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* === Server API reference
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#endif /* __cplusplus */
* Parses a HTTP message.
* `is_req` should be set to 1 if parsing a request, 0 if reply.
* Returns the number of bytes parsed. If HTTP message is
* incomplete `0` is returned. On parse error, a negative number is returned.
int mg_parse_http(const char *s, int n, struct http_message *hm, int is_req);
* Searches and returns the header `name` in parsed HTTP message `hm`.
* If header is not found, NULL is returned. Example:
* struct mg_str *host_hdr = mg_get_http_header(hm, "Host");
struct mg_str *mg_get_http_header(struct http_message *hm, const char *name);
* Parses the HTTP header `hdr`. Finds variable `var_name` and stores its value
* in the buffer `buf`, `buf_size`. Returns 0 if variable not found, non-zero
* otherwise.
* This function is supposed to parse cookies, authentication headers, etc.
* Example (error handling omitted):
* char user[20];
* struct mg_str *hdr = mg_get_http_header(hm, "Authorization");
* mg_http_parse_header(hdr, "username", user, sizeof(user));
* Returns the length of the variable's value. If buffer is not large enough,
* or variable not found, 0 is returned.
int mg_http_parse_header(struct mg_str *hdr, const char *var_name, char *buf,
size_t buf_size);
* Gets and parses the Authorization: Basic header
* Returns -1 if no Authorization header is found, or if
* mg_parse_http_basic_auth
* fails parsing the resulting header.
int mg_get_http_basic_auth(struct http_message *hm, char *user, size_t user_len,
char *pass, size_t pass_len);
* Parses the Authorization: Basic header
* Returns -1 iif the authorization type is not "Basic" or any other error such
* as incorrectly encoded base64 user password pair.
int mg_parse_http_basic_auth(struct mg_str *hdr, char *user, size_t user_len,
char *pass, size_t pass_len);
* Parses the buffer `buf`, `buf_len` that contains multipart form data chunks.
* Stores the chunk name in a `var_name`, `var_name_len` buffer.
* If a chunk is an uploaded file, then `file_name`, `file_name_len` is
* filled with an uploaded file name. `chunk`, `chunk_len`
* points to the chunk data.
* Return: number of bytes to skip to the next chunk or 0 if there are
* no more chunks.
* Usage example:
* ```c
* static void ev_handler(struct mg_connection *nc, int ev, void *ev_data) {
* switch(ev) {
* struct http_message *hm = (struct http_message *) ev_data;
* char var_name[100], file_name[100];
* const char *chunk;
* size_t chunk_len, n1, n2;
* n1 = n2 = 0;
* while ((n2 = mg_parse_multipart(hm->body.p + n1,
* hm->body.len - n1,
* var_name, sizeof(var_name),
* file_name, sizeof(file_name),
* &chunk, &chunk_len)) > 0) {
* printf("var: %s, file_name: %s, size: %d, chunk: [%.*s]\n",
* var_name, file_name, (int) chunk_len,
* (int) chunk_len, chunk);
* n1 += n2;
* }
* }
* break;
* ```
size_t mg_parse_multipart(const char *buf, size_t buf_len, char *var_name,
size_t var_name_len, char *file_name,
size_t file_name_len, const char **chunk,
size_t *chunk_len);
* Fetches a HTTP form variable.
* Fetches a variable `name` from a `buf` into a buffer specified by `dst`,
* `dst_len`. The destination is always zero-terminated. Returns the length of
* a fetched variable. If not found, 0 is returned. `buf` must be valid
* url-encoded buffer. If destination is too small or an error occured,
* negative number is returned.
int mg_get_http_var(const struct mg_str *buf, const char *name, char *dst,
size_t dst_len);
* This structure defines how `mg_serve_http()` works.
* Best practice is to set only required settings, and leave the rest as NULL.
struct mg_serve_http_opts {
/* Path to web root directory */
const char *document_root;
/* List of index files. Default is "" */
const char *index_files;
* Leave as NULL to disable authentication.
* To enable directory protection with authentication, set this to ".htpasswd"
* Then, creating ".htpasswd" file in any directory automatically protects
* it with digest authentication.
* Use `mongoose` web server binary, or `htdigest` Apache utility to
* create/manipulate passwords file.
