Commonise flash-based OTA. Add h7 support.

This commit is contained in:
cpq 2023-09-24 11:52:26 +01:00
parent 6e648c90b0
commit b37efbe891
22 changed files with 2069 additions and 1173 deletions

View File

@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ INCS ?= -Isrc -I.
SSL ?=
CWD ?= $(realpath $(CURDIR))
ENV ?= -e Tmp=. -e WINEDEBUG=-all
DOCKER ?= docker run --platform linux/amd64 --rm $(ENV) -v $(CWD):$(CWD) -w $(CWD)
DOCKER_BIN ?= docker
DOCKER ?= $(DOCKER_BIN) run --platform linux/amd64 --rm $(ENV) -v $(CWD):$(CWD) -w $(CWD)
VCFLAGS = /nologo /W3 /O2 /MD /I. $(DEFS) $(TFLAGS)
IPV6 ?= 1
ASAN ?= -fsanitize=address,undefined,alignment -fno-sanitize-recover=all -fno-omit-frame-pointer -fno-common
@ -175,7 +176,7 @@ mongoose.c: Makefile $(wildcard src/*.c) $(wildcard src/drivers/*.c)
(cat src/license.h; echo; echo '#include "mongoose.h"' ; (for F in src/*.c src/drivers/*.c ; do echo; echo '#ifdef MG_ENABLE_LINES'; echo "#line 1 \"$$F\""; echo '#endif'; cat $$F | sed -e 's,#include ".*,,'; done))> $@
mongoose.h: $(HDRS) Makefile
(cat src/license.h; echo; echo '#ifndef MONGOOSE_H'; echo '#define MONGOOSE_H'; echo; cat src/version.h ; echo; echo '#ifdef __cplusplus'; echo 'extern "C" {'; echo '#endif'; cat src/arch.h src/arch_*.h src/net_ft.h src/net_lwip.h src/net_rl.h src/config.h src/str.h src/queue.h src/fmt.h src/printf.h src/log.h src/timer.h src/fs.h src/util.h src/url.h src/iobuf.h src/base64.h src/md5.h src/sha1.h src/event.h src/net.h src/http.h src/ssi.h src/tls.h src/tls_mbed.h src/tls_openssl.h src/ws.h src/sntp.h src/mqtt.h src/dns.h src/json.h src/rpc.h src/ota.h src/net_builtin.h src/drivers/*.h | sed -e '/keep/! s,#include ".*,,' -e 's,^#pragma once,,'; echo; echo '#ifdef __cplusplus'; echo '}'; echo '#endif'; echo '#endif // MONGOOSE_H')> $@
(cat src/license.h; echo; echo '#ifndef MONGOOSE_H'; echo '#define MONGOOSE_H'; echo; cat src/version.h ; echo; echo '#ifdef __cplusplus'; echo 'extern "C" {'; echo '#endif'; cat src/arch.h src/arch_*.h src/net_ft.h src/net_lwip.h src/net_rl.h src/config.h src/str.h src/queue.h src/fmt.h src/printf.h src/log.h src/timer.h src/fs.h src/util.h src/url.h src/iobuf.h src/base64.h src/md5.h src/sha1.h src/event.h src/net.h src/http.h src/ssi.h src/tls.h src/tls_mbed.h src/tls_openssl.h src/ws.h src/sntp.h src/mqtt.h src/dns.h src/json.h src/rpc.h src/ota.h src/sys.h src/net_builtin.h src/drivers/*.h | sed -e '/keep/! s,#include ".*,,' -e 's,^#pragma once,,'; echo; echo '#ifdef __cplusplus'; echo '}'; echo '#endif'; echo '#endif // MONGOOSE_H')> $@
clean: clean_examples clean_embedded

View File

@ -238,20 +238,16 @@ static void handle_firmware_rollback(struct mg_connection *c) {
static size_t print_status(void (*out)(char, void *), void *ptr, va_list *ap) {
struct mg_ota_data *os = va_arg(*ap, struct mg_ota_data *);
return mg_xprintf(
out, ptr, "{%m:%s,%m:%c%x%c,%m:%u,%m:%u,%m:%u,%m:%u,%m:%u}",
MG_ESC("valid"), os->magic == MG_OTA_MAGIC ? "true" : "false",
MG_ESC("magic"), '"', os->magic, '"', MG_ESC("crc32"), os->crc32,
MG_ESC("size"), os->size, MG_ESC("time"), os->time, MG_ESC("booted"),
os->booted, MG_ESC("golden"), os->golden);
int fw = va_arg(*ap, int);
return mg_xprintf(out, ptr, "{%m:%d,%m:%c%lx%c,%m:%u,%m:%u}",
MG_ESC("status"), mg_ota_status(fw), MG_ESC("crc32"), '"',
mg_ota_crc32(fw), '"', MG_ESC("size"), mg_ota_size(fw),
MG_ESC("timestamp"), mg_ota_timestamp(fw));
static void handle_firmware_status(struct mg_connection *c) {
struct mg_ota_data od[2];
mg_http_reply(c, 200, s_json_header, "[%M,%M]\n", print_status, &od[0],
print_status, &od[1]);
mg_http_reply(c, 200, s_json_header, "[%M,%M]\n", print_status,
static void handle_sys_reset(struct mg_connection *c) {

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

View File

@ -186,16 +186,18 @@ function Main({}) {
function FirmwareStatus({title, info, children}) {
const state = ['UNAVAILABLE', 'FIRST_BOOT', 'NOT_COMMITTED', 'COMMITTED'][(info.status || 0) % 4];
const valid = info.status > 0;
return html`
<div class="bg-white py-1 divide-y border rounded">
<div class="font-light uppercase flex items-center text-gray-600 px-4 py-2">
<div class="px-4 py-2 relative">
<div class="my-1">CRC32: ${info.valid ? info.crc32.toString(16) : 'n/a'}<//>
<div class="my-1">Size: ${info.valid ? info.size : 'n/a'}<//>
<div class="my-1">Flashed at: ${info.valid ? new Date(info.time * 1000).toLocaleString() : 'n/a'}<//>
<div class="my-1">State: ${info.valid ? (info.golden == 0 ? 'commtited' : 'NOT committed') : 'n/a'}<//>
<div class="my-1">Status: ${state}<//>
<div class="my-1">CRC32: ${valid ? info.crc32.toString(16) : 'n/a'}<//>
<div class="my-1">Size: ${valid ? info.size : 'n/a'}<//>
<div class="my-1">Flashed at: ${valid ? new Date(info.timestamp * 1000).toLocaleString() : 'n/a'}<//>
@ -206,7 +208,6 @@ function FirmwareUpdate({}) {
const [info, setInfo] = useState([{}, {}]);
const refresh = () => fetch('api/firmware/status').then(r => r.json()).then(r => setInfo(r));
useEffect(refresh, []);
const state = ['new', 'dirty', 'clean'][(info.state || 0) % 3];
const oncommit = ev => fetch('api/firmware/commit')
.then(r => r.json())
@ -223,12 +224,14 @@ function FirmwareUpdate({}) {
return html`
<div class="m-4 gap-4 grid grid-cols-1 lg:grid-cols-2">
<${FirmwareStatus} title="Current firmware image" info=${info[0]}>
<${Button} cls="mr-2" title="Commit this firmware"
onclick=${oncommit} icon=${Icons.thumbUp} disabled=${clean} />
<${Button} title="Reboot device" onclick=${onreboot} icon=${Icons.refresh} clsx="absolute top-4 right-4" />
<${UploadFileButton} class="mt-2"
title="Upload new firmware: choose .bin file:" onupload=${onupload}
url="api/firmware/upload" accept=".bin,.uf2" />
<div class="flex flex-wrap gap-2">
<${Button} title="Commit this firmware"
onclick=${oncommit} icon=${Icons.thumbUp} disabled=${clean} />
<${Button} title="Reboot device" onclick=${onreboot} icon=${Icons.refresh} clsx="absolute top-4 right-4" />
title="Upload new firmware: choose .bin file:" onupload=${onupload}
url="api/firmware/upload" accept=".bin,.uf2" />
<${FirmwareStatus} title="Previous firmware image" info=${info[1]}>
<${Button} title="Rollback to this firmware" onclick=${onrollback}
@ -238,10 +241,11 @@ function FirmwareUpdate({}) {
<div class="bg-white border shadow-lg">
<div class="my-2">
When new firmware gets flashed, its status is unreliable, "not
committed". In order to become "committed" (verified), a firmware must
be committed. If a firmware is not committed, then the next boot
reverts back to the previous firmware.
When a new firmware gets flashed, its status is marked as, "first_boot".
That is an unreliable (uncommitted) firmware. A user may choose
to revert back to the previous committed firmware on the subsequent
boots. Clicking on the "commit" button calls "mg_ota_commit()" function
which commits the firmware.
<div class="my-2">
This GUI loads a firmware file and sends it chunk by chunk to the
@ -254,8 +258,8 @@ function FirmwareUpdate({}) {
<div class="bg-white border shadow-lg">
Firmware udpdate mechanism defines 3 API functions that the
target device must implement: ota_begin(), ota_write() and ota_end()
Firmware update mechanism defines 3 API functions that the target
device must implement: mg_ota_begin(), mg_ota_write() and mg_ota_end()
<div class="my-2">
RESTful API handlers use ota_xxx() API to save firmware to flash.
@ -264,7 +268,7 @@ function FirmwareUpdate({}) {
<div class="my-2">
<a class="link text-blue-600 underline"
href="">Subscribe to our free webinar</a> to
href="">Join our free webinar</a> to
get detailed explanations about possible firmware updates strategies
and implementation demo

View File

@ -2,18 +2,12 @@ CFLAGS = -W -Wall -Wextra -Werror -Wundef -Wshadow -Wdouble-promotion
CFLAGS += -Wformat-truncation -fno-common -Wconversion -Wno-sign-conversion
CFLAGS += -g3 -Os -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections
CFLAGS += -I. -Icmsis_core/CMSIS/Core/Include -Icmsis_h5/Include
CFLAGS += -mcpu=cortex-m33 -mthumb -mfpu=fpv5-sp-d16 -mfloat-abi=hard
CFLAGS += -mcpu=cortex-m33 -mthumb -mfpu=fpv5-sp-d16 -mfloat-abi=hard $(CFLAGS_EXTRA)
LDFLAGS ?= -Tlink.ld -nostdlib -nostartfiles --specs nano.specs -lc -lgcc -Wl,--gc-sections -Wl,-Map=$
SOURCES = main.c syscalls.c sysinit.c
SOURCES = main.c syscalls.c sysinit.c mongoose.c net.c packed_fs.c
SOURCES += cmsis_h5/Source/Templates/gcc/startup_stm32h563xx.s # ST startup file. Compiler-dependent!
# Mongoose-specific. See
SOURCES += mongoose.c net.c packed_fs.c
# Example specific build options. See
@ -32,7 +26,7 @@ firmware.elf: cmsis_core cmsis_h5 $(SOURCES) hal.h link.ld Makefile
arm-none-eabi-gcc $(SOURCES) $(CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@
flash: firmware.bin
st-flash --debug --freq=200 --reset write $< 0x8000000
st-flash --reset write $< 0x8000000
cmsis_core: # ARM CMSIS core headers
git clone --depth 1 -b 5.9.0 $@

