mirror of
synced 2024-12-26 22:41:03 +08:00
@ -177,8 +177,7 @@ mongoose.c: Makefile $(wildcard src/*.c) $(wildcard src/drivers/*.c)
(cat src/license.h; echo; echo '#include "mongoose.h"' ; (for F in src/*.c src/drivers/*.c ; do echo; echo '#ifdef MG_ENABLE_LINES'; echo "#line 1 \"$$F\""; echo '#endif'; cat $$F | sed -e 's,#include ".*,,'; done))> $@
mongoose.h: $(HDRS) Makefile
(cat src/license.h; echo; echo '#ifndef MONGOOSE_H'; echo '#define MONGOOSE_H'; echo; cat src/version.h ; echo; echo '#ifdef __cplusplus'; echo 'extern "C" {'; echo '#endif'; cat src/arch.h src/arch_*.h src/net_ft.h src/net_lwip.h src/net_rl.h src/config.h src/str.h src/queue.h src/fmt.h src/printf.h src/log.h src/timer.h src/fs.h src/util.h src/url.h src/iobuf.h src/base64.h src/md5.h src/sha1.h src/event.h src/net.h src/http.h src/ssi.h src/tls.h src/tls_mbed.h src/tls_openssl.h src/ws.h src/sntp.h src/mqtt.h src/dns.h src/json.h src/rpc.h src/ota.h src/device.h src/net_builtin.h src/drivers/*.h | sed -e '/keep/! s,#include ".*,,' -e 's,^#pragma once,,'; echo; echo '#ifdef __cplusplus'; echo '}'; echo '#endif'; echo '#endif // MONGOOSE_H')> $@
(cat src/license.h; echo; echo '#ifndef MONGOOSE_H'; echo '#define MONGOOSE_H'; echo; cat src/version.h ; echo; echo '#ifdef __cplusplus'; echo 'extern "C" {'; echo '#endif'; cat src/arch.h src/arch_*.h src/net_ft.h src/net_lwip.h src/net_rl.h src/config.h src/str.h src/queue.h src/fmt.h src/printf.h src/log.h src/timer.h src/fs.h src/util.h src/url.h src/iobuf.h src/base64.h src/md5.h src/sha1.h src/event.h src/net.h src/profile.h src/http.h src/ssi.h src/tls.h src/tls_mbed.h src/tls_openssl.h src/ws.h src/sntp.h src/mqtt.h src/dns.h src/json.h src/rpc.h src/ota.h src/device.h src/net_builtin.h src/drivers/*.h | sed -e '/keep/! s,#include ".*,,' -e 's,^#pragma once,,'; echo; echo '#ifdef __cplusplus'; echo '}'; echo '#endif'; echo '#endif // MONGOOSE_H')> $@
clean: clean_examples clean_embedded
rm -rf $(PROG) *.exe *.o *.dSYM *_test* ut fuzzer *.gcov *.gcno *.gcda *.obj *.exe *.ilk *.pdb slow-unit* _CL_* infer-out data.txt crash-* test/packed_fs.c pack
@ -12,13 +12,13 @@ static void signal_handler(int signo) {
// Mocked device pins
static bool s_pins[100];
void gpio_write(int pin, bool status) {
void hal_gpio_write(int pin, bool status) {
if (pin >= 0 && pin <= (int) (sizeof(s_pins) / sizeof(s_pins[0]))) {
s_pins[pin] = status;
bool gpio_read(int pin) {
bool hal_gpio_read(int pin) {
return (pin >= 0 && pin <= (int) (sizeof(s_pins) / sizeof(s_pins[0])))
? s_pins[pin]
: false;
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ static void publish_status(struct mg_connection *c) {
struct mg_mqtt_opts pub_opts;
memset(&pub_opts, 0, sizeof(pub_opts));
pub_opts.topic = pubt;
s_device_config.led_status = gpio_read(s_device_config.led_pin);
s_device_config.led_status = hal_gpio_read(s_device_config.led_pin);
char *device_status_json = mg_mprintf(
MG_ESC("method"), MG_ESC("status.notify"), MG_ESC("params"),
