mirror of
synced 2024-12-26 22:41:03 +08:00
@ -1554,6 +1554,7 @@ struct mg_str mg_mk_str_n(const char *s, size_t len) {
int mg_vcmp(const struct mg_str *str1, const char *str2) WEAK;
int mg_vcmp(const struct mg_str *str1, const char *str2) {
size_t n2 = strlen(str2), n1 = str1->len;
if (n1 == 0) return (n2 > 0 ? -1 : 0);
int r = strncmp(str1->p, str2, (n1 < n2) ? n1 : n2);
if (r == 0) {
return n1 - n2;
@ -5756,6 +5757,7 @@ struct mg_http_endpoint {
struct mg_str uri_pattern; /* owned */
char *auth_domain; /* owned */
char *auth_file; /* owned */
enum mg_auth_algo auth_algo;
mg_event_handler_t handler;
@ -7494,10 +7496,10 @@ extern void mg_hash_md5_v(size_t num_msgs, const uint8_t *msgs[],
const size_t *msg_lens, uint8_t *digest);
void cs_md5(char buf[33], ...) {
unsigned char hash[16];
const uint8_t *msgs[20], *p;
size_t msg_lens[20];
static void cs_digest(enum mg_auth_algo algo, char buf[65], ...) {
unsigned char hash[32];
const uint8_t *msgs[16], *p;
size_t msg_lens[16];
size_t num_msgs = 0;
va_list ap;
@ -7509,44 +7511,61 @@ void cs_md5(char buf[33], ...) {
mg_hash_md5_v(num_msgs, msgs, msg_lens, hash);
cs_to_hex(buf, hash, sizeof(hash));
if (algo == MG_AUTH_ALGO_MD5) {
mg_hash_md5_v(num_msgs, msgs, msg_lens, hash);
cs_to_hex(buf, hash, 16);
} else {
mg_hash_sha256_v(num_msgs, msgs, msg_lens, hash);
cs_to_hex(buf, hash, 32);
static void mg_mkmd5resp(const char *method, size_t method_len, const char *uri,
size_t uri_len, const char *ha1, size_t ha1_len,
const char *nonce, size_t nonce_len, const char *nc,
size_t nc_len, const char *cnonce, size_t cnonce_len,
const char *qop, size_t qop_len, char *resp) {
static const char colon[] = ":";
static const size_t one = 1;
char ha2[33];
cs_md5(ha2, method, method_len, colon, one, uri, uri_len, NULL);
cs_md5(resp, ha1, ha1_len, colon, one, nonce, nonce_len, colon, one, nc,
nc_len, colon, one, cnonce, cnonce_len, colon, one, qop, qop_len,
colon, one, ha2, sizeof(ha2) - 1, NULL);
static void mg_mk_digest_resp(const char *method, size_t method_len,
const char *uri, size_t uri_len, const char *ha1,
size_t ha1_len, const char *nonce,
size_t nonce_len, const char *nc, size_t nc_len,
const char *cnonce, size_t cnonce_len,
const char *qop, size_t qop_len,
enum mg_auth_algo algo, char *resp) {
size_t one = 1;
char ha2[65];
size_t ha2_size = (algo == MG_AUTH_ALGO_MD5 ? 32 : 64);
cs_digest(algo, ha2, method, method_len, ":", one, uri, uri_len, NULL);
cs_digest(algo, resp, ha1, ha1_len, ":", one, nonce, nonce_len, ":", one, nc,
nc_len, ":", one, cnonce, cnonce_len, ":", one, qop, qop_len,
":", one, ha2, ha2_size, NULL);
int mg_http_create_digest_auth_header_algo(char *buf, size_t buf_len,
const char *method, const char *uri,
const char *auth_domain, const char *user,
const char *passwd, const char *nonce,
enum mg_auth_algo algo) {
const char qop[] = "auth";
const size_t one = 1;
char ha1[65], resp[65], cnonce[40];
size_t ha1_size = (algo == MG_AUTH_ALGO_MD5 ? 32 : 64);
snprintf(cnonce, sizeof(cnonce), "%lx", (unsigned long) mg_time());
cs_digest(algo, ha1, user, (size_t) strlen(user), ":", one, auth_domain,
(size_t) strlen(auth_domain), ":", one, passwd,
(size_t) strlen(passwd), NULL);
mg_mk_digest_resp(method, strlen(method), uri, strlen(uri), ha1, ha1_size,
nonce, strlen(nonce), "1", one, cnonce, strlen(cnonce), qop,
sizeof(qop) - 1, algo, resp);
return snprintf(buf, buf_len,
"Authorization: Digest username=\"%s\","
user, auth_domain, uri, qop, cnonce, nonce, resp,
(algo == MG_AUTH_ALGO_MD5 ? "MD5" : "SHA-256"));
int mg_http_create_digest_auth_header(char *buf, size_t buf_len,
const char *method, const char *uri,
const char *auth_domain, const char *user,
const char *passwd, const char *nonce) {
static const char colon[] = ":", qop[] = "auth";
static const size_t one = 1;
char ha1[33], resp[33], cnonce[40];
snprintf(cnonce, sizeof(cnonce), "%lx", (unsigned long) mg_time());
cs_md5(ha1, user, (size_t) strlen(user), colon, one, auth_domain,