View File

@ -42,6 +42,25 @@ int main(void) {
mg_mgr_init(&mgr); // Mongoose event manager
mg_log_set(MG_LL_DEBUG); // Set log level
// If we don't have any OTA info saved, e.g. we're pre-flashed, then
// call mg_ota_commit() to mark this firmware as reliable
if (mg_ota_status(MG_FIRMWARE_CURRENT) == MG_OTA_UNAVAILABLE) mg_ota_commit();
// Demonstrate the use of mg_flash_{load/save} functions for keeping device
// configuration data on flash. Increment boot count on every boot.
struct deviceconfig {
uint32_t boot_count;
int some_other_data;
uint32_t key = 0x12345678; // A unique key, one per data type
struct deviceconfig dc = {}; // Initialise to some default values
mg_flash_load(NULL, key, &dc, sizeof(dc)); // Load from flash
dc.boot_count++; // Increment boot count
mg_flash_save(NULL, key, &dc, sizeof(dc)); // And save back
MG_INFO(("Boot count: %u", dc.boot_count));
// Initialise Mongoose network stack
struct mg_tcpip_driver_stm32h_data driver_data = {.mdc_cr = 4};
struct mg_tcpip_if mif = {.mac = GENERATE_LOCALLY_ADMINISTERED_MAC(),

View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
#pragma once
#define MG_ENABLE_STM32H5 1

View File

@ -2,18 +2,12 @@ CFLAGS = -W -Wall -Wextra -Werror -Wundef -Wshadow -Wdouble-promotion
CFLAGS += -Wformat-truncation -fno-common -Wconversion -Wno-sign-conversion
CFLAGS += -g3 -Os -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections
CFLAGS += -I. -Icmsis_core/CMSIS/Core/Include -Icmsis_h7/Include
CFLAGS += -mcpu=cortex-m7 -mthumb -mfloat-abi=hard -mfpu=fpv5-d16
CFLAGS += -mcpu=cortex-m7 -mthumb -mfloat-abi=hard -mfpu=fpv5-d16 $(CFLAGS_EXTRA)
LDFLAGS ?= -Tlink.ld -nostdlib -nostartfiles --specs nano.specs -lc -lgcc -Wl,--gc-sections -Wl,-Map=$
SOURCES = main.c syscalls.c sysinit.c
SOURCES = main.c syscalls.c sysinit.c mongoose.c net.c packed_fs.c
SOURCES += cmsis_h7/Source/Templates/gcc/startup_stm32h743xx.s # ST startup file. Compiler-dependent!
# Mongoose-specific. See
SOURCES += mongoose.c net.c packed_fs.c
# Example specific build options. See
@ -56,7 +50,6 @@ test update: CFLAGS += -DUART_DEBUG=USART1
test: update
curl --fail-with-body -su :$(VCON_API_KEY) $(DEVICE_URL)/tx?t=5 | tee /tmp/output.txt
grep 'READY, IP:' /tmp/output.txt # Check for network init
# grep 'MQTT connected' /tmp/output.txt # Check for MQTT connection success
$(RM) firmware.* *.su cmsis_core cmsis_h7 mbedtls

View File

@ -45,6 +45,10 @@ int main(void) {
mg_mgr_init(&mgr); // Mongoose event manager
mg_log_set(MG_LL_DEBUG); // Set log level
// If we don't have any OTA info saved, e.g. we're pre-flashed, then
// call mg_ota_commit() to mark this firmware as reliable
if (mg_ota_status(MG_FIRMWARE_CURRENT) == MG_OTA_UNAVAILABLE) mg_ota_commit();
// Initialise Mongoose network stack
struct mg_tcpip_driver_stm32h_data driver_data = {.mdc_cr = 4};
struct mg_tcpip_if mif = {.mac = GENERATE_LOCALLY_ADMINISTERED_MAC(),

View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
#pragma once
#define MG_ENABLE_STM32H7 1