* Make sure `auth_domain` is set to a valid domain name.
const char *per_directory_auth_file;
/* Authorization domain (domain name of this web server) */
const char *auth_domain;
* Leave as NULL to disable authentication.
* Normally, only selected directories in the document root are protected.
* If absolutely every access to the web server needs to be authenticated,
* regardless of the URI, set this option to the path to the passwords file.
* Format of that file is the same as ".htpasswd" file. Make sure that file
* is located outside document root to prevent people fetching it.
const char *global_auth_file;
/* Set to "no" to disable directory listing. Enabled by default. */
const char *enable_directory_listing;
* SSI files pattern. If not set, "**.shtml$|**.shtm$" is used.
* All files that match ssi_pattern are treated as SSI.
* Server Side Includes (SSI) is a simple interpreted server-side scripting
* language which is most commonly used to include the contents of a file
* into a web page. It can be useful when it is desirable to include a common
* piece of code throughout a website, for example, headers and footers.
* In order for a webpage to recognize an SSI-enabled HTML file, the
* filename should end with a special extension, by default the extension
* should be either .shtml or .shtm
* Unknown SSI directives are silently ignored by Mongoose. Currently,
* the following SSI directives are supported:
* <!--#include FILE_TO_INCLUDE -->
* <!--#exec "COMMAND_TO_EXECUTE" -->
* <!--#call COMMAND -->
* Note that <!--#include ...> directive supports three path
* <!--#include virtual="path" --> Path is relative to web server root
* <!--#include abspath="path" --> Path is absolute or relative to the
* web server working dir
* <!--#include file="path" -->, Path is relative to current document
* <!--#include "path" -->
* The include directive may be used to include the contents of a file or
* the result of running a CGI script.
* The exec directive is used to execute
* a command on a server, and show command's output. Example:
* <!--#exec "ls -l" -->
* The call directive is a way to invoke a C handler from the HTML page.
* On each occurence of <!--#call COMMAND OPTIONAL_PARAMS> directive,
* Mongoose calls a registered event handler with MG_EV_SSI_CALL event,
* and event parameter will point to the COMMAND OPTIONAL_PARAMS string.
* An event handler can output any text, for example by calling
* `mg_printf()`. This is a flexible way of generating a web page on
* server side by calling a C event handler. Example:
* <!--#call foo --> ... <!--#call bar -->
* In the event handler:
* case MG_EV_SSI_CALL: {
* const char *param = (const char *) ev_data;
* if (strcmp(param, "foo") == 0) {
* mg_printf(c, "hello from foo");
* } else if (strcmp(param, "bar") == 0) {
* mg_printf(c, "hello from bar");
* }
* break;
* }
const char *ssi_pattern;
/* IP ACL. By default, NULL, meaning all IPs are allowed to connect */
const char *ip_acl;
/* URL rewrites.
* Comma-separated list of `uri_pattern=url_file_or_directory_path` rewrites.
* When HTTP request is received, Mongoose constructs a file name from the
* requested URI by combining `document_root` and the URI. However, if the
* rewrite option is used and `uri_pattern` matches requested URI, then
* `document_root` is ignored. Instead, `url_file_or_directory_path` is used,
* which should be a full path name or a path relative to the web server's
* current working directory. It can also be an URI (http:// or https://)
* in which case mongoose will behave as a reverse proxy for that destination.
* Note that `uri_pattern`, as all Mongoose patterns, is a prefix pattern.
* If uri_pattern starts with `@` symbol, then Mongoose compares it with the
* HOST header of the request. If they are equal, Mongoose sets document root
* to `file_or_directory_path`, implementing virtual hosts support.
* Example: `@foo.com=/document/root/for/foo.com`
* If `uri_pattern` starts with `%` symbol, then Mongoose compares it with
* the listening port. If they match, then Mongoose issues a 301 redirect.
* For example, to redirect all HTTP requests to the
* HTTPS port, do `%80=https://my.site.com`. Note that the request URI is
* automatically appended to the redirect location.
const char *url_rewrites;
/* DAV document root. If NULL, DAV requests are going to fail. */
const char *dav_document_root;
* DAV passwords file. If NULL, DAV requests are going to fail.