(size_t) strlen(auth_domain), colon, one, passwd,
(size_t) strlen(passwd), NULL);
mg_mkmd5resp(method, strlen(method), uri, strlen(uri), ha1, sizeof(ha1) - 1,
nonce, strlen(nonce), "1", one, cnonce, strlen(cnonce), qop,
sizeof(qop) - 1, resp);
return snprintf(buf, buf_len,
"Authorization: Digest username=\"%s\","
user, auth_domain, uri, qop, cnonce, nonce, resp);
return mg_http_create_digest_auth_header_algo(buf, buf_len, method, uri, auth_domain, user, passwd, nonce, MG_AUTH_ALGO_MD5);
@ -7561,15 +7580,17 @@ static int mg_check_nonce(const char *nonce) {
return (now >= val) && (now - val < 60 * 60);
int mg_http_check_digest_auth(struct http_message *hm, const char *auth_domain,
FILE *fp) {
int mg_http_check_digest_auth_algo(struct http_message *hm, const char *auth_domain,
enum mg_auth_algo fp_algo, FILE *fp) {
int ret = 0;
struct mg_str *hdr;
char username_buf[50], cnonce_buf[64], response_buf[40], uri_buf[200],
qop_buf[20], nc_buf[20], nonce_buf[16];
char username_buf[50], cnonce_buf[64], response_buf[64], uri_buf[200],
qop_buf[20], nc_buf[20], nonce_buf[16], algo_buf[16];
char *username = username_buf, *cnonce = cnonce_buf, *response = response_buf,
*uri = uri_buf, *qop = qop_buf, *nc = nc_buf, *nonce = nonce_buf;
*uri = uri_buf, *qop = qop_buf, *nc = nc_buf, *nonce = nonce_buf, *algo = algo_buf;
enum mg_auth_algo hm_algo = MG_AUTH_ALGO_MD5;
/* Parse "Authorization:" header, fail fast on parse error */
if (hm == NULL || fp == NULL ||
@ -7588,16 +7609,30 @@ int mg_http_check_digest_auth(struct http_message *hm, const char *auth_domain,
goto clean;
if (mg_http_parse_header2(hdr, "algorithm", &algo, sizeof(algo_buf)) != 0) {
if (strcmp(algo, "MD5") == 0) {
hm_algo = MG_AUTH_ALGO_MD5;
} else if (strcmp(algo, "SHA-256") == 0) {
hm_algo = MG_AUTH_ALGO_SHA256;
} else {
goto clean;
if (hm_algo != fp_algo) {
goto clean;
/* NOTE(lsm): due to a bug in MSIE, we do not compare URIs */
ret = mg_check_digest_auth(
ret = mg_check_digest_auth_algo(
hm->uri.len + (hm->query_string.len ? hm->query_string.len + 1 : 0)),
mg_mk_str(username), mg_mk_str(cnonce), mg_mk_str(response),
mg_mk_str(qop), mg_mk_str(nc), mg_mk_str(nonce), mg_mk_str(auth_domain),
fp_algo, fp);
if (username != username_buf) MG_FREE(username);
@ -7607,17 +7642,23 @@ clean:
if (qop != qop_buf) MG_FREE(qop);
if (nc != nc_buf) MG_FREE(nc);
if (nonce != nonce_buf) MG_FREE(nonce);
if (algo != algo_buf) MG_FREE(algo);
return ret;
int mg_check_digest_auth(struct mg_str method, struct mg_str uri,
int mg_http_check_digest_auth(struct http_message *hm, const char *auth_domain,
FILE *fp) {
return mg_http_check_digest_auth_algo(hm, auth_domain, MG_AUTH_ALGO_MD5, fp);
int mg_check_digest_auth_algo(struct mg_str method, struct mg_str uri,
struct mg_str username, struct mg_str cnonce,
struct mg_str response, struct mg_str qop,
struct mg_str nc, struct mg_str nonce,
struct mg_str auth_domain, FILE *fp) {
struct mg_str auth_domain, enum mg_auth_algo algo, FILE *fp) {
char buf[128], f_user[sizeof(buf)], f_ha1[sizeof(buf)], f_domain[sizeof(buf)];
char exp_resp[33];
char exp_resp[65] = {0};
* Read passwords file line by line. If should have htdigest format,
@ -7629,9 +7670,9 @@ int mg_check_digest_auth(struct mg_str method, struct mg_str uri,
mg_vcmp(&username, f_user) == 0 &&
mg_vcmp(&auth_domain, f_domain) == 0) {
/* Username and domain matched, check the password */
mg_mkmd5resp(method.p, method.len, uri.p, uri.len, f_ha1, strlen(f_ha1),
nonce.p, nonce.len, nc.p, nc.len, cnonce.p, cnonce.len,
qop.p, qop.len, exp_resp);
mg_mk_digest_resp(method.p, method.len, uri.p, uri.len, f_ha1, strlen(f_ha1),
nonce.p, nonce.len, nc.p, nc.len, cnonce.p, cnonce.len,
qop.p, qop.len, algo, exp_resp);
LOG(LL_DEBUG, ("%.*s %s %.*s %s", (int) username.len, username.p,
f_domain, (int) response.len, response.p, exp_resp));
return mg_ncasecmp(response.p, exp_resp, strlen(exp_resp)) == 0;
@ -7642,6 +7683,16 @@ int mg_check_digest_auth(struct mg_str method, struct mg_str uri,