View File

@ -4946,232 +4946,318 @@ bool mg_send(struct mg_connection *c, const void *buf, size_t len) {
static struct mg_ota_data s_od[2] = {
{MG_OTA_MAGIC, (uint32_t) -1, (uint32_t) -1, (uint32_t) -1, (uint32_t) -1,
(uint32_t) -1},
{MG_OTA_MAGIC, (uint32_t) -1, (uint32_t) -1, (uint32_t) -1, (uint32_t) -1,
(uint32_t) -1},
bool mg_ota_begin(size_t new_firmware_size) {
MG_DEBUG(("Starting firmware update, size %lu", new_firmware_size));
(void) new_firmware_size;
return true;
bool mg_ota_write(const void *buf, size_t len) {
MG_DEBUG(("%p %lu", buf, len));
(void) buf, (void) len;
return true;
bool mg_ota_end(void) {
return true;
bool mg_ota_status(struct mg_ota_data od[2]) {
od[0] = s_od[0];
od[1] = s_od[1];
return true;
bool mg_ota_commit(void) {
s_od[0].golden = 0;
return true;
bool mg_ota_rollback(void) {
return true;
int mg_ota_status(int fw) {
(void) fw;
return 0;
uint32_t mg_ota_crc32(int fw) {
(void) fw;
return 0;
uint32_t mg_ota_timestamp(int fw) {
(void) fw;
return 0;
size_t mg_ota_size(int fw) {
(void) fw;
return 0;
void mg_sys_reset(void) {
MG_DEBUG(("Resetting device..."));
#line 1 "src/ota_stm32h5.c"
#line 1 "src/ota_flash.c"
#if MG_OTA == MG_OTA_STM32H5
#define FLASH_BANK1 0x08000000
#define FLASH_SIZE1 0x00100000
#define FLASH_BANK2 0x08100000
#define FLASH_SIZE2 0x00100000
#define FLASH_SSIZE 8192 // Sector (page) size, 8k
// This OTA implementation uses the internal flash API outlined in sys.h
// It splits flash into 2 equal partitions, and stores OTA status in the
// last sector of the partition.
// Keep OTA data at the beginning of the last sector of the flash bank
#define FLASH_BASE 0x40022000 // Base address of the flash controller
#define FLASH_KEYR (FLASH_BASE + 0x4) // See RM0481 7.11
#define FLASH_OPTCR (FLASH_BASE + 0x1c)
#define FLASH_NSSR (FLASH_BASE + 0x20)
#define FLASH_NSCR (FLASH_BASE + 0x28)
#define FLASH_NSCCR (FLASH_BASE + 0x30)
#define MG_OTADATA_KEY 0xb07afed0
#undef REG
#define REG(x) ((volatile uint32_t *) (x))[0]
#undef BIT
#define BIT(x) (((uint32_t) 1U) << (x))
#undef SETBITS
static uint32_t s_addr; // Current address to write to
static char *s_addr; // Current address to write to
static size_t s_size; // Firmware size to flash. In-progress indicator
static uint32_t s_crc32; // Firmware checksum
static void flash_unlock(void) {
static bool unlocked = false;
if (unlocked == false) {
REG(FLASH_KEYR) = 0x45670123;
REG(FLASH_KEYR) = 0Xcdef89ab;
REG(FLASH_OPTKEYR) = 0x08192a3b;
REG(FLASH_OPTKEYR) = 0x4c5d6e7f;
unlocked = true;
static int flash_page_start(volatile uint32_t *dst) {
uint32_t addr = (uint32_t) (uintptr_t) dst;
return (addr & (FLASH_SSIZE - 1)) == 0;
static bool flash_is_err(void) {
return REG(FLASH_NSSR) & ((BIT(8) - 1) << 17); // RM0481 7.11.9
static void flash_wait(void) {
while ((REG(FLASH_NSSR) & BIT(0)) && (REG(FLASH_NSSR) & BIT(16)) == 0) {
(void) 0;
static void flash_prep(void) {
flash_wait(); // Wait until ready
REG(FLASH_NSCR) = 0UL; // Clear control reg
REG(FLASH_NSCCR) = ((BIT(9) - 1) << 16U); // Clear all errors
static bool flash_bank_is_swapped(void) {
return REG(FLASH_OPTCR) & BIT(31); // RM0481 7.11.8
static void flash_erase(uint32_t sector) {
if ((sector < 128 && flash_bank_is_swapped()) ||
(sector > 127 && !flash_bank_is_swapped())) {
if (sector > 127) sector -= 128;
REG(FLASH_NSCR) |= BIT(2) | (sector << 6); // SectorErase | sector_num
REG(FLASH_NSCR) |= BIT(5); // Start erasing
// MG_INFO(("ERASE %lu, CR %#lx SR %#lx", sector, REG(FLASH_NSCR),
static bool flash_swap_bank(void) {
uint32_t desired = flash_bank_is_swapped() ? 0 : BIT(31);
// printf("OPTSR_PRG 1 %#lx\n", FLASH->OPTSR_PRG);
// printf("OPTSR_PRG 2 %#lx\n", FLASH->OPTSR_PRG);
while ((REG(FLASH_OPTSR_CUR) & BIT(31)) != desired) (void) 0;
return true;
static bool flash_write(uint32_t addr, const void *buf, size_t len) {
volatile uint32_t *dst = (uint32_t *) addr;
uint32_t *src = (uint32_t *) buf;
uint32_t *end = (uint32_t *) ((char *) buf + len);
bool success = true;
while (success && src < end) {
uint32_t pageno = ((uint32_t) dst - FLASH_BANK1) / FLASH_SSIZE;
if (flash_page_start(dst)) flash_erase(pageno);
REG(FLASH_NSCR) = BIT(1); // Set programming flag
do {
*dst++ = *src++;
} while (src < end && !flash_page_start(dst) && !flash_is_err());
#if 0
do {
*dst++ = *src++;
printf("WRITE %p, CR %#lx SR %#lx OCR %#lx %#lx %#lx\n", dst, FLASH->NSCR,
FLASH->NSSR, FLASH->OPTCR, src[-1], dst[-1]);
} while (src < end && !flash_page_start(dst));
MG_INFO(("W %p, CR %#lx SR %#lx OCR %#lx %#lx %#lx", dst, REG(FLASH_NSCR),
REG(FLASH_NSSR), REG(FLASH_OPTCR), src[-1], dst[-1]));
if (flash_is_err() || (src[-1] != dst[-1])) {
// printf(" E %lx CR %#lx SR %#lx, %#lx %#lx\n", (unsigned long) dst,
// FLASH->NSCR, FLASH->NSSR, src[-1], dst[-1]);
success = false;
return success;
void mg_sys_reset(void) {
*(volatile unsigned long *) 0xe000ed0c = 0x5fa0004;
struct mg_otadata {
uint32_t crc32, size, timestamp, status;
bool mg_ota_begin(size_t new_firmware_size) {
s_crc32 = 0;
s_addr = FLASH_BANK2;
MG_DEBUG(("Firmware %lu bytes, max %lu", new_firmware_size, FLASH_SIZE2));
return new_firmware_size < FLASH_SIZE2;
bool ok = false;
if (s_size) {
MG_ERROR(("OTA already in progress. Call mg_ota_end()"));
} else {
size_t half = mg_flash_size() / 2, max = half - mg_flash_sector_size();
s_crc32 = 0;
s_addr = (char *) mg_flash_start() + half;
MG_DEBUG(("Firmware %lu bytes, max %lu", s_size, max));
if (new_firmware_size < max) {
ok = true;
s_size = new_firmware_size;
MG_INFO(("Starting OTA, firmware size %lu", s_size));
} else {
MG_ERROR(("Firmware %lu is too big to fit %lu", new_firmware_size, max));
return ok;
bool mg_ota_write(const void *buf, size_t len) {
bool ok = flash_write(s_addr, buf, len); // Write chunk to flash
s_crc32 = mg_crc32(s_crc32, (char *) buf, len); // Update CRC
MG_DEBUG(("%#x %p %lu -> %d", s_addr, buf, len, ok));
s_addr += len;
bool ok = false;
if (s_size == 0) {
MG_ERROR(("OTA is not started, call mg_ota_begin()"));
} else {
size_t align = mg_flash_write_align();
size_t len_aligned_down = MG_ROUND_DOWN(len, align);
if (len_aligned_down) ok = mg_flash_write(s_addr, buf, len_aligned_down);
if (len_aligned_down < len) {
size_t left = len - len_aligned_down;
char tmp[align];
memset(tmp, 0xff, sizeof(tmp));
memcpy(tmp, (char *) buf + len_aligned_down, left);
ok = mg_flash_write(s_addr + len_aligned_down, tmp, sizeof(tmp));
s_crc32 = mg_crc32(s_crc32, (char *) buf, len); // Update CRC
MG_DEBUG(("%#x %p %lu -> %d", s_addr - len, buf, len, ok));
s_addr += len;
return ok;
static bool w32(uint32_t addr, uint32_t value) {
return flash_write(addr, &value, sizeof(value));
bool mg_ota_end(void) {
char *base = (char *) mg_flash_start() + mg_flash_size() / 2;
bool ok = false;
size_t size = s_addr - FLASH_BANK2;
uint32_t crc = mg_crc32(0, (char *) FLASH_BANK2, size);
if (crc == s_crc32) {
uint32_t now = (uint32_t) (mg_now() / 1000);
struct mg_ota_data od = {MG_OTA_MAGIC, crc, size, now, -1, -1};
ok = flash_write(FLASH_BANK2_OTA_DATA, &od, sizeof(od));
if (s_size) {
size_t size = s_addr - base;
uint32_t crc32 = mg_crc32(0, base, s_size);
if (size == s_size && crc32 == s_crc32) {
uint32_t now = (uint32_t) (mg_now() / 1000);
struct mg_otadata od = {crc32, size, now, MG_OTA_FIRST_BOOT};
uint32_t key = MG_OTADATA_KEY + (mg_flash_bank() == 2 ? 1 : 2);
ok = mg_flash_save(NULL, key, &od, sizeof(od));
MG_DEBUG(("CRC: %x/%x, size: %lu/%lu, status: %s", s_crc32, crc32, s_size,
size, ok ? "ok" : "fail"));
s_size = 0;
if (ok) ok = mg_flash_swap_bank();
MG_DEBUG(("CRC check: %x %x", s_crc32, crc));
return ok && flash_swap_bank();
MG_INFO(("Finishing OTA: %s", ok ? "ok" : "fail"));
return ok;
bool mg_ota_status(struct mg_ota_data od[2]) {
od[0] = *(struct mg_ota_data *) FLASH_BANK1_OTA_DATA;
od[1] = *(struct mg_ota_data *) FLASH_BANK2_OTA_DATA;
return od[0].magic == MG_OTA_MAGIC;
static struct mg_otadata mg_otadata(int fw) {
struct mg_otadata od = {};
int bank = mg_flash_bank();
uint32_t key = MG_OTADATA_KEY + 1;
if ((fw == MG_FIRMWARE_CURRENT && bank == 2)) key++;
if ((fw == MG_FIRMWARE_PREVIOUS && bank == 1)) key++;
mg_flash_load(NULL, key, &od, sizeof(od));
// MG_DEBUG(("Loaded OTA data. fw %d, bank %d, key %p", fw, bank, key));
// mg_hexdump(&od, sizeof(od));
return od;
int mg_ota_status(int fw) {
struct mg_otadata od = mg_otadata(fw);
return od.status;
uint32_t mg_ota_crc32(int fw) {
struct mg_otadata od = mg_otadata(fw);
return od.crc32;
uint32_t mg_ota_timestamp(int fw) {
struct mg_otadata od = mg_otadata(fw);
return od.timestamp;
size_t mg_ota_size(int fw) {
struct mg_otadata od = mg_otadata(fw);
return od.size;
bool mg_ota_commit(void) {
struct mg_ota_data *od = (struct mg_ota_data *) FLASH_BANK1_OTA_DATA;
struct mg_otadata od = mg_otadata(MG_FIRMWARE_CURRENT);
od.status = MG_OTA_COMMITTED;
uint32_t key = MG_OTADATA_KEY + mg_flash_bank();
return mg_flash_save(NULL, key, &od, sizeof(od));
bool mg_ota_rollback(void) {
MG_DEBUG(("Rolling firmware back"));
return mg_flash_swap_bank();
// Flash can be written only if it is erased. Erased flash is 0xff (all bits 1)
// Writes must be mg_flash_write_align() - aligned. Thus if we want to save an
// object, we pad it at the end for alignment.
// Objects in the flash sector are stored sequentially:
// | 32-bit size | 32-bit KEY | | ..pad.. | 32-bit size | ......
// In order to get to the next object, read its size, then align up.
// Traverse the list of saved objects
size_t mg_flash_next(char *p, char *end, uint32_t *key, size_t *size) {
size_t aligned_size = 0, align = mg_flash_write_align(), left = end - p;
uint32_t *p32 = (uint32_t *) p, min_size = sizeof(uint32_t) * 2;
if (p32[0] != 0xffffffff && left > MG_ROUND_UP(min_size, align)) {
if (size) *size = (size_t) p32[0];
if (key) *key = p32[1];
aligned_size = MG_ROUND_UP(p32[0] + sizeof(uint32_t) * 2, align);
if (left < aligned_size) aligned_size = 0; // Out of bounds, fail
return aligned_size;
// Return the last sector of Bank 2
static char *flash_last_sector(void) {
size_t ss = mg_flash_sector_size(), size = mg_flash_size();
char *base = (char *) mg_flash_start(), *last = base + size - ss;
if (mg_flash_bank() == 2) last -= size / 2;
return last;
// Find a saved object with a given key
bool mg_flash_load(void *sector, uint32_t key, void *buf, size_t len) {
char *base = (char *) mg_flash_start(), *s = (char *) sector, *res = NULL;
size_t ss = mg_flash_sector_size(), ofs = 0, n, sz;
bool ok = false;
if (od->magic == MG_OTA_MAGIC && od->golden == 0) {
ok = true; // Already clean, do nothing
} else if (od->magic == MG_OTA_MAGIC) { // Dirty!
ok = w32((uint32_t) &od->golden, 0);
if (s == NULL) s = flash_last_sector();
if (s < base || s >= base + mg_flash_size()) {
MG_ERROR(("%p is outsize of flash", sector));
} else if (((s - base) % ss) != 0) {
MG_ERROR(("%p is not a sector boundary", sector));
} else {
uint32_t k, scanned = 0;
while ((n = mg_flash_next(s + ofs, s + ss, &k, &sz)) > 0) {
// MG_DEBUG((" > obj %lu, ofs %lu, key %x/%x", scanned, ofs, k, key));
// mg_hexdump(s + ofs, n);
if (k == key && sz == len) {
res = s + ofs + sizeof(uint32_t) * 2;
memcpy(buf, res, len); // Copy object
