#include "mqtt.h" #include "arch.h" #include "base64.h" #include "event.h" #include "log.h" #include "url.h" #include "util.h" #define MQTT_CLEAN_SESSION 0x02 #define MQTT_HAS_WILL 0x04 #define MQTT_WILL_RETAIN 0x20 #define MQTT_HAS_PASSWORD 0x40 #define MQTT_HAS_USER_NAME 0x80 struct mg_mqtt_pmap { uint8_t id; uint8_t type; }; static const struct mg_mqtt_pmap s_prop_map[] = { {MQTT_PROP_PAYLOAD_FORMAT_INDICATOR, MQTT_PROP_TYPE_BYTE}, {MQTT_PROP_MESSAGE_EXPIRY_INTERVAL, MQTT_PROP_TYPE_INT}, {MQTT_PROP_CONTENT_TYPE, MQTT_PROP_TYPE_STRING}, {MQTT_PROP_RESPONSE_TOPIC, MQTT_PROP_TYPE_STRING}, {MQTT_PROP_CORRELATION_DATA, MQTT_PROP_TYPE_BINARY_DATA}, {MQTT_PROP_SUBSCRIPTION_IDENTIFIER, MQTT_PROP_TYPE_VARIABLE_INT}, {MQTT_PROP_SESSION_EXPIRY_INTERVAL, MQTT_PROP_TYPE_INT}, {MQTT_PROP_ASSIGNED_CLIENT_IDENTIFIER, MQTT_PROP_TYPE_STRING}, {MQTT_PROP_SERVER_KEEP_ALIVE, MQTT_PROP_TYPE_SHORT}, {MQTT_PROP_AUTHENTICATION_METHOD, MQTT_PROP_TYPE_STRING}, {MQTT_PROP_AUTHENTICATION_DATA, MQTT_PROP_TYPE_BINARY_DATA}, {MQTT_PROP_REQUEST_PROBLEM_INFORMATION, MQTT_PROP_TYPE_BYTE}, {MQTT_PROP_WILL_DELAY_INTERVAL, MQTT_PROP_TYPE_INT}, {MQTT_PROP_REQUEST_RESPONSE_INFORMATION, MQTT_PROP_TYPE_BYTE}, {MQTT_PROP_RESPONSE_INFORMATION, MQTT_PROP_TYPE_STRING}, {MQTT_PROP_SERVER_REFERENCE, MQTT_PROP_TYPE_STRING}, {MQTT_PROP_REASON_STRING, MQTT_PROP_TYPE_STRING}, {MQTT_PROP_RECEIVE_MAXIMUM, MQTT_PROP_TYPE_SHORT}, {MQTT_PROP_TOPIC_ALIAS_MAXIMUM, MQTT_PROP_TYPE_SHORT}, {MQTT_PROP_TOPIC_ALIAS, MQTT_PROP_TYPE_SHORT}, {MQTT_PROP_MAXIMUM_QOS, MQTT_PROP_TYPE_BYTE}, {MQTT_PROP_RETAIN_AVAILABLE, MQTT_PROP_TYPE_BYTE}, {MQTT_PROP_USER_PROPERTY, MQTT_PROP_TYPE_STRING_PAIR}, {MQTT_PROP_MAXIMUM_PACKET_SIZE, MQTT_PROP_TYPE_INT}, {MQTT_PROP_WILDCARD_SUBSCRIPTION_AVAILABLE, MQTT_PROP_TYPE_BYTE}, {MQTT_PROP_SUBSCRIPTION_IDENTIFIER_AVAILABLE, MQTT_PROP_TYPE_BYTE}, {MQTT_PROP_SHARED_SUBSCRIPTION_AVAILABLE, MQTT_PROP_TYPE_BYTE}}; void mg_mqtt_send_header(struct mg_connection *c, uint8_t cmd, uint8_t flags, uint32_t len) { uint8_t buf[1 + sizeof(len)], *vlen = &buf[1]; buf[0] = (uint8_t) ((cmd << 4) | flags); do { *vlen = len % 0x80; len /= 0x80; if (len > 0) *vlen |= 0x80; vlen++; } while (len > 0 && vlen < &buf[sizeof(buf)]); mg_send(c, buf, (size_t) (vlen - buf)); } static void mg_send_u16(struct mg_connection *c, uint16_t value) { mg_send(c, &value, sizeof(value)); } static void mg_send_u32(struct mg_connection *c, uint32_t value) { mg_send(c, &value, sizeof(value)); } static uint8_t varint_size(size_t length) { uint8_t bytes_needed = 0; do { bytes_needed++; length /= 0x80; } while (length > 0); return bytes_needed; } static size_t encode_varint(uint8_t *buf, size_t value) { size_t len = 0; do { uint8_t byte = (uint8_t) (value % 128); value /= 128; if (value > 0) byte |= 0x80; buf[len++] = byte; } while (value > 0); return len; } static size_t decode_varint(const uint8_t *buf, size_t len, size_t *value) { size_t multiplier = 1, offset; *value = 0; for (offset = 0; offset < 4 && offset < len; offset++) { uint8_t encoded_byte = buf[offset]; *value += (encoded_byte & 0x7f) * multiplier; multiplier *= 128; if ((encoded_byte & 0x80) == 0) return offset + 1; } return 0; } static int mqtt_prop_type_by_id(uint8_t prop_id) { size_t i, num_properties = sizeof(s_prop_map) / sizeof(s_prop_map[0]); for (i = 0; i < num_properties; ++i) { if (s_prop_map[i].id == prop_id) return s_prop_map[i].type; } return -1; // Property ID not found } // Returns the size of the properties section, without the // size of the content's length static size_t get_properties_length(struct mg_mqtt_prop *props, size_t count) { size_t i, size = 0; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { size++; // identifier switch (mqtt_prop_type_by_id(props[i].id)) { case MQTT_PROP_TYPE_STRING_PAIR: size += (uint32_t) (props[i].val.len + props[i].key.len + 2 * sizeof(uint16_t)); break; case MQTT_PROP_TYPE_STRING: size += (uint32_t) (props[i].val.len + sizeof(uint16_t)); break; case MQTT_PROP_TYPE_BINARY_DATA: size += (uint32_t) (props[i].val.len + sizeof(uint16_t)); break; case MQTT_PROP_TYPE_VARIABLE_INT: size += varint_size((uint32_t) props[i].iv); break; case MQTT_PROP_TYPE_INT: size += (uint32_t) sizeof(uint32_t); break; case MQTT_PROP_TYPE_SHORT: size += (uint32_t) sizeof(uint16_t); break; case MQTT_PROP_TYPE_BYTE: size += (uint32_t) sizeof(uint8_t); break; default: return size; // cannot parse further down } } return size; } // returns the entire size of the properties section, including the // size of the variable length of the content static size_t get_props_size(struct mg_mqtt_prop *props, size_t count) { size_t size = get_properties_length(props, count); size += varint_size(size); return size; } static void mg_send_mqtt_properties(struct mg_connection *c, struct mg_mqtt_prop *props, size_t nprops) { size_t total_size = get_properties_length(props, nprops); uint8_t buf_v[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0}; uint8_t buf[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0}; size_t i, len = encode_varint(buf, total_size); mg_send(c, buf, (size_t) len); for (i = 0; i < nprops; i++) { mg_send(c, &props[i].id, sizeof(props[i].id)); switch (mqtt_prop_type_by_id(props[i].id)) { case MQTT_PROP_TYPE_STRING_PAIR: mg_send_u16(c, mg_htons((uint16_t) props[i].key.len)); mg_send(c, props[i].key.ptr, props[i].key.len); mg_send_u16(c, mg_htons((uint16_t) props[i].val.len)); mg_send(c, props[i].val.ptr, props[i].val.len); break; case