return 0;
int mg_check_digest_auth(struct mg_str method, struct mg_str uri,
struct mg_str username, struct mg_str cnonce,
struct mg_str response, struct mg_str qop,
struct mg_str nc, struct mg_str nonce,
struct mg_str auth_domain, FILE *fp) {
return mg_check_digest_auth_algo(
method, uri, username, cnonce, response, qop, nc, nonce, auth_domain,
int mg_http_is_authorized(struct http_message *hm, struct mg_str path,
const char *domain, const char *passwords_file,
int flags) {
@ -7650,27 +7701,30 @@ int mg_http_is_authorized(struct http_message *hm, struct mg_str path,
FILE *fp;
int authorized = 1;
if (domain != NULL && passwords_file != NULL) {
fp = mg_fopen(passwords_file, "r");
} else if (flags & MG_AUTH_FLAG_IS_DIRECTORY) {
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%.*s%c%s", (int) path.len, path.p, DIRSEP,
fp = mg_fopen(buf, "r");
} else {
p = strrchr(path.p, DIRSEP);
if (p == NULL) p = path.p;
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%.*s%c%s", (int) (p - path.p), path.p, DIRSEP,
fp = mg_fopen(buf, "r");
if (domain == NULL || passwords_file == NULL) {
return 1;
if (fp != NULL) {
authorized = mg_http_check_digest_auth(hm, domain, fp);
} else if (!(flags & MG_AUTH_FLAG_ALLOW_MISSING_FILE)) {
authorized = 0;
fp = mg_fopen(passwords_file, "r");
} else if (flags & MG_AUTH_FLAG_IS_DIRECTORY) {
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%.*s%c%s", (int) path.len, path.p, DIRSEP,
fp = mg_fopen(buf, "r");
} else {
p = strrchr(path.p, DIRSEP);
if (p == NULL) p = path.p;
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%.*s%c%s", (int) (p - path.p), path.p, DIRSEP,
fp = mg_fopen(buf, "r");
if (fp != NULL) {
enum mg_auth_algo fp_algo = (enum mg_auth_algo) ((flags >> 8) & 3);
authorized = mg_http_check_digest_auth_algo(hm, domain, fp_algo, fp);
} else if (!(flags & MG_AUTH_FLAG_ALLOW_MISSING_FILE)) {
authorized = 0;
LOG(LL_DEBUG, ("%.*s %s %x %d", (int) path.len, path.p,
@ -8220,14 +8274,21 @@ MG_INTERNAL int mg_is_not_modified(struct http_message *hm, cs_stat_t *st) {
void mg_http_send_digest_auth_request(struct mg_connection *c,
const char *domain) {
void mg_http_send_digest_auth_request_algo(struct mg_connection *c,
const char *domain,
enum mg_auth_algo algo) {
"HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized\r\n"
"WWW-Authenticate: Digest qop=\"auth\", "
"realm=\"%s\", nonce=\"%lx\"\r\n"
"realm=\"%s\", nonce=\"%lx\", algorithm=%s\r\n"
"Content-Length: 0\r\n\r\n",
domain, (unsigned long) mg_time());
domain, (unsigned long) mg_time(),
(algo == MG_AUTH_ALGO_MD5 ? "MD5" : "SHA-256"));
void mg_http_send_digest_auth_request(struct mg_connection *c,
const char *domain) {
mg_http_send_digest_auth_request_algo(c, domain, MG_AUTH_ALGO_MD5);
static void mg_http_send_options(struct mg_connection *nc,
@ -8296,13 +8357,15 @@ MG_INTERNAL void mg_send_http_file(struct mg_connection *nc, char *path,
hm, mg_mk_str(path), opts->auth_domain, opts->global_auth_file,
((is_directory ? MG_AUTH_FLAG_IS_DIRECTORY : 0) |
MG_AUTH_FLAG_ALGO(opts->auth_algo))) ||
hm, mg_mk_str(path), opts->auth_domain,
((is_directory ? MG_AUTH_FLAG_IS_DIRECTORY : 0) |
mg_http_send_digest_auth_request(nc, opts->auth_domain);
MG_AUTH_FLAG_ALGO(opts->auth_algo)))) {
mg_http_send_digest_auth_request_algo(nc, opts->auth_domain, opts->auth_algo);
} else if (is_cgi) {
mg_handle_cgi(nc, index_file ? index_file : path, path_info, hm, opts);
@ -8325,7 +8388,7 @@ MG_INTERNAL void mg_send_http_file(struct mg_connection *nc, char *path,
((is_directory ? MG_AUTH_FLAG_IS_DIRECTORY : 0) |
mg_http_send_digest_auth_request(nc, opts->auth_domain);
mg_http_send_digest_auth_request_algo(nc, opts->auth_domain, opts->aith_algo);
} else if (!mg_vcmp(&hm->method, "MKCOL")) {
mg_handle_mkcol(nc, path, hm);
@ -8388,9 +8451,6 @@ void mg_serve_http(struct mg_connection *nc, struct http_message *hm,
if (opts.document_root == NULL) {
opts.document_root = ".";
