diff --git a/build/Makefile b/build/Makefile index c3ccbf9d..e3e94e09 100644 --- a/build/Makefile +++ b/build/Makefile @@ -160,8 +160,7 @@ cocoa: Mongoose V=`perl -lne '/define\s+MONGOOSE_VERSION\s+"(\S+)"/ and print $$1' ../mongoose.c`; DIR=dmg/Mongoose.app && rm -rf $$DIR && mkdir -p $$DIR/Contents/{MacOS,Resources} && install -m 644 mongoose_*.png $$DIR/Contents/Resources/ && install -m 644 Info.plist $$DIR/Contents/ && install -m 755 Mongoose $$DIR/Contents/MacOS/ && ln -fs /Applications dmg/ ; hdiutil create Mongoose_$$V.dmg -volname "Mongoose $$V" -srcfolder dmg -ov #; rm -rf dmg un: - $(CC) test/unit_test.c -o unit_test -I. -I$(LUA) $(LUA_SOURCES) \ - $(CFLAGS) -g -O0 + $(CC) ../test/unit_test.c -o unit_test lua_5.2.1.c $(CFLAGS) -g -O0 ./unit_test wi: @@ -197,7 +196,7 @@ cygwin: -lws2_32 -ladvapi32 -o $(PROG).exe tests: - perl test/test.pl $(TEST) + perl ../test/test.pl $(TEST) tarball: clean F=mongoose-`perl -lne '/define\s+MONGOOSE_VERSION\s+"(\S+)"/ and print $$1' ../mongoose.c`.tgz ; cd ../.. && tar -czf x mongoose/{LICENSE,examples,test,build,*.[ch],*.md} && mv x mongoose/$$F