Dmitry Frank f061dcf8b6 Make nRF5 example fit better in nRF ecosystem
By making dir hierarchy replicate that of examples provided with the nRF

Also, example for Keil uVision IDE is added.

2016-10-26 12:00:09 +00:00

README.txt for the SEGGER RTT Implementation Pack.
Date: 17 Dec 2014

Included files:
Root Directory
  - Examples
    - RTT_MenuApp.c               - Sample application to demonstrate RTT bi-directional functionality. No OS.
    - RTT_embOS_SpeedTestApp.c    - Sample application for measuring RTT performance. embOS needed.
  - RTT
    - SEGGER_RTT.c                - The RTT implementation.
    - SEGGER_RTT.h                - Header for RTT implementation.
    - SEGGER_RTT_Conf.h           - Pre-processor configuration for the RTT implementation.
    - SEGGER_RTT_Printf.c         - Simple implementation of printf to write formatted strings via RTT.
  - Syscalls
    - RTT_Syscalls_GCC.c          - Low-level syscalls to retarget printf() to RTT with GCC / Newlib.
    - RTT_Syscalls_IAR.c          - Low-level syscalls to retarget printf() to RTT with IAR compiler.
    - RTT_Syscalls_KEIL.c         - Low-level syscalls to retarget printf() to RTT with KEIL/uVision compiler.