* If passwords file is set to "-", then DAV auth is disabled.
const char *dav_auth_file;
/* Glob pattern for the files to hide. */
const char *hidden_file_pattern;
/* Set to non-NULL to enable CGI, e.g. **.cgi$|**.php$" */
const char *cgi_file_pattern;
/* If not NULL, ignore CGI script hashbang and use this interpreter */
const char *cgi_interpreter;
* Comma-separated list of Content-Type overrides for path suffixes, e.g.
* ".txt=text/plain; charset=utf-8,.c=text/plain"
const char *custom_mime_types;
* Extra HTTP headers to add to each server response.
* Example: to enable CORS, set this to "Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *".
const char *extra_headers;
* Serves given HTTP request according to the `options`.
* Example code snippet:
* ```c
* static void ev_handler(struct mg_connection *nc, int ev, void *ev_data) {
* struct http_message *hm = (struct http_message *) ev_data;
* struct mg_serve_http_opts opts = { .document_root = "/var/www" }; // C99
* switch (ev) {
* mg_serve_http(nc, hm, opts);
* break;
* default:
* break;
* }
* }
* ```
void mg_serve_http(struct mg_connection *nc, struct http_message *hm,
struct mg_serve_http_opts opts);
* Serves a specific file with a given MIME type and optional extra headers.
* Example code snippet:
* ```c
* static void ev_handler(struct mg_connection *nc, int ev, void *ev_data) {
* switch (ev) {
* struct http_message *hm = (struct http_message *) ev_data;
* mg_http_serve_file(nc, hm, "file.txt",
* mg_mk_str("text/plain"), mg_mk_str(""));
* break;
* }
* ...
* }
* }
* ```
void mg_http_serve_file(struct mg_connection *nc, struct http_message *hm,
const char *path, const struct mg_str mime_type,
const struct mg_str extra_headers);
/* Callback prototype for `mg_file_upload_handler()`. */
typedef struct mg_str (*mg_fu_fname_fn)(struct mg_connection *nc,
struct mg_str fname);
* File upload handler.
* This handler can be used to implement file uploads with minimum code.
* This handler will process MG_EV_HTTP_PART_* events and store file data into
* a local file.
* `local_name_fn` will be invoked with whatever name was provided by the client
* and will expect the name of the local file to open. A return value of NULL
* will abort file upload (client will get a "403 Forbidden" response). If
* non-null, the returned string must be heap-allocated and will be freed by
* the caller.
* Exception: it is ok to return the same string verbatim.
* Example:
* ```c
* struct mg_str upload_fname(struct mg_connection *nc, struct mg_str fname) {
* // Just return the same filename. Do not actually do this except in test!
* // fname is user-controlled and needs to be sanitized.
* return fname;
* }
* void ev_handler(struct mg_connection *nc, int ev, void *ev_data) {
* switch (ev) {
* ...
* mg_file_upload_handler(nc, ev, ev_data, upload_fname);
* break;
* }
* }
* ```
void mg_file_upload_handler(struct mg_connection *nc, int ev, void *ev_data,
mg_fu_fname_fn local_name_fn
MG_UD_ARG(void *user_data));
* Registers a callback for a specified http endpoint
* Note: if callback is registered it is called instead of the
* callback provided in mg_bind
* Example code snippet:
* ```c
* static void handle_hello1(struct mg_connection *nc, int ev, void *ev_data) {
* (void) ev; (void) ev_data;
* mg_printf(nc, "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n\r\n[I am Hello1]");
* nc->flags |= MG_F_SEND_AND_CLOSE;
* }
* static void handle_hello2(struct mg_connection *nc, int ev, void *ev_data) {
* (void) ev; (void) ev_data;
* mg_printf(nc, "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n\r\n[I am Hello2]");
* nc->flags |= MG_F_SEND_AND_CLOSE;
* }
* void init() {
* nc = mg_bind(&mgr, local_addr, cb1);
* mg_register_http_endpoint(nc, "/hello1", handle_hello1);
* mg_register_http_endpoint(nc, "/hello1/hello2", handle_hello2);
* }
* ```
void mg_register_http_endpoint(struct mg_connection *nc, const char *uri_path,
MG_CB(mg_event_handler_t handler,
void *user_data));
struct mg_http_endpoint_opts {
void *user_data;
/* Authorization domain (realm) */
const char *auth_domain;
const char *auth_file;
void mg_register_http_endpoint_opt(struct mg_connection *nc,
const char *uri_path,
mg_event_handler_t handler,
struct mg_http_endpoint_opts opts);
* Authenticates a HTTP request against an opened password file.