@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ static void rpc_config_set(struct mg_rpc_req *r) {
if (tmp_pin > 0) s_device_config.led_pin = tmp_pin;
if (tmp_pin > 0 && ok) {
gpio_write(s_device_config.led_pin, s_device_config.led_status);
hal_gpio_write(s_device_config.led_pin, s_device_config.led_status);
mg_rpc_ok(r, "%m", MG_ESC("ok"));
@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ static void timer_fn(void *arg) {
.qos = s_qos,
.topic = mg_str(status_topic),
.version = 4,
.retain = true,
.message = mg_str(msg)};
s_conn = mg_mqtt_connect(mgr, g_url, &opts, fn, NULL);
@ -234,9 +234,9 @@ static void timer_keepalive(void *arg) {
void web_init(struct mg_mgr *mgr) {
int pingreq_interval_ms = KEEP_ALIVE_INTERVAL * 1000 - 500;
int pingreq_interval_ms = MQTT_KEEP_ALIVE_INTERVAL * 1000 - 500;
if (!g_device_id) generate_device_id();
if (!g_root_topic) g_root_topic = DEFAULT_ROOT_TOPIC;
if (!g_root_topic) g_root_topic = MQTT_ROOT_TOPIC;
s_device_config.log_level = (uint8_t) mg_log_level;
// Configure JSON-RPC functions we're going to handle
@ -13,10 +13,9 @@ extern "C" {
#define DEVICE_ID_LEN 10
#define ROOT_TOPIC_LEN 30
#define MQTT_SERVER_URL "mqtt://broker.hivemq.com:1883"
#define DEFAULT_ROOT_TOPIC "topic_mg_device"
#define MQTT_ROOT_TOPIC "topic_mg_device"
extern char *g_url;
extern char *g_device_id;
@ -25,8 +24,8 @@ extern char *g_root_topic;
void web_init(struct mg_mgr *mgr);
void web_destroy();
void gpio_write(int pin, bool status);
bool gpio_read(int pin);
void hal_gpio_write(int pin, bool status);
bool hal_gpio_read(int pin);
#ifdef __cplusplus
@ -23,6 +23,16 @@ void mg_random(void *buf, size_t len) { // Use on-board RNG
void hal_gpio_write(int pin, bool status) { // For MQTT dashboard HAL
gpio_write((uint16_t) pin, status);
bool hal_gpio_read(int pin) { // For MQTT dashboard HAL
return gpio_read((uint16_t) pin);
static void timer_fn(void *arg) {
gpio_toggle(LED); // Blink LED
struct mg_tcpip_if *ifp = arg; // And show
@ -37,13 +47,10 @@ int main(void) {
uart_init(UART_DEBUG, 115200); // Initialise debug printf
ethernet_init(); // Initialise ethernet pins
// User can customise the MQTT url, device ID or the root topic below
#define DEVICE_ID "H723ZG"
g_device_id = DEVICE_ID;
g_root_topic = DEFAULT_ROOT_TOPIC;
// User can customise the MQTT url, device ID or the root topic below
g_device_id = "H723ZG";
MG_INFO(("Starting, CPU freq %g MHz", (double) SystemCoreClock / 1000000));
@ -986,7 +986,19 @@ void mg_resolve(struct mg_connection *c, const char *url) {
void mg_call(struct mg_connection *c, int ev, void *ev_data) {
const char *names[] = {
if (ev != MG_EV_POLL && ev < (int) (sizeof(names) / sizeof(names[0]))) {
MG_PROF_ADD(c, names[ev]);
// Run user-defined handler first, in order to give it an ability
// to intercept processing (e.g. clean input buffer) before the
// protocol handler kicks in
@ -4182,6 +4194,7 @@ struct mg_connection *mg_mqtt_listen(struct mg_mgr *mgr, const char *url,