if (opts.per_directory_auth_file == NULL) {
opts.per_directory_auth_file = ".htpasswd";
if (opts.enable_directory_listing == NULL) {
opts.enable_directory_listing = "yes";
@ -8740,6 +8800,7 @@ void mg_register_http_endpoint_opt(struct mg_connection *nc,
if (opts.auth_domain != NULL && opts.auth_file != NULL) {
new_ep->auth_domain = strdup(opts.auth_domain);
new_ep->auth_file = strdup(opts.auth_file);
new_ep->auth_algo = opts.auth_algo;
new_ep->handler = handler;
@ -8764,8 +8825,9 @@ static void mg_http_call_endpoint_handler(struct mg_connection *nc, int ev,
if (ep != NULL) {
if (!mg_http_is_authorized(hm, hm->uri, ep->auth_domain, ep->auth_file,
mg_http_send_digest_auth_request(nc, ep->auth_domain);
MG_AUTH_FLAG_ALGO(ep->auth_algo)))) {
mg_http_send_digest_auth_request_algo(nc, ep->auth_domain, ep->auth_algo);
@ -4704,6 +4704,8 @@ extern void mg_hash_md5_v(size_t num_msgs, const uint8_t *msgs[],
const size_t *msg_lens, uint8_t *digest);
extern void mg_hash_sha1_v(size_t num_msgs, const uint8_t *msgs[],
const size_t *msg_lens, uint8_t *digest);
extern void mg_hash_sha256_v(size_t num_msgs, const uint8_t *msgs[],
const size_t *msg_lens, uint8_t *digest);
* Flags for `mg_http_is_authorized()`.
@ -4711,6 +4713,7 @@ extern void mg_hash_sha1_v(size_t num_msgs, const uint8_t *msgs[],
#define MG_AUTH_FLAG_IS_DIRECTORY (1 << 0)
#define MG_AUTH_FLAG_ALGO(algo) ((((int) algo) & 3) << 8)
* Checks whether an http request is authorized. `domain` is the authentication
@ -4723,12 +4726,6 @@ int mg_http_is_authorized(struct http_message *hm, struct mg_str path,
const char *domain, const char *passwords_file,
int flags);
* Sends 401 Unauthorized response.
void mg_http_send_digest_auth_request(struct mg_connection *c,
const char *domain);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* __cplusplus */
@ -4879,6 +4876,14 @@ size_t mg_parse_multipart(const char *buf, size_t buf_len, char *var_name,
int mg_get_http_var(const struct mg_str *buf, const char *name, char *dst,
size_t dst_len);
* Supported digest auth algorithms.
enum mg_auth_algo {
* This structure defines how `mg_serve_http()` works.
@ -4915,6 +4920,11 @@ struct mg_serve_http_opts {
const char *global_auth_file;
* Password hashing algorithm used by the password files.
enum mg_auth_algo auth_algo;
/* Set to "no" to disable directory listing. Enabled by default. */
const char *enable_directory_listing;
@ -5166,6 +5176,7 @@ struct mg_http_endpoint_opts {
/* Authorization domain (realm) */
const char *auth_domain;
const char *auth_file;
enum mg_auth_algo auth_algo;
void mg_register_http_endpoint_opt(struct mg_connection *nc,
@ -5173,12 +5184,23 @@ void mg_register_http_endpoint_opt(struct mg_connection *nc,
mg_event_handler_t handler,
struct mg_http_endpoint_opts opts);
* Sends 401 Unauthorized response.
void mg_http_send_digest_auth_request(struct mg_connection *c,
const char *domain);
void mg_http_send_digest_auth_request_algo(struct mg_connection *c,
const char *domain,
enum mg_auth_algo algo);
* Authenticates a HTTP request against an opened password file.
* Returns 1 if authenticated, 0 otherwise.
int mg_http_check_digest_auth(struct http_message *hm, const char *auth_domain,
FILE *fp);
int mg_http_check_digest_auth_algo(struct http_message *hm, const char *auth_domain,
enum mg_auth_algo fp_algo, FILE *fp);
* Authenticates given response params against an opened password file.
@ -5191,6 +5213,12 @@ int mg_check_digest_auth(struct mg_str method, struct mg_str uri,
struct mg_str response, struct mg_str qop,
struct mg_str nc, struct mg_str nonce,
struct mg_str auth_domain, FILE *fp);
int mg_check_digest_auth_algo(struct mg_str method, struct mg_str uri,
struct mg_str username, struct mg_str cnonce,
struct mg_str response, struct mg_str qop,
struct mg_str nc, struct mg_str nonce,
struct mg_str auth_domain, enum mg_auth_algo algo,
FILE *fp);
* Sends buffer `buf` of size `len` to the client using chunked HTTP encoding.