* Returns 1 if authenticated, 0 otherwise.
int mg_http_check_digest_auth(struct http_message *hm, const char *auth_domain,
FILE *fp);
* Authenticates given response params against an opened password file.
* Returns 1 if authenticated, 0 otherwise.
* It's used by mg_http_check_digest_auth().
int mg_check_digest_auth(struct mg_str method, struct mg_str uri,
struct mg_str username, struct mg_str cnonce,
struct mg_str response, struct mg_str qop,
struct mg_str nc, struct mg_str nonce,
struct mg_str auth_domain, FILE *fp);
* Sends buffer `buf` of size `len` to the client using chunked HTTP encoding.
* This function sends the buffer size as hex number + newline first, then
* the buffer itself, then the newline. For example,
* `mg_send_http_chunk(nc, "foo", 3)` will append the `3\r\nfoo\r\n` string
* to the `nc->send_mbuf` output IO buffer.
* NOTE: The HTTP header "Transfer-Encoding: chunked" should be sent prior to
* using this function.
* NOTE: do not forget to send an empty chunk at the end of the response,
* to tell the client that everything was sent. Example:
* ```
* mg_printf_http_chunk(nc, "%s", "my response!");
* mg_send_http_chunk(nc, "", 0); // Tell the client we're finished
* ```
void mg_send_http_chunk(struct mg_connection *nc, const char *buf, size_t len);
* Sends a printf-formatted HTTP chunk.
* Functionality is similar to `mg_send_http_chunk()`.
void mg_printf_http_chunk(struct mg_connection *nc, const char *fmt, ...);
* Sends the response status line.
* If `extra_headers` is not NULL, then `extra_headers` are also sent
* after the response line. `extra_headers` must NOT end end with new line.
* Example:
* mg_send_response_line(nc, 200, "Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *");
* Will result in:
* HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n
* Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *\r\n
void mg_send_response_line(struct mg_connection *nc, int status_code,
const char *extra_headers);
* Sends an error response. If reason is NULL, the message will be inferred
* from the error code (if supported).
void mg_http_send_error(struct mg_connection *nc, int code, const char *reason);
* Sends a redirect response.
* `status_code` should be either 301 or 302 and `location` point to the
* new location.
* If `extra_headers` is not empty, then `extra_headers` are also sent
* after the response line. `extra_headers` must NOT end end with new line.
* Example:
* mg_http_send_redirect(nc, 302, mg_mk_str("/login"), mg_mk_str(NULL));
void mg_http_send_redirect(struct mg_connection *nc, int status_code,
const struct mg_str location,
const struct mg_str extra_headers);
* Sends the response line and headers.
* This function sends the response line with the `status_code`, and
* automatically
* sends one header: either "Content-Length" or "Transfer-Encoding".
* If `content_length` is negative, then "Transfer-Encoding: chunked" header
* is sent, otherwise, "Content-Length" header is sent.
* NOTE: If `Transfer-Encoding` is `chunked`, then message body must be sent
* using `mg_send_http_chunk()` or `mg_printf_http_chunk()` functions.
* Otherwise, `mg_send()` or `mg_printf()` must be used.
* Extra headers could be set through `extra_headers`. Note `extra_headers`
* must NOT be terminated by a new line.
void mg_send_head(struct mg_connection *n, int status_code,
int64_t content_length, const char *extra_headers);
* Sends a printf-formatted HTTP chunk, escaping HTML tags.
void mg_printf_html_escape(struct mg_connection *nc, const char *fmt, ...);
* Proxies a given request to a given upstream http server. The path prefix
* in `mount` will be stripped of the path requested to the upstream server,
* e.g. if mount is /api and upstream is http://localhost:8001/foo
* then an incoming request to /api/bar will cause a request to
* http://localhost:8001/foo/bar
* EXPERIMENTAL API. Please use http_serve_http + url_rewrites if a static
* mapping is good enough.
void mg_http_reverse_proxy(struct mg_connection *nc,
const struct http_message *hm, struct mg_str mount,
struct mg_str upstream);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* __cplusplus */
#endif /* MG_ENABLE_HTTP */