size_t mg_vprintf(struct mg_connection *c, const char *fmt, va_list *ap) {
size_t old = c->send.len;
mg_vxprintf(mg_pfn_iobuf, &c->send, fmt, ap);
@ -4308,6 +4321,7 @@ struct mg_connection *mg_alloc_conn(struct mg_mgr *mgr) {
c->mgr = mgr;
c->send.align = c->recv.align = MG_IO_SIZE;
c->id = ++mgr->nextid;
return c;
@ -4321,6 +4335,8 @@ void mg_close_conn(struct mg_connection *c) {
// before we deallocate received data, see #1331
mg_call(c, MG_EV_CLOSE, NULL);
MG_DEBUG(("%lu %ld closed", c->id, c->fd));
@ -4357,6 +4373,7 @@ struct mg_connection *mg_listen(struct mg_mgr *mgr, const char *url,
MG_ERROR(("OOM %s", url));
} else if (!mg_open_listener(c, url)) {
MG_ERROR(("Failed: %s, errno %d", url, errno));
c = NULL;
} else {
@ -536,8 +536,15 @@ typedef int socklen_t;
#define strdup(s) ((char *) mg_strdup(mg_str(s)).ptr)
#define strerror(x) zsock_gai_strerror(x)
#ifndef FD_CLOEXEC
#define FD_CLOEXEC 0
#ifndef F_SETFD
#define F_SETFD 0
#define MG_ENABLE_SSI 0
int rand(void);
@ -820,6 +827,10 @@ struct timeval {
#define MG_EPOLL_MOD(c, wr)
@ -1242,6 +1253,7 @@ struct mg_connection {
unsigned long id; // Auto-incrementing unique connection ID
struct mg_iobuf recv; // Incoming data
struct mg_iobuf send; // Outgoing data
struct mg_iobuf prof; // Profile data enabled by MG_ENABLE_PROFILE
mg_event_handler_t fn; // User-specified event handler function
void *fn_data; // User-specified function parameter
mg_event_handler_t pfn; // Protocol-specific handler function
@ -1295,6 +1307,80 @@ struct mg_timer *mg_timer_add(struct mg_mgr *mgr, uint64_t milliseconds,
// Macros to record timestamped events that happens with a connection.
// They are saved into a c->prof IO buffer, each event is a name and a 32-bit
// timestamp in milliseconds since connection init time.
// Test (run in two separate terminals):
// make -C examples/http-server/ CFLAGS_EXTRA=-DMG_ENABLE_PROFILE=1
// curl localhost:8000
// Output:
// 1ea1f1e7 2 net.c:150:mg_close_conn 3 profile:
// 1ea1f1e8 2 net.c:150:mg_close_conn 1ea1f1e6 init
// 1ea1f1e8 2 net.c:150:mg_close_conn 0 EV_OPEN
// 1ea1f1e8 2 net.c:150:mg_close_conn 0 EV_ACCEPT
// 1ea1f1e8 2 net.c:150:mg_close_conn 0 EV_READ
// 1ea1f1e8 2 net.c:150:mg_close_conn 0 EV_HTTP_MSG
// 1ea1f1e8 2 net.c:150:mg_close_conn 0 EV_WRITE
// 1ea1f1e8 2 net.c:150:mg_close_conn 1 EV_CLOSE
// Usage:
// Enable profiling by setting MG_ENABLE_PROFILE=1
// Invoke MG_PROF_ADD(c, "MY_EVENT_1") in the places you'd like to measure
struct mg_profitem {
const char *name; // Event name
uint32_t timestamp; // Milliseconds since connection creation (MG_EV_OPEN)
#define MG_PROFILE_ALLOC_GRANULARITY 256 // Can save 32 items wih to realloc
// Adding a profile item to the c->prof. Must be as fast as possible.
// Reallocation of the c->prof iobuf is not desirable here, that's why we
// pre-allocate c->prof with MG_PROFILE_ALLOC_GRANULARITY.
// This macro just inits and copies 8 bytes, and calls mg_millis(),
// which should be fast enough.