@ -5360,6 +5388,12 @@ int mg_http_create_digest_auth_header(char *buf, size_t buf_len,
const char *method, const char *uri,
const char *auth_domain, const char *user,
const char *passwd, const char *nonce);
int mg_http_create_digest_auth_header_algo(char *buf, size_t buf_len,
const char *method, const char *uri,
const char *auth_domain,
const char *user, const char *passwd,
const char *nonce,
enum mg_auth_algo algo);
#ifdef __cplusplus
@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ struct mg_str mg_mk_str_n(const char *s, size_t len) {
int mg_vcmp(const struct mg_str *str1, const char *str2) WEAK;
int mg_vcmp(const struct mg_str *str1, const char *str2) {
size_t n2 = strlen(str2), n1 = str1->len;
if (n1 == 0) return (n2 > 0 ? -1 : 0);
int r = strncmp(str1->p, str2, (n1 < n2) ? n1 : n2);
if (r == 0) {
return n1 - n2;
@ -112,6 +112,7 @@ struct mg_http_endpoint {
struct mg_str uri_pattern; /* owned */
char *auth_domain; /* owned */
char *auth_file; /* owned */
enum mg_auth_algo auth_algo;
mg_event_handler_t handler;
@ -1850,10 +1851,10 @@ extern void mg_hash_md5_v(size_t num_msgs, const uint8_t *msgs[],
const size_t *msg_lens, uint8_t *digest);
void cs_md5(char buf[33], ...) {
unsigned char hash[16];
const uint8_t *msgs[20], *p;
size_t msg_lens[20];
static void cs_digest(enum mg_auth_algo algo, char buf[65], ...) {
unsigned char hash[32];
const uint8_t *msgs[16], *p;
size_t msg_lens[16];
size_t num_msgs = 0;
va_list ap;
@ -1865,44 +1866,61 @@ void cs_md5(char buf[33], ...) {
mg_hash_md5_v(num_msgs, msgs, msg_lens, hash);
cs_to_hex(buf, hash, sizeof(hash));
if (algo == MG_AUTH_ALGO_MD5) {
mg_hash_md5_v(num_msgs, msgs, msg_lens, hash);
cs_to_hex(buf, hash, 16);
} else {
mg_hash_sha256_v(num_msgs, msgs, msg_lens, hash);
cs_to_hex(buf, hash, 32);
static void mg_mkmd5resp(const char *method, size_t method_len, const char *uri,
size_t uri_len, const char *ha1, size_t ha1_len,
const char *nonce, size_t nonce_len, const char *nc,
size_t nc_len, const char *cnonce, size_t cnonce_len,
const char *qop, size_t qop_len, char *resp) {
static const char colon[] = ":";
static const size_t one = 1;
char ha2[33];
cs_md5(ha2, method, method_len, colon, one, uri, uri_len, NULL);
cs_md5(resp, ha1, ha1_len, colon, one, nonce, nonce_len, colon, one, nc,
nc_len, colon, one, cnonce, cnonce_len, colon, one, qop, qop_len,
colon, one, ha2, sizeof(ha2) - 1, NULL);
static void mg_mk_digest_resp(const char *method, size_t method_len,
const char *uri, size_t uri_len, const char *ha1,
size_t ha1_len, const char *nonce,
size_t nonce_len, const char *nc, size_t nc_len,
const char *cnonce, size_t cnonce_len,
const char *qop, size_t qop_len,
enum mg_auth_algo algo, char *resp) {
size_t one = 1;
char ha2[65];
size_t ha2_size = (algo == MG_AUTH_ALGO_MD5 ? 32 : 64);
cs_digest(algo, ha2, method, method_len, ":", one, uri, uri_len, NULL);
cs_digest(algo, resp, ha1, ha1_len, ":", one, nonce, nonce_len, ":", one, nc,
nc_len, ":", one, cnonce, cnonce_len, ":", one, qop, qop_len,
":", one, ha2, ha2_size, NULL);
int mg_http_create_digest_auth_header_algo(char *buf, size_t buf_len,
const char *method, const char *uri,
const char *auth_domain, const char *user,
const char *passwd, const char *nonce,
enum mg_auth_algo algo) {
const char qop[] = "auth";
const size_t one = 1;
char ha1[65], resp[65], cnonce[40];
size_t ha1_size = (algo == MG_AUTH_ALGO_MD5 ? 32 : 64);
snprintf(cnonce, sizeof(cnonce), "%lx", (unsigned long) mg_time());
cs_digest(algo, ha1, user, (size_t) strlen(user), ":", one, auth_domain,
(size_t) strlen(auth_domain), ":", one, passwd,
(size_t) strlen(passwd), NULL);
mg_mk_digest_resp(method, strlen(method), uri, strlen(uri), ha1, ha1_size,
nonce, strlen(nonce), "1", one, cnonce, strlen(cnonce), qop,
sizeof(qop) - 1, algo, resp);
return snprintf(buf, buf_len,
"Authorization: Digest username=\"%s\","
user, auth_domain, uri, qop, cnonce, nonce, resp,
(algo == MG_AUTH_ALGO_MD5 ? "MD5" : "SHA-256"));
int mg_http_create_digest_auth_header(char *buf, size_t buf_len,
const char *method, const char *uri,
const char *auth_domain, const char *user,
const char *passwd, const char *nonce) {
static const char colon[] = ":", qop[] = "auth";