MQTT_PROP_TYPE_BYTE: mg_send(c, &props[i].iv, sizeof(uint8_t)); break; case MQTT_PROP_TYPE_SHORT: mg_send_u16(c, mg_htons((uint16_t) props[i].iv)); break; case MQTT_PROP_TYPE_INT: mg_send_u32(c, mg_htonl((uint32_t) props[i].iv)); break; case MQTT_PROP_TYPE_STRING: mg_send_u16(c, mg_htons((uint16_t) props[i].val.len)); mg_send(c, props[i].val.ptr, props[i].val.len); break; case MQTT_PROP_TYPE_BINARY_DATA: mg_send_u16(c, mg_htons((uint16_t) props[i].val.len)); mg_send(c, props[i].val.ptr, props[i].val.len); break; case MQTT_PROP_TYPE_VARIABLE_INT: len = encode_varint(buf_v, props[i].iv); mg_send(c, buf_v, (size_t) len); break; } } } size_t mg_mqtt_next_prop(struct mg_mqtt_message *msg, struct mg_mqtt_prop *prop, size_t ofs) { uint8_t *i = (uint8_t *) msg->dgram.ptr + msg->props_start + ofs; uint8_t *end = (uint8_t *) msg->dgram.ptr + msg->dgram.len; size_t new_pos = ofs, len; prop->id = i[0]; if (ofs >= msg->dgram.len || ofs >= msg->props_start + msg->props_size) return 0; i++, new_pos++; switch (mqtt_prop_type_by_id(prop->id)) { case MQTT_PROP_TYPE_STRING_PAIR: prop->key.len = (uint16_t) ((((uint16_t) i[0]) << 8) | i[1]); prop->key.ptr = (char *) i + 2; i += 2 + prop->key.len; prop->val.len = (uint16_t) ((((uint16_t) i[0]) << 8) | i[1]); prop->val.ptr = (char *) i + 2; new_pos += 2 * sizeof(uint16_t) + prop->val.len + prop->key.len; break; case MQTT_PROP_TYPE_BYTE: prop->iv = (uint8_t) i[0]; new_pos++; break; case MQTT_PROP_TYPE_SHORT: prop->iv = (uint16_t) ((((uint16_t) i[0]) << 8) | i[1]); new_pos += sizeof(uint16_t); break; case MQTT_PROP_TYPE_INT: prop->iv = ((uint32_t) i[0] << 24) | ((uint32_t) i[1] << 16) | ((uint32_t) i[2] << 8) | i[3]; new_pos += sizeof(uint32_t); break; case MQTT_PROP_TYPE_STRING: prop->val.len = (uint16_t) ((((uint16_t) i[0]) << 8) | i[1]); prop->val.ptr = (char *) i + 2; new_pos += 2 + prop->val.len; break; case MQTT_PROP_TYPE_BINARY_DATA: prop->val.len = (uint16_t) ((((uint16_t) i[0]) << 8) | i[1]); prop->val.ptr = (char *) i + 2; new_pos += 2 + prop->val.len; break; case MQTT_PROP_TYPE_VARIABLE_INT: len = decode_varint(i, (size_t) (end - i), (size_t *) &prop->iv); new_pos = (!len) ? 0 : new_pos + len; break; default: new_pos = 0; } return new_pos; } void mg_mqtt_login(struct mg_connection *c, const struct mg_mqtt_opts *opts) { char rnd[10], client_id[21]; struct mg_str cid = opts->client_id; size_t total_len = 7 + 1 + 2 + 2; uint8_t hdr[8] = {0, 4, 'M', 'Q', 'T', 'T', opts->version, 0}; if (cid.len == 0) { mg_random(rnd, sizeof(rnd)); mg_hex(rnd, sizeof(rnd), client_id); client_id[sizeof(client_id) - 1] = '\0'; cid = mg_str(client_id); } if (hdr[6] == 0) hdr[6] = 4; // If