#define MG_PROF_ADD(c, name_) \
do { \
struct mg_iobuf *io = &c->prof; \
uint32_t inittime = ((struct mg_profitem *) io->buf)->timestamp; \
struct mg_profitem item = {name_, (uint32_t) mg_millis() - inittime}; \
mg_iobuf_add(io, io->len, &item, sizeof(item)); \
} while (0)
// Initialising profile for a new connection. Not time sensitive
#define MG_PROF_INIT(c) \
do { \
struct mg_profitem first = {"init", (uint32_t) mg_millis()}; \
mg_iobuf_init(&(c)->prof, 0, MG_PROFILE_ALLOC_GRANULARITY); \
mg_iobuf_add(&c->prof, c->prof.len, &first, sizeof(first)); \
} while (0)
#define MG_PROF_FREE(c) mg_iobuf_free(&(c)->prof)
// Dumping the profile. Not time sensitive
#define MG_PROF_DUMP(c) \
do { \
struct mg_iobuf *io = &c->prof; \
struct mg_profitem *p = (struct mg_profitem *) io->buf; \
struct mg_profitem *e = &p[io->len / sizeof(*p)]; \
MG_INFO(("%lu profile:", c->id)); \
while (p < e) { \
MG_INFO(("%5lx %s", (unsigned long) p->timestamp, p->name)); \
p++; \
} \
} while (0)
#define MG_PROF_INIT(c)
#define MG_PROF_FREE(c)
#define MG_PROF_ADD(c, name)
#define MG_PROF_DUMP(c)
@ -22,8 +22,15 @@
#define strdup(s) ((char *) mg_strdup(mg_str(s)).ptr)
#define strerror(x) zsock_gai_strerror(x)
#ifndef FD_CLOEXEC
#define FD_CLOEXEC 0
#ifndef F_SETFD
#define F_SETFD 0
#define MG_ENABLE_SSI 0
int rand(void);
@ -153,3 +153,7 @@
#define MG_EPOLL_ADD(c)
#define MG_EPOLL_MOD(c, wr)
@ -2,8 +2,20 @@
#include "log.h"
#include "net.h"
#include "printf.h"
#include "profile.h"
void mg_call(struct mg_connection *c, int ev, void *ev_data) {
const char *names[] = {
if (ev != MG_EV_POLL && ev < (int) (sizeof(names) / sizeof(names[0]))) {
MG_PROF_ADD(c, names[ev]);
// Run user-defined handler first, in order to give it an ability
// to intercept processing (e.g. clean input buffer) before the
// protocol handler kicks in
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
#include "log.h"
#include "net.h"
#include "printf.h"
#include "profile.h"
#include "timer.h"
#include "tls.h"
@ -132,6 +133,7 @@ struct mg_connection *mg_alloc_conn(struct mg_mgr *mgr) {
c->mgr = mgr;
c->send.align = c->recv.align = MG_IO_SIZE;
c->id = ++mgr->nextid;
return c;
@ -145,6 +147,8 @@ void mg_close_conn(struct mg_connection *c) {
// before we deallocate received data, see #1331
mg_call(c, MG_EV_CLOSE, NULL);
MG_DEBUG(("%lu %ld closed", c->id, c->fd));
@ -181,6 +185,7 @@ struct mg_connection *mg_listen(struct mg_mgr *mgr, const char *url,
MG_ERROR(("OOM %s", url));
} else if (!mg_open_listener(c, url)) {
MG_ERROR(("Failed: %s, errno %d", url, errno));
c = NULL;
} else {
@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ struct mg_connection {
unsigned long id; // Auto-incrementing unique connection ID
struct mg_iobuf recv; // Incoming data
struct mg_iobuf send; // Outgoing data
struct mg_iobuf prof; // Profile data enabled by MG_ENABLE_PROFILE
mg_event_handler_t fn; // User-specified event handler function
void *fn_data; // User-specified function parameter
mg_event_handler_t pfn; // Protocol-specific handler function
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
#pragma once
#include "iobuf.h"
// Macros to record timestamped events that happens with a connection.
// They are saved into a c->prof IO buffer, each event is a name and a 32-bit
// timestamp in milliseconds since connection init time.
