( STR ( " : " ) ) ;
2010-09-20 19:07:11 +00:00
TEST ( xpath_parse_result_default )
xpath_parse_result result ;
CHECK ( ! result ) ;
CHECK ( result . error ! = 0 ) ;
CHECK ( result . offset = = 0 ) ;
2010-07-19 09:57:32 +00:00
# endif