static const size_t one = 1;
char ha1[33], resp[33], cnonce[40];
snprintf(cnonce, sizeof(cnonce), "%lx", (unsigned long) mg_time());
cs_md5(ha1, user, (size_t) strlen(user), colon, one, auth_domain,
(size_t) strlen(auth_domain), colon, one, passwd,
(size_t) strlen(passwd), NULL);
mg_mkmd5resp(method, strlen(method), uri, strlen(uri), ha1, sizeof(ha1) - 1,
nonce, strlen(nonce), "1", one, cnonce, strlen(cnonce), qop,
sizeof(qop) - 1, resp);
return snprintf(buf, buf_len,
"Authorization: Digest username=\"%s\","
user, auth_domain, uri, qop, cnonce, nonce, resp);
return mg_http_create_digest_auth_header_algo(buf, buf_len, method, uri, auth_domain, user, passwd, nonce, MG_AUTH_ALGO_MD5);
@ -1917,15 +1935,17 @@ static int mg_check_nonce(const char *nonce) {
return (now >= val) && (now - val < 60 * 60);
int mg_http_check_digest_auth(struct http_message *hm, const char *auth_domain,
FILE *fp) {
int mg_http_check_digest_auth_algo(struct http_message *hm, const char *auth_domain,
enum mg_auth_algo fp_algo, FILE *fp) {
int ret = 0;
struct mg_str *hdr;
char username_buf[50], cnonce_buf[64], response_buf[40], uri_buf[200],
qop_buf[20], nc_buf[20], nonce_buf[16];
char username_buf[50], cnonce_buf[64], response_buf[64], uri_buf[200],
qop_buf[20], nc_buf[20], nonce_buf[16], algo_buf[16];
char *username = username_buf, *cnonce = cnonce_buf, *response = response_buf,
*uri = uri_buf, *qop = qop_buf, *nc = nc_buf, *nonce = nonce_buf;
*uri = uri_buf, *qop = qop_buf, *nc = nc_buf, *nonce = nonce_buf, *algo = algo_buf;
enum mg_auth_algo hm_algo = MG_AUTH_ALGO_MD5;
/* Parse "Authorization:" header, fail fast on parse error */
if (hm == NULL || fp == NULL ||
@ -1944,16 +1964,30 @@ int mg_http_check_digest_auth(struct http_message *hm, const char *auth_domain,
goto clean;
if (mg_http_parse_header2(hdr, "algorithm", &algo, sizeof(algo_buf)) != 0) {
if (strcmp(algo, "MD5") == 0) {
hm_algo = MG_AUTH_ALGO_MD5;
} else if (strcmp(algo, "SHA-256") == 0) {
hm_algo = MG_AUTH_ALGO_SHA256;
} else {
goto clean;
if (hm_algo != fp_algo) {
goto clean;
/* NOTE(lsm): due to a bug in MSIE, we do not compare URIs */
ret = mg_check_digest_auth(
ret = mg_check_digest_auth_algo(
hm->uri.len + (hm->query_string.len ? hm->query_string.len + 1 : 0)),
mg_mk_str(username), mg_mk_str(cnonce), mg_mk_str(response),
mg_mk_str(qop), mg_mk_str(nc), mg_mk_str(nonce), mg_mk_str(auth_domain),
fp_algo, fp);
if (username != username_buf) MG_FREE(username);
@ -1963,17 +1997,23 @@ clean:
if (qop != qop_buf) MG_FREE(qop);
if (nc != nc_buf) MG_FREE(nc);
if (nonce != nonce_buf) MG_FREE(nonce);
if (algo != algo_buf) MG_FREE(algo);
return ret;
int mg_check_digest_auth(struct mg_str method, struct mg_str uri,
int mg_http_check_digest_auth(struct http_message *hm, const char *auth_domain,
FILE *fp) {
return mg_http_check_digest_auth_algo(hm, auth_domain, MG_AUTH_ALGO_MD5, fp);
int mg_check_digest_auth_algo(struct mg_str method, struct mg_str uri,
struct mg_str username, struct mg_str cnonce,
struct mg_str response, struct mg_str qop,
struct mg_str nc, struct mg_str nonce,
struct mg_str auth_domain, FILE *fp) {
struct mg_str auth_domain, enum mg_auth_algo algo, FILE *fp) {
char buf[128], f_user[sizeof(buf)], f_ha1[sizeof(buf)], f_domain[sizeof(buf)];
char exp_resp[33];
char exp_resp[65] = {0};
* Read passwords file line by line. If should have htdigest format,
@ -1985,9 +2025,9 @@ int mg_check_digest_auth(struct mg_str method, struct mg_str uri,
mg_vcmp(&username, f_user) == 0 &&
mg_vcmp(&auth_domain, f_domain) == 0) {
/* Username and domain matched, check the password */
mg_mkmd5resp(method.p, method.len, uri.p, uri.len, f_ha1, strlen(f_ha1),
nonce.p, nonce.len, nc.p, nc.len, cnonce.p, cnonce.len,
qop.p, qop.len, exp_resp);
mg_mk_digest_resp(method.p, method.len, uri.p, uri.len, f_ha1, strlen(f_ha1),
nonce.p, nonce.len, nc.p, nc.len, cnonce.p, cnonce.len,
qop.p, qop.len, algo, exp_resp);
LOG(LL_DEBUG, ("%.*s %s %.*s %s", (int) username.len, username.p,
f_domain, (int) response.len, response.p, exp_resp));
return mg_ncasecmp(response.p, exp_resp, strlen(exp_resp)) == 0;
@ -1998,6 +2038,16 @@ int mg_check_digest_auth(struct mg_str method, struct mg_str uri,
