
Arduino Restful Client

This example demonstrates how to use Mongoose to send HTTP commands from Arduino.

Example sends free memory size and current board uptime, but it can be modified to send any user-specific data.

At the moment this example supports Arduino Mega 2560 board (and compatible) with either W5100-based network shield (like Arduino Ethernet Shield) or CC3000-based WIFI Shield.

Build and run instructions:

###To run with Arduino Ethernet (W5100) shield:

  1. Add (Sketch->Add file...) the following files to sketch:
    • /mongoose/mongoose.h
    • /mongoose/mongoose.c
    • /mongoose/platforms/arduino_ethernet_W5100/avrsupport.h
    • /mongoose/platforms/arduino_ethernet_W5100/avrsupport.cpp
  2. Buils and start (in console) /Users/alex/Projects/mongoose/examples/restful_server example
  3. Make board_ip and board_mac variables suitable for your network and board
  4. Change IP address in s_target_address variable to IP address of host running restful_server
  5. Uncomment line #include <Ethernet.h>
  6. Compile and flash sketch
  7. restful_server will start to show current uptime and free memory size (with 5 seconds interval)

###To run with Adafruit WiFi (CC3000) shield:

  1. Add (Sketch->Add files...) the following files to sketch:
    • /mongoose/mongoose.h
    • /mongoose/mongoose.c
    • /mongoose/platforms/arduino_ethernet_W5100/avrsupport.h
    • /mongoose/platforms/arduino_ethernet_W5100/avrsupport.cpp
  2. Import Adafruit CC3000 library for mongoose (select Sketch->Import Library...->Add library... and point /mongoose/platforms/arduino_wifi_CC3000/adafruit_CC3000_lib_mongoose folder)
  3. Buils and start (in console) /Users/alex/Projects/mongoose/examples/restful_server example
  4. Make the following variables suitable for your network
    • board_ip
    • subnet_mask
    • gateway
    • dns
    • wlan_ssid
    • wlan_pwd
    • wlan_security
  5. Change IP address in s_target_address variable to IP address of host running restful_server
  6. Uncomment line #include <Adafruit_CC3000.h>
  7. Compile and flash sketch
  8. restful_server will start to show current uptime and free memory size (with 5 seconds interval)