# Amalgamation Mongoose is distributed as two files, `mongoose.c` and `mongoose.h` for ease of integration. However, when developing Mongoose itself, it can be quite difficult to work with them. Internally, these files are an _amalgamation_ of source an header modules. This directory contains utilities to split and re-constitute amalgamated files. Here's how `mongoose.c` can be split into its consituent parts: ``` $ tools/unamalgam mongoose.c => mongoose/src/internal.h => common/cs_dbg.h ... ``` This produces directories and files under `mongoose/` and `common/` that are easeier to work with. It also produces `mongoose.c.manifest` which can later be used to reconstruct the file back: ``` $ tools/amalgam --prefix=MG --public-header=mongoose.h $(cat mongoose.c.manifest) > mongoose.c ``` The same applies to `mongoose.h`, except `--public-header` should be omitted during amalgamation.