return 0;
int mg_check_digest_auth(struct mg_str method, struct mg_str uri,
struct mg_str username, struct mg_str cnonce,
struct mg_str response, struct mg_str qop,
struct mg_str nc, struct mg_str nonce,
struct mg_str auth_domain, FILE *fp) {
return mg_check_digest_auth_algo(
method, uri, username, cnonce, response, qop, nc, nonce, auth_domain,
int mg_http_is_authorized(struct http_message *hm, struct mg_str path,
const char *domain, const char *passwords_file,
int flags) {
@ -2006,27 +2056,30 @@ int mg_http_is_authorized(struct http_message *hm, struct mg_str path,
FILE *fp;
int authorized = 1;
if (domain != NULL && passwords_file != NULL) {
fp = mg_fopen(passwords_file, "r");
} else if (flags & MG_AUTH_FLAG_IS_DIRECTORY) {
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%.*s%c%s", (int) path.len, path.p, DIRSEP,
fp = mg_fopen(buf, "r");
} else {
p = strrchr(path.p, DIRSEP);
if (p == NULL) p = path.p;
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%.*s%c%s", (int) (p - path.p), path.p, DIRSEP,
fp = mg_fopen(buf, "r");
if (domain == NULL || passwords_file == NULL) {
return 1;
if (fp != NULL) {
authorized = mg_http_check_digest_auth(hm, domain, fp);
} else if (!(flags & MG_AUTH_FLAG_ALLOW_MISSING_FILE)) {
authorized = 0;
fp = mg_fopen(passwords_file, "r");
} else if (flags & MG_AUTH_FLAG_IS_DIRECTORY) {
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%.*s%c%s", (int) path.len, path.p, DIRSEP,
fp = mg_fopen(buf, "r");
} else {
p = strrchr(path.p, DIRSEP);
if (p == NULL) p = path.p;
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%.*s%c%s", (int) (p - path.p), path.p, DIRSEP,
fp = mg_fopen(buf, "r");
if (fp != NULL) {
enum mg_auth_algo fp_algo = (enum mg_auth_algo) ((flags >> 8) & 3);
authorized = mg_http_check_digest_auth_algo(hm, domain, fp_algo, fp);
} else if (!(flags & MG_AUTH_FLAG_ALLOW_MISSING_FILE)) {
authorized = 0;
LOG(LL_DEBUG, ("%.*s %s %x %d", (int) path.len, path.p,
@ -2576,14 +2629,21 @@ MG_INTERNAL int mg_is_not_modified(struct http_message *hm, cs_stat_t *st) {
void mg_http_send_digest_auth_request(struct mg_connection *c,
const char *domain) {
void mg_http_send_digest_auth_request_algo(struct mg_connection *c,
const char *domain,
enum mg_auth_algo algo) {
"HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized\r\n"
"WWW-Authenticate: Digest qop=\"auth\", "
"realm=\"%s\", nonce=\"%lx\"\r\n"
"realm=\"%s\", nonce=\"%lx\", algorithm=%s\r\n"
"Content-Length: 0\r\n\r\n",
domain, (unsigned long) mg_time());
domain, (unsigned long) mg_time(),
(algo == MG_AUTH_ALGO_MD5 ? "MD5" : "SHA-256"));
void mg_http_send_digest_auth_request(struct mg_connection *c,
const char *domain) {
mg_http_send_digest_auth_request_algo(c, domain, MG_AUTH_ALGO_MD5);
static void mg_http_send_options(struct mg_connection *nc,
@ -2652,13 +2712,15 @@ MG_INTERNAL void mg_send_http_file(struct mg_connection *nc, char *path,
hm, mg_mk_str(path), opts->auth_domain, opts->global_auth_file,
((is_directory ? MG_AUTH_FLAG_IS_DIRECTORY : 0) |
MG_AUTH_FLAG_ALGO(opts->auth_algo))) ||
hm, mg_mk_str(path), opts->auth_domain,
((is_directory ? MG_AUTH_FLAG_IS_DIRECTORY : 0) |
mg_http_send_digest_auth_request(nc, opts->auth_domain);
MG_AUTH_FLAG_ALGO(opts->auth_algo)))) {
mg_http_send_digest_auth_request_algo(nc, opts->auth_domain, opts->auth_algo);
} else if (is_cgi) {
mg_handle_cgi(nc, index_file ? index_file : path, path_info, hm, opts);
@ -2681,7 +2743,7 @@ MG_INTERNAL void mg_send_http_file(struct mg_connection *nc, char *path,
((is_directory ? MG_AUTH_FLAG_IS_DIRECTORY : 0) |
mg_http_send_digest_auth_request(nc, opts->auth_domain);
mg_http_send_digest_auth_request_algo(nc, opts->auth_domain, opts->aith_algo);
} else if (!mg_vcmp(&hm->method, "MKCOL")) {
mg_handle_mkcol(nc, path, hm);
@ -2744,9 +2806,6 @@ void mg_serve_http(struct mg_connection *nc, struct http_message *hm,
if (opts.document_root == NULL) {
opts.document_root = ".";
if (opts.per_directory_auth_file == NULL) {
opts.per_directory_auth_file = ".htpasswd";
if (opts.enable_directory_listing == NULL) {
opts.enable_directory_listing = "yes";
@ -3096,6 +3155,7 @@ void mg_register_http_endpoint_opt(struct mg_connection *nc,