version is not set, use 4 (3.1.1) c->is_mqtt5 = hdr[6] == 5; // Set version 5 flag hdr[7] = (uint8_t) ((opts->qos & 3) << 3); // Connection flags if (opts->user.len > 0) { total_len += 2 + (uint32_t) opts->user.len; hdr[7] |= MQTT_HAS_USER_NAME; } if (opts->pass.len > 0) { total_len += 2 + (uint32_t) opts->pass.len; hdr[7] |= MQTT_HAS_PASSWORD; } if (opts->topic.len > 0 && opts->message.len > 0) { total_len += 4 + (uint32_t) opts->topic.len + (uint32_t) opts->message.len; hdr[7] |= MQTT_HAS_WILL; } if (opts->clean || cid.len == 0) hdr[7] |= MQTT_CLEAN_SESSION; if (opts->retain) hdr[7] |= MQTT_WILL_RETAIN; total_len += (uint32_t) cid.len; if (c->is_mqtt5) { total_len += get_props_size(opts->props, opts->num_props); if (hdr[7] & MQTT_HAS_WILL) total_len += get_props_size(opts->will_props, opts->num_will_props); } mg_mqtt_send_header(c, MQTT_CMD_CONNECT, 0, (uint32_t) total_len); mg_send(c, hdr, sizeof(hdr)); // keepalive == 0 means "do not disconnect us!" mg_send_u16(c, mg_htons((uint16_t) opts->keepalive)); if (c->is_mqtt5) mg_send_mqtt_properties(c, opts->props, opts->num_props); mg_send_u16(c, mg_htons((uint16_t) cid.len)); mg_send(c, cid.ptr, cid.len); if (hdr[7] & MQTT_HAS_WILL) { if (c->is_mqtt5) mg_send_mqtt_properties(c, opts->will_props, opts->num_will_props); mg_send_u16(c, mg_htons((uint16_t) opts->topic.len)); mg_send(c, opts->topic.ptr, opts->topic.len); mg_send_u16(c, mg_htons((uint16_t) opts->message.len)); mg_send(c, opts->message.ptr, opts->message.len); } if (opts->user.len > 0) { mg_send_u16(c, mg_htons((uint16_t) opts->user.len)); mg_send(c, opts->user.ptr, opts->user.len); } if (opts->pass.len > 0) { mg_send_u16(c, mg_htons((uint16_t) opts->pass.len)); mg_send(c, opts->pass.ptr, opts->pass.len); } } void mg_mqtt_pub(struct mg_connection *c, const struct mg_mqtt_opts *opts) { uint8_t flags = (uint8_t) (((opts->qos & 3) << 1) | (opts->retain ? 1 : 0)); size_t len = 2 + opts->topic.len + opts->message.len; MG_DEBUG(("%lu [%.*s] -> [%.*s]", c->id, (int) opts->topic.len, (char *) opts->topic.ptr, (int) opts->message.len, (char *) opts->message.ptr)); if (opts->qos > 0) len += 2; if (c->is_mqtt5) len += get_props_size(opts->props, opts->num_props); mg_mqtt_send_header(c, MQTT_CMD_PUBLISH, flags, (uint32_t) len); mg_send_u16(c, mg_htons((uint16_t) opts->topic.len)); mg_send(c, opts->topic.ptr, opts->topic.len); if (opts->qos > 0) { if (++c->mgr->mqtt_id == 0) ++c->mgr->mqtt_id; mg_send_u16(c, mg_htons(c->mgr->mqtt_id)); } if (c->is_mqtt5) mg_send_mqtt_properties(c, opts->props, opts->num_props); mg_send(c, opts->message.ptr, opts->message.len); } void mg_mqtt_sub(struct mg_connection *c, const struct mg_mqtt_opts *opts) { uint8_t qos_ = opts->qos & 3; size_t plen = c->is_mqtt5 ? get_props_size(opts->props, opts->num_props) : 0; size_t len = 2 + opts->topic.len + 2 + 1 + plen; mg_mqtt_send_header(c, MQTT_CMD_SUBSCRIBE, 2, (uint32_t) len); if (++c->mgr->mqtt_id == 0) ++c->mgr->mqtt_id; mg_send_u16(c, mg_htons(c->mgr->mqtt_id)); if (c->is_mqtt5) mg_send_mqtt_properties(c, opts->props, opts->num_props); mg_send_u16(c, mg_htons((uint16_t) opts->topic.len)); mg_send(c, opts->topic.ptr, opts->topic.len); mg_send(c, &qos_, sizeof(qos_)); } int mg_mqtt_parse(const uint8_t *buf, size_t len, uint8_t version, struct mg_mqtt_message *m) { uint8_t lc = 0, *p, *end; uint32_t n = 0, len_len = 0; memset(m, 0, sizeof(*m)); m->dgram.ptr = (char *) buf; if (len < 2) return MQTT_INCOMPLETE; m->cmd = (uint8_t) (buf[0] >> 4); m->qos = (buf[0] >> 1) & 3; n = len_len = 0; p = (uint8_t *) buf + 1; while ((size_t) (p - buf) < len) { lc = *((uint8_t *) p++); n += (uint32_t) ((lc & 0x7f) << 7 * len_len); len_len++; if (!(lc & 0x80)) break; if (len_len >= 4) return MQTT_MALFORMED; } end = p + n; if ((lc & 0x80) || (end > buf + len)) return MQTT_INCOMPLETE; m->dgram.len = (size_t) (end - buf); switch (m->cmd) { case MQTT_CMD_CONNACK: if (end - p < 2) return MQTT_MALFORMED; m->ack = p[1]; break; case MQTT_CMD_PUBACK: case MQTT_CMD_PUBREC: case MQTT_CMD_PUBREL: case MQTT_CMD_PUBCOMP: case MQTT_CMD_SUBSCRIBE: case MQTT_CMD_SUBACK: case MQTT_CMD_UNSUBSCRIBE: case MQTT_CMD_UNSUBACK: if (p + 2 > end) return MQTT_MALFORMED; m->id = (uint16_t) ((((uint16_t) p[0]) << 8) | p[1]); p += 2; break; case MQTT_CMD_PUBLISH: { if (p + 2 > end) return MQTT_MALFORMED; m->topic.len = (uint16_t) ((((uint16_t) p[0]) << 8) | p[1]); m->topic.ptr = (char *) p + 2; p += 2 + m->topic.len; if (p > end) return MQTT_MALFORMED; if (m->qos > 0) { if (p + 2 > end) return MQTT_MALFORMED; m->id = (uint16_t) ((((uint16_t) p[0]) << 8) | p[1]); p += 2; } if (p > end) return MQTT_MALFORMED; if (version == 5 && p + 2 < end) { len_len = (uint32_t) decode_varint(p, (size_t) (end - p), &m->props_size); if (!len_len) return MQTT_MALFORMED; m->props_start = (size_t) (p + len_len - buf); p += len_len + m->props_size; } if (p > end) return MQTT_MALFORMED; m->data.ptr = (char *) p; m->data.len = (size_t) (end - p); break; } default: break; } return MQTT_OK; } static void mqtt_cb(struct mg_connection *c, int ev, void *ev_data, void *fn_data) { if (ev == MG_EV_READ) { for (;;) { uint8_t version = c->is_mqtt5 ? 5 : 4; struct mg_mqtt_message mm; int rc = mg_mqtt_parse(c->recv.buf, c->recv.len, version, &mm); if (rc == MQTT_MALFORMED) { MG_ERROR(("%lu MQTT malformed message", c->id)); c->is_closing = 1; break; } else if (rc == MQTT_OK) { MG_VERBOSE(("%lu MQTT CMD %d len %d [%.