ok = true; // Keep scanning for the newer versions of it
ofs += n, scanned++;
MG_DEBUG(("Scanned %u objects, key %x is @ %p", scanned, key, res));
return ok;
bool mg_ota_rollback(void) {
return flash_swap_bank();
static bool mg_flash_writev(char *location, struct mg_str *strings, size_t n) {
size_t align = mg_flash_write_align(), i, j, k = 0, nwritten = 0;
char buf[align];
bool ok = true;
for (i = 0; ok && i < n; i++) {
for (j = 0; ok && j < strings[i].len; j++) {
buf[k++] = strings[i].ptr[j];
if (k >= sizeof(buf)) {
ok = mg_flash_write(location + nwritten, buf, sizeof(buf));
k = 0, nwritten += sizeof(buf);
if (k > 0) {
while (k < sizeof(buf)) buf[k++] = 0xff;
ok = mg_flash_write(location + nwritten, buf, sizeof(buf));
return ok;
// For all saved objects in the sector, delete old versions of objects
static void mg_flash_sector_cleanup(char *sector) {
// Buffer all saved objects into an IO buffer (backed by RAM)
// erase sector, and re-save them.
struct mg_iobuf io = {0, 0, 0, 2048};
size_t ss = mg_flash_sector_size();
size_t n, size, size2, ofs = 0, hs = sizeof(uint32_t) * 2;
uint32_t key;
// Traverse all objects
MG_DEBUG(("Cleaning up sector %p", sector));
while ((n = mg_flash_next(sector + ofs, sector + ss, &key, &size)) > 0) {
// Delete an old copy of this object in the cache
for (size_t o = 0; o < io.len; o += size2 + hs) {
uint32_t k = *(uint32_t *) (io.buf + o + sizeof(uint32_t));
size2 = *(uint32_t *) (io.buf + o);
if (k == key) {
mg_iobuf_del(&io, o, size2 + hs);
// And add the new copy
mg_iobuf_add(&io, io.len, sector + ofs, size + hs);
ofs += n;
// All objects are cached in RAM now
if (mg_flash_erase(sector)) { // Erase sector. If successful,
for (ofs = 0; ofs < io.len; ofs += size + hs) { // Traverse cached objects
size = *(uint32_t *) (io.buf + ofs);
key = *(uint32_t *) (io.buf + ofs + sizeof(uint32_t));
mg_flash_save(sector, key, io.buf + ofs + hs, size); // Save to flash
// Save an object with a given key - append to the end of an object list
bool mg_flash_save(void *sector, uint32_t key, const void *buf, size_t len) {
char *base = (char *) mg_flash_start(), *s = (char *) sector;
size_t ss = mg_flash_sector_size(), ofs = 0, n;
bool ok = false;
if (s == NULL) s = flash_last_sector();
if (s < base || s >= base + mg_flash_size()) {
MG_ERROR(("%p is outsize of flash", sector));
} else if (((s - base) % ss) != 0) {
MG_ERROR(("%p is not a sector boundary", sector));
} else {
size_t needed = sizeof(uint32_t) * 2 + len;
size_t needed_aligned = MG_ROUND_UP(needed, mg_flash_write_align());
while ((n = mg_flash_next(s + ofs, s + ss, NULL, NULL)) > 0) ofs += n;
// If there is not enough space left, cleanup sector and re-eval ofs
if (ofs + needed_aligned > ss) {
ofs = 0;
while ((n = mg_flash_next(s + ofs, s + ss, NULL, NULL)) > 0) ofs += n;
if (ofs + needed_aligned <= ss) {
// Enough space to save this object
uint32_t hdr[2] = {(uint32_t) len, key};
struct mg_str data[] = {mg_str_n((char *) hdr, sizeof(hdr)),
mg_str_n(buf, len)};
ok = mg_flash_writev(s + ofs, data, 2);
MG_DEBUG(("Saving %lu bytes @ %p, key %x: %d", len, s + ofs, key, ok));
MG_DEBUG(("Sector space left: %lu bytes", ss - ofs - needed_aligned));
} else {
MG_ERROR(("Sector is full"));
return ok;
@ -6758,6 +6844,306 @@ bool mg_path_is_sane(const char *path) {
return true;
#line 1 "src/sys_stm32h5.c"
#define FLASH_BASE 0x40022000 // Base address of the flash controller
#define FLASH_KEYR (FLASH_BASE + 0x4) // See RM0481 7.11
#define FLASH_OPTCR (FLASH_BASE + 0x1c)
#define FLASH_NSSR (FLASH_BASE + 0x20)
#define FLASH_NSCR (FLASH_BASE + 0x28)
#define FLASH_NSCCR (FLASH_BASE + 0x30)
void *mg_flash_start(void) {
return (void *) 0x08000000;
size_t mg_flash_size(void) {
return 2 * 1024 * 1024; // 2Mb
size_t mg_flash_sector_size(void) {
return 8 * 1024; // 8k
size_t mg_flash_write_align(void) {
return 16; // 128 bit
int mg_flash_bank(void) {
return MG_REG(FLASH_OPTCR) & MG_BIT(31) ? 2 : 1;
static void flash_unlock(void) {
static bool unlocked = false;
if (unlocked == false) {
MG_REG(FLASH_KEYR) = 0x45670123;
MG_REG(FLASH_KEYR) = 0Xcdef89ab;
MG_REG(FLASH_OPTKEYR) = 0x08192a3b;
MG_REG(FLASH_OPTKEYR) = 0x4c5d6e7f;
unlocked = true;
static int flash_page_start(volatile uint32_t *dst) {
char *base = (char *) mg_flash_start(), *end = base + mg_flash_size();
volatile char *p = (char *) dst;
return p >= base && p < end && ((p - base) % mg_flash_sector_size()) == 0;
static bool flash_is_err(void) {
return MG_REG(FLASH_NSSR) & ((MG_BIT(8) - 1) << 17); // RM0481 7.11.9
static void flash_wait(void) {
while ((MG_REG(FLASH_NSSR) & MG_BIT(0)) &&
(MG_REG(FLASH_NSSR) & MG_BIT(16)) == 0) {
(void) 0;
static void flash_clear_err(void) {
flash_wait(); // Wait until ready
MG_REG(FLASH_NSCCR) = ((MG_BIT(9) - 1) << 16U); // Clear all errors
static bool flash_bank_is_swapped(void) {
return MG_REG(FLASH_OPTCR) & MG_BIT(31); // RM0481 7.11.8
bool mg_flash_erase(void *location) {
bool ok = false;
if (flash_page_start(location) == false) {
MG_ERROR(("%p is not on a sector boundary"));
} else {
uintptr_t diff = (char *) location - (char *) mg_flash_start();
uint32_t sector = diff / mg_flash_sector_size();
if ((sector < 128 && flash_bank_is_swapped()) ||
(sector > 127 && !flash_bank_is_swapped())) {
if (sector > 127) sector -= 128;
MG_REG(FLASH_NSCR) |= MG_BIT(2) | (sector << 6); // Erase | sector_num
MG_REG(FLASH_NSCR) |= MG_BIT(5); // Start erasing
ok = !flash_is_err();
MG_DEBUG(("Erase sector %lu @ %p: %s. CR %#lx SR %#lx", sector, location,
ok ? "ok" : "fail", MG_REG(FLASH_NSCR), MG_REG(FLASH_NSSR)));
// mg_hexdump(location, 32);
return ok;
bool mg_flash_swap_bank(void) {
uint32_t desired = flash_bank_is_swapped() ? 0 : MG_BIT(31);
// printf("OPTSR_PRG 1 %#lx\n", FLASH->OPTSR_PRG);
// printf("OPTSR_PRG 2 %#lx\n", FLASH->OPTSR_PRG);
while ((MG_REG(FLASH_OPTSR_CUR) & MG_BIT(31)) != desired) (void) 0;
return true;
bool mg_flash_write(void *addr, const void *buf, size_t len) {
if ((len % mg_flash_write_align()) != 0) {
MG_ERROR(("%lu is not aligned to %lu", len, mg_flash_write_align()));
return false;
uint32_t *dst = (uint32_t *) addr;
uint32_t *src = (uint32_t *) buf;
uint32_t *end = (uint32_t *) ((char *) buf + len);
bool ok = true;
// MG_DEBUG(("Starting flash write %lu bytes @ %p", len, addr));
while (ok && src < end) {
if (flash_page_start(dst) && mg_flash_erase(dst) == false) break;
MG_REG(FLASH_NSCR) = MG_BIT(1); // Set programming flag
*(volatile uint32_t *) dst++ = *src++;
if (flash_is_err()) ok = false;
MG_DEBUG(("Flash write %lu bytes @ %p: %s. CR %#lx SR %#lx", len, dst,
flash_is_err() ? "fail" : "ok", MG_REG(FLASH_NSCR),
if (flash_is_err()) ok = false;
// mg_hexdump(addr, len > 32 ? 32 : len);
// MG_REG(FLASH_NSCR) &= ~MG_BIT(1); // Set programming flag
MG_REG(FLASH_NSCR) = 0; // Clear flags
return ok;
void mg_sys_reset(void) {
*(volatile unsigned long *) 0xe000ed0c = 0x5fa0004;
#line 1 "src/sys_stm32h7.c"
#define FLASH_BASE1 0x52002000 // Base address for bank1
#define FLASH_BASE2 0x52002100 // Base address for bank2
#define FLASH_KEYR 0x04 // See RM0433 4.9.2
#define FLASH_OPTKEYR 0x08
#define FLASH_OPTCR 0x18
#define FLASH_SR 0x10
#define FLASH_CR 0x0c
#define FLASH_CCR 0x14
#define FLASH_OPTSR_CUR 0x1c
#define FLASH_OPTSR_PRG 0x20
void *mg_flash_start(void) {
return (void *) 0x08000000;
size_t mg_flash_size(void) {
return 2 * 1024 * 1024; // 2Mb
size_t mg_flash_sector_size(void) {
return 128 * 1024; // 128k
size_t mg_flash_write_align(void) {
return 32; // 256 bit
int mg_flash_bank(void) {
return MG_REG(FLASH_BASE1 + FLASH_OPTCR) & MG_BIT(31) ? 2 : 1;
static void flash_unlock(void) {
static bool unlocked = false;
if (unlocked == false) {
MG_REG(FLASH_BASE1 + FLASH_KEYR) = 0x45670123;
MG_REG(FLASH_BASE1 + FLASH_KEYR) = 0xcdef89ab;
MG_REG(FLASH_BASE2 + FLASH_KEYR) = 0x45670123;
MG_REG(FLASH_BASE2 + FLASH_KEYR) = 0xcdef89ab;
MG_REG(FLASH_BASE1 + FLASH_OPTKEYR) = 0x08192a3b; // opt reg is "shared"
MG_REG(FLASH_BASE1 + FLASH_OPTKEYR) = 0x4c5d6e7f; // thus unlock once
unlocked = true;
static bool flash_page_start(volatile uint32_t *dst) {
char *base = (char *) mg_flash_start(), *end = base + mg_flash_size();
volatile char *p = (char *) dst;
return p >= base && p < end && ((p - base) % mg_flash_sector_size()) == 0;
static bool flash_is_err(uint32_t bank) {
return MG_REG(bank + FLASH_SR) & ((MG_BIT(11) - 1) << 17); // RM0433 4.9.5
static void flash_wait(uint32_t bank) {
while (MG_REG(bank + FLASH_SR) & (MG_BIT(0) | MG_BIT(2))) (void) 0;
static void flash_clear_err(uint32_t bank) {
flash_wait(bank); // Wait until ready
MG_REG(bank + FLASH_CCR) = ((MG_BIT(11) - 1) << 16U); // Clear all errors
static bool flash_bank_is_swapped(uint32_t bank) {
return MG_REG(bank + FLASH_OPTCR) & MG_BIT(31); // RM0433 4.9.7
// Figure out flash bank based on the address
static uint32_t flash_bank(void *addr) {
size_t ofs = (char *) addr - (char *) mg_flash_start();
return ofs < mg_flash_size() / 2 ? FLASH_BASE1 : FLASH_BASE2;
bool mg_flash_erase(void *addr) {
bool ok = false;
if (flash_page_start(addr) == false) {
MG_ERROR(("%p is not on a sector boundary", addr));
} else {
uintptr_t diff = (char *) addr - (char *) mg_flash_start();
uint32_t sector = diff / mg_flash_sector_size();
uint32_t bank = flash_bank(addr);
if (sector > 7) sector -= 8;
// MG_INFO(("Erasing @ %p, sector %lu, bank %#x", addr, sector, bank));
MG_REG(bank + FLASH_CR) |= (sector & 7U) << 8U; // Sector to erase
MG_REG(bank + FLASH_CR) |= MG_BIT(2); // Sector erase bit
MG_REG(bank + FLASH_CR) |= MG_BIT(7); // Start erasing
ok = !flash_is_err(bank);
MG_DEBUG(("Erase sector %lu @ %p %s. CR %#lx SR %#lx", sector, addr,
ok ? "ok" : "fail", MG_REG(bank + FLASH_CR),
MG_REG(bank + FLASH_SR)));
// mg_hexdump(addr, 32);
return ok;
bool mg_flash_swap_bank() {
uint32_t bank = FLASH_BASE1;
uint32_t desired = flash_bank_is_swapped(bank) ? 0 : MG_BIT(31);
// printf("OPTSR_PRG 1 %#lx\n", FLASH->OPTSR_PRG);
MG_SET_BITS(MG_REG(bank + FLASH_OPTSR_PRG), MG_BIT(31), desired);
// printf("OPTSR_PRG 2 %#lx\n", FLASH->OPTSR_PRG);
while ((MG_REG(bank + FLASH_OPTSR_CUR) & MG_BIT(31)) != desired) (void) 0;
return true;
bool mg_flash_write(void *addr, const void *buf, size_t len) {
if ((len % mg_flash_write_align()) != 0) {
MG_ERROR(("%lu is not aligned to %lu", len, mg_flash_write_align()));
return false;
uint32_t bank = flash_bank(addr);
uint32_t *dst = (uint32_t *) addr;
uint32_t *src = (uint32_t *) buf;
uint32_t *end = (uint32_t *) ((char *) buf + len);
bool ok = true;
MG_REG(bank + FLASH_CR) = MG_BIT(1); // Set programming flag
// MG_INFO(("Writing flash @ %p, %lu bytes", addr, len));
while (ok && src < end) {
if (flash_page_start(dst) && mg_flash_erase(dst) == false) break;
*(volatile uint32_t *) dst++ = *src++;
if (flash_is_err(bank)) ok = false;
MG_DEBUG(("Flash write %lu bytes @ %p: %s. CR %#lx SR %#lx", len, dst,
ok ? "ok" : "fail", MG_REG(bank + FLASH_CR),
MG_REG(bank + FLASH_SR)));
// mg_hexdump(addr, len > 32 ? 32 : len);
MG_REG(bank + FLASH_CR) &= ~MG_BIT(1); // Clear programming flag
return ok;
void mg_sys_reset(void) {
*(volatile unsigned long *) 0xe000ed0c = 0x5fa0004;
#line 1 "src/timer.c"