// Test (run in two separate terminals):
// make -C examples/http-server/ CFLAGS_EXTRA=-DMG_ENABLE_PROFILE=1
// curl localhost:8000
// Output:
// 1ea1f1e7 2 net.c:150:mg_close_conn 3 profile:
// 1ea1f1e8 2 net.c:150:mg_close_conn 1ea1f1e6 init
// 1ea1f1e8 2 net.c:150:mg_close_conn 0 EV_OPEN
// 1ea1f1e8 2 net.c:150:mg_close_conn 0 EV_ACCEPT
// 1ea1f1e8 2 net.c:150:mg_close_conn 0 EV_READ
// 1ea1f1e8 2 net.c:150:mg_close_conn 0 EV_HTTP_MSG
// 1ea1f1e8 2 net.c:150:mg_close_conn 0 EV_WRITE
// 1ea1f1e8 2 net.c:150:mg_close_conn 1 EV_CLOSE
// Usage:
// Enable profiling by setting MG_ENABLE_PROFILE=1
// Invoke MG_PROF_ADD(c, "MY_EVENT_1") in the places you'd like to measure
struct mg_profitem {
const char *name; // Event name
uint32_t timestamp; // Milliseconds since connection creation (MG_EV_OPEN)
#define MG_PROFILE_ALLOC_GRANULARITY 256 // Can save 32 items wih to realloc
// Adding a profile item to the c->prof. Must be as fast as possible.
// Reallocation of the c->prof iobuf is not desirable here, that's why we
// pre-allocate c->prof with MG_PROFILE_ALLOC_GRANULARITY.
// This macro just inits and copies 8 bytes, and calls mg_millis(),
// which should be fast enough.
#define MG_PROF_ADD(c, name_) \
do { \
struct mg_iobuf *io = &c->prof; \
uint32_t inittime = ((struct mg_profitem *) io->buf)->timestamp; \
struct mg_profitem item = {name_, (uint32_t) mg_millis() - inittime}; \
mg_iobuf_add(io, io->len, &item, sizeof(item)); \
} while (0)
// Initialising profile for a new connection. Not time sensitive
#define MG_PROF_INIT(c) \
do { \
struct mg_profitem first = {"init", (uint32_t) mg_millis()}; \
mg_iobuf_init(&(c)->prof, 0, MG_PROFILE_ALLOC_GRANULARITY); \
mg_iobuf_add(&c->prof, c->prof.len, &first, sizeof(first)); \
} while (0)
#define MG_PROF_FREE(c) mg_iobuf_free(&(c)->prof)
// Dumping the profile. Not time sensitive
#define MG_PROF_DUMP(c) \
do { \
struct mg_iobuf *io = &c->prof; \
struct mg_profitem *p = (struct mg_profitem *) io->buf; \
struct mg_profitem *e = &p[io->len / sizeof(*p)]; \
MG_INFO(("%lu profile:", c->id)); \
while (p < e) { \
MG_INFO(("%5lx %s", (unsigned long) p->timestamp, p->name)); \
p++; \
} \
} while (0)
#define MG_PROF_INIT(c)
#define MG_PROF_FREE(c)
#define MG_PROF_ADD(c, name)
#define MG_PROF_DUMP(c)
@ -335,8 +335,13 @@ static void test_iobuf(void) {
ASSERT(memcmp(io.buf, "xhi!", 3) == 0);
mg_iobuf_del(&io, 10, 100);
ASSERT(io.buf != NULL && io.size == 10 && io.len == 4);
ASSERT(memcmp(io.buf, "xhi!", 3) == 0);
ASSERT(memcmp(io.buf, "xhi!", io.len) == 0);
mg_iobuf_add(&io, io.len, "123456", 6);
ASSERT(io.buf != NULL && io.size == 10 && io.len == 10);
mg_iobuf_add(&io, io.len, "a", 1);
ASSERT(io.buf != NULL && io.size == 20 && io.len == 11);
ASSERT(memcmp(io.buf, "xhi!123456a", io.len) == 0);
static void sntp_cb(struct mg_connection *c, int ev, void *evd, void *fnd) {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user