*s]", c->id, mm.cmd, (int) mm.dgram.len, (int) mm.data.len, mm.data.ptr)); switch (mm.cmd) { case MQTT_CMD_CONNACK: mg_call(c, MG_EV_MQTT_OPEN, &mm.ack); if (mm.ack == 0) { MG_DEBUG(("%lu Connected", c->id)); } else { MG_ERROR(("%lu MQTT auth failed, code %d", c->id, mm.ack)); c->is_closing = 1; } break; case MQTT_CMD_PUBLISH: { MG_DEBUG(("%lu [%.*s] -> [%.*s]", c->id, (int) mm.topic.len, mm.topic.ptr, (int) mm.data.len, mm.data.ptr)); if (mm.qos > 0) { uint16_t id = mg_ntohs(mm.id); uint32_t remaining_len = sizeof(id); if (c->is_mqtt5) remaining_len += 2; // 3.4.2 mg_mqtt_send_header( c, (uint8_t) (mm.qos == 2 ? MQTT_CMD_PUBREC : MQTT_CMD_PUBACK), 0, remaining_len); mg_send(c, &id, sizeof(id)); if (c->is_mqtt5) { uint16_t zero = 0; mg_send(c, &zero, sizeof(zero)); } } mg_call(c, MG_EV_MQTT_MSG, &mm); // let the app handle qos stuff break; } case MQTT_CMD_PUBREC: { // MQTT5: 3.5.2-1 TODO(): variable header rc uint16_t id = mg_ntohs(mm.id); uint32_t remaining_len = sizeof(id); // MQTT5 3.6.2-1 mg_mqtt_send_header(c, MQTT_CMD_PUBREL, 2, remaining_len); mg_send(c, &id, sizeof(id)); // MQTT5 3.6.1-1, flags = 2 break; } case MQTT_CMD_PUBREL: { // MQTT5: 3.6.2-1 TODO(): variable header rc uint16_t id = mg_ntohs(mm.id); uint32_t remaining_len = sizeof(id); // MQTT5 3.7.2-1 mg_mqtt_send_header(c, MQTT_CMD_PUBCOMP, 0, remaining_len); mg_send(c, &id, sizeof(id)); break; } } mg_call(c, MG_EV_MQTT_CMD, &mm); mg_iobuf_del(&c->recv, 0, mm.dgram.len); } else { break; } } } (void) ev_data; (void) fn_data; } void mg_mqtt_ping(struct mg_connection *nc) { mg_mqtt_send_header(nc, MQTT_CMD_PINGREQ, 0, 0); } void mg_mqtt_pong(struct mg_connection *nc) { mg_mqtt_send_header(nc, MQTT_CMD_PINGRESP, 0, 0); } void mg_mqtt_disconnect(struct mg_connection *c, const struct mg_mqtt_opts *opts) { size_t len = 0; if (c->is_mqtt5) len = 1 + get_props_size(opts->props, opts->num_props); mg_mqtt_send_header(c, MQTT_CMD_DISCONNECT, 0, (uint32_t) len); if (c->is_mqtt5) { uint8_t zero = 0; mg_send(c, &zero, sizeof(zero)); // reason code mg_send_mqtt_properties(c, opts->props, opts->num_props); } } struct mg_connection *mg_mqtt_connect(struct mg_mgr *mgr, const char *url, const struct mg_mqtt_opts *opts, mg_event_handler_t fn, void *fn_data) { struct mg_connection *c = mg_connect(mgr, url, fn, fn_data); if (c != NULL) { struct mg_mqtt_opts empty; memset(&empty, 0, sizeof(empty)); mg_mqtt_login(c, opts == NULL ? &empty : opts); c->pfn = mqtt_cb; } return c; } struct mg_connection *mg_mqtt_listen(struct mg_mgr *mgr, const char *url, mg_event_handler_t fn, void *fn_data) { struct mg_connection *c = mg_listen(mgr, url, fn, fn_data); if (c != NULL) c->pfn = mqtt_cb, c->pfn_data = mgr; return c; }