cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.0) project(libmimalloc C) include("cmake/mimalloc-config-version.cmake") set(CMAKE_C_STANDARD 11) option(MI_OVERRIDE "Override the standard malloc interface" ON) option(MI_INTERPOSE "Use interpose to override standard malloc on macOS" ON) option(MI_SEE_ASM "Generate assembly files" OFF) option(MI_CHECK_FULL "Use full internal invariant checking in DEBUG mode" OFF) option(MI_USE_CXX "Use the C++ compiler to compile the library" OFF) option(MI_SECURE "Use security mitigations (like guard pages and randomization)" OFF) set(mi_install_dir "lib/mimalloc-${mi_version}") set(mi_sources src/stats.c src/os.c src/segment.c src/page.c src/alloc.c src/alloc-aligned.c src/heap.c src/options.c src/init.c) # Set default build type if (NOT CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE) if ("${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}" MATCHES ".*(D|d)ebug$") message(STATUS "No build type selected, default to *** Debug ***") set(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE "Debug") else() message(STATUS "No build type selected, default to *** Release ***") set(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE "Release") endif() else() message(STATUS "Build type specified as *** ${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE} ***") endif() if("${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}" MATCHES ".*(S|s)ecure$") set(MI_SECURE "ON") endif() # Options if(MI_OVERRIDE MATCHES "ON") message(STATUS "Override standard malloc (MI_OVERRIDE=ON)") if(APPLE) if(MI_INTERPOSE MATCHES "ON") # use interpose on macOS message(STATUS " Use interpose to override malloc (MI_INTERPOSE=ON)") list(APPEND mi_defines MI_INTERPOSE) else() # use zone's on macOS message(STATUS " Use zone's to override malloc (MI_INTERPOSE=OFF)") list(APPEND mi_sources src/alloc-override-osx.c) endif() endif() endif() if(MI_SECURE MATCHES "ON") message(STATUS "Set secure build (MI_SECURE=ON)") list(APPEND mi_defines MI_SECURE=2) endif() if(MI_SEE_ASM MATCHES "ON") message(STATUS "Generate assembly listings (MI_SEE_ASM=ON)") list(APPEND mi_cflags -save-temps) endif() if(MI_CHECK_FULL MATCHES "ON") message(STATUS "Set debug level to full invariant checking (MI_CHECK_FULL=ON)") list(APPEND mi_defines MI_DEBUG=3) # full invariant checking endif() if(MI_USE_CXX MATCHES "ON") message(STATUS "Use the C++ compiler to compile (MI_USE_CXX=ON)") set_source_files_properties(${mi_sources} PROPERTIES LANGUAGE CXX ) endif() # Compiler flags if(CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "AppleClang|Clang|GNU") list(APPEND mi_cflags -Wall -Wextra -Wno-unknown-pragmas -ftls-model=initial-exec) if(CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "GNU") list(APPEND mi_cflags -Wno-invalid-memory-model) list(APPEND mi_cflags -fvisibility=hidden) endif() endif() if(NOT(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE MATCHES "Release|RelWithDebInfo")) string(TOLOWER "${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE}" build_type) set(mi_basename "mimalloc-${build_type}") else() if(MI_SECURE MATCHES "ON") set(mi_basename "mimalloc-secure") else() set(mi_basename "mimalloc") endif() endif() message(STATUS "Output library name : ${mi_basename}") message(STATUS "Installation directory: ${mi_install_dir}") # extra needed libraries if(WIN32) list(APPEND mi_libraries psapi shell32 user32) else() list(APPEND mi_libraries pthread) endif() # shared library add_library(mimalloc SHARED ${mi_sources}) set_target_properties(mimalloc PROPERTIES VERSION ${mi_version} NO_SONAME "YES" OUTPUT_NAME ${mi_basename} ) target_compile_definitions(mimalloc PRIVATE ${mi_defines} MI_SHARED_LIB MI_SHARED_LIB_EXPORT) if(MI_OVERRIDE MATCHES "ON") target_compile_definitions(mimalloc PRIVATE MI_MALLOC_OVERRIDE) endif() target_compile_options(mimalloc PRIVATE ${mi_cflags}) target_include_directories(mimalloc PRIVATE include PUBLIC $) target_link_libraries(mimalloc PUBLIC ${mi_libraries}) # static library add_library(mimalloc-static STATIC ${mi_sources}) if(WIN32) # When building both static and shared libraries on Windows, a static library should use a # different output name to avoid the conflict with the import library of a shared one. string(REPLACE "mimalloc" "mimalloc-static" mi_output_name ${mi_basename}) set_target_properties(mimalloc-static PROPERTIES OUTPUT_NAME ${mi_output_name}) else() set_target_properties(mimalloc-static PROPERTIES OUTPUT_NAME ${mi_basename}) endif() target_compile_definitions(mimalloc-static PRIVATE ${mi_defines} MI_STATIC_LIB) if(NOT WIN32 AND MI_OVERRIDE MATCHES "ON") # It is only possible to override malloc on Windows when building as a DLL. (src/alloc-override.c) target_compile_definitions(mimalloc-static PRIVATE MI_MALLOC_OVERRIDE) endif() target_compile_options(mimalloc-static PRIVATE ${mi_cflags}) target_include_directories(mimalloc-static PRIVATE include PUBLIC $) target_link_libraries(mimalloc-static PUBLIC ${mi_libraries}) # install static and shared library, and the include files install(TARGETS mimalloc EXPORT mimalloc DESTINATION ${mi_install_dir} LIBRARY NAMELINK_SKIP) install(TARGETS mimalloc-static EXPORT mimalloc DESTINATION ${mi_install_dir}) install(FILES include/mimalloc.h DESTINATION ${mi_install_dir}/include) install(FILES cmake/mimalloc-config.cmake DESTINATION ${mi_install_dir}/cmake) install(FILES cmake/mimalloc-config-version.cmake DESTINATION ${mi_install_dir}/cmake) install(EXPORT mimalloc DESTINATION ${mi_install_dir}/cmake) install(FILES "$" DESTINATION lib) # duplicate the .so in the lib directory (unversioned) # single object file for more predictable static overriding add_library(mimalloc-obj OBJECT src/static.c) target_compile_definitions(mimalloc-obj PRIVATE ${mi_defines}) if(NOT WIN32 AND MI_OVERRIDE MATCHES "ON") # It is only possible to override malloc on Windows when building as a DLL. (src/alloc-override.c) target_compile_definitions(mimalloc-obj PRIVATE MI_MALLOC_OVERRIDE) endif() target_compile_options(mimalloc-obj PRIVATE ${mi_cflags}) target_include_directories(mimalloc-obj PRIVATE include PUBLIC $) install(FILES ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/CMakeFiles/mimalloc-obj.dir/src/static.c${CMAKE_C_OUTPUT_EXTENSION} DESTINATION ${mi_install_dir} RENAME ${mi_basename}${CMAKE_C_OUTPUT_EXTENSION} )