View File

@ -815,6 +815,14 @@ struct timeval {
#define MG_EPOLL_MOD(c, wr)
#ifndef MG_ENABLE_STM32H5
#define MG_ENABLE_STM32H5 0
#ifndef MG_ENABLE_STM32H7
#define MG_ENABLE_STM32H7 0
@ -1041,6 +1049,21 @@ uint64_t mg_now(void); // Return milliseconds since Epoch
MG_U8P(ADDR)[0], MG_U8P(ADDR)[1], MG_U8P(ADDR)[2], MG_U8P(ADDR)[3]
#define MG_REG(x) ((volatile uint32_t *) (x))[0]
#define MG_BIT(x) (((uint32_t) 1U) << (x))
#define MG_ROUND_UP(x, a) ((a) == 0 ? (x) : ((((x) + (a) -1) / (a)) * (a)))
#define MG_ROUND_DOWN(x, a) ((a) == 0 ? (x) : (((x) / (a)) * (a)))
#ifdef __GNUC__
#define MG_ARM_DISABLE_IRQ() asm volatile ("cpsid i" : : : "memory")
#define MG_ARM_ENABLE_IRQ() asm volatile ("cpsie i" : : : "memory")
struct mg_addr;
int mg_check_ip_acl(struct mg_str acl, struct mg_addr *remote_ip);
@ -1652,33 +1675,56 @@ void mg_rpc_list(struct mg_rpc_req *r);
#define MG_OTA_NONE 0 // No OTA support
#define MG_OTA_STM32H5 1 // STM32 H5 series
#define MG_OTA_FLASH 1 // OTA via an internal flash
#define MG_OTA_CUSTOM 100 // Custom implementation
#define MG_OTA_MAGIC 0xb07afeed
#ifndef MG_OTA
// Firmware update API
bool mg_ota_begin(size_t new_firmware_size); // Start writing
bool mg_ota_write(const void *buf, size_t len); // Write firmware chunk
bool mg_ota_write(const void *buf, size_t len); // Write chunk, aligned to 1k
bool mg_ota_end(void); // Stop writing
void mg_sys_reset(void); // Reboot device
struct mg_ota_data {
uint32_t magic; // Must be MG_OTA_MAGIC
uint32_t crc32; // Checksum of the current firmware
uint32_t size; // Firware size
uint32_t time; // Flashing timestamp. Unix epoch, seconds since 1970
uint32_t booted; // -1: not yet booted before, otherwise booted
uint32_t golden; // -1: not yet comitted, otherwise clean, committed
enum {
MG_OTA_UNAVAILABLE = 0, // No OTA information is present
MG_OTA_FIRST_BOOT = 1, // Device booting the first time after the OTA
MG_OTA_UNCOMMITTED = 2, // Ditto, but marking us for the rollback
MG_OTA_COMMITTED = 3, // The firmware is good
bool mg_ota_status(struct mg_ota_data[2]); // Get status for curr and prev fw
bool mg_ota_commit(void); // Commit current firmware
bool mg_ota_rollback(void); // Rollback to prev firmware
int mg_ota_status(int firmware); // Return firmware status MG_OTA_*
uint32_t mg_ota_crc32(int firmware); // Return firmware checksum
uint32_t mg_ota_timestamp(int firmware); // Firmware timestamp, UNIX UTC epoch
size_t mg_ota_size(int firmware); // Firmware size
bool mg_ota_commit(void); // Commit current firmware
bool mg_ota_rollback(void); // Rollback to the previous firmware
void mg_sys_reset(void); // Reboot device immediately
// Copyright (c) 2023 Cesanta Software Limited
// All rights reserved
// Flash information
void *mg_flash_start(void); // Return flash start address
size_t mg_flash_size(void); // Return flash size
size_t mg_flash_sector_size(void); // Return flash sector size
size_t mg_flash_write_align(void); // Return flash write align, minimum 4
int mg_flash_bank(void); // 0: not dual bank, 1: bank1, 2: bank2
// Write, erase, swap bank
bool mg_flash_write(void *addr, const void *buf, size_t len);
bool mg_flash_erase(void *addr); // Must be at sector boundary
bool mg_flash_swap_bank(void);
// Convenience functions to store data on a flash sector with wear levelling
// If `sector` is NULL, then the last sector of flash is used
bool mg_flash_load(void *sector, uint32_t key, void *buf, size_t len);
bool mg_flash_save(void *sector, uint32_t key, const void *buf, size_t len);

View File

@ -149,3 +149,11 @@
#define MG_EPOLL_ADD(c)
#define MG_EPOLL_MOD(c, wr)
#ifndef MG_ENABLE_STM32H5
#define MG_ENABLE_STM32H5 0
#ifndef MG_ENABLE_STM32H7
#define MG_ENABLE_STM32H7 0

View File

@ -6,30 +6,32 @@
#include "arch.h"
#define MG_OTA_NONE 0 // No OTA support
#define MG_OTA_STM32H5 1 // STM32 H5 series
#define MG_OTA_FLASH 1 // OTA via an internal flash
#define MG_OTA_CUSTOM 100 // Custom implementation
#define MG_OTA_MAGIC 0xb07afeed
#ifndef MG_OTA
// Firmware update API
bool mg_ota_begin(size_t new_firmware_size); // Start writing
bool mg_ota_write(const void *buf, size_t len); // Write firmware chunk
bool mg_ota_write(const void *buf, size_t len); // Write chunk, aligned to 1k
bool mg_ota_end(void); // Stop writing
void mg_sys_reset(void); // Reboot device
struct mg_ota_data {
uint32_t magic; // Must be MG_OTA_MAGIC
uint32_t crc32; // Checksum of the current firmware
uint32_t size; // Firware size
uint32_t time; // Flashing timestamp. Unix epoch, seconds since 1970
uint32_t booted; // -1: not yet booted before, otherwise booted
uint32_t golden; // -1: not yet comitted, otherwise clean, committed
enum {
MG_OTA_UNAVAILABLE = 0, // No OTA information is present
MG_OTA_FIRST_BOOT = 1, // Device booting the first time after the OTA
MG_OTA_UNCOMMITTED = 2, // Ditto, but marking us for the rollback
MG_OTA_COMMITTED = 3, // The firmware is good
bool mg_ota_status(struct mg_ota_data[2]); // Get status for curr and prev fw
bool mg_ota_commit(void); // Commit current firmware
bool mg_ota_rollback(void); // Rollback to prev firmware
int mg_ota_status(int firmware); // Return firmware status MG_OTA_*
uint32_t mg_ota_crc32(int firmware); // Return firmware checksum
uint32_t mg_ota_timestamp(int firmware); // Firmware timestamp, UNIX UTC epoch
size_t mg_ota_size(int firmware); // Firmware size
bool mg_ota_commit(void); // Commit current firmware
bool mg_ota_rollback(void); // Rollback to the previous firmware
void mg_sys_reset(void); // Reboot device immediately