if (opts.auth_domain != NULL && opts.auth_file != NULL) {
new_ep->auth_domain = strdup(opts.auth_domain);
new_ep->auth_file = strdup(opts.auth_file);
new_ep->auth_algo = opts.auth_algo;
new_ep->handler = handler;
@ -3120,8 +3180,9 @@ static void mg_http_call_endpoint_handler(struct mg_connection *nc, int ev,
if (ep != NULL) {
if (!mg_http_is_authorized(hm, hm->uri, ep->auth_domain, ep->auth_file,
mg_http_send_digest_auth_request(nc, ep->auth_domain);
MG_AUTH_FLAG_ALGO(ep->auth_algo)))) {
mg_http_send_digest_auth_request_algo(nc, ep->auth_domain, ep->auth_algo);
@ -333,6 +333,8 @@ extern void mg_hash_md5_v(size_t num_msgs, const uint8_t *msgs[],
const size_t *msg_lens, uint8_t *digest);
extern void mg_hash_sha1_v(size_t num_msgs, const uint8_t *msgs[],
const size_t *msg_lens, uint8_t *digest);
extern void mg_hash_sha256_v(size_t num_msgs, const uint8_t *msgs[],
const size_t *msg_lens, uint8_t *digest);
* Flags for `mg_http_is_authorized()`.
@ -340,6 +342,7 @@ extern void mg_hash_sha1_v(size_t num_msgs, const uint8_t *msgs[],
#define MG_AUTH_FLAG_IS_DIRECTORY (1 << 0)
#define MG_AUTH_FLAG_ALGO(algo) ((((int) algo) & 3) << 8)
* Checks whether an http request is authorized. `domain` is the authentication
@ -352,12 +355,6 @@ int mg_http_is_authorized(struct http_message *hm, struct mg_str path,
const char *domain, const char *passwords_file,
int flags);
* Sends 401 Unauthorized response.
void mg_http_send_digest_auth_request(struct mg_connection *c,
const char *domain);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* __cplusplus */
@ -56,6 +56,12 @@ int mg_http_create_digest_auth_header(char *buf, size_t buf_len,
const char *method, const char *uri,
const char *auth_domain, const char *user,
const char *passwd, const char *nonce);
int mg_http_create_digest_auth_header_algo(char *buf, size_t buf_len,
const char *method, const char *uri,
const char *auth_domain,
const char *user, const char *passwd,
const char *nonce,
enum mg_auth_algo algo);
#ifdef __cplusplus
@ -139,6 +139,14 @@ size_t mg_parse_multipart(const char *buf, size_t buf_len, char *var_name,
int mg_get_http_var(const struct mg_str *buf, const char *name, char *dst,
size_t dst_len);
* Supported digest auth algorithms.
enum mg_auth_algo {
* This structure defines how `mg_serve_http()` works.
@ -175,6 +183,11 @@ struct mg_serve_http_opts {
const char *global_auth_file;
* Password hashing algorithm used by the password files.
enum mg_auth_algo auth_algo;
/* Set to "no" to disable directory listing. Enabled by default. */
const char *enable_directory_listing;
@ -426,6 +439,7 @@ struct mg_http_endpoint_opts {
/* Authorization domain (realm) */
const char *auth_domain;
const char *auth_file;
enum mg_auth_algo auth_algo;
void mg_register_http_endpoint_opt(struct mg_connection *nc,
@ -433,12 +447,23 @@ void mg_register_http_endpoint_opt(struct mg_connection *nc,
mg_event_handler_t handler,
struct mg_http_endpoint_opts opts);
* Sends 401 Unauthorized response.
void mg_http_send_digest_auth_request(struct mg_connection *c,
const char *domain);
void mg_http_send_digest_auth_request_algo(struct mg_connection *c,
const char *domain,
enum mg_auth_algo algo);
* Authenticates a HTTP request against an opened password file.
* Returns 1 if authenticated, 0 otherwise.
int mg_http_check_digest_auth(struct http_message *hm, const char *auth_domain,
FILE *fp);
int mg_http_check_digest_auth_algo(struct http_message *hm, const char *auth_domain,
enum mg_auth_algo fp_algo, FILE *fp);
* Authenticates given response params against an opened password file.
@ -451,6 +476,12 @@ int mg_check_digest_auth(struct mg_str method, struct mg_str uri,
struct mg_str response, struct mg_str qop,
struct mg_str nc, struct mg_str nonce,
struct mg_str auth_domain, FILE *fp);
int mg_check_digest_auth_algo(struct mg_str method, struct mg_str uri,
struct mg_str username, struct mg_str cnonce,
struct mg_str response, struct mg_str qop,
struct mg_str nc, struct mg_str nonce,
struct mg_str auth_domain, enum mg_auth_algo algo,
FILE *fp);
* Sends buffer `buf` of size `len` to the client using chunked HTTP encoding.
Reference in New Issue
Block a user