This commit is contained in:
Sergey Lyubka 2022-06-09 12:39:48 +01:00
parent b73115c002
commit 106662b1d7
9 changed files with 687 additions and 1 deletions

View File

@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ mongoose.c: Makefile $(wildcard src/*)
(cat src/license.h; echo; echo '#include "mongoose.h"' ; (for F in src/*.c ; do echo; echo '#ifdef MG_ENABLE_LINES'; echo "#line 1 \"$$F\""; echo '#endif'; cat $$F | sed -e 's,#include ".*,,'; done))> $@
mongoose.h: $(HDRS) Makefile
(cat src/license.h; echo; echo '#ifndef MONGOOSE_H'; echo '#define MONGOOSE_H'; echo; cat src/version.h ; echo; echo '#ifdef __cplusplus'; echo 'extern "C" {'; echo '#endif'; cat src/arch.h src/arch_*.h src/config.h src/str.h src/log.h src/timer.h src/fs.h src/util.h src/url.h src/iobuf.h src/base64.h src/md5.h src/sha1.h src/event.h src/net.h src/http.h src/ssi.h src/tls.h src/tls_mbed.h src/tls_openssl.h src/ws.h src/sntp.h src/mqtt.h src/dns.h src/mip.h | sed -e 's,#include ".*,,' -e 's,^#pragma once,,'; echo; echo '#ifdef __cplusplus'; echo '}'; echo '#endif'; echo '#endif // MONGOOSE_H')> $@
(cat src/license.h; echo; echo '#ifndef MONGOOSE_H'; echo '#define MONGOOSE_H'; echo; cat src/version.h ; echo; echo '#ifdef __cplusplus'; echo 'extern "C" {'; echo '#endif'; cat src/arch.h src/arch_*.h src/config.h src/str.h src/log.h src/timer.h src/fs.h src/util.h src/url.h src/iobuf.h src/base64.h src/md5.h src/sha1.h src/event.h src/net.h src/http.h src/ssi.h src/tls.h src/tls_mbed.h src/tls_openssl.h src/ws.h src/sntp.h src/mqtt.h src/dns.h src/mip.h src/json.h | sed -e 's,#include ".*,,' -e 's,^#pragma once,,'; echo; echo '#ifdef __cplusplus'; echo '}'; echo '#endif'; echo '#endif // MONGOOSE_H')> $@
rm -rf $(PROG) *.exe *.o *.dSYM unit_test* valgrind_unit_test* ut fuzzer *.gcov *.gcno *.gcda *.obj *.exe *.ilk *.pdb slow-unit* _CL_* infer-out data.txt crash-* test/packed_fs.c pack unpacked