View File

@ -2,36 +2,39 @@
#include "ota.h"
static struct mg_ota_data s_od[2] = {
{MG_OTA_MAGIC, (uint32_t) -1, (uint32_t) -1, (uint32_t) -1, (uint32_t) -1,
(uint32_t) -1},
{MG_OTA_MAGIC, (uint32_t) -1, (uint32_t) -1, (uint32_t) -1, (uint32_t) -1,
(uint32_t) -1},
bool mg_ota_begin(size_t new_firmware_size) {
MG_DEBUG(("Starting firmware update, size %lu", new_firmware_size));
(void) new_firmware_size;
return true;
bool mg_ota_write(const void *buf, size_t len) {
MG_DEBUG(("%p %lu", buf, len));
(void) buf, (void) len;
return true;
bool mg_ota_end(void) {
return true;
bool mg_ota_status(struct mg_ota_data od[2]) {
od[0] = s_od[0];
od[1] = s_od[1];
return true;
bool mg_ota_commit(void) {
s_od[0].golden = 0;
return true;
bool mg_ota_rollback(void) {
return true;
int mg_ota_status(int fw) {
(void) fw;
return 0;
uint32_t mg_ota_crc32(int fw) {
(void) fw;
return 0;
uint32_t mg_ota_timestamp(int fw) {
(void) fw;
return 0;
size_t mg_ota_size(int fw) {
(void) fw;
return 0;
void mg_sys_reset(void) {
MG_DEBUG(("Resetting device..."));

src/ota_flash.c Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,274 @@
#include "arch.h"
#include "log.h"
#include "ota.h"
#include "sys.h"
// This OTA implementation uses the internal flash API outlined in sys.h
// It splits flash into 2 equal partitions, and stores OTA status in the
// last sector of the partition.
#define MG_OTADATA_KEY 0xb07afed0
static char *s_addr; // Current address to write to
static size_t s_size; // Firmware size to flash. In-progress indicator
static uint32_t s_crc32; // Firmware checksum
struct mg_otadata {
uint32_t crc32, size, timestamp, status;
bool mg_ota_begin(size_t new_firmware_size) {
bool ok = false;
if (s_size) {
MG_ERROR(("OTA already in progress. Call mg_ota_end()"));
} else {
size_t half = mg_flash_size() / 2, max = half - mg_flash_sector_size();
s_crc32 = 0;
s_addr = (char *) mg_flash_start() + half;
MG_DEBUG(("Firmware %lu bytes, max %lu", s_size, max));
if (new_firmware_size < max) {
ok = true;
s_size = new_firmware_size;
MG_INFO(("Starting OTA, firmware size %lu", s_size));
} else {
MG_ERROR(("Firmware %lu is too big to fit %lu", new_firmware_size, max));
return ok;
bool mg_ota_write(const void *buf, size_t len) {
bool ok = false;
if (s_size == 0) {
MG_ERROR(("OTA is not started, call mg_ota_begin()"));
} else {
size_t align = mg_flash_write_align();
size_t len_aligned_down = MG_ROUND_DOWN(len, align);
if (len_aligned_down) ok = mg_flash_write(s_addr, buf, len_aligned_down);
if (len_aligned_down < len) {
size_t left = len - len_aligned_down;
char tmp[align];
memset(tmp, 0xff, sizeof(tmp));
memcpy(tmp, (char *) buf + len_aligned_down, left);
ok = mg_flash_write(s_addr + len_aligned_down, tmp, sizeof(tmp));
s_crc32 = mg_crc32(s_crc32, (char *) buf, len); // Update CRC
MG_DEBUG(("%#x %p %lu -> %d", s_addr - len, buf, len, ok));
s_addr += len;
return ok;
bool mg_ota_end(void) {
char *base = (char *) mg_flash_start() + mg_flash_size() / 2;
bool ok = false;
if (s_size) {
size_t size = s_addr - base;
uint32_t crc32 = mg_crc32(0, base, s_size);
if (size == s_size && crc32 == s_crc32) {
uint32_t now = (uint32_t) (mg_now() / 1000);
struct mg_otadata od = {crc32, size, now, MG_OTA_FIRST_BOOT};
uint32_t key = MG_OTADATA_KEY + (mg_flash_bank() == 2 ? 1 : 2);
ok = mg_flash_save(NULL, key, &od, sizeof(od));
MG_DEBUG(("CRC: %x/%x, size: %lu/%lu, status: %s", s_crc32, crc32, s_size,
size, ok ? "ok" : "fail"));
s_size = 0;
if (ok) ok = mg_flash_swap_bank();
MG_INFO(("Finishing OTA: %s", ok ? "ok" : "fail"));
return ok;
static struct mg_otadata mg_otadata(int fw) {
struct mg_otadata od = {};
int bank = mg_flash_bank();
uint32_t key = MG_OTADATA_KEY + 1;
if ((fw == MG_FIRMWARE_CURRENT && bank == 2)) key++;
if ((fw == MG_FIRMWARE_PREVIOUS && bank == 1)) key++;
mg_flash_load(NULL, key, &od, sizeof(od));
// MG_DEBUG(("Loaded OTA data. fw %d, bank %d, key %p", fw, bank, key));
// mg_hexdump(&od, sizeof(od));
return od;
int mg_ota_status(int fw) {
struct mg_otadata od = mg_otadata(fw);
return od.status;
uint32_t mg_ota_crc32(int fw) {
struct mg_otadata od = mg_otadata(fw);
return od.crc32;
uint32_t mg_ota_timestamp(int fw) {
struct mg_otadata od = mg_otadata(fw);
return od.timestamp;
size_t mg_ota_size(int fw) {
struct mg_otadata od = mg_otadata(fw);
return od.size;
bool mg_ota_commit(void) {
struct mg_otadata od = mg_otadata(MG_FIRMWARE_CURRENT);
od.status = MG_OTA_COMMITTED;
uint32_t key = MG_OTADATA_KEY + mg_flash_bank();
return mg_flash_save(NULL, key, &od, sizeof(od));
bool mg_ota_rollback(void) {
MG_DEBUG(("Rolling firmware back"));
return mg_flash_swap_bank();
// Flash can be written only if it is erased. Erased flash is 0xff (all bits 1)
// Writes must be mg_flash_write_align() - aligned. Thus if we want to save an
// object, we pad it at the end for alignment.
// Objects in the flash sector are stored sequentially:
// | 32-bit size | 32-bit KEY | | ..pad.. | 32-bit size | ......
// In order to get to the next object, read its size, then align up.
// Traverse the list of saved objects
size_t mg_flash_next(char *p, char *end, uint32_t *key, size_t *size) {
size_t aligned_size = 0, align = mg_flash_write_align(), left = end - p;
uint32_t *p32 = (uint32_t *) p, min_size = sizeof(uint32_t) * 2;
if (p32[0] != 0xffffffff && left > MG_ROUND_UP(min_size, align)) {
if (size) *size = (size_t) p32[0];
if (key) *key = p32[1];
aligned_size = MG_ROUND_UP(p32[0] + sizeof(uint32_t) * 2, align);
if (left < aligned_size) aligned_size = 0; // Out of bounds, fail
return aligned_size;
// Return the last sector of Bank 2
static char *flash_last_sector(void) {
size_t ss = mg_flash_sector_size(), size = mg_flash_size();
char *base = (char *) mg_flash_start(), *last = base + size - ss;
if (mg_flash_bank() == 2) last -= size / 2;
return last;
// Find a saved object with a given key
bool mg_flash_load(void *sector, uint32_t key, void *buf, size_t len) {
char *base = (char *) mg_flash_start(), *s = (char *) sector, *res = NULL;
size_t ss = mg_flash_sector_size(), ofs = 0, n, sz;
bool ok = false;
if (s == NULL) s = flash_last_sector();
if (s < base || s >= base + mg_flash_size()) {
MG_ERROR(("%p is outsize of flash", sector));
} else if (((s - base) % ss) != 0) {
MG_ERROR(("%p is not a sector boundary", sector));
} else {
uint32_t k, scanned = 0;
while ((n = mg_flash_next(s + ofs, s + ss, &k, &sz)) > 0) {
// MG_DEBUG((" > obj %lu, ofs %lu, key %x/%x", scanned, ofs, k, key));
// mg_hexdump(s + ofs, n);
if (k == key && sz == len) {
res = s + ofs + sizeof(uint32_t) * 2;
memcpy(buf, res, len); // Copy object
ok = true; // Keep scanning for the newer versions of it
ofs += n, scanned++;
MG_DEBUG(("Scanned %u objects, key %x is @ %p", scanned, key, res));
return ok;
static bool mg_flash_writev(char *location, struct mg_str *strings, size_t n) {
size_t align = mg_flash_write_align(), i, j, k = 0, nwritten = 0;
char buf[align];
bool ok = true;
for (i = 0; ok && i < n; i++) {
for (j = 0; ok && j < strings[i].len; j++) {
buf[k++] = strings[i].ptr[j];
if (k >= sizeof(buf)) {
ok = mg_flash_write(location + nwritten, buf, sizeof(buf));
k = 0, nwritten += sizeof(buf);
if (k > 0) {
while (k < sizeof(buf)) buf[k++] = 0xff;
ok = mg_flash_write(location + nwritten, buf, sizeof(buf));
return ok;
// For all saved objects in the sector, delete old versions of objects
static void mg_flash_sector_cleanup(char *sector) {
// Buffer all saved objects into an IO buffer (backed by RAM)
// erase sector, and re-save them.
struct mg_iobuf io = {0, 0, 0, 2048};
size_t ss = mg_flash_sector_size();
size_t n, size, size2, ofs = 0, hs = sizeof(uint32_t) * 2;
uint32_t key;
// Traverse all objects
MG_DEBUG(("Cleaning up sector %p", sector));
while ((n = mg_flash_next(sector + ofs, sector + ss, &key, &size)) > 0) {
// Delete an old copy of this object in the cache
for (size_t o = 0; o < io.len; o += size2 + hs) {
uint32_t k = *(uint32_t *) (io.buf + o + sizeof(uint32_t));
size2 = *(uint32_t *) (io.buf + o);
if (k == key) {
mg_iobuf_del(&io, o, size2 + hs);
// And add the new copy
mg_iobuf_add(&io, io.len, sector + ofs, size + hs);
ofs += n;
// All objects are cached in RAM now
if (mg_flash_erase(sector)) { // Erase sector. If successful,
for (ofs = 0; ofs < io.len; ofs += size + hs) { // Traverse cached objects
size = *(uint32_t *) (io.buf + ofs);
key = *(uint32_t *) (io.buf + ofs + sizeof(uint32_t));
mg_flash_save(sector, key, io.buf + ofs + hs, size); // Save to flash
// Save an object with a given key - append to the end of an object list
bool mg_flash_save(void *sector, uint32_t key, const void *buf, size_t len) {
char *base = (char *) mg_flash_start(), *s = (char *) sector;
size_t ss = mg_flash_sector_size(), ofs = 0, n;
bool ok = false;
if (s == NULL) s = flash_last_sector();
if (s < base || s >= base + mg_flash_size()) {
MG_ERROR(("%p is outsize of flash", sector));
} else if (((s - base) % ss) != 0) {
MG_ERROR(("%p is not a sector boundary", sector));
} else {
size_t needed = sizeof(uint32_t) * 2 + len;
size_t needed_aligned = MG_ROUND_UP(needed, mg_flash_write_align());
while ((n = mg_flash_next(s + ofs, s + ss, NULL, NULL)) > 0) ofs += n;
// If there is not enough space left, cleanup sector and re-eval ofs
if (ofs + needed_aligned > ss) {
ofs = 0;
while ((n = mg_flash_next(s + ofs, s + ss, NULL, NULL)) > 0) ofs += n;
if (ofs + needed_aligned <= ss) {
// Enough space to save this object
uint32_t hdr[2] = {(uint32_t) len, key};
struct mg_str data[] = {mg_str_n((char *) hdr, sizeof(hdr)),
mg_str_n(buf, len)};
ok = mg_flash_writev(s + ofs, data, 2);
MG_DEBUG(("Saving %lu bytes @ %p, key %x: %d", len, s + ofs, key, ok));
MG_DEBUG(("Sector space left: %lu bytes", ss - ofs - needed_aligned));
} else {
MG_ERROR(("Sector is full"));
return ok;

View File

@ -1,191 +0,0 @@
#include "arch.h"
#include "log.h"
#include "ota.h"
#if MG_OTA == MG_OTA_STM32H5
#define FLASH_BANK1 0x08000000
#define FLASH_SIZE1 0x00100000
#define FLASH_BANK2 0x08100000
#define FLASH_SIZE2 0x00100000
#define FLASH_SSIZE 8192 // Sector (page) size, 8k
// Keep OTA data at the beginning of the last sector of the flash bank
#define FLASH_BASE 0x40022000 // Base address of the flash controller
#define FLASH_KEYR (FLASH_BASE + 0x4) // See RM0481 7.11
#define FLASH_OPTCR (FLASH_BASE + 0x1c)
#define FLASH_NSSR (FLASH_BASE + 0x20)
#define FLASH_NSCR (FLASH_BASE + 0x28)
#define FLASH_NSCCR (FLASH_BASE + 0x30)
#undef REG
#define REG(x) ((volatile uint32_t *) (x))[0]
#undef BIT
#define BIT(x) (((uint32_t) 1U) << (x))
#undef SETBITS
static uint32_t s_addr; // Current address to write to
static uint32_t s_crc32; // Firmware checksum
static void flash_unlock(void) {
static bool unlocked = false;
if (unlocked == false) {
REG(FLASH_KEYR) = 0x45670123;
REG(FLASH_KEYR) = 0Xcdef89ab;
REG(FLASH_OPTKEYR) = 0x08192a3b;
REG(FLASH_OPTKEYR) = 0x4c5d6e7f;
unlocked = true;
static int flash_page_start(volatile uint32_t *dst) {
uint32_t addr = (uint32_t) (uintptr_t) dst;
return (addr & (FLASH_SSIZE - 1)) == 0;
static bool flash_is_err(void) {
return REG(FLASH_NSSR) & ((BIT(8) - 1) << 17); // RM0481 7.11.9
static void flash_wait(void) {
while ((REG(FLASH_NSSR) & BIT(0)) && (REG(FLASH_NSSR) & BIT(16)) == 0) {
(void) 0;
static void flash_prep(void) {
flash_wait(); // Wait until ready
REG(FLASH_NSCR) = 0UL; // Clear control reg
REG(FLASH_NSCCR) = ((BIT(9) - 1) << 16U); // Clear all errors
static bool flash_bank_is_swapped(void) {
return REG(FLASH_OPTCR) & BIT(31); // RM0481 7.11.8
static void flash_erase(uint32_t sector) {
if ((sector < 128 && flash_bank_is_swapped()) ||
(sector > 127 && !flash_bank_is_swapped())) {
if (sector > 127) sector -= 128;
REG(FLASH_NSCR) |= BIT(2) | (sector << 6); // SectorErase | sector_num
REG(FLASH_NSCR) |= BIT(5); // Start erasing
// MG_INFO(("ERASE %lu, CR %#lx SR %#lx", sector, REG(FLASH_NSCR),
static bool flash_swap_bank(void) {
uint32_t desired = flash_bank_is_swapped() ? 0 : BIT(31);
// printf("OPTSR_PRG 1 %#lx\n", FLASH->OPTSR_PRG);
// printf("OPTSR_PRG 2 %#lx\n", FLASH->OPTSR_PRG);
while ((REG(FLASH_OPTSR_CUR) & BIT(31)) != desired) (void) 0;
return true;
static bool flash_write(uint32_t addr, const void *buf, size_t len) {
volatile uint32_t *dst = (uint32_t *) addr;
uint32_t *src = (uint32_t *) buf;
uint32_t *end = (uint32_t *) ((char *) buf + len);
bool success = true;
while (success && src < end) {
uint32_t pageno = ((uint32_t) dst - FLASH_BANK1) / FLASH_SSIZE;
if (flash_page_start(dst)) flash_erase(pageno);
REG(FLASH_NSCR) = BIT(1); // Set programming flag
do {
*dst++ = *src++;
} while (src < end && !flash_page_start(dst) && !flash_is_err());
#if 0
do {
*dst++ = *src++;
printf("WRITE %p, CR %#lx SR %#lx OCR %#lx %#lx %#lx\n", dst, FLASH->NSCR,
FLASH->NSSR, FLASH->OPTCR, src[-1], dst[-1]);
} while (src < end && !flash_page_start(dst));
MG_INFO(("W %p, CR %#lx SR %#lx OCR %#lx %#lx %#lx", dst, REG(FLASH_NSCR),
REG(FLASH_NSSR), REG(FLASH_OPTCR), src[-1], dst[-1]));
if (flash_is_err() || (src[-1] != dst[-1])) {
// printf(" E %lx CR %#lx SR %#lx, %#lx %#lx\n", (unsigned long) dst,
// FLASH->NSCR, FLASH->NSSR, src[-1], dst[-1]);
success = false;
return success;
void mg_sys_reset(void) {
*(volatile unsigned long *) 0xe000ed0c = 0x5fa0004;
bool mg_ota_begin(size_t new_firmware_size) {
s_crc32 = 0;
s_addr = FLASH_BANK2;
MG_DEBUG(("Firmware %lu bytes, max %lu", new_firmware_size, FLASH_SIZE2));
return new_firmware_size < FLASH_SIZE2;
bool mg_ota_write(const void *buf, size_t len) {
bool ok = flash_write(s_addr, buf, len); // Write chunk to flash
s_crc32 = mg_crc32(s_crc32, (char *) buf, len); // Update CRC
MG_DEBUG(("%#x %p %lu -> %d", s_addr, buf, len, ok));
s_addr += len;
return ok;
static bool w32(uint32_t addr, uint32_t value) {
return flash_write(addr, &value, sizeof(value));
bool mg_ota_end(void) {
bool ok = false;
size_t size = s_addr - FLASH_BANK2;
uint32_t crc = mg_crc32(0, (char *) FLASH_BANK2, size);
if (crc == s_crc32) {
uint32_t now = (uint32_t) (mg_now() / 1000);
struct mg_ota_data od = {MG_OTA_MAGIC, crc, size, now, -1, -1};
ok = flash_write(FLASH_BANK2_OTA_DATA, &od, sizeof(od));
MG_DEBUG(("CRC check: %x %x", s_crc32, crc));
return ok && flash_swap_bank();
bool mg_ota_status(struct mg_ota_data od[2]) {
od[0] = *(struct mg_ota_data *) FLASH_BANK1_OTA_DATA;
od[1] = *(struct mg_ota_data *) FLASH_BANK2_OTA_DATA;
return od[0].magic == MG_OTA_MAGIC;
bool mg_ota_commit(void) {
struct mg_ota_data *od = (struct mg_ota_data *) FLASH_BANK1_OTA_DATA;
bool ok = false;
if (od->magic == MG_OTA_MAGIC && od->golden == 0) {
ok = true; // Already clean, do nothing
} else if (od->magic == MG_OTA_MAGIC) { // Dirty!
ok = w32((uint32_t) &od->golden, 0);
return ok;
bool mg_ota_rollback(void) {
return flash_swap_bank();

src/sys.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
// Copyright (c) 2023 Cesanta Software Limited
// All rights reserved
#pragma once
// Flash information
void *mg_flash_start(void); // Return flash start address
size_t mg_flash_size(void); // Return flash size
size_t mg_flash_sector_size(void); // Return flash sector size
size_t mg_flash_write_align(void); // Return flash write align, minimum 4
int mg_flash_bank(void); // 0: not dual bank, 1: bank1, 2: bank2
// Write, erase, swap bank
bool mg_flash_write(void *addr, const void *buf, size_t len);
bool mg_flash_erase(void *addr); // Must be at sector boundary
bool mg_flash_swap_bank(void);
// Convenience functions to store data on a flash sector with wear levelling
// If `sector` is NULL, then the last sector of flash is used
bool mg_flash_load(void *sector, uint32_t key, void *buf, size_t len);
bool mg_flash_save(void *sector, uint32_t key, const void *buf, size_t len);