View File

@ -2019,6 +2019,231 @@ void mg_iobuf_free(struct mg_iobuf *io) {
mg_iobuf_resize(io, 0);
#line 1 "src/json.c"
static const char *escapeseq(int esc) {
return esc ? "\b\f\n\r\t\\\"" : "bfnrt\\\"";
static char json_esc(int c, int esc) {
const char *p, *esc1 = escapeseq(esc), *esc2 = escapeseq(!esc);
for (p = esc1; *p != '\0'; p++) {
if (*p == c) return esc2[p - esc1];
return 0;
static int mg_pass_string(const char *s, int len) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (s[i] == '\\' && i + 1 < len && json_esc(s[i + 1], 1)) {
} else if (s[i] == '\0') {
} else if (s[i] == '"') {
return i;
int mg_json_get(const char *s, int len, const char *path, int *toklen) {
enum { S_VALUE, S_KEY, S_COLON, S_COMMA_OR_EOO } expecting = S_VALUE;
unsigned char nesting[MG_JSON_MAX_DEPTH];
int i, j = 0, depth = 0;
int pos = 1; // Current position in path
int ed = 0; // Expected depth
int ci = -1, ei = -1; // Current and expected index in array
if (path[0] != '$') return MG_JSON_INVALID;
#if 0
#define MG_DBGP(x) \
do { \
printf("%c %.*s j=%d i=%d pos=%d depth=%d ed=%d ci=%d ei=%d\n", x, len, s, \
j, i, pos, depth, ed, ci, ei); \
} while (0)
#define MG_DBGP(x)
#define MG_CHECKRET(x) \
do { \
MG_DBGP(x); \
if (depth == ed && path[pos] == '\0' && ci == ei) { \
if (toklen) *toklen = i - j + 1; \
return j; \
} \
} while (0)
// In the ascii table, the distance between `[` and `]` is 2.
// Ditto for `{` and `}`. Hence +2 in the code below.
#define MG_EOO(x) \
do { \
if (depth == ed && ci != ei) return MG_JSON_NOT_FOUND; \
if (c != nesting[depth - 1] + 2) return MG_JSON_INVALID; \
depth--; \
} while (0)
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
unsigned char c = ((unsigned char *) s)[i];
if (c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\n' || c == '\r') continue;
switch (expecting) {
case S_VALUE:
if (depth == ed) j = i;
if (c == '{') {
if (depth >= (int) sizeof(nesting)) return MG_JSON_TOO_DEEP;
if (depth == ed && path[pos] == '.') ed++, pos++;
nesting[depth++] = c;
expecting = S_KEY;
} else if (c == '[') {
if (depth >= (int) sizeof(nesting)) return MG_JSON_TOO_DEEP;
if (depth == ed && path[pos] == '[' && ei == ci) {
ed++, pos++, ci = 0;
for (ei = 0; path[pos] != ']' && path[pos] != '\0'; pos++) {
ei *= 10;
ei += path[pos] - '0';
if (path[pos] != 0) pos++;
nesting[depth++] = c;
} else if (c == ']' && depth > 0) { // Empty array
} else if (c == 't' && i + 3 < len && memcmp(&s[i], "true", 4) == 0) {
i += 3;
} else if (c == 'n' && i + 3 < len && memcmp(&s[i], "null", 4) == 0) {
i += 3;
} else if (c == 'f' && i + 4 < len && memcmp(&s[i], "false", 5) == 0) {
i += 4;
} else if (c == '-' || ((c >= '0' && c <= '9'))) {
int numlen = 0;
mg_atod(&s[i], len - i, &numlen);
i += numlen - 1;
} else if (c == '"') {
int n = mg_pass_string(&s[i + 1], len - i - 1);
if (n < 0) return n;
i += n + 1;
} else {
if (depth == ed && ei >= 0) ci++;
expecting = S_COMMA_OR_EOO;
case S_KEY:
if (c == '"') {
int n = mg_pass_string(&s[i + 1], len - i - 1);
if (n < 0) return n;
// printf("K[%.*s] %d %d\n", n, &s[i + 1], depth, ed);
if (depth == ed && path[pos - 1] == '.' &&
memcmp(&s[i + 1], &path[pos], (size_t) n) == 0) {
pos += n;
i += n + 1;
expecting = S_COLON;
} else if (c == '}') { // Empty object
expecting = S_COMMA_OR_EOO;
} else {
case S_COLON:
if (c == ':') {
expecting = S_VALUE;
} else {
if (depth <= 0) {
} else if (c == ',') {
expecting = (nesting[depth - 1] == '{') ? S_KEY : S_VALUE;
} else if (c == ']' || c == '}') {
if (depth == ed && ei >= 0) ci++;
} else {
bool mg_json_get_num(struct mg_str json, const char *path, double *v) {
int n, toklen, found = 0;
if ((n = mg_json_get(json.ptr, (int) json.len, path, &toklen)) >= 0 &&
(json.ptr[n] == '-' || (json.ptr[n] >= '0' && json.ptr[n] <= '9'))) {
if (v != NULL) *v = mg_atod(json.ptr + n, toklen, NULL);
found = 1;
return found;
bool mg_json_get_bool(struct mg_str json, const char *path, bool *v) {
int n, toklen, found = 0;
if ((n = mg_json_get(json.ptr, (int) json.len, path, &toklen)) >= 0 &&
(json.ptr[n] == 't' || json.ptr[n] == 'f')) {
if (v != NULL) *v = json.ptr[n] == 't';
found = 1;
return found;
static bool json_unescape(const char *s, size_t len, char *to, size_t n) {
size_t i, j;
for (i = 0, j = 0; i < len && j < n; i++, j++) {
if (s[i] == '\\' && i + 5 < len && s[i + 1] == 'u') {
// \uXXXX escape. We could process a simple one-byte chars
// \u00xx from the ASCII range. More complex chars would require
// dragging in a UTF8 library, which is too much for us
if (s[i + 2] != '0' || s[i + 3] != '0') return false; // Give up
((unsigned char *) to)[j] = (unsigned char) mg_unhexn(s + i + 4, 2);
i += 5;
} else if (s[i] == '\\' && i + 1 < len) {
char c = json_esc(s[i + 1], 0);
if (c == 0) return false;
to[j] = c;
} else {
to[j] = s[i];
if (j >= n) return false;
if (n > 0) to[j] = '\0';
return true;
char *mg_json_get_str(struct mg_str json, const char *path) {
int n, toklen;
char *result = NULL;
if ((n = mg_json_get(json.ptr, (int) json.len, path, &toklen)) >= 0 &&
json.ptr[n] == '"') {
if ((result = (char *) calloc(1, (size_t) toklen)) != NULL &&
!json_unescape(json.ptr + n + 1, (size_t) (toklen - 2), result,
(size_t) toklen)) {
result = NULL;
return result;
#line 1 "src/log.c"
@ -5075,6 +5300,52 @@ size_t mg_vsnprintf(char *buf, size_t len, const char *fmt, va_list ap) {
return n;
double mg_atod(const char *p, int len, int *numlen) {
double d = 0.0;
int i = 0, sign = 1;
// Sign
if (i < len && *p == '-') {
sign = -1, i++;
} else if (i < len && *p == '+') {
// Decimal
for (; i < len && is_digit(p[i]); i++) {
d *= 10.0;
d += p[i] - '0';
d *= sign;
// Fractional
if (i < len && p[i] == '.') {
double frac = 0.0, base = 0.1;
for (; i < len && is_digit(p[i]); i++) {
frac += base * (p[i] - '0');
base /= 10.0;
d += frac * sign;
// Exponential
if (i < len && (p[i] == 'e' || p[i] == 'E')) {
int j, exp = 0, minus = 0;
if (i < len && p[i] == '-') minus = 1, i++;
if (i < len && p[i] == '+') i++;
while (i < len && is_digit(p[i]) && exp < 308)
exp = exp * 10 + (p[i++] - '0');
if (minus) exp = -exp;
for (j = 0; j < exp; j++) d *= 10.0;
for (j = 0; j < -exp; j++) d /= 10.0;
if (numlen != NULL) *numlen = i;
return d;
#line 1 "src/timer.c"

View File

@ -726,6 +726,7 @@ int mg_check_ip_acl(struct mg_str acl, uint32_t remote_ip);
int64_t mg_to64(struct mg_str str);
uint64_t mg_tou64(struct mg_str str);
size_t mg_lld(char *buf, int64_t val, bool is_signed, bool is_hex);
double mg_atod(const char *buf, int len, int *numlen);
@ -1303,6 +1304,23 @@ struct mip_ipcfg {
void mip_init(struct mg_mgr *, struct mip_ipcfg *, struct mip_driver *);
#define MG_JSON_MAX_DEPTH 30
// Error return values - negative. Successful returns are >= 0
int mg_json_get(const char *buf, int len, const char *path, int *toklen);
bool mg_json_get_num(struct mg_str json, const char *path, double *v);
bool mg_json_get_bool(struct mg_str json, const char *path, bool *v);
char *mg_json_get_str(struct mg_str json, const char *path);
char *mg_json_get_hex(struct mg_str json, const char *path);
#ifdef __cplusplus

src/json.c Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
#include "json.h"
static const char *escapeseq(int esc) {
return esc ? "\b\f\n\r\t\\\"" : "bfnrt\\\"";
static char json_esc(int c, int esc) {
const char *p, *esc1 = escapeseq(esc), *esc2 = escapeseq(!esc);
for (p = esc1; *p != '\0'; p++) {
if (*p == c) return esc2[p - esc1];
return 0;
static int mg_pass_string(const char *s, int len) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (s[i] == '\\' && i + 1 < len && json_esc(s[i + 1], 1)) {
} else if (s[i] == '\0') {
} else if (s[i] == '"') {
return i;
int mg_json_get(const char *s, int len, const char *path, int *toklen) {
enum { S_VALUE, S_KEY, S_COLON, S_COMMA_OR_EOO } expecting = S_VALUE;
unsigned char nesting[MG_JSON_MAX_DEPTH];
int i, j = 0, depth = 0;
int pos = 1; // Current position in path
int ed = 0; // Expected depth
int ci = -1, ei = -1; // Current and expected index in array
if (path[0] != '$') return MG_JSON_INVALID;
#if 0
#define MG_DBGP(x) \
do { \
printf("%c %.*s j=%d i=%d pos=%d depth=%d ed=%d ci=%d ei=%d\n", x, len, s, \
j, i, pos, depth, ed, ci, ei); \
} while (0)
#define MG_DBGP(x)
#define MG_CHECKRET(x) \
do { \
MG_DBGP(x); \
if (depth == ed && path[pos] == '\0' && ci == ei) { \
if (toklen) *toklen = i - j + 1; \
return j; \
} \
} while (0)
// In the ascii table, the distance between `[` and `]` is 2.
// Ditto for `{` and `}`. Hence +2 in the code below.
#define MG_EOO(x) \
do { \
if (depth == ed && ci != ei) return MG_JSON_NOT_FOUND; \
if (c != nesting[depth - 1] + 2) return MG_JSON_INVALID; \
depth--; \
} while (0)
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
unsigned char c = ((unsigned char *) s)[i];
if (c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\n' || c == '\r') continue;
switch (expecting) {
case S_VALUE:
if (depth == ed) j = i;
if (c == '{') {
if (depth >= (int) sizeof(nesting)) return MG_JSON_TOO_DEEP;
if (depth == ed && path[pos] == '.') ed++, pos++;
nesting[depth++] = c;
expecting = S_KEY;
} else if (c == '[') {
if (depth >= (int) sizeof(nesting)) return MG_JSON_TOO_DEEP;
if (depth == ed && path[pos] == '[' && ei == ci) {
ed++, pos++, ci = 0;
for (ei = 0; path[pos] != ']' && path[pos] != '\0'; pos++) {
ei *= 10;
ei += path[pos] - '0';
if (path[pos] != 0) pos++;
nesting[depth++] = c;
} else if (c == ']' && depth > 0) { // Empty array
} else if (c == 't' && i + 3 < len && memcmp(&s[i], "true", 4) == 0) {
i += 3;
} else if (c == 'n' && i + 3 < len && memcmp(&s[i], "null", 4) == 0) {
i += 3;
} else if (c == 'f' && i + 4 < len && memcmp(&s[i], "false", 5) == 0) {
i += 4;
} else if (c == '-' || ((c >= '0' && c <= '9'))) {
int numlen = 0;
mg_atod(&s[i], len - i, &numlen);
i += numlen - 1;
} else if (c == '"') {
int n = mg_pass_string(&s[i + 1], len - i - 1);
if (n < 0) return n;
i += n + 1;
} else {
if (depth == ed && ei >= 0) ci++;
expecting = S_COMMA_OR_EOO;
case S_KEY:
if (c == '"') {
int n = mg_pass_string(&s[i + 1], len - i - 1);
if (n < 0) return n;
// printf("K[%.*s] %d %d\n", n, &s[i + 1], depth, ed);
if (depth == ed && path[pos - 1] == '.' &&
memcmp(&s[i + 1], &path[pos], (size_t) n) == 0) {
pos += n;
i += n + 1;
expecting = S_COLON;
} else if (c == '}') { // Empty object
expecting = S_COMMA_OR_EOO;
} else {
case S_COLON:
if (c == ':') {
expecting = S_VALUE;
} else {
if (depth <= 0) {
} else if (c == ',') {
expecting = (nesting[depth - 1] == '{') ? S_KEY : S_VALUE;
} else if (c == ']' || c == '}') {
if (depth == ed && ei >= 0) ci++;
} else {
bool mg_json_get_num(struct mg_str json, const char *path, double *v) {
int n, toklen, found = 0;
if ((n = mg_json_get(json.ptr, (int) json.len, path, &toklen)) >= 0 &&
(json.ptr[n] == '-' || (json.ptr[n] >= '0' && json.ptr[n] <= '9'))) {
if (v != NULL) *v = mg_atod(json.ptr + n, toklen, NULL);
found = 1;
return found;
bool mg_json_get_bool(struct mg_str json, const char *path, bool *v) {
int n, toklen, found = 0;
if ((n = mg_json_get(json.ptr, (int) json.len, path, &toklen)) >= 0 &&
(json.ptr[n] == 't' || json.ptr[n] == 'f')) {
if (v != NULL) *v = json.ptr[n] == 't';
found = 1;
return found;
static bool json_unescape(const char *s, size_t len, char *to, size_t n) {
size_t i, j;
for (i = 0, j = 0; i < len && j < n; i++, j++) {
if (s[i] == '\\' && i + 5 < len && s[i + 1] == 'u') {
// \uXXXX escape. We could process a simple one-byte chars
// \u00xx from the ASCII range. More complex chars would require
// dragging in a UTF8 library, which is too much for us
if (s[i + 2] != '0' || s[i + 3] != '0') return false; // Give up
((unsigned char *) to)[j] = (unsigned char) mg_unhexn(s + i + 4, 2);
i += 5;
} else if (s[i] == '\\' && i + 1 < len) {
char c = json_esc(s[i + 1], 0);
if (c == 0) return false;
to[j] = c;
} else {
to[j] = s[i];
if (j >= n) return false;
if (n > 0) to[j] = '\0';
return true;
char *mg_json_get_str(struct mg_str json, const char *path) {
int n, toklen;
char *result = NULL;
if ((n = mg_json_get(json.ptr, (int) json.len, path, &toklen)) >= 0 &&
json.ptr[n] == '"') {
if ((result = (char *) calloc(1, (size_t) toklen)) != NULL &&
!json_unescape(json.ptr + n + 1, (size_t) (toklen - 2), result,
(size_t) toklen)) {
result = NULL;
return result;

src/json.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
#pragma once
#include "arch.h"
#include "str.h"
#define MG_JSON_MAX_DEPTH 30
// Error return values - negative. Successful returns are >= 0
int mg_json_get(const char *buf, int len, const char *path, int *toklen);
bool mg_json_get_num(struct mg_str json, const char *path, double *v);
bool mg_json_get_bool(struct mg_str json, const char *path, bool *v);
char *mg_json_get_str(struct mg_str json, const char *path);
char *mg_json_get_hex(struct mg_str json, const char *path);

View File

@ -397,3 +397,49 @@ size_t mg_vsnprintf(char *buf, size_t len, const char *fmt, va_list ap) {
if (n < len) buf[n] = '\0';
return n;
double mg_atod(const char *p, int len, int *numlen) {
double d = 0.0;
int i = 0, sign = 1;
// Sign
if (i < len && *p == '-') {
sign = -1, i++;
} else if (i < len && *p == '+') {
// Decimal
for (; i < len && is_digit(p[i]); i++) {
d *= 10.0;
d += p[i] - '0';
d *= sign;
// Fractional
if (i < len && p[i] == '.') {
double frac = 0.0, base = 0.1;
for (; i < len && is_digit(p[i]); i++) {
frac += base * (p[i] - '0');
base /= 10.0;
d += frac * sign;
// Exponential
if (i < len && (p[i] == 'e' || p[i] == 'E')) {
int j, exp = 0, minus = 0;
if (i < len && p[i] == '-') minus = 1, i++;
if (i < len && p[i] == '+') i++;
while (i < len && is_digit(p[i]) && exp < 308)
exp = exp * 10 + (p[i++] - '0');
if (minus) exp = -exp;
for (j = 0; j < exp; j++) d *= 10.0;
for (j = 0; j < -exp; j++) d /= 10.0;
if (numlen != NULL) *numlen = i;
return d;

View File

@ -42,3 +42,4 @@ int mg_check_ip_acl(struct mg_str acl, uint32_t remote_ip);
int64_t mg_to64(struct mg_str str);
uint64_t mg_tou64(struct mg_str str);
size_t mg_lld(char *buf, int64_t val, bool is_signed, bool is_hex);
double mg_atod(const char *buf, int len, int *numlen);

View File

@ -43,5 +43,8 @@ int LLVMFuzzerTestOneInput(const uint8_t *data, size_t size) {
struct mg_str k, v, s = mg_str_n((char *) data, size);
while (mg_commalist(&s, &k, &v)) k.len = v.len = 0;
int n;
mg_json_get((char *) data, (int) size, "$", &n);
return 0;

View File

@ -1389,6 +1389,18 @@ static void test_str(void) {
ASSERT(sccmp("a1", "A", 49));
ASSERT(sccmp("a", "A1", -49));
int n;
double tolerance = 1e-14;
ASSERT(mg_atod("1.23", 4, &n) == 1.23 && n == 4);
ASSERT(mg_atod("1.23", 3, &n) == 1.2 && n == 3);
ASSERT(mg_atod("1.23", 2, &n) == 1 && n == 2);
ASSERT(mg_atod("1.23 ", 5, &n) - 1.23 < tolerance && n == 4);
ASSERT(mg_atod("-0.01 ", 6, &n) + 0.01 < tolerance);
ASSERT(mg_atod("-0.5e2", 6, &n) + 50 < tolerance);
ASSERT(mg_atod("123e-3", 6, &n) - 0.123 < tolerance);
ASSERT(sn("%d", 0));
ASSERT(sn("%d", 1));
ASSERT(sn("%d", -1));
@ -2171,11 +2183,108 @@ static void test_get_header_var(void) {
ASSERT(mg_strcmp(yy, mg_http_get_header_var(header, mg_str("x"))) == 0);
static void test_json(void) {
const char *s;
const char *s1 = "{\"a\":{},\"b\":7,\"c\":[[],2]}";
const char *s2 = "{\"a\":{\"b1\":{}},\"c\":7}";
int n, n1 = (int) strlen(s1), n2 = (int) strlen(s2);
ASSERT(mg_json_get(" true ", 6, "", &n) == MG_JSON_INVALID);
ASSERT(mg_json_get(" true ", 6, "$", &n) == 1 && n == 4);
ASSERT(mg_json_get("null ", 5, "$", &n) == 0 && n == 4);
s = " \"hi\\nthere\"";
ASSERT(mg_json_get(s, (int) strlen(s), "$", &n) == 2 && n == 11);
ASSERT(mg_json_get(" { } ", 5, "$", &n) == 1);
ASSERT(mg_json_get(" [[]]", 5, "$", &n) == 1);
ASSERT(mg_json_get(" [ ] ", 5, "$", &n) == 1);
ASSERT(mg_json_get("[1,2]", 5, "$", &n) == 0 && n == 5);
ASSERT(mg_json_get("[1,2]", 5, "$[0]", &n) == 1 && n == 1);
ASSERT(mg_json_get("[1,2]", 5, "$[1]", &n) == 3 && n == 1);
ASSERT(mg_json_get("[1,2]", 5, "$[3]", &n) == MG_JSON_NOT_FOUND);
s = "{\"a\":[]}";
ASSERT(mg_json_get(s, (int) strlen(s), "$.a", &n) == 5);
s = "{\"a\":[1,2]}";
ASSERT(mg_json_get(s, (int) strlen(s), "$.a", &n) == 5);
s = "{\"a\":[1,[1]]}";
ASSERT(mg_json_get(s, (int) strlen(s), "$.a", &n) == 5);
s = "{\"a\":[[]]}";
ASSERT(mg_json_get(s, (int) strlen(s), "$.a", &n) == 5);
s = "{\"a\":[[1,2]]}";
ASSERT(mg_json_get(s, (int) strlen(s), "$.a", &n) == 5);
s = "{\"a\":{}}";
ASSERT(mg_json_get(s, (int) strlen(s), "$.a", &n) == 5);
s = "{\"a\":{\"a\":{}}}";
ASSERT(mg_json_get(s, (int) strlen(s), "$.a", &n) == 5);
s = "{\"a\":{\"a\":[]}}";
ASSERT(mg_json_get(s, (int) strlen(s), "$.a", &n) == 5);
ASSERT(mg_json_get("[[1,[2,3]],4]", 13, "$", &n) == 0 && n == 13);
ASSERT(mg_json_get("[[1,[2,3]],4]", 13, "$[0]", &n) == 1 && n == 9);
ASSERT(mg_json_get("[[1,[2,3]],4]", 13, "$[1]", &n) == 11);
ASSERT(mg_json_get("[[1,[2,3]],4]", 13, "$[1]", &n) == 11 && n == 1);
ASSERT(mg_json_get("[[1,[2,3]],4]", 13, "$[2]", &n) == MG_JSON_NOT_FOUND);
ASSERT(mg_json_get("[[1,[2,3]],4]", 13, "$[0][0]", &n) == 2 && n == 1);
ASSERT(mg_json_get("[[1,[2,3]],4]", 13, "$[0][1]", &n) == 4 && n == 5);
ASSERT(mg_json_get("[[1,[2,3]],4]", 13, "$[0][2]", &n) == MG_JSON_NOT_FOUND);
ASSERT(mg_json_get("[[1,[2,3]],4]", 13, "$[0][1][0]", &n) == 5 && n == 1);
ASSERT(mg_json_get("[[1,[2,3]],4]", 13, "$[0][1][1]", &n) == 7 && n == 1);
ASSERT(mg_json_get("[[1,2],3]", 9, "$", &n) == 0 && n == 9);
ASSERT(mg_json_get("[[1,2],3]", 9, "$[0][0]", &n) == 2 && n == 1);
ASSERT(mg_json_get("[[1,2],3]", 9, "$[0][1]", &n) == 4 && n == 1);
ASSERT(mg_json_get("[[1,2],3]", 9, "$[0][2]", &n) == MG_JSON_NOT_FOUND);
ASSERT(mg_json_get("[[1,2],3]", 9, "$[1][0]", &n) == MG_JSON_NOT_FOUND);
ASSERT(mg_json_get("[[1,2],3]", 9, "$[1]", &n) == 7 && n == 1);
ASSERT(mg_json_get("[[1,2],3]", 9, "$[1][0]", &n) == MG_JSON_NOT_FOUND);
ASSERT(mg_json_get("[1,[2,3]]", 9, "$", &n) == 0 && n == 9);
ASSERT(mg_json_get("[1,[2,3]]", 9, "$[0][1]", &n) == MG_JSON_NOT_FOUND);
ASSERT(mg_json_get("[1,[2,3]]", 9, "$[1][0]", &n) == 4 && n == 1);
ASSERT(mg_json_get(s1, n1, "$.a", &n) == 5 && n == 2);
ASSERT(mg_json_get(s1, n1, "$.b", &n) == 12 && n == 1);
ASSERT(mg_json_get(s1, n1, "$.c", &n) == 18 && n == 6);
ASSERT(mg_json_get(s1, n1, "$.c[0]", &n) == 19 && n == 2);
ASSERT(mg_json_get(s1, n1, "$.c[1]", &n) == 22 && n == 1);
ASSERT(mg_json_get(s1, n1, "$.c[3]", &n) == MG_JSON_NOT_FOUND);
ASSERT(mg_json_get(s2, n2, "$.a", &n) == 5 && n == 9);
ASSERT(mg_json_get(s2, n2, "$.a.b1", &n) == 11 && n == 2);
ASSERT(mg_json_get(s2, n2, "$.a.b2", &n) == MG_JSON_NOT_FOUND);
ASSERT(mg_json_get(s2, n2, "$.a.b", &n) == MG_JSON_NOT_FOUND);
ASSERT(mg_json_get(s2, n2, "$.a1", &n) == MG_JSON_NOT_FOUND);
ASSERT(mg_json_get(s2, n2, "$.c", &n) == 19 && n == 1);
double d = 0;
bool b = false;
const char *json = "{\"a\": \"hi\\nthere\",\"b\": [12345, true]}";
char *str = mg_json_get_str(mg_str(json), "$.a");
ASSERT(str != NULL);
ASSERT(strcmp(str, "hi\nthere") == 0);
ASSERT(mg_json_get_num(mg_str(json), "$.a", &d) == false);
ASSERT(mg_json_get_num(mg_str(json), "$.c", &d) == false);
ASSERT(mg_json_get_num(mg_str(json), "$.b[0]", &d) == true);
ASSERT(d == 12345);
ASSERT(mg_json_get_bool(mg_str(json), "$.b", &b) == false);
ASSERT(mg_json_get_bool(mg_str(json), "$.b[0]", &b) == false);
ASSERT(mg_json_get_bool(mg_str(json), "$.b[1]", &b) == true);
ASSERT(b == true);
int main(void) {
const char *debug_level = getenv("V");
if (debug_level == NULL) debug_level = "3";