src/sys_stm32h5.c Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
#include "arch.h"
#include "log.h"
#include "ota.h"
#define FLASH_BASE 0x40022000 // Base address of the flash controller
#define FLASH_KEYR (FLASH_BASE + 0x4) // See RM0481 7.11
#define FLASH_OPTCR (FLASH_BASE + 0x1c)
#define FLASH_NSSR (FLASH_BASE + 0x20)
#define FLASH_NSCR (FLASH_BASE + 0x28)
#define FLASH_NSCCR (FLASH_BASE + 0x30)
void *mg_flash_start(void) {
return (void *) 0x08000000;
size_t mg_flash_size(void) {
return 2 * 1024 * 1024; // 2Mb
size_t mg_flash_sector_size(void) {
return 8 * 1024; // 8k
size_t mg_flash_write_align(void) {
return 16; // 128 bit
int mg_flash_bank(void) {
return MG_REG(FLASH_OPTCR) & MG_BIT(31) ? 2 : 1;
static void flash_unlock(void) {
static bool unlocked = false;
if (unlocked == false) {
MG_REG(FLASH_KEYR) = 0x45670123;
MG_REG(FLASH_KEYR) = 0Xcdef89ab;
MG_REG(FLASH_OPTKEYR) = 0x08192a3b;
MG_REG(FLASH_OPTKEYR) = 0x4c5d6e7f;
unlocked = true;
static int flash_page_start(volatile uint32_t *dst) {
char *base = (char *) mg_flash_start(), *end = base + mg_flash_size();
volatile char *p = (char *) dst;
return p >= base && p < end && ((p - base) % mg_flash_sector_size()) == 0;
static bool flash_is_err(void) {
return MG_REG(FLASH_NSSR) & ((MG_BIT(8) - 1) << 17); // RM0481 7.11.9
static void flash_wait(void) {
while ((MG_REG(FLASH_NSSR) & MG_BIT(0)) &&
(MG_REG(FLASH_NSSR) & MG_BIT(16)) == 0) {
(void) 0;
static void flash_clear_err(void) {
flash_wait(); // Wait until ready
MG_REG(FLASH_NSCCR) = ((MG_BIT(9) - 1) << 16U); // Clear all errors
static bool flash_bank_is_swapped(void) {
return MG_REG(FLASH_OPTCR) & MG_BIT(31); // RM0481 7.11.8
bool mg_flash_erase(void *location) {
bool ok = false;
if (flash_page_start(location) == false) {
MG_ERROR(("%p is not on a sector boundary"));
} else {
uintptr_t diff = (char *) location - (char *) mg_flash_start();
uint32_t sector = diff / mg_flash_sector_size();
if ((sector < 128 && flash_bank_is_swapped()) ||
(sector > 127 && !flash_bank_is_swapped())) {
if (sector > 127) sector -= 128;
MG_REG(FLASH_NSCR) |= MG_BIT(2) | (sector << 6); // Erase | sector_num
MG_REG(FLASH_NSCR) |= MG_BIT(5); // Start erasing
ok = !flash_is_err();
MG_DEBUG(("Erase sector %lu @ %p: %s. CR %#lx SR %#lx", sector, location,
ok ? "ok" : "fail", MG_REG(FLASH_NSCR), MG_REG(FLASH_NSSR)));
// mg_hexdump(location, 32);
return ok;
bool mg_flash_swap_bank(void) {
uint32_t desired = flash_bank_is_swapped() ? 0 : MG_BIT(31);
// printf("OPTSR_PRG 1 %#lx\n", FLASH->OPTSR_PRG);
// printf("OPTSR_PRG 2 %#lx\n", FLASH->OPTSR_PRG);
while ((MG_REG(FLASH_OPTSR_CUR) & MG_BIT(31)) != desired) (void) 0;
return true;
bool mg_flash_write(void *addr, const void *buf, size_t len) {
if ((len % mg_flash_write_align()) != 0) {
MG_ERROR(("%lu is not aligned to %lu", len, mg_flash_write_align()));
return false;
uint32_t *dst = (uint32_t *) addr;
uint32_t *src = (uint32_t *) buf;
uint32_t *end = (uint32_t *) ((char *) buf + len);
bool ok = true;
// MG_DEBUG(("Starting flash write %lu bytes @ %p", len, addr));
while (ok && src < end) {
if (flash_page_start(dst) && mg_flash_erase(dst) == false) break;
MG_REG(FLASH_NSCR) = MG_BIT(1); // Set programming flag
*(volatile uint32_t *) dst++ = *src++;
if (flash_is_err()) ok = false;
MG_DEBUG(("Flash write %lu bytes @ %p: %s. CR %#lx SR %#lx", len, dst,
flash_is_err() ? "fail" : "ok", MG_REG(FLASH_NSCR),
if (flash_is_err()) ok = false;
// mg_hexdump(addr, len > 32 ? 32 : len);
// MG_REG(FLASH_NSCR) &= ~MG_BIT(1); // Set programming flag
MG_REG(FLASH_NSCR) = 0; // Clear flags
return ok;
void mg_sys_reset(void) {
*(volatile unsigned long *) 0xe000ed0c = 0x5fa0004;

src/sys_stm32h7.c Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
#include "arch.h"
#include "log.h"
#include "ota.h"
#define FLASH_BASE1 0x52002000 // Base address for bank1
#define FLASH_BASE2 0x52002100 // Base address for bank2
#define FLASH_KEYR 0x04 // See RM0433 4.9.2
#define FLASH_OPTKEYR 0x08
#define FLASH_OPTCR 0x18
#define FLASH_SR 0x10
#define FLASH_CR 0x0c
#define FLASH_CCR 0x14
#define FLASH_OPTSR_CUR 0x1c
#define FLASH_OPTSR_PRG 0x20
void *mg_flash_start(void) {
return (void *) 0x08000000;
size_t mg_flash_size(void) {
return 2 * 1024 * 1024; // 2Mb
size_t mg_flash_sector_size(void) {
return 128 * 1024; // 128k
size_t mg_flash_write_align(void) {
return 32; // 256 bit
int mg_flash_bank(void) {
return MG_REG(FLASH_BASE1 + FLASH_OPTCR) & MG_BIT(31) ? 2 : 1;
static void flash_unlock(void) {
static bool unlocked = false;
if (unlocked == false) {
MG_REG(FLASH_BASE1 + FLASH_KEYR) = 0x45670123;
MG_REG(FLASH_BASE1 + FLASH_KEYR) = 0xcdef89ab;
MG_REG(FLASH_BASE2 + FLASH_KEYR) = 0x45670123;
MG_REG(FLASH_BASE2 + FLASH_KEYR) = 0xcdef89ab;
MG_REG(FLASH_BASE1 + FLASH_OPTKEYR) = 0x08192a3b; // opt reg is "shared"
MG_REG(FLASH_BASE1 + FLASH_OPTKEYR) = 0x4c5d6e7f; // thus unlock once
unlocked = true;
static bool flash_page_start(volatile uint32_t *dst) {
char *base = (char *) mg_flash_start(), *end = base + mg_flash_size();
volatile char *p = (char *) dst;
return p >= base && p < end && ((p - base) % mg_flash_sector_size()) == 0;
static bool flash_is_err(uint32_t bank) {
return MG_REG(bank + FLASH_SR) & ((MG_BIT(11) - 1) << 17); // RM0433 4.9.5
static void flash_wait(uint32_t bank) {
while (MG_REG(bank + FLASH_SR) & (MG_BIT(0) | MG_BIT(2))) (void) 0;
static void flash_clear_err(uint32_t bank) {
flash_wait(bank); // Wait until ready
MG_REG(bank + FLASH_CCR) = ((MG_BIT(11) - 1) << 16U); // Clear all errors
static bool flash_bank_is_swapped(uint32_t bank) {
return MG_REG(bank + FLASH_OPTCR) & MG_BIT(31); // RM0433 4.9.7
// Figure out flash bank based on the address
static uint32_t flash_bank(void *addr) {
size_t ofs = (char *) addr - (char *) mg_flash_start();
return ofs < mg_flash_size() / 2 ? FLASH_BASE1 : FLASH_BASE2;
bool mg_flash_erase(void *addr) {
bool ok = false;
if (flash_page_start(addr) == false) {
MG_ERROR(("%p is not on a sector boundary", addr));
} else {
uintptr_t diff = (char *) addr - (char *) mg_flash_start();
uint32_t sector = diff / mg_flash_sector_size();
uint32_t bank = flash_bank(addr);
if (sector > 7) sector -= 8;
// MG_INFO(("Erasing @ %p, sector %lu, bank %#x", addr, sector, bank));
MG_REG(bank + FLASH_CR) |= (sector & 7U) << 8U; // Sector to erase
MG_REG(bank + FLASH_CR) |= MG_BIT(2); // Sector erase bit
MG_REG(bank + FLASH_CR) |= MG_BIT(7); // Start erasing
ok = !flash_is_err(bank);
MG_DEBUG(("Erase sector %lu @ %p %s. CR %#lx SR %#lx", sector, addr,
ok ? "ok" : "fail", MG_REG(bank + FLASH_CR),
MG_REG(bank + FLASH_SR)));
// mg_hexdump(addr, 32);
return ok;
bool mg_flash_swap_bank() {
uint32_t bank = FLASH_BASE1;
uint32_t desired = flash_bank_is_swapped(bank) ? 0 : MG_BIT(31);
// printf("OPTSR_PRG 1 %#lx\n", FLASH->OPTSR_PRG);
MG_SET_BITS(MG_REG(bank + FLASH_OPTSR_PRG), MG_BIT(31), desired);
// printf("OPTSR_PRG 2 %#lx\n", FLASH->OPTSR_PRG);
while ((MG_REG(bank + FLASH_OPTSR_CUR) & MG_BIT(31)) != desired) (void) 0;
return true;
bool mg_flash_write(void *addr, const void *buf, size_t len) {
if ((len % mg_flash_write_align()) != 0) {
MG_ERROR(("%lu is not aligned to %lu", len, mg_flash_write_align()));
return false;
uint32_t bank = flash_bank(addr);
uint32_t *dst = (uint32_t *) addr;
uint32_t *src = (uint32_t *) buf;
uint32_t *end = (uint32_t *) ((char *) buf + len);
bool ok = true;
MG_REG(bank + FLASH_CR) = MG_BIT(1); // Set programming flag
// MG_INFO(("Writing flash @ %p, %lu bytes", addr, len));
while (ok && src < end) {
if (flash_page_start(dst) && mg_flash_erase(dst) == false) break;
*(volatile uint32_t *) dst++ = *src++;
if (flash_is_err(bank)) ok = false;
MG_DEBUG(("Flash write %lu bytes @ %p: %s. CR %#lx SR %#lx", len, dst,
ok ? "ok" : "fail", MG_REG(bank + FLASH_CR),
MG_REG(bank + FLASH_SR)));
// mg_hexdump(addr, len > 32 ? 32 : len);
MG_REG(bank + FLASH_CR) &= ~MG_BIT(1); // Clear programming flag
return ok;
void mg_sys_reset(void) {
*(volatile unsigned long *) 0xe000ed0c = 0x5fa0004;

View File

@ -32,6 +32,21 @@ uint64_t mg_now(void); // Return milliseconds since Epoch
MG_U8P(ADDR)[0], MG_U8P(ADDR)[1], MG_U8P(ADDR)[2], MG_U8P(ADDR)[3]
#define MG_REG(x) ((volatile uint32_t *) (x))[0]
#define MG_BIT(x) (((uint32_t) 1U) << (x))
#define MG_ROUND_UP(x, a) ((a) == 0 ? (x) : ((((x) + (a) -1) / (a)) * (a)))
#define MG_ROUND_DOWN(x, a) ((a) == 0 ? (x) : (((x) / (a)) * (a)))
#ifdef __GNUC__
#define MG_ARM_DISABLE_IRQ() asm volatile ("cpsid i" : : : "memory")
#define MG_ARM_ENABLE_IRQ() asm volatile ("cpsie i" : : : "memory")
struct mg_addr;
int mg_check_ip_acl(struct mg_str acl, struct mg